MP - Unwanted Introductions

MP - Unwanted Introductions

A Chapter by Loekie

The fourth chapter of the third section of A House Fractured. 2 years has passed since Opening Views. The plots and intrigues are starting to come to a boil. This section is from Medyr's point of view.

Medyr sat back in his chair, contemplating the word he had received from A�fe. He had been surprised to find out that Bregon was willing to meet with him at the zenith. He had to reschedule some of his plans and meetings but it was paramount he spoke with the mysterious journeyman. He needed to know what chaos had invaded his boards.

A knock at the door interrupted his thoughts. Annoyed, he called out. The door opened, revealing Kynan, the court chamberlain. He bowed slightly in deference before holding out a cream coloured envelop.

�There is a messenger here for you,� he said simply.

Reluctantly, Medyr accepted the familiar looking envelop. The back had a recognizable orange seal of wax. It was an embossed falcon. Medyr had to take a deep breath to control his emotions. His hands had a faint tremor to them as he ripped open the envelop to get to the note.

He recognized the script. As his eyes quickly scanned the brief note, his eyebrows were more and more furrowed. Involuntarily his jaw started to clench. Slowly, he placed the parchment back into the envelope.

�Where is the messenger?�

�He awaits a response in the main foyer.�

�Bring him to me.�

�Yes, sir.� Kynan left the room, quietly closing the door. Medyr was alone in his chambers, anger interlaced with fear. The previous parchments had been polite but slowly they grew threatening. But they were always masked in sweet words. And then the parchment of before lifted the veneer slightly. The parchment he had just received was a bold challenge. He did not know the mysterious man who wished to meet with him.

It was easy to ignore the parchments, at the first. But the last one revealed someone who had real knowledge. Dangerous knowledge. Someone had information that they should not. He had no choice now but to meet with the man and try to salvage what he could. He needed organize a plan of action. But would he have the time?

As he thought about his plan, there was a rapping at the door. Medyr acknowledged it. Kynan came in with a tall man dressed in a brown shirt and green trousers. His long blonde hair was tightly pulled back. His slight features reminded him of the sidh� in the market but he did not have the air about him. His green blue eyes were hard. A scar slashed across his left cheek. The man walked in with a haughty air. Medyr waved at Kynan, dismissing him. He left the two alone.

�So you are ready to answer his summons?� the man asked sharply.

�Perhaps,� Medyr kept his voice cool.

�Then why waste my time? Then why summon me?�

Medyr did not like the tone of the man's voice. �And your name is?�

�That is of no import.�

Medyr felt a twinge of anger rising. �An anonymous name sends a nameless person, summoning me to an unknown place. I think not. I do value my health.�

�And you do not covet your name and position? I would say you have no choice in the matter. With the knowledge my master possesses, he could create havoc. All you've worked for would be for naught� Medyr jerked as if he had been struck. �When my master calls, it is best you heed him.�

�And if I don't?� Medyr asked in a small voice.

�It is said fully in the note. There are some in the court that would be most interested in the information. Do you wish to give your enemies tools to plot your downfall?�

Medyr narrowed his eyes at the man. �You may have information but no proof.�

�Oh, was it not mentioned in the summons? Information like you were born in Codhal. Your mother's name is Tarhtyn. Your first teacher of a man named Bricrui, then Cathbhadh. There would be some in the Order that would be most interested in that knowledge.� The man paused. �And what did happen to Cathbhadh?�

He is one who does not bluff. The faint familiar echo surprised Medyr. He had not heard the echo in some time. A shiver of terror ran through him. Medyr knew that such information should not be know to the Order. Amuse him and his master. What is hidden cannot be seen.

�There is no need to revisit the past.� Medyr said quickly.

�Some may disagree,� the man said calmly. �So, are you prepared to meet my master?�

Medyr was taken aback by the choice of words. �Yes. When?�

�We shall go now.�

�I can't!� Medyr protested. He needed time. �I have work to so. Appointments to keep. I can't just rise up and leave the court.�

�Yes you can. We know you can."

Medyr glowered at the man. �I have an important appointment at the zenith. Your master can wait until after that. I will reschedule my after zenith appointments.�

�Our master,� the man said simply, �has priority. Once you have met with him, some of your appointments will be of no consequence.�

Medyr was shaken. Did this man and his master know of his meeting with Bregon? Maybe the two were connected. He had to find out.

