The Eyes Tell Truth

The Eyes Tell Truth

A Story by Sin Nombre

My eyes closed and only the darkness fills my vision. I command my body to lean forward. I can feel the motion of my body moving forward, moving closer towards my target. The anticipation makes the blood in my veins jump instead of flow. Why is time moving so slow? It shouldn’t be taking so long just to reach my goal but it’s as if time has slowed down only to make me more nervous than i should be.


I can sense the goal, it’s close, it’s very close


Now my heart is jumping all over, it wants freedom.



“I’m late, i’m late” I said to myself as I threw on some clothes and ran out the door of my room. Or so I thought I did. I staggered back from running full force into the door. I steadied myself and tried to focus my vision.

“Oh man….” I muttered. I left a crack on my mirror which is suspended behind my door. I took a look at the reflection of a person in the mirror. Tall 5’10” highscool male with natural white hair brushed upwards and bright grey eyes. Not scrawny nor fat but just right in the middle. My shiny silver bracelet hanging off my left arm. I sighed at my stupidity, reached out with my right hand and opened the door. Without closing it behind me i started my rush once again. Out through the hall, down the stairs and out the door, making sure to open it before attempting to go through. I pulled out my phone and took a look at the time.

7:55 AM

I sighed and placed my phone back into my pocket. I slowed down my rush and just started walking off. I was late for school. Again. It’s not the first time. Sometimes I just get carried away and don’t watch the time when I play games in the morning.

“Come on Thiago you’re better than this,” I thought scolding myself.

“How many times does it take to tell yourself to stop playing video games in the morning,”

I cursed under my breath and just continued on my walk towards school. Left, right, left, right. Went my heels on the pavement. Purposely making them click on the ground out of boredom. A couple minutes later I can see the big red doors of my three story school building. I pushed onto one of the doors and walked in. Looking left and right there was nobody in the endless halls. I walked down the hall, the sound of clicking under my feet. I looked into the windows as classrooms pass by and I can see the students in class. I pull my phone out and look at the time.

8:20 AM

Class started 20 minutes ago. Definitely late. I walk up the stairs onto the 3rd floor and stand in front of my first period classroom. I grabbed the handle and force myself to force it open. I took a step in and attempted to quietly close it. Not quiet enough. All heads turned towards me and already I can feel the judgement. I turn my head towards the teacher. Mr. Brenson. He’s usually a chill teacher, actually the only one I like to be honest. I feel like he’s one of those teachers who you can treat as a friend instead of with the respect you need to pay to an adult. But of course there are limits to having a teacher as a friend. And breaking one of those limits is excessive tardiness. He was giving me one of those stares. The ones you receive from a parent when you do something bad. I smiled an awkward smile and quickly slid into my seat. Mr. Brenson went back to teaching as I tried to push the judgement away and catch up with the class.

Ring ring As the bells fill the school with sound as 4th period ends and lunch break starts. Lunch break is the best for me. The few minutes of school where I can literally forget about everything I learned and hang out with Matheus. Matheus Feliciano, one of my closest friends, i’ve known him for quite some time. Since grade school but I forgot what year. I walked out the halls into the cafeteria where I saw Matheus standing in line. He was a bit shorter then me, about 5’8” with a small build. He has short black hair combed to one side and normal brown eyes. He has the same shiny bracelet that I have except he wears his in his right arm. I felt a pulse go through my body as I took a step.

“Hm...that’s weird” I thought to myself. “That’s the first time that’s ever happen,”. I shrugged it off my mind and walked to stand with Matheus so I didn’t have to wait in line.

“Wassup bro,” I said to him

“Dude, I swear the food here needs to f*****g upgrade cause i’m getting tired of this s**t,” he responded back.

“Tell me something I don’t know. But Qué Será, Será bro”

Matheus and I started walking towards Mr. Brenson's room when we were stopped by the three most annoying girls in the entire school. Jenny, Leila, and Alex. The school plastic post-its. Jenny was the dumb one, the only reason she passes most of her classes is because she goes off with the teachers and uses her looks to pass them. Yep, she was a complete w***e for teachers. Leila, the girl is smart but sadly looks took her over. She still keeps her brain but doesn’t show it off. Total snob if you ask me. But lastly there is Alex, the leader of the plastic post-its. Short with long black hair who I guess you can say is pretty for society standards. The girl is average but she has rich parents so she always gets her way no matter what.

