![]() Chapter 5: RevealedA Chapter by Ashheart15![]() Time for Sebastian to talk a girl. Yep, this will go well.![]() Oh boy, Sebastian was nervous. Gabrielle
was walking home from school and Sebastian was following her. At a distance,
but his palms were still sweating. He wasn’t sure this was a good idea. He had
treated Gabrielle like crap the last time he spoke to her. Now he would have to
apologise and tell her she wasn’t human. Yep, she was going take this so well…
Not. It hadn’t
rained in a few days, but the ground still had puddles in some places. Some of
them were pretty deep. Sebastian felt comforted that if he needed it. Water
wasn’t far away. “Uh…
G-Gabrielle?” she stopped walking in front of him. She was maybe five or six
steps in front of him. He wondered if she had even known he was behind her this
whole time. That made him sound to stalker like for his taste. “What do you
want Jerk?!” Sebastian winced at the sting of anger in her voice, but he knew
what he had to say. He pushed his fringe away from his eyes and took a deep
breath. “I-I wanted
to apologise for what I said to you the other day. I’m just not used to talking
to girls” that was the worst apology Sebastian had ever heard, and it came out
of his own mouth. Well, he was screwed for sure there was no way Gabrielle
would talk to him now. “Ok” wait,
what? Did Gabrielle just say ok? as in she forgave Sebastian for being a giant
pain and blowing her off? Sebastian obviously wasn’t as bad at talking to girls
as he thought he was. “Look
Gabrielle, can we talk? like just for a minute I have something I need to, uh,
tell you” this could be taken in the wrong way so easily. What if she thought
he liked her? because he didn’t. He didn’t even know her. “Yeh sure
Puppy. It’s not like I have anything else to do” she was at it with the really
annoying nickname thing again. Sebastian gritted his teeth and promised himself
that he would not say anything rude. “Well… I’m
not sure how to tell you this… So I should probably just show you” There was a
puddle not far from where the two were standing on the path. There were no cars
on the road. Now was as good a time as ever. Sebastian
sank his power into the puddle and willed it to please, please, please do
something other than freeze. The water rose up for a moment out of the puddle and then froze into ice. Well, it had worked for a second. Gabrielle stood staring at the puddle and then laughed. “Wow, that
was cool. How did you do that?” she thought it was cool. Even though Sebastian
had hardly been able to do anything compared to what he knew he should be able
to do. “I’m a, I’m
a supernatural being called an Elemental and, uh, you are as well?” he said it.
He did it. He said it. Well there was no turning back now. Whatever Gabrielle’s
reaction was. He watched
as she stiffened and then clenched her fists. Oh no, she was angry. He could
tell by the slight reddening of her pale skin and the way she suddenly held her
head high on her shoulders. “If this is
some kind of joke, it’s not funny. If you think I’m going to fall for something
like that mister, then you are wrong!” she turned to go but Sebastian couldn’t
let her leave. He needed her to understand, he needed her to let him help. “Gabrielle
please just…” he reached out and touched her arm. As it turned out that was a
really bad idea. Brilliant white light filled his vision and suddenly he was on
the ground. Oh, well that happened. “Sebastian!
Oh my god! Oh my god please don’t be dead!” Someone was shaking him. Sebastian
opened his eyes and realised that Gabrielle was crying. “Hey its ok,
I’m fine” that was a lie. His arm was numb and tingling but she didn’t need to
know that. What the hell just happened? “I’m sorry,
I’m so so sorry! I don’t know what happened I swear I didn’t mean it!”
Sebastian shook his head and sat up on the pavement. He was starting to have a
feeling that he knew what had happened. Gabrielle had gotten mad, and
accidentally hit Sebastian with lightning. Thank god it was just a minor shock. “Just… Help
me to my house, my uncle… He knows more than me about this stuff” Sebastian
examined his arm in interest. It wasn’t burnt, but there were some weird
markings on it that would probably hurt if he could feel his arm. “Your uncle?
What about your parents?” Sebastian winced as he stood up. Both because he was
a little sore and because Gabrielle didn’t know how talking about his parents
hurt him. “They passed
away when I was Nine” Sebastian put out his good hand and Gabrielle grabbed it.
It was the first real physical touch Sebastian had felt in a long time. His
uncle wasn’t the touchy feeling type. “I’m sorry
about that, it’s just my mum and me if it makes you feel any better” Sebastian
and Gabrielle started walking together. Sebastian leaning on Gabrielle more
then he would have liked to. That's for sure. “I guess it
does, thank you Gabrielle” Where the hell did that come from? Sebastian almost
smiled! This girl. She was something all right. Sebastian didn’t know what to
think of her. He just had
to hope his uncle would be better at explaining and that he would be nice to
Gabrielle. After all they couldn’t afford for her to get angry again. She might
do some real damage next time. None of them
wanted that, as dangerous as Sebastian and his uncle were. Gabrielle could be
ten times worse. They arrived
at the apartment block where Sebastian lived. Sebastian was almost ashamed of
the dirty exterior. Knowing it didn’t make a good first impression and was even
worse inside. “Uncle?”
Sebastian called as they entered the apartment. At least the inside was tidy.
His uncle was very organised, even if Sebastian wasn’t. Those were his shoes
making the front door area look messy. The ones his uncle kept telling him to
put away. “Did you
tell that girl that you’ll help her train? or did you chicken out?!” his uncle
was in the kitchen. As usual he didn’t have much faith in Sebastian’s ability
to do things properly. “I did
actually, I told her and she hit me with lightning” Sebastian’s arm wasn’t numb
anymore. Actually it hurt a lot. Not that Sebastian was going to admit it in
front of Gabrielle. He knew she felt bad about it already. “Are you
alright boy?” Daniel came limping into the room and stopped short at the sight
of Gabrielle standing next to Sebastian. Sebastian gave his uncle a ‘be nice’
look and Daniel coughed. “Hello girl,
you don’t look much different then you did the last time I saw you. Your father
and I weren’t on speaking terms but he sent me a photo of you when you were
about two” that was news to both Gabrielle and Sebastian. Although Sebastian at
least knew that his uncle had known Eric. “You know my
father? Do you know where he is? Is he even alive?” Gabrielle shook slightly
next to Sebastian. It must be a surprise for Gabrielle to know that there was
any information out there about the man who left her and her mother. “Well he is
alive, and all I know about his location is that he just had a boy in Mexico
killed. Whether he attended personally. I’m not sure” Woah, subtly was not his
uncle’s style. Never mind the fact he knew Eric, tell Gabrielle that he killed
someone. Yep that was a great way to start uncle. “He… He
what?” poor Gabrielle looked like she might go into shock. She was a very
strange colour and her pupils were huge. Sebastian decided it was time to
intervene. “Maybe we
should take things a bit slower uncle. I thought you might help me explain the
whole Elemental thing” he didn’t want to cause Gabrielle more distress then was
necessary and he knew from personal experience. This was a lot to take in. “Alright
then, girl come in and take a seat. We have a lot of talking to do” Gabrielle
hesitated but Sebastian gave her a nod of encouragement and she followed Daniel
into the kitchen. Sebastian
went upstairs to take care of his arm. That had gone about as well as he could
have hoped. He knew the fight to save her wouldn’t be as easy, but god he hoped
they all got through it ok. © 2016 Ashheart15Author's Note
Added on October 22, 2016 Last Updated on October 22, 2016 Author![]() Ashheart15Perth, Western Australia, AustraliaAboutI am a 20 year old writer from sunny Western Australia. I enjoy drinking a ridiculous amount of coffee and staring at blank Word documents. Otherwise I write horror short stories and have just comp.. more..Writing