![]() Chapter 12: ComplicatedA Chapter by Ashheart15![]() Sebastian believes he is ready to fight, but is he?![]() Chapter 12: Complicated Sebastian
and Gabrielle made it to Sebastian’s apartment building. Somehow, Sebastian
managed to put one foot in front of the other and support Gabrielle even though
inside he was almost shaking with anger. There was a
war coming between the Peacemakers and the Elementals who were still free. The
others were either dead, or had been recruited to fight on the wrong side. Sebastian
hadn’t known, it was by luck that he had finally grasped his powers fully, but
if he hadn’t then he’d be facing almost certain death. But his Uncle obviously
hadn’t thought that it was important that Sebastian know what he was facing, he
was more than happy to leave Sebastian in the dark. His chest
felt like it was on fire and the pain pulsed with his heartbeat but he ignored
it. He was going to get answers, he wanted to know why his Uncle thought it was
alright to not tell Sebastian when there was a war that he would have to fight
right in front of his face. “Go take a
shower Light, you should be able to bandage your burns. I have to go and talk
with my Uncle” Sebastian’s jaw hurt from clenching his teeth, now that he had
full control he still had to be careful. So careful, humans were fragile and he
didn’t want to hurt anyone. “Uncle! Where are you? You and I have
something we need to discuss!” Sebastian ran up the stairs to his Uncle’s room and even
though he wasn’t supposed to go in there he burst through the door. His Uncle
was seated on his bed. He was calm and the look he gave Sebastian made him feel
like a child having a tantrum. He hated that look, it only made him angrier. “I assume
from the damage in your room, that you finally did something with those powers
of yours. I knew you could do it boy!” really Uncle, now was not the time to
celebrate. Sebastian had full control, and while that might have been important
once there were more important things at stake. “You knew; you
knew what Fairless is planning! Why didn’t you tell me?” deep breaths
Sebastian. Gabrielle is in the shower; we don’t want to accidentally hurt her
while she’s near water. We want to stay in control. If we can. “Sebastian,
I didn’t tell you because as you proved the other day, you are not ready to
enter this battle. You haven’t finished your training and you’re not at the
skill level of even the weakest of Eric’s men” Daniel was so irritating. He was
always telling Sebastian that he was strong, but now that Sebastian actually
was. He said he was weak. “I have way
more power now, I could take down anyone! Even Fairless!” Wow, his chest was
really starting to bother him, but like he was going to give his Uncle any
reason to believe he was in need of rest. “See, this
is how I know you’re not ready. It’s more complicated than just how much power
you have!” the ground was starting to rumble and Sebastian was so mad he
couldn’t even speak. Instead he turned around and left the room. Making a point
of letting a thin stream of water from his Uncle’s bathroom follow him down the
hallway. “Sebastian?”
Gabrielle had just come out of the bathroom where she’d taken her first shower
since being captured and had tended to her burns. She must have heard
Sebastian’s confrontation with his Uncle and come to check on him. Not that she needs to, just because I
really care about her doesn’t mean I’m going soft. Sebastian
turned away from Gabrielle, he was still angry that his Uncle knew about the
war that would soon break out, fought against Elementals by Elementals. Damn
it, why did everything have to be so darn complicated? What was wrong with
wanting things to be easy for once? “Are you ok
Sebastian?” there was a gentle touch on his shoulder and he glanced over to see
one of Gabrielle’s slender bandaged hands resting on his shoulder. His heart
fluttered not since his Mother died had someone shown him such concern.
Unbidden anger welled up inside him once more as he thought of his Mother. “No! I’m not
ok! I’ve never been ok!” he roughly knocked her hand off aware that it would
hurt her but not willing to care. What was he doing? he knew better then to let
anyone sneak into his heart, he would lose them just like he had lost his
family. “I’ve never
been ok Gabrielle… Not since that day… Not since my parents… Not since they
died” he choked out the last word in a sob as the it crashed down on him yet
again that his parents were dead. No matter how many times he said it, he would
never get used to it being true. Once again
he felt Gabrielle place her hand on his shoulder but this time he didn’t push
it away. He was busy trying not to let her see him cry, what would she think of
him if she saw tears running down his face? “Sebastian,
look at me” he didn’t want her to see him like this but her voice had a hint of
steel in it that told him if he refused she would make him. So he reluctantly
turned his face back towards her. Despite her
ordeal Gabrielle didn’t seem cowed in the slightest, her eyes still held the
hardness that he was used to seeing although at the moment they were softened
slightly with an expression Sebastian couldn’t pinpoint. All he knew was that
it wasn’t disappointment as he had expected. “You were so
brave to come and find me when my father almost killed you” Sebastian winced as
the burn on his chest throbbed as if to remind him of his recent injury.
Sebastian knew he would always come when Gabrielle needed him, no matter what
he had to face to get there. Is it just me, or is it really warm
out here? Sebastian
lifted his hand up to wipe the sweat from his forehead but stopped when the
action caused sharp pain to dance its way across his chest. Suddenly
unable to see thanks to the black dots in his vision Sebastian sagged forward
and reached for something to steady himself on. He felt Gabrielle grab his arm
and heard something… Screaming maybe? before he passed out. © 2016 Ashheart15Author's Note
Added on October 23, 2016 Last Updated on October 25, 2016 Author![]() Ashheart15Perth, Western Australia, AustraliaAboutI am a 20 year old writer from sunny Western Australia. I enjoy drinking a ridiculous amount of coffee and staring at blank Word documents. Otherwise I write horror short stories and have just comp.. more..Writing