�Fine. So be it.� Medyr rose from his chair. �Where are we going?�

�Away from prying eyes. To Cobh.�

Medyr looked at the man with surprise. Cobh was a small fishing village on the main bay, on the outskirts of D�n Su�bhn�. He reached out to his coat rack for his cloak.

�So be it.� Medyr wrapped the vermine burgundy cloak around him. The man turned and opened the door. He did not hold it open for Medyr; he just walked through. As Medyr followed, he was incredulous at the aloofness and arrogance the man exuded as he walked toward the main entrance. Medyr saw Kynan was waiting near his door.

�Send word to Edlym I will be back in a couple of hours. Tell him to reschedule my meeting with Bregon. As to the rest, I will attend to them later.�

�Yes, sir.� Kynan bowed slightly before heading off.

Quickly the man lead him down to the main gate house. As they passed the guard house, Medyr briskly nodded to the man at arms. Silently the two walked through the settlements built up along the new city walls. They continued down the main road, away from D�n Su�bhn�. A few heads turned occasionally as the two briskly walked to the small fishing village on the bay. Medyr ignored the looks

Quickly, they walked about the dingy streets of Cobh until they reached an ordinary two-story house. Light purple paint flaked off the front, showing the gray undercoat. The thick glass windows looked dull and lackluster. The small lawn was overrun by weeds. As they climbed the few steps to the front door, they creaked under their weight.

The double front doors were white, a hint of yellow was all about the edges. Cracks covered the white surface of the door. Close to the bottom of the doors was lined with black scuff marks, chaotically scattered about the lusterless paint. The bottom was a solid dull black, with a few areas of chipped paint. The white door jam was smeared with black spots. Medyr held his tongue as the man opened the door. It opened with a faint squeak.

The door opened to a shabby hallway. A pale red, thread-bare runner ran down the centre of the hall. Part of the runner showed the threads which held the wool to the backing. Many feet had trodden over the carpet in cycles. The man walked down the hall to the last door on the left. There were two quick raps and the door opened. The man walked in, Medyr following. He almost gasped as he entered the room.

The room was decorated in oak. Lush blue carpets lined the floor. Arianrhod furniture filled the room. Two, overstufted chairs faced an ornate fireplace which had a roaring fire. A hand rose from one of the chairs. Medyr recognized the hand.

�Leave us be, Dillus.�

�Yes, sir.� Dillus turned and left the room. Medyr was surprised that the unknown man would dare leave himself alone with him. A definite weakness, the echo suggested to Medyr. Remember, appear to be lowly and weak, so to make them arrogant. As the door closed, the man in the chair stirred again.

�Do not think that our being alone as a sign of weakness. You are no threat to me.� The voice was clipped and firm. �Appearances can be deceiving, as the front of this house.�

A faint smile came to Medyr�s face. �You should not underestimate me.�

�Oh, I do not. I know the extent of your abilities. Especially when you attempted to scry my presence.�

The smile quickly melted. Medyr was shocked by the comment. The man should not have known that. What kind of power did this man have? Medyr asked himself, but the echo remained silent.

�Come and join me by the fire.�

Reluctantly, Medyr moved forward. As he came around, he saw the mystery man. To his surprise, the person was a sidh�. He could see he was short yet stocky. His curly brown hair seemed plastered to his head, as if it were wet. He had thin, dark eyebrows over large, piercing eyes. His lips seemed to be stretched threadlike over his block chin.

He wore a dark brown robe, hiding his body. All Medyr could see were long bony fingers, with neatly trimmed nails. His hands were unadorned with rings save the one ring and his wrists were not covered in bracelets. The sidh� waved Medyr with his thin left hand. As Medyr looked at him, he realized Dillus was also sidh�. But neither had the normal air about them. They felt human.

�Sit by the fire, Medyr ab ...�

�I prefer you not use my father's name, if you don't mind.�

The sidh� smiled. �If you wish. Come sit. I do so love the smell and sight of fire.�

Suspiciously, Medyr sat in the empty chair.

�You know what I love about fire?� Medyr did not answer. �It is so easy to contain yet so hard to control. A lot like people, would you not say?�

�If you say so,� Medyr said flippantly.

