Chicago Fire

Chicago Fire

A Story by Elizabeth Allier

The intro for Violet Scarz


Violet Scarz

1. Chicago Fire

            She eyed him idly as he continued to stare at her from the corner of the room. She opened the secret compartment under the sink and reached for the strychnine. Violet laced the Vodka with the poison and then carried it over to him. Joseph took it without hesitation still watching his 17 year old step-daughter. He drank it. She waited for the poison to set in as his eyes widened in pain. She watched, a strange smile crossing her lips. Joseph began to twitch violently, his eyes still staring at her. Violet nudged him with the toe of her black DCs. She walked out of the small apartment knowing how it would end. She pulled out her Mp3 player and listened to the sound of Fall Out Boy. She pulled her hoodie up over her face, her violet hair falling in her violet eyes. She twitched nervously as a group of young men walked passed her; she felt for the blade in her pocket and then kept walking towards the bus stop. She sat at the bench, turning up the music already blasting in her ears. The bus arrived a few minutes later. Violet stood and got on; she paid her fair and sat in the back of the bus. She was startled suddenly by a hand reaching for hers. She looked up to see Haul smiling at her.

            “Hey sweets,” He said grinning widely.

            She smiled but it didn’t reach her eyes, she was becoming tired of Haul’s over enthusiasm to be with her.

            “What’s wrong?” He asked softly.

            “Its nothing, we have to talk,” She whispered.

            Haul smiled, “Yeah we do,”

            She eyed him curiously, wondering why he was all smiles. The bus stopped and they got off, she had turned down the sound on her Mp3 and let him lead her through the park. Violet kept her eyes downcast and waited for him to say his piece.

            “Violet, we’ve been dating a couple of months now,” She cringed at his choice of words, “And there’s something I want to tell you and I think you want to tell me too so here it is, Violet I love you,” He said watching her face for her reaction.

            She stared at him, “What would make you think that I love you?”

            He frowned, his brown hair falling across his green eyes, “Don’t you?”
            She shook her head, “No, why do you love me?”

            “Because you’re amazing and brilliant…” He answered. “And you’re pretty…”

            Violet scowled, “Your reasons are fallible, you barely know me, and to you beauty is only skin deep, you will never know what it is to be further, to be inside someone’s mind, to be inside my mind, I am ugly and my brilliance is just my sanity depleting,” She pulled up her sleeve, so he could see the scarring, “Do you think this is beautiful, Haul, do you love this, I do I find it so lovely…”

            He stared at her, hurt, “But Violet, I do, I do love you…”

“You’re weak; you don’t know what love is…” She said letting her sleeve drop.

Violet looked away from him again and sighed frustrated. Haul grabbed her and jerked her face forward, smashing his lips against hers. She pushed away from him.

“Normally I would like a little rough housing but you said those three words, actually you said the one word, Love, so no thank you, I’ll find someone else,” She lied knowing that she would go to the French Quarters but the look on his face made her smile.

Haul stared at her pathetically, “Please Violet…Please…”

She scowled again, “You’re becoming boring, actually you’ve been quite boring,”

“I’ll die, I’ll die…” He persisted.

She shrugged, “you wouldn’t be the first person I killed,”

His face contorted with pain, “Violet…you want me to die…?”

“I wouldn’t really care if you did,” She answered, feeling apathetic, “Would you like me to help?”

She could see tears forming in his green eyes; it was making her feel sick.

“Are you crying?”

He wiped away at the liquid with the back of his hand, “Why don’t you love me, Violet?”

“Didn’t we already discuss this, I’m tired of this game, let’s play something else….” She hissed.

Violet reached for the blade in her pocket and began to play with it, he watched her morosely still hoping she would change her mind and say she loved him.

“You know you’re wrong, you’re everything I’ve ever wanted, scars and all…” He whispered, “You’ll end up alone if you don’t take me…we should be together….”

She growled and pushed him back, he hit the ground with a thud. She moved the blade quickly across his throat, “Now you’ll stop talking and trying to make sense out of nothing,”

Violet walked over his body and headed towards the French Quarters, when a thought struck her, and she headed towards the bus stop.  A bus pulled up in front of her and she paid her fare.

“Going to Chicago?” The old bus driver asked.

She nodded, “I’m going home…”

Violet took her usual seat in the back and turned up the volume on the Mp3 player, ironically You don’t know what Love is by the White Stripes started.


© 2008 Elizabeth Allier

My Review

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I liked this, I adore Violet, most likely because she's Lilly's lovely spawn. And you tell me to get on and don't get on yourself. Ashleh[Mii shank] Please don't limit yourself though to this whole deaspondant thing. Live a little.

Love ya.
All smiles and broken hearts leave you scarred.

Posted 17 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on March 15, 2008


Elizabeth Allier
Elizabeth Allier

Shadow Land

Hello, I am Elizabeth Allier, I am someone who cares but doesn't (depending on who you are) I currently reside in Shadow Land, right in between the October Country and the Night World; I love wr.. more..
