The Light is Gone

The Light is Gone

A Story by Elizabeth Allier

The Kidnap and Rescue of Miss Ellii Saden


The Light is Gone


Luis sighed, “Who all is going with me?”

            David looked at him, “Did you really have to ask?”

            Misha stepped up beside him, “I’m in,”

            Violet nodded, “Same here,”

            Julian, Damiyen, Nathanial, and Enni followed suit. Urie, Nolen, and Evra ran up beside them, “We wanna come too… and save momma…”

            Luis sighed and knelt down in front of them, “I’m sorry but you three are too young to come…”

            Urie pouted, “But…”

            “No, stay here, we’ll bring her back… I promise…” He insisted.

            They nodded and sulked off to their bedroom, he sighed again, a sense of despair filling him, “What if we don’t…?”

            “We will,” David growled, “Don’t think like that, we need to go…”




            The city was desolate except for the minor fires lighting up parts of it. Luis looked at them, “Enni, David, and I will find her, and you guys split up and keep them busy…”

            They nodded and dispersed across the city. Violet took the back alleys; the 18 year old was cut off by two males, she squinted in the darkness to see the outline of Stacey Cissanarros and Sebastian Sharpe.

Sebastian grinned at her, “I’ve gotten older since the last time we met; maybe you should rethink my offer,”

She snickered, “And maybe you should go back to Hell,”

Stacey put his hands on the boy’s shoulders, “Or maybe he can hold you down and I can play with you, where’s Tristian maybe he wants to watch again…”

She growled and suddenly heard a bang; she smiled as Sebastian slumped to the ground, Stacey’s face twisted into a mask of confusion and anger. She looked up to wave at Julian who smiled down at her, a sniper rifle in hand. She nodded to him and he disappeared. Violet looked back at her one time friend and rushed at him. He kneed her in the stomach and sent her back, she got back up and went for him again, pinning him to the ground and bit viciously into his neck.

Julian ran across the roof tops, scanning the streets for the others, the breath were knocked out of him and he landed on his back. He became alert and looked around him, his green eyes found her.

“Julian Lence…” She whispered, putting her hands on her hips and looking down at him.

“Amy Valentine,” He complied getting to his feet.

“Awe, you remember…” She said smiling wickedly “Is it because I shot you or because I killed your sister or maybe its both…”

He glared at her and reached for the gun at his side.

She wiggled her pointer finger at him, “No, no Mr. Julian, that wouldn’t be nice.”

He cocked it and pointed it at her, pulling the trigger, the bullet caught her in the chest and she gasped as he whispered, “I’m not a very nice person,”

Amy moved forward and knocked him back again, “Shame on you didn’t your daddy teach you better…Oh wait, he was dead too…” She had his gun in his hand and crushed it in her grasp, “Now no more of that shooting stuff…”

Julian growled and kneed her in the chest; he grabbed her by her face and jerked her, snapping her neck. Amy’s body went limp and he threw her to the ground and grabbed his spare gun and shot her over and over again in the face.

Misha met Jade’s green eye glare with her own; she was caught off by a bat colliding with her back.

            Jade snickered, “I found people who hate you as much as I do, Misha,”

            Delilah stepped out of the shadow and giggled bringing the bat down on her spine again, Misha bit down on her tongue causing her to spit blood. Demarco and Noah steeped up beside her and grabbed the Russian girl and held her up as Jade kneed her in the chest, she spit up more blood.

            Noah put his arms around his mother’s waist, “Momma, I still say we should rape her…”

            She giggled and nodded, “You can play with her all you want, she’s a present from your daddy and me…”

            Jade grinned, “And your aunty Jade will help you…”

            Demarco held her arms tightly bruising them, “I’ve missed seeing you Mon Cher,” He licked her cheek.

            Misha kicked back, catching him in the knee, he shoved her forward and she tried to scramble to her feet when Noah grabbed her leg and with a jerk snapped it. She cried out in pain. Damiyen and Nathanial ran forward and tackled Demarco and Noah away from her, Delilah screamed and fell back as Violet crashed into her. She pulled herself up, her eyes intent on Jade’s throat. Julian came from behind and held Jade’s arms. Jade realized what was happening and opened her mouth to utter a final word,

“Diversion,” before Misha ripped out her throat.


            Ivvie sat beside, Ellii glared at her, sweat and tears pouring down her face. Leah Cassidy on the other side of her dabbing at the sweat on her brow.

            “Now Darlin’ when you give birth to our new kids, we’ll let you go…” She said.

            The Cassidy brothers shared a glance and laughed, “Right…”

            Ivvie grabbed her wrist and stared at it as she spoke, “You took him away, I thought he would be there waiting for me to come back but he wasn’t, he was with you… I still remember it… when you killed me… It replayed everyday in my head when I was in Hell… the image of you cutting out my heart…” She took out a blade and slid it across Ellii’s wrist.

            She let out a cry of pain and then composed herself, “I don’t care if I die, all I know is you‘ll never get my babies and you’ll never scare me either…”

            Leah slapped her, “You don’t have a choice, ain’t no one here to get you…”


            Luis and Enni made there way through the Chicago underground, seconds ticked away and his chest tightened at the thought of the inevitable. In front of them from the shadows she stepped out. A growl erupted from Luis’s throat.

            “Livea, please don’t do this, she’s my daughter…” He found himself pleading.

            She looked at him, her green eyes held no malice or vengeance, “You’re an old fetish Mi amour, that feeling has long passed, if I let you pass and betray all companions, you must do something for me…”

            “What is it?” He asked impatiently.

            “Tell him that I’m sorry I left what we could have had…” She whispered before disappearing back into darkness.

            The two advanced forward again, they found the room. Luis growled when he saw the blood on his daughter. Enni grabbed Ivvie and threw her against the wall, the girl growled and struck her across the face, and the 15 year old grabbed her and snapped her neck before turning back to her mother. Ellii managed to smile at her daughter. Luis took hold of Leah and with a snap of his wrist killed her and David finished the Cassidy brothers. Luis turned back to Ellii and picked her up in his arms.

            “Thank you Daddy…where’s Samme?” She said softly, holding on to her father.

            “He didn’t come…” He whispered as they left the underground.

            Ellii whimpered and closed her eyes, more tears sliding down her face. They met the others.

            “There are two planes, you three will get on the first and we’ll follow,” He told Misha, Violet, and Julian, “Wait for us there,”

            They nodded.




            Misha and Violet limped through the doorway of the airport first, Violet still had blood flowing down her face and Misha dragged her bloody leg and sat down on the floor. Julian came out a few seconds later, waiting for the other plane to land.

            Henery, the Holloway brothers, Cain and Elickzer stood there with their arms crossed. He turned and began to lead the younger ones away, Ice brushing his shoulder and whispering something quickly before advancing toward the plane. Cain grabbed Misha and picked her up, leading her back to the car.

            "Hey, wait we have to..." Misha protested, "We have to wait, to see..."

Violet sniffled and nodded, " see..."

            The other plan touched down and after a few minutes, Damiyen advanced forward covered in blood, his face pale.


© 2008 Elizabeth Allier

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Added on June 3, 2008


Elizabeth Allier
Elizabeth Allier

Shadow Land

Hello, I am Elizabeth Allier, I am someone who cares but doesn't (depending on who you are) I currently reside in Shadow Land, right in between the October Country and the Night World; I love wr.. more..