“Hey boooyssss” She said in a snobby rich way. We stopped in our tracks with annoyance painted onto our faces.

“Yes hoes?” I responded with as much sarcasm as a gentleman can use.

“Well we thought maybe we can buy that pretty little hair dye and contacts you use for your hair and eyes. Since you know, it’s soooo natural looking,” she responded back as if the word “hoes” didn't phase her. Hearing her say this made my eyes flare with red. I quickly looked down at the ground and put shades on. My eyes changing color is a secret that only a few know about. Can’t have the plastics finding out.

“Aww, is little Thiago angry,”Alex said as if I was a toddler.

I clenched my hands into a fist ready to automatically knock Alex’s face off.

“Oh why I otta-”
I was cut off by Matheus who grabbed my arm and pushed the girls out of the way. With the sudden jerk I stumbled a bit but set myself steady. As we put distance between us and the plastics I can hear the little giggles ringing in my ear. My eyes still red with anger slowly started to die down. That’s one of my pet peeves. When people call my white hair and gray eyes fake. It’s all natural, I don’t know why I have these features even though nobody in my family has them, and I don’t care too much about them but it’s annoying to constantly hear people call them “fake” or “Manufactured” or even call me mutated. We stopped walking and Matheus turned to me.

“Let me see ‘em” he demanded. Obeying his command I took off my shades revealing the flare of my now bright red eyes. Matheus clicked his tongue twice

“You need to control your emotions man” he said as he grabbed my arm again and went back to dragging me. I started to relax as I let Matheus guide me to Mr. Brenson’s room. We opened the door to the room and walked in but the moment we walked in I was on the floor with Matheus on top of me. I looked up and my body pulsed again. We ran into the most beautiful, non plastic girl in the entire school. My face filled with embarrassment and I quickly threw Matheus off of me. I stood up brushing off my clothes of dust and flashed an awkward, embarrassed smile.

“He-hey Alba,” I stuttered as my heart started beating in quick succession.

“Ar-Ar-are you alright?” I asked

“Yeah i’m okay, looks like you took more of a hit then I did, with Matheus falling on top of you,”

“Whaaat, pshhh, no no not all i’m completely fine,” I lied as I was in great pain. I turned towards Matheus and quickly pulled him up and brushed him off to impress Alba that I care about others. She stared at me in judgement and then flashed me one of those beautiful angel smiles. I felt a pulse in my body. I’ve had the biggest crush on Alba for as long as I could remember. Suddenly I felt my eyes beginning to change colors alarmed me. Oh yeah I forgot to mention, I can feel when my eyes are going to change color except I can only guess what color they will be and right now I can tell my eyes are turning pink with love. I covered my face and ran into the classroom slamming it behind me. I started breathing heavily almost hyperventilating. I felt something under my hand and realized I grabbed Matheus hand and dragged him with me. I let go and I can feel my blood rushing into my face making it hot with embarrassment. My eyes were bright with pink. I put my head down as huge amounts of laughter filled the room. I looked up and turned my head to the side to see Cinder giggling while trying to keep her food in my mouth. At the same time. Cinder Panzica was my last closest friend I can have. I’ve also known Cinder for a while since grade school but again I forgot which year. She is fairly innocent trying to avoid swearing and trouble unless she is insanley pissed off. She is also beautiful with long straight black hair except she dyed the tips of her hair white and purple. She as well had the bracelet but she wears her’s around her ankle. She’s “authentic” you could say but she does have a smile as radiant as the sun but in this situation i hate to see it. I put my head down once more and groaned at what could have been the worst moment I ever could have possibly lived through.

Ring ring. The sound of the bells are music to my ears at this point. I look at my phone


My favorite three digit number of the day. I packed my things in my final period and left the room to meet up with Matheus and Cinder who had the same final period together. Sadly I didn't have it with them, which would have been great but it’s whatever. As we met up, we left the three story building of hell and began to make our way to my house. This was a usually thing. My parents weren’t home because of work and I only live about a 20 minute walk away. Sadly today we couldn’t even take a couple steps away from school because guess who showed up.

