![]() Chapter 14: ShakenA Chapter by Ashheart15![]() Daniel loses something. Something he held onto even though it hurt.![]() Chapter 14: Shaken “I’m fine!
Let me get up! I have to train!” Sebastian was stuck in bed by order of his
Uncle and he was not happy about it. He had a war to prepare for, he needed to
teach Gabrielle everything he could, and he couldn’t do that if he was lying in
his bed! “No,
Sebastian you almost died on me and its only thanks to your powers that you are
alive to argue right now. So you will rest!” why did his Uncle have to make it
sound like it was Sebastian’s fault? It’s not like he chose to have a near
death experience. “I’m going
to talk to some of my men, if you get out of bed so help me I will glue you to
it!” he’d know the moment Sebastian’s feet touched the floor. That was the most
annoying thing about living with an Earth Elemental as powerful as his Uncle. Daniel left
the room and Sebastian sighed. Whose idea was it to put a white cover on this
bed? His favourite colour was black! You couldn’t see blood or whatever it was
that was on these sheets if they were black! It probably was blood, from what his Uncle had told
him, his burn had gotten super badly infected. He’d had to go get Gabrielle,
there hadn’t been much of a choice. Maybe he should have waited a bit first
though. He’d been lucky to survive. I wonder if Uncle knows how to get
blood out of sheets…
Sebastian sat for a while and pondered the problem of his blood stained bed. In
fact, he was still deep in thought when the rumbling started. The ground
began to shake, softly at first but then harder. The bucket of water next to
Sebastian’s bed tipped over and Sebastian lurched trying to find something
solid to grab. Something was wrong, this was not one of his Uncle’s minor
annoyance quakes. Something had happened, something bad. “Uncle!
Uncle!” Sebastian knew he wasn’t supposed to get out of bed but if he didn’t
find him their entire apartment building might collapse. He jerked his way out
of bed one hand on his still healing chest and the other on the floor. “Uncle
stop!” through his hand Sebastian felt the water flowing inside his Uncle’s
body and the pipes in the house. He projected water from the kitchen where his
Uncle was to the stairs. It slipped into his room and wrapped itself around his
waist. With a flick
of his wrist Sebastian was able to get the water to pull him down the stairs.
He landed at the bottom and smacked his head on the wall. He didn’t stop to rub
it knowing he’d have to perfect that landing soon. “You’re
going to destroy our apartment block! Uncle you have to stop now!” Sebastian
crawled into the kitchen where his Uncle was leaning against the sink. The
phone dropped on the floor and the walls were starting to crack. “Whatever’s
happened I can help Uncle! I can help you like you have helped me!” Sebastian
stood with some difficulty and grabbed one of his Uncle’s hands. It shimmered
with green light that was seeping into the ground. Causing the earthquake. “Uncle please,
don’t destroy the life we’ve created here!” Sebastian gripped his Uncle’s hand.
He knew that it was up to his Uncle to regain control over himself. Sebastian
remembered how hard that could be. The raw power that surged through you
begging you to just let it go. “Think about
my mother Uncle, think about her eyes and her smile and her laugh!” Sebastian
gritted his teeth as the ceiling began to cave in above their heads… Oh this
was not good. Just as
Sebastian thought they were going to be buried alive in their collapsed
apartment the Earthquake stopped. “Are you
alright Uncle?” Sebastian had never in the time he had been living with his
Uncle seen him lose control like that. He was very strong willed, his power
hardly ever left his control. “I… My men told
me something very unexpected… I’m sorry about that, guess we’ll have to move
again soon enough” Sebastian could tell that his Uncle was more upset then he
let on. Whatever his men had found out, it was bad. Really bad. “Something
bad has happened hasn’t it?” Sebastian could feel his Uncle’s arm shaking under
his hand. He seemed to be struggling with whatever it was he’d been told. His
breathing was ragged and he looked exhausted. Likely from the enormous effort
of reining in his powers. “Something
has happened to Eric… He… I have to go and see him” wait, what? His uncle spent
his entire life hiding from the man and now he wanted to go and visit him? What
was going on? “Uncle you
can’t go see Fairless, what if he hurts you again?” Daniel was Sebastian’s only
family. He couldn’t, he wouldn’t let anything happen to him. Eric had almost
killed Sebastian, only a week earlier. How could his Uncle even consider
putting himself at risk like this? “Worry not
my boy, In the state he’s currently in, i don’t think he will be able to hurt
anyone” Daniel pulled his hand out of Sebastian’s grip and left the apartment
building. Slamming the door on his way out. The elements be damned why did
Earth Elementals have to be so stubborn? ________________________________________________ It’s been at
least four hours, where can he be? Sebastian had been pacing through his
apartment all day. Waiting for his Uncle to return. Waiting and praying that
nothing bad would happen to his Uncle. As irritating, stubborn, and impatient
as his Uncle was, he was family. The front
door slammed open, it was Daniel. He stood in the doorway with his head down, one
hand gripping the door as if it were the only thing holding him up. Sebastian
could see that he was upset, more than he had been when he left. “Uncle I…”
but Sebastian didn’t get the chance to say anything as his Uncle stomped up the
stairs to his room and shut the door behind him without saying a single word.