The sidh� stared at the flames. �Just look at them. Shooting upwards, being fed by the air from the chimney. I can close the flue and it will die. And every so often, an ember will shoot out, trying to escape and continue it's life. Jump out, in the hopes of starting a fire elsewhere.�

�That is a nice thought. You called me out of D�n Su�bhn� to tell me about fire? Unless you have something more to say, I'll take my leave.�

�No you won't�, the man said forcefully.

�And you will stop me? I say not!� Medyr tried to rise but found he could not. His body was chained to the chair. He struggled but could not get loose of the bond. He was stuck. Suddenly, the sidh� waved his hand. Medyr shot from the chair, his resistance finally allowing him to move. He stumbled to his feet, his hands out. He braced himself against the wall, by the fireplace.

�My dear, Medyr, I appreciate your arrogance but you must see where you fit in the larger scheme of things.� Medyr glared at the sidh�. �You have great potential but you are still a child with respect to magick.�

�You should not underestimate me,� Medyr said through gritted teeth. Appear lowly and weak, Medyr. Then he will not worry about you. Then you can attack when they are relaxed, the echo said softly. The words of Den Yeah Liu calmed Medyr down slightly.

�Whatever,� the sidh� said disrnissively with a wave of a hand. �Cathbhadh did well with you,. The fundamentals, I would say. But you have still much to learn.�

�Who are you?�

�You can call me Fint�n. One of my more popular names. Now you have a name and face. Let us get to the heart of the matter why I called you to my humble abode.�

�Yes, let�s do so.� Medyr growled.

Fint�n crossed his arms and looked at Medyr intensely as he went back to the chair. �Our paths have crossed and we can be of help to each other.�


�You have come across a tall man with long silvery black hair and gray eyes?�

�Yes, I have!� Medyr grabbed the armrests of the chair tightly. �I am told his name is Bregon.�

�That is one of his travelling names.�

�Who is he?�

�A thorn in my side and from what I can see, potentially for you also.�

�But who is he?� Medyr insisted.

�A person who believes he is more important than he really is. He presents himself as a journeyman but in reality is but a trouble maker.�

�But Taliesin vouches for him.�

A strange smile came to Fint�n's face. �He would. The Order is thick of thieves.�

�Well, I was to meet him at the zenith. Then I will.�

�You will cancel your meeting. You will leave him be.�

�What!?� Medyr sat in his chair, ramrod with fury. �I will do no such thing.�

�You will leave him be,� Fint�n said perfunctorily. �This is not time to cross swords with him.�

�But he threatened me. He knows of my plans.�

Slowly Fint�n shook his head. �He is baiting you. He is trying to draw you out. You are playing his game.�
�How do you know this?�

�We have been adversaries for some time. I know his ways. This Bregon can be quite predictable.�

�And I am to trust you?� Medyr was sarcastic.

�Of course not. Suffice it to say, I know more than he does. Right now, he knows naught of your tutelage with Cathbhadh and when it was.�

�What do you mean?�

�Bregon would not have treated you lightly if he knew of this. I have known him for cycles. First of all, his abilities are far more superior than yours. I have seen what he can do.�

�Then he is not a journeyman.�

�Not in the narrow terms of the word. But now he has started to shown interest in you. That means the Order is showing interest. Something neither you or I can afford. Up to now, you were just a spectre moving about the court. Now light is being sent out to reveal you.�

�And that is why you sent for me?� Medyr's mind was swirling with thoughts. He had no idea what was going on. A faint shiver of fear ran through him; he had no idea how to handle the unfolding situation.

�I would say it is time to strengthen the triad. The time is ripe for the three of us to join forces properly.�

�The three of us?� Medyr was mystified.

�Yourself, myself and Balzar.�

Complete panic seized Medyr for a moment. How did he know of Balzar? thundered through Medyr's mind. The sidh� knew too much of his plans and those who were part of it. His boards seemed to be exposed and vulnerable.

�I have no idea what you are talking about,� Medyr used all his will power to keep his voice steady.

