![]() Chapter 13: InfectedA Chapter by Ashheart15![]() Sebastian's unwillingness to wait and heal catches up to him.![]() Chapter 13: Infected Daniel had
been in his room trying to concentrate on the News instead of feeling bad about
his argument with Sebastian when he heard Gabrielle scream. Eric has
come to retrieve her! He hurried out of his room and towards Sebastian’s where
the screaming had come from gathering power as he went preparing for a fight. He burst
through the door to find Gabrielle struggling to support Sebastian as he
crumpled to the ground. He glimpsed his nephew’s face twisted in pain before
his head lolled back as he lost consciousness. “Sebastian!
Sebastian can you hear me? Please say something!” Gabrielle was fragile from
her time under her Father’s ‘care’ so Daniel understood why Sebastian’s sudden
collapse would upset her. “Let’s see
if you can make yourself useful girl, go inside and find me some antiseptic!
Check all the bathrooms, quickly now!” Daniel doubted that antiseptic would
help Sebastian, but it would get Gabrielle out of the room and give her
something to distract her. Daniel took
Sebastian’s arm and pulled him into his arms while Gabrielle left the room. His
boy was warm under his touch. You stubborn boy! Daniel laid Sebastian on his
bed. I told you to rest, I told you not to go after Gabrielle when you weren’t
healed but did you listen?! Daniel
lifted Sebastian’s shirt and winced. The burn looked worse than it had when
Sebastian had injured himself. It was way beyond Daniel’s medical abilities. There
was one thing, and one thing only that could help now. “Girl! I
need a bucket of water! Forget the antiseptic!” he yelled out the doorway to
the girl downstairs. Sebastian’s window was broken but that was the only damage
left from his escape. The cool air might help bring the fever down. He’d seen
this done once before. An old friend of his who unfortunately was tracked down
by Eric in the early days of this fight. He’d run almost a little base for
Elementals to come if Eric was trying to get to them. water Elementals, back
before Eric had started killing had been incredibly common. One day, two
young Elementals had turned up at the base, one was earth like him and the
other was water. Two girls, around fifteen. Not much older than Sebastian was
now. The water
Elemental, her name was Chelsea. She’d been injured during their escape; it was
thanks to the quick thinking of his old friend that she had survived. Although
Daniel had no way of knowing what had happened to her after she left the base. “Is this enough?”
Gabrielle was at the door straining with a blue bucket that Daniel had in the
kitchen. It was filled almost to the brim. The elements only would know how she
had gotten it up the stairs but Daniel was grateful. With his knee it would
have been hard to do alone. “Place it
here girl…” Daniel would have felt awkward being basically alone with Eric’s
daughter but the girl was much like Sebastian. Naive in the way of her powers
and he almost felt bad for her. Thrust so suddenly into a world she hadn’t known
existed a week ago. “How will
the water help him?” Gabrielle’s gold eyes were watching him as he dipped one
of Sebastian’s hands into the water. Inquisitive just like her father,
hopefully that wouldn’t get her into trouble. “Back when
your father first began his… Quest we created safe houses for Elementals to
escape to. One day an injured water Elemental came to one I was helping run. A
friend of mine showed me this long forgotten method” only water Elementals
could do this. Thank the elements his boy wasn’t another kind, or there’d be nothing he
could do. “When water
Elementals are injured, if they can have water near them. It speeds up their
healing. Only when they are seriously injured, it doesn’t work on trivial
things” as far as Daniel knew, this should work. Daniel and
Gabrielle sat on the end of Sebastian’s bed and just watched him silently for a
moment. “So… I think
you said yesterday, that I’m like a really rare kind of Elemental? Have you
ever met another lightning Elemental?” Daniel had seen all kinds in his day. Of
all levels of power, some would be etched in his mind forever. “There was…
almost a gathering once of all the different kinds of Elementals. Obviously we
kept it very low key, making sure Eric didn’t know about it. I was there mostly
out of curiosity, some kinds you only hear about were going to be there” that
had been a good day, one of the few events that hadn’t ended badly. Not a
single fatality. “There was
Aura, she was a shadow Elemental. They are the rarest, although sometimes I think
they just want you to think that. They are very secretive people” he’d almost
had a heart attack when Aura had suddenly appeared out of a tree’s shadow. Her
pure black eyes had sent chills down his spine. “They are
only born as twins, because of the whole light and dark, balancing the world
thing. Aura’s brother Lucius was a light Elemental. Equally as rare” while Aura
had been dark and silent. Her brother had been outspoken and friendly. Like his
sister he’d sort of just… Appeared at the gathering. Bright red
hair and eyes that were almost white. He’d stood out like a sore thumb, thank
god he had Aura to balance him out. “There was
only one lightning Elemental I ever met before you were born, his name was
Zero. He was a royal pain to hide, and his ego didn’t help” Zero had been
pretentious and snobby. Always thought he was better than everyone else just
because no other lightning Elementals had been there. It had
almost been a relief when Eric killed him, not that Daniel was going to tell
Gabrielle that. She might feel some sort of connection with Zero. So best not
to get her fired up. “There were
lava Elementals, snow, earth, water, air, those are very common although it’s
unusual to find powerful ones. Fire wasn’t there, your father likes to get rid
of those in particular. He hates competition” He’d always been that way.
Anything that might be better than him was a threat. “Your mum
must be worried, you should go on home, make sure she knows your alive” Daniel
looked at the young woman sitting across from him. She was clean and her wounds
bandaged. Yet he still saw the slightly haunted look that only time would heal. “Ok…Ok… Will
he? I mean…” Gabrielle didn’t seem to know what to say, she might not have
known Sebastian as long as Daniel, but Daniel could see that she cared. “He’ll be
ok, he just needs time” Daniel couldn’t be one hundred percent sure if that was
true, but he had to hope. His boy would heal, given time. They all would. “Ok, thank
you. For saving him” Gabrielle left with those parting words and it was just
Daniel and a sleeping Sebastian. Again. He hoped this would be the last near
miss they had. He didn’t think his heart could take many more losses. © 2016 Ashheart15Author's Note
Added on October 23, 2016 Last Updated on October 25, 2016 Author![]() Ashheart15Perth, Western Australia, AustraliaAboutI am a 20 year old writer from sunny Western Australia. I enjoy drinking a ridiculous amount of coffee and staring at blank Word documents. Otherwise I write horror short stories and have just comp.. more..Writing