“Heyyyy booyss and ho,” came a voice yelling for attention. The three of us sighed at the same time. Plastics. We all turn around to see that it wasn’t just the plastics but their boyfrinds from the football team were accompanying them too. The twins Ethan and Aiden, they are basically the same person and rumors are that they can read each others minds. Hell if I know if it’s true or not. Ethan was with Leila and Aidan was with Jenny. Then there was the quarterback, Derek. Who, pretty obviously was dating Alex. The most popular, most furious, and the most annoying couple in school. Although nobody would bother doing anything because Derek is ripped as hell with a six pack an bulging muscles. The only reason I know is because Derek likes to wear tight shirts. I’m sure he only does it just to show off. The ego he has.

“Hey there...Thiago...Matheus...Cinder” said Derek giving each of us a death glare with each name.

“I’ve heard you didn’t give my pretty girl what she ask for”

“I can’t give her what I don’t know” i replied back taking caution with my wording.

“Well of course there are other ways to get my girl what she wants,” the moment he says this he pulls out a switchblade.

“I could always cut it off,” Derek said with a wicked smile. I took a step back and Matheus took a step in front of me. Cinder grabbing my arm motioning to ignore them and walk away. Bad mistake.

“Aww, bow aren’t ya’ll a cute couple,” Alex motioned as Cinder grabbed my arm. Cinder rolled her eyes pulling my arm behind her.

“What’s with everyone and dragging me around today,” i thought to myself. I turned my head and noticed. Matheus waited back. For a couple of seconds he was just standing there. Suddenly he gave them the finger and ran to catch up with us. My eyes immediately change color and I can guess what it was. Black for fear. I took a quick look and saw that Derek and his little pack started to chase after us.

“Oh s**t!” I yelled. I released my arm from Cinder’s grasp and began pushing her.

“Go, go, go!” I yelled repeatedly to get Cinder to run. At this point we were running. Or attempting to out run jocks i should say. I’ve ran from people before but I never ran from jocks with blades in their hands. Sound started to disappear. As if my body was trying to focus all it’s energy in my feet. Running. I’m running. I’m….slowing down? I can feel my feet hitting the ground in longer periods of time. I was running in slow motion. I realized i was alone. Cinder disappeared from view. I look back and Matheus was gone too. My breath was heavy. My run is getting slower and slower. Wait. I see something in the distance. I try to make my way to it. Basically walking in a running animation I make it only to be horrified. It was Cinder. Her arms were split open in half and her face was slashed obsessively. I kneeled in front of her. My face in complete shock.

“Cinder?” I choke on the name.

“Cinder….can you hear me?”

“Thi-thiago” came a weak voice.

“Cinder!?” I cry out. But it wasn’t her. I looked closer and realized Cinder was laying on top of someone.


He was in the same gruesome condition. I look closley at his hands. Both his middle fingers were gone.


Wait. What’s this feeling. Something’s shoving me. I blink my eyes to see that i’m laying down on what feels like a couch looking at a cieling. I hear my name in a faint echo

Thiago Thiago Thiago

The shoving I feel it again

“Thiago!!!” Came a yell

I recognize that voice. Cinder? I felt my body being wrapped around. My body pulses. My vision begins to clear up. It was Cinder and Matheus both hugging me.

“Ci-cinder? Mat-Matheus?” I stuttered in confusion.

“What happened?”

“You passed out after we got to your house when we were running from the jocks” Cinder explained. The jocks! I can feel my eyes changing color. I guess it was black of fear because Matheus sat next to me trying to calm me down.

Hey, hey. Relax” he said in a soothing voice

“They’re gone, they won’t hurt us anymore,”

I layed back on the couch taking a huge breather. My muscles began to relax. I look in the mirror on the walk next to me. The black was beginning to fade from my eyes.

“I’m okay” i told myself over and over

“I’m okay”

Beep beep beep beep.

I groan out if annoyance.

“Stupid alarm clock,”I muttered to myself under my breath. I sat up and turned the alarm off in order to stop that annoying excessive pickering.

6:00 AM

I got up, put on pajamas and made my way down to the kitchen grabbing my phone on my way out of my room. I have an hour and half to eat and get dress for my possible death at school today. Damn Matheus having to show dominance by flipping off the plastics and jocks.

Vrr Vrr

“What was that noise?” I asked myself.