Well, obviously he wasn’t going to tell Sebastian anything right now. I should check on Gabrielle besides Sebastian had been really
wanting to try something ever since he came into his power. He knelt down and
placed one hand on the ground. He closed his eyes and sank into the water in
the pipes under his apartment building. Through the
water he travelled down streets in the blink of an eye. He saw glimpses inside
the houses he went past, but there was one person in particular he was looking
for as he passed them all by. There she
was, blond hair hanging around her face, she stood at the kitchen bench as
Sebastian watched from the water droplets in her sink. He could not hear, but
he could see. She smiled
and turned around as someone entered the room behind her, there was a flash and
Sebastian abruptly found himself back in his apartment. His hand stung as if
he’d touched an electric fence. Shaking his
head Sebastian went to stand up and was grabbed from behind. Large hands held
him to the floor and pinned his arms behind his head. All Sebastian could see
was a pair of brown leather boots. How had his Uncle not sensed this intruder? “Stay still,
Wouldn’t want to have to burn that pretty little face” Sebastian’s chest ached
and his breathing became fast and shallow. Peacemakers, how did they find us?
Was it Uncle’s meltdown this morning? “My, your
just as much of a pretty boy as the boss said you were” Sebastian felt
something encircle his waist and then he was lifted… by the air around him. He
couldn’t move and he was floating above the ground. Traitors! It was two
of the Elementals that Fairless had turned against his own people. They were
young, two boys not much older than Sebastian. One with brown hair and bored
looking gray eyes, and the other smirking with brilliant orange eyes and blond
hair. “I’m Casper,
and this here is Francis, we have orders to bring you to our leader so you’ll
be coming with us” Sebastian could feel the sweat rolling down his back. What
was he going to do? He couldn’t move! “Un…Mmm!” if
air was solid, that was what was around his mouth right now… but surely not?
Casper laughed and flicked his hand. A tiny droplet of lava appeared right
under Sebastian’s nose. “Here’s how
it’s going to be, you are going to follow our rules or there will be severe…”
Casper didn’t get to finish his sentence as the ground buckled and both him and
Francis were half buried in dirt. “You boys
should have taken me into consideration before you broke into my apartment!”
his Uncle was here! Sebastian almost cheered out loud except that he couldn’t
talk. Daniel’s
eyes were as hard as the stone that he controlled, it was a look that made
Sebastian feel almost sorry for the two Peacemakers. They’d caught his Uncle on
a bad day. “Hey! Look
man, we…we didn’t know that there was an Earth guy here! We don’t want any
trouble! The boss… The boss said we just need the boy!” this only seemed to
make his Uncle angrier. He grabbed Casper by the fabric of his black shirt and
pulled him closer. Almost choking him. “That’s
bullshit and you know it kid, you and I both know Eric didn’t tell you to do
that, the question is who did?!” No, wait what?
What’s going on? How come I’m the only one who’s confused here? “If you
don’t know, we’re not going to tell you, I think it’s time we split this place
Francis don’t you?” Sebastian thudded back down onto the ground, when he looked
up all that was left of the two Peacemakers were the faintest wisps of smoke. Daniel was
staring at the earth that had held the boy’s captive. He didn’t look
disappointed, maybe more confused. “Uncle, what
did you mean? about Eric not telling them to capture me? What happened when you
went to see him? You seemed…” Sad.
Sebastian couldn’t bring himself to say it out loud, but when his Uncle sighed
he wondered if he might have accidentally said it. “All I can
say, is that there must have been some kind of uprising or argument between
Eric and one of his Peacemakers. From what I could tell there must have been a
fight but the result was…” Uncle’s breath hitched for a moment. “He’s dead,
I’m not sure how anyone could match his power but someone did” he helped
Sebastian to his feet and Sebastian could tell he was making an effort to not
look as upset as he was. "It's
been raining the last few days, you were unconscious for most of it so you
wouldn't know but... He was always next too useless when it rained. He could
barely produce a spark" Uncle didn't seem to be able to keep it together
anymore. His face went all crinkly as he tried to hold back tears. He left and
went up to his room while Sebastian was rubbing his back where he'd hit the
The king has been dethroned he thought as he winced at the
bruises that were forming. The real
question is, by who? © 2016 Ashheart15Author's Note
Added on October 23, 2016 Last Updated on October 25, 2016 Author![]() Ashheart15Perth, Western Australia, AustraliaAboutI am a 20 year old writer from sunny Western Australia. I enjoy drinking a ridiculous amount of coffee and staring at blank Word documents. Otherwise I write horror short stories and have just comp.. more..Writing