The Church and Gay Marriage

The Church and Gay Marriage

A Story by Hannah

I wouldn't exactly call myself a Christian anymore, but I am in a way religious. Being thirteen I have no choice but to go to church with my mom on Sundays and Wednesdays. Now that I think about it, there is a possibility that there is no God an d that just about everything in the Bible never happened. Anyway,to get to what I want to talk about. Everyone knows that the people of the church and the subject of gay marriage don't get along. Now, what I don't understand is that if God loves everyone why would people say-mostly people of the church- that God hates gays, lesbians, transgenders, and bisexuals? I honestly do believe that God exists, I just don't like people of the church for certian reasons. If God loves all his children then why wouldn't he love gays,lesbians,ect?
I am a somewhat religious person, I'm strait, and I support gay rights.

© 2012 Hannah

Author's Note

I've been wanting to talk about this for so long.
I won't say sorry if I offended anyone, this is my OPINION.

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I used to be a christian too. NOW, why people say god hates same sex? Well it's in the bible, "A man shall not lay with another man as he would with a woman" --King James. I disagree with that, alot. God makes man, god makes some men gay due to their genetics god designed, god is angry men sleep with eachother as they would a woman. NOW, we all know or should know hoy hypocritical the church is, god hates not the sin, but the sinner. In term god doesn't people, but he hates the action of same sex plesure.

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

David the writer

11 Years Ago

And that's all christianity is, your relationship with god.

11 Years Ago

people seem to be forgetting that
David the writer

11 Years Ago

People never knew in the first place


God doesn't hate people, He hates the actions. He created man and woman to be together in marriage. I believe this is the way it should stay, I do not hate the gays or what not and neither does God. But He does want them to turn away from their actions and look to Him for the help and strength to do so. Also what a lot of people need to realize is we are all sinners in one way or another. We should not judge others weaknesses for we have weaknesses of our own. Being a follower of God (christian) does not make someone higher than another. I believe the true purpose of being a follower of God is to show others that they are not alone in their struggles, there are a lot of people in church that mask away their troubles so they can look "perfect" But that gets us no where because that only leads them away from God, because no one is perfect.

Posted 11 Years Ago

God made people,
People are flawed,
People make religion,
God only does what people want him/her to do.

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

I personally love this topic since I can go on and on about it. First off, I know that being a Christian is hard at times and easy at others. It's amazing altogether though. Miracles performed every single day. The reason that many people in church judge about the whole gay marriage situation is because they're reacting to the Bible times. God created Adam and Eve and I guess expected the world to be like that. Not everyone is going to agree with God and his Word, and that's when people rebel and say that he doesn't exist. I don't understand that when someone doesn't agree with one thing that they just assume that then He doesn't exist. I am a strong believer in God, if you haven't realized. Hehe :) Then again, I have no problem with gay marriage. It's their life to whatever they choose. God doesn't hate anyone, if that answers your question. He loves everyone equally. He doesn't have a favorite child. Also, I think with our society there's too much judging happening if you know what I mean? It also points in the Bible that you shouldn't judge anyone else. I am not quite sure what verse or book that's in the Bible, but it's important though. I agree with David, that God doesn't hate the sinner he dislikes the sin that's caught up in the act. Again, this is a nice topic! I hope that I answered your questions thoroughly with reasonable answers. :)

P.S.-The Bible is a non-fiction important book. The reason I am so sure of that is, all of the facts that are stated are happening!

Ashley Rivers--Dream BIG and you'll win BIG ;)

Posted 11 Years Ago


11 Years Ago

first of all thanks for caring so much to type all that :] appreciate it.
second of all, i do .. read more

11 Years Ago

You're very welcome! This is a topic that I could type all day, but eh thought I should stop there s.. read more

11 Years Ago

I used to be a christian too. NOW, why people say god hates same sex? Well it's in the bible, "A man shall not lay with another man as he would with a woman" --King James. I disagree with that, alot. God makes man, god makes some men gay due to their genetics god designed, god is angry men sleep with eachother as they would a woman. NOW, we all know or should know hoy hypocritical the church is, god hates not the sin, but the sinner. In term god doesn't people, but he hates the action of same sex plesure.

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

David the writer

11 Years Ago

And that's all christianity is, your relationship with god.

11 Years Ago

people seem to be forgetting that
David the writer

11 Years Ago

People never knew in the first place

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4 Reviews
Added on December 31, 2012
Last Updated on December 31, 2012




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