Vrr Vrr

I realized the noise was the vibration of my phone. I got a message…...from an unknown number? I unlock my phone and read the message:

U think ima let u get away with.

Dont bother comin to school unless u

wanna live

I stood blankly at the message.


After my morning dumbness passed over me I realized exactly what it meant and what it was.


And that’s when I was fucked.

Ding Dong

The doorbell. I looked at my phone clock puzzled

6:30 AM

I scratched my head and made my way to the door. I looked through the peephole to see there was nothing in sight. I scratched my head once more and unlock the hinge.


The door busted open nearly hitting me in the head and knocking me out. I stood back and horror until I realized who it was. Matheus. Now with anger my eyes began to change color once again.

“Damn it Matheus!” I yelled at him in rage. “I thought you were Derek!”

“And why would you think that?” He said as calm as he can be taking a seat on my couch. I took out my phone and threw it out him.
“Look at the messages,” I told him as I watched him unlock my phone and start snooping on through until he realized which one i was talking about. I saw his eyes move left the right as he read the message to himself quietly. Then he started to laugh. I gave him a puzzled look and snatched back my phone

“What’s so funny?” I asked still in an angrish way.

“Derek thinks he so cool and s**t, HA, he ain’t gon do s**t to ya bud” he responded back with so much confidence.
“Easy for you to say, you aren’t the one being hunted,”

“Look, he can’t do anything when you're in the school yard, and i’ll protect you when you are out of it,” He said flexing one of his arms. I grabbed a pillow and threw it at his face.


Got him right in the face. He grabbed it and threw it at the couch and gave me the finger.
“Hey watch it” I said. “That finger almost got us killed last time”

“Hm, well you should watch who you're throwing pillows at you boosted animal. Don’t start a fight you can’t win” He said trying to show off his ego.
“Take your own advice,” I muttered to myself rolling my eyes I checked the time.

7:15 AM

Time to get ready. I made my way upstairs and Matheus started to follow but I stopped him before he can keep going. I told him to wait for me downstairs while I get changed. I was never really comfortable changing in front of people. I quickly got changed slipping on a shirt and jeans and putting on my silver bracelet. I didn’t bother to fix my hair because I didn’t care much for how it looks. I only fix it when it looks like a complete mess. I finished changing and started walking down the steps. I can see Matheus in the living room looking up at me continuously tapping his wrist indicating that we are on a “tight” schedule. I rolled my arms, grabbed my backpack, and we were on our way to death.

We opened the giant double red doors into the school. The halls were crowded with people. Guess being late had its perks. We made our way through the sea and stopped at our lockers. Luckily me, Matheus, and Cinder all had lockers close to each other. I opened my locker to put in books that I didn’t need and took out books that I of course needed. When I finished Cinder ran up to us. She was breathing heavily.

“You good?” I asked with a small giggle in my tone.

“De-Derek…..coming….hall….let’s go” She managed to say in between breaths. I stood on my tippy toes and tried to get a view over the sea of kids. Then my eyes managed to focus on him. Derek. I tapped Matheus and the shoulder and pointed my thumb in the direction Derek was coming from. He nodded and the three of us dispersed our separate ways to our first periods.

“Looks like i’m a fugitive now,” I said with a sigh.

Ring Ring

3:00 PM

The lovely three o'clock bells ringed into my ears. The joyous sound. I got out of my last period class and started heading my way to meet up with Matheus and Cinder. As I got to the spot only Matheus in the spot. He looked lost all alone like a poor little puppy. I laughed to myself and took a little jog to catch up to him. As soon as he saw me he smiled and started walking in my direction.

“Where’s Cinder?” I asked wondering why she wasn’t with him.

“Her mom came and picked her up, so she won’t be walking with us today” he explained.
“Aww that sucks,”

“Maybe sucks because you want her to be yo girl huh?”
My face blushed red.

“NO I DON'T!” I yelled at his face gesturing a threat to punch him.

“Oh Cinder, Where art thou Cinder, So I may ask her for her hand in marriage” He badly imitated Shakespeare. My eyes flared with anger and I punched him in the arm.

“Cut it out!” I yelled. He laughed at the remark and hit. I rolled my red eyes still angered at the comment.

“THIAGO!” came a booming voice. I hid my colored eyes and grabbed Matheus' arm. I know that voice anywhere. Derek.