�Come now, don't be coy. We have a common goal. You wish the throne. I want Caer Eryri and Balzar wants to make Llangeinwen the seat of the Blood and Stone. We, in each of our own ways, are just fulfilling Cathbhadh's wish.�

Fint�n smiled ruefully. �I was his student many cycles ago. After that was Balzar. And you were the last. We all share some of his vision. I believe it is time we work together to gain our goals.�

�And yours is the Caer?�

�Yes.� The smile evaporated. �The Caer should have been mine but it was stolen from me.�

�By Bregon?�

�Yes. He was the main instigator. It was he who stole my position, my love and poisoned the sidh� against me. Because of him, I have become outcast A sidh� without land. But that will change.�

Medyr ran his palm over his pursed lips. He shifted the cloak he was still wearing. He could not miss the vehemence in Fint�n's voice. He was too emotional with respect to Bregon. What did I say, keep being weak. It is best to thwart those about you with intelligent planning.

�How long have you been adversaries?�

�Over seventy years and a day.� Fint�n strove to control the emotions coursing through him. Slowly he rose from his chair. He went to the fireplace, picking up a poker. Gently, he stoked the burning logs, sending bright embers up like a swarm of fireflies.

�I have lost much because of him. I have spent much time working to regain what is rightfully mine. We have come to a time where we can have a common interest, a common goal.�


�He is but one peg, young one.� Medyr bristled at the comment. �Times are changing. You and I know the Order would not support you, whereas the Blood and Stone would. The sidh� under Midh�r would not support you, but I would. As I said, it is time for the triad to form strong bonds.�

�At what cost?� Medyr asked cautiously.

�I am talking about benefits, not costs.�

�I am sorry but all I have from you are threats. I do not believe that is a way to start an alliance.�

Fint�n put the poker back in the stand. �My first couple of notes were ignored. Sweet words only go so far. Especially with your youthful arrogance. The reality is you react more to threats than simple offers. You gave me no other option.�

�Well, I am not one who responds well to threats. I will think of what you have told me.�

�I would say you do not have much of choice in the matter.� Fint�n said coldly. There was a sharp crack as one of the logs collapsed, sending flames and embers into the air.

�Once again, leading with threats.�

�What if I were to expose you for who you really are?�

�And what of it?� Medyr tried to sound flippant. �Mayhap you didn't notice but there is a civil war going on, right now. Most are focused on bringing peace to the land. The gossip you possess would be of no consequence.�

Fint�n laughed. �Ah, yes, the civil war you were instrumental in starting. I would say the Queen would interested in that. And I do believe the Order would be quite interested in you. You cannot bury the past. But you are right. It would not benefit any of us to be adversarial. Together we would be a formidable force.�

�I see.� Medyr paused, collecting his thoughts. �I have been doing quite well on my own, thank you very much. I do not believe I have a need for an alliance right now.�

�Well, I do not remember asking,� The comment was straightforward and simple.

�Have you forgotten who you are talking to?� Medyr snapped. �What if Bregon were to get word you are here? Or what of the sidh�? To become outcast is a serious sanction. My office could cause you some difficulty.�

�Really?� Fint�n laughed again. �Don't try to play games with me, whelp. I've been playing games before your father was even a thought. You are but a child in this game. It is best you remember that�

�I've learnt much from my teacher. I know ...�

�Yes, yes. He had you read N�ir. And Den Yeah Liu. Knowing the words is different than implementing them. That is why I am offering you my hand. Cathbhadh provided you the theory. I offer you the practical.�

�As I said before, I have been doing well on my own.�

�That is because you play but small games.� Fint�n ignored the look of indignation from Medyr as he returned to his chair.

�You are moving into more dangerous and complex boards, my friend. You have no idea who Bregon is ...�

�So tell me!� Medyr jumped in.

�Or Taliesin,� Fint�n continued, as if he had not been interrupted. �The Order is more dangerous than you know. Their tentacles are deep in the island.�

�I know.�

�No you do not. You've seen the simple face of the Order in the court. They are involved in every aspect of life on Llangeinwen. Did you know Taliesin and Midh�r are personal friends? That the Order works closely with the sidh�?�

�No,� Medyr answered quietly.

�And I tell you this now, not as a threat but as reality. I have power you cannot imagine as of yet, In my mind, you are either an ally or an enemy. Weigh all I've said carefully before you make a decision.�

Medyr was torn between anger and fear. The boasts infuriated him but any truth in them terrified him. He could sense Fint�n was a sidh� of power. And he was outcast. The sidh� did not cast out their own lightly. Medyr wondered what web he had gotten tangled in.

