Chapter 4

Chapter 4

A Chapter by Randy Billett

Chapter 4

The vastness of The Vault was almost more than my young mind could wrap around. To think that something so large existed, underground of all places, was truly mind-numbing. I stepped in, finally, certain that I wasn’t seen. Basking in the bright fluorescent lighting I looked around me, completely engrossed by everything The Vault offered both visually and potentially.

To my left and right were rows of computers, all lit up, warmly offering information from all over the world and even from the past. As far as I could see in front of me, however, was bookshelf after massive bookshelf, full of books of all sorts that seemed to go on forever. Immediately, without even thinking, I rushed toward the books, scanning over them. There were so many I didn’t know where to start, and there wasn’t any obvious sorting system.

At least I thought so, upon closer inspection I found there to be numbered labels on the spines of the books. Realizing this to be the likely sorting system, logic also reasoned that at least one of the numerous computers in The Vault must have a list of them all for easy access. After a closer look at the numerous computer terminals I found that, they too, had a labeling system and surely enough I soon found one labeled “Library Catalogue”.

Since the terminal was already on and logged in, another indication that intruders weren’t a real concern to security, there was no hardship in quickly bringing up the Electronic Vault Library Database. Before me, on the softly glowing computer screen, was a list of genres from all sorts of literature. Two caught my attention in particular though: A genre labeled Religion and Philosophy and another under Case Files. I had an idea of what Case Files meant, and I’d be sure to look into that but Religion was something completely unheard of in Eden; even Grandfather never talked too much about religion.

My first task was thus to browse the Religion and Philosophy section. I couldn’t explain why, but it was almost as if I was magnetically drawn to the section. I reached the section as dictated by the number range the computer produced and walked along the shelves slowly, allowing my hands to glide over the spines of the books. While each of the books felt and smelled undoubtedly old, that very impression added a sophisticated importance to them. They were clearly books that had won a hard fought battle to be preserved.

After pacing along the shelves a bit, pulling a book out here and there I’d returned to the computer, satisfied with removing only two books: The first was titled “The Holy Bible”, and the second, “The Art of War”. After quickly double checking the range for the Case Files section I jogged quickly to it, finding it to be a row of filing cabinets at the back labeled alphabetically for simple filing. I was really interested in two things: The first being that somewhere here was most likely information pertaining to my parent’s and grandfather’s deaths. The other was something I hadn’t expected when I planned coming here. As I did a quick sub-section search at the terminal for this section there was a section that was in its own league; a section for Files on EDC personnel.

I quickly found my family’s files and took a look at the EDC Personnel Case Files. My heart sank however when I saw that almost all of the files were marked “Terminated” like that of my family’s. There was one, however, that looked to be quickly building up although not being marked with the red “Terminated” stamp; Jonathan Crowe, a supposedly high-ranking investigator. Ironic, I thought, that a lead investigator should be investigated himself without his knowledge.

Better to hang on to this I think. “A monkey wrench in the works”, was how Grandpa always put it wasn’t it?

Feeling successful, and not wanting to stay too long, should something go wrong I placed the files along with the books in my pack and headed for the door. I had noticed an elevator to the surface on the map in the hallway and decided then to take it back up, considering I’d never thought of an easy way back up into the vents. Again, I slid the card key I’d obtained from 137 and the door slowly opened. The problem with this was that I didn’t see the two guards coming down from opposite ends of the hallway.

“Hey! What were you doing in there?!” The shout from my left as I exited startled me, reminding me of how off-guard I’d become in my infatuation with The Vault and the knowledge it contained.

I froze, not quite sure how to handle the situation. Instead of engaging the question I turned to the right toward the other guard, acting as though I hadn’t heard the question.

“Answer me! Turn around and answer me or I’ll open fire you little pissant!” But still I walked forward a few more steps before stopping, still not turning around, buying time for the guard I’d walked toward to get a little closer.

C’mon stupid, I can’t do this without you… Annnd…

            It was then I lunged forward, grabbing the guard tight by a pressure point in his wrist, pivoting and twisting his arm to position his body between the shouting guard and myself. Finally having turned around I saw that he had already drawn his rifle, aiming it this direction regardless of the hostage I’d taken.

            He doesn’t care about…f**k.

Reaching between the guard Id taken hostage and myself my left hand found the trigger for the rifle and a simple forward sweeping motion positioned the barrel of the gun forward towards his supposedly uncaring colleague. Three pulls of the trigger and he went down, but not before putting two rounds into the chest of the man I’d grabbed.  Realizing those shots would have been heard by the others on duty I quickly fled, toward the elevator.

Not until I’d made it to the elevator undetected and the doors opened did I breathe a sigh of relief. I pressed the button for the ground floor and leaned against the back wall as the doors closed and the lift began moving me upward, away from the scene outside The Vault. I definitely wouldn’t be going back for a while unless it was absolutely necessary. The doors opened with a soft ding and I stepped out into the main lobby, chuckling as I realized that the elevator was hidden in plain sight behind the front desk by a ornate design that matched the wall surrounding it.

Taking the rooftops to avoid being seen, as well as to clear my mind, I started for home. It was two o’ clock in the morning when I finally stepped into my bedroom. The first thing I made sure to do was to remove the EDC uniform and equipment, hiding them in a crawl space in my closet. I didn’t realize how completely strung out and exhausted I was until I fell into my bed. Almost instantly my eyelids gained a few pounds, and not long after I was asleep, unsure of what the materials I’d obtained from The Vault, as well as tomorrow, would bring for me.

© 2010 Randy Billett

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WRITE THE REST BOY!!!!!! :D......Please sir?? :)

Posted 14 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on May 13, 2010
Last Updated on May 13, 2010


Randy Billett
Randy Billett


I'm aspiring to do great things in novel writing. Just thought to share some of the stories I'm working on and not have to worry about them being stolen. more..

Chapter 2 Chapter 2

A Chapter by Randy Billett

Chapter 3 Chapter 3

A Chapter by Randy Billett