“Let’s go now bodyguard” I said trying to keep a happy mood. We made our way through the giant red doors and started to fast walk out of campus. But it wasn’t enough. Derek caught up to us and he looked like he wasn’t alone.
“F**k, the worse day to not bring my shades,” I said scolding myself. I stayed behind Matheus trying to keep my eyes out of sight. But they were no longer red. I felt them change earlier right when I heard the loud booming voice. I can only imagine how black my eyes must be right now. I kept tugging at Matheus’ arm gesturing him to keep on moving but he wouldn’t budge. Eventually I just gave up trying and just stood there looking away from the jocks.

“Well well well…” Derek began

“Look what we have here. A bunny and a bear”


The area was silence. But I mostly think because he made a really REALLY bad joke. I took a chance and looked. Derek had turned around and i'm guessing he gave a death glare to the twins because out of nowhere they both began to laugh awkwardly. Derek began to yell at his “friends” not paying attention at all to us. Matheus grabbed me by my shoulders and leaned in close to my ear.

“Run,” he whispered. “Don’t worry about me I can take them, just run to Cinder’s house,”

My eyes widened at this remark. How could he be so selfish. So inconsiderate never thinking of others.

“No!: I said in the loudest whisper possible. “We leave together. Now!”

I grabbed him by the arm and pulled him along side me. This time he actually moved and we started running. Big mistake. The sounds are shoes made on the hard pavement ground alerted the jocks off and thus. Another chance began.

“Don’t pass out again. Don’t pass out again. Don’t pass out again,” I repeated in my mind over and over trying not to repeat what happened the last time we got chased. My mind was focused on one thing. Cinder’s House. It was closer than my house and we would be safe there. We kept running but are we even moving? I don’t remember Cinder’s house being this far. But the adrenaline coursing through my veins kept my body moving. I turn back every couple of seconds to make sure Matheus was close behind. Everytime I do is a mistake. Whenever I look I can catch a glimpse of Derek and the twins chasing close behind. The adrenaline must be giving me speed because I doubt I can outrun the jocks on a daily basis. But looks like my drug is starting to run out. I can feel my body getting heavier. My heart's beating faster and faster trying to keep up. My legs are slowing down, my muscles need a break but I can’t stop or I won’t have muscles to worry about. My ears continuously picking up shouting from the Jocks behind us. Big mistakes wasting their breaths like that. Luckily I don’t have to worry about that anymore. The white two story building. Safety. Safety at last. I was so desperate that I ignored the physical state i was in and immediately took off. Another dose of adrenaline ran through my veins. At this rate i’m probably going to collapse from cardiac arrest but in this moment. I give zero f***s. I toned everything out. My hearing, my feeling, my thoughts. All I needed was my sight. To reach the end. The end. The end. Finally. I reach the door. But of course, it’s locked. I pound on the door as hard as possible, damn jocks can run for miles and miles without breaking a sweat. The door finally opens. I rush in with Matheus behind me slamming the door hard. I hug Cinder with the amount of energy I had left. I’ve never been so happy I practically collapse into her arms. I feel my eyes changing color but I can’t guess what they are. Green for Joy. Yellow for the feeling relief of being safe. I took a step back from Cinder and I catch a glimpse of my reflection on a mirror hanging on the wall. Pink, love. I look at Cinder in the eye and she smiles one of those radiant smiles. She grabs me by my shoulders and turns me around. I feel a warmth sensation in my hand. I was holding Matheus’. My breathing even out and this new drug courses through my body. Matheus sees my eyes and he nods. Suddenly Cinder pushes me into him and our lips finally touch.

1 second

2 seconds

3 seconds


We stop. I can hear Cinder in the background cheering.

“So uuh…” i stuttered.

“Yeah sure i guess”

“Oh this is great!” Cinder cried in joy.

“Now you guys can take care or die together with those Jocks!!” she hugged us both with her radiant smile. Yeah I guess we could do that. We smiled to each other and slowly did one more kiss.


© 2016 Sin Nombre

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Added on September 30, 2016
Last Updated on September 30, 2016


Sin Nombre
Sin Nombre

MIchoacan, Mexico

No se que pongo aqui. I like to play games, and write fictional stories. more..

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