�What do you want from me?� Medyr asked softly.

�At the moment, just your eyes and ears.� A faint smile came to Fint�n's face. �I lack information from the court. And the rest of the humans on Llangeinwen. I have people in the Caers that keep me apprised. But with the civil war, a new dimension has developed. I know you have been in contact with the Blood and Stone ...�

�You have no evidence of that!�

�But I do. Why do you think it is time for the three of us to join forces. Who do you think suggested to Balzar that he align himself with you?�

Medyr's mind went blank for a moment. The game was becoming more labyrinthine. He had never seen any outside hand working the pegs on the board. The implications terrified him; the idea he was not in control was unfathomable.

�Did I not say the game was becoming more complex?� Fint�n was amused by Medyr's reaction. �As I said before, Cathbhadh was a good teacher. You should have spent more time with him. You are poised to understand all the unlessons he bored us with.�

Medyr rolled his eyes, remembering some of the dry unlessons. He is right, the echo voiced. There is a time to admit one can use some aid. You can learn from him. More than Balzar.

Medyr did not want to acknowledge the echo. He preferred to work alone. And he preferred to pick his own allegiances, not be forced into one. A thought came to him.

�How do I know you will not interfere once I bring down the House Su�bhn�?�

�You do not,� Fint�n shrugged. �But you have my word.�

�A word given without witnesses.� Medyr started to feel emboldened. �Up to now, you have given me naught as assurances that you will not betray me.�

�Are you saying I am not honourable?� There was a faint tremor of anger in Fint�n�s voice.

�I do not know you. You say we have common goals. But what if you gain Eryri and then wish more?�

�I have no interest beyond the Caer.�

�So you say. But I have no proof. No solid intent. just words.�

One of Fint�n's thin eyebrows arched. �And what would allay your worries?�

�I want your word that you will not interfere with my plans.�

�I have already agreed to that. I ...�

�Your words on parchment.� Medyr paused. �Signed in blood.�

�You demand too much!� Fint�n seemed angered.

�Balzar did not feel so.� Medyr flashed a smile. �If we are to form a triad, we must all be equal. Would you not agree?�

�My word has always sufficed, dear sir.�

Before Fint�n could continue, Medyr rose from his chair. A faint flash of alarm clouded Fint�n�s eyes. Medyr shifted his cloak.

�I have a simple demand. It is for you to decide.�

�I do not remember dismissed you,� Fint�n said through clenched teeth.

�And what are you going to do? Slay me on the spot.�

�You do not wish me as an enemy, young whelp!�

Medyr sighed. �I am getting bored with your threats. I have a simple demand. It is up to you to accept it.�

�And if I do not?�

�I leave. Continue my plans. And if you attempt to thwart them, I will come after you with all I have.�

�I see.� Fint�n glared at Medyr �So that is all you demand?�

�It is.�

�Fine! So be it. Draw up the parchment. If I agree with the wording, I will sign it.�

�It shall be done.� Medyr said triumphantly. �You will receive it in the morrow.�


Medyr's smile grew. �I would say our business has been completed. Send your man to me in the morrow and I will give him the parchment.�

�We have not finished our discussions of what I require from you.�

�And we will at a later time. Once I have your word. We will meet again.�

�So be it.� Fint�n sounded resigned.

�Good. Then I will bid you a good day.�

�And you will cancel your meeting with Bregon?�

�I will. I will find an appropriate excuse.�


Medyr gave Fint�n a quick nodded and spryly walked to the door. He opened it, ignored Dillus who was stationed there. It was only once he was on the road back to D�n Su�bhn� he let the tension in him out.

© 2008 Loekie

Author's Note

Being a major revision of the first draft, I am looking for everything - grammar, POV problems, plotting issues. Please note, spelling is Canadian not American so don't point the differences. Hit me with your best shot!

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Added on May 11, 2008



Montreal, Canada

Growing up, I never saw myself as a storyteller. But looking back, I see the seeds. I would build complex models with my Lego or Mecano, each with a story to tell. When I played with my Tonkas, Dinkey.. more..

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A Story by Loekie