

A Story by Little Amy Lee



Alice took a look to her left, then a look to he right.

So many faces surrounded her.

It was five pm in London and it was still buzzing.

As usual.

Alice Camming lived in the flat in North london.

She worked in the TowerCentral Offices.

Work was her main piority.

Badly, she needed that money.

Working eight in the morning till 5 at night could be hard.

Alice never said a word.

Never moaned.

Never hesitated.

Never nothing.

Her flat was positioned in the rough part of applesberg road.

Druggies huddled together there.

Not a police car in sight.

Alice hated it here.

But she never said anything.

She just got on with her life.

Days passed by Alice like raindrops falling from a monsoon.

Now 21 and still single she sat with hot chocolate.

Her dog began to bark aloud while climbing up her leg.

The Jack Russell wanted attention badly.

"Get down Berty, you'll ruin my trousers!"

Pushing her dog away the hot chocolate spilt over her white blouse.

"Oh for crying out loud, you stupid dog"

Stepping over to the sink she slammed her cup down and sighed.

"I never asked for this. I never asked for any of this"

Berty came to Alice once more, whining at her.

"Oh im sorry Berty. I didnt mean it, dont be mad at me. You're all I have"

Alice bent down and stroked Berty while a tear fell from her eye.

Six thirty is the time Alice would wake.

Stood infrount of the mirror she would straighten her long layered red hair.

Then her makup would be applied followed by cleaning her teeth.

She never ate in the morning, she never had any appatite.

Her slender body showed that.

"Do you think im pretty Berty?"

Alice glanced at the little Jack Russel resting at her feet.

No sound came from Berty.

"I wish someone would think I was pretty"

Alice sighed and made her way to the door grabbing her baige coat on the way.

She turned to Berty.

"Mummy will be back later"

It was cold this morning.

She could see her breath clearly.

The temparature had dropped rapidly from yesterday morning.

It felt like winter today, and not late spring at all.

She walked, hands tightly wrapped round her body, keeping as warm as she could.

No matter how tight she hugged herself, she was shaking.

Her eyes began to water via the cold ice like wind.

As she turned a sharp corner a gale whipped her hair and sent goose pimples throughtout her body.

She squinted and saw a shadow running rapidly towards her.

Whoever it was, it was closer now.

She felt a push and fell towards the ground.

A few seconds later her eyes adjusted to what had happend,

someone had knocked her over and just left her.

Looking behind herself she saw what looked like a man running and not looking back.

He was gone.

Looking forward now she saw another man walking and looking rather confused.

He laid eyes on Alice and began speeding up to get to her faster.

His long curled black hair danced gracefully in the wind.

Holding out his hand now, he looked down at Alice.

"Let me help you miss"

Alice grabbed his hand.

It was cold.

Well, more like freezing.

He wasnt shaking though, not even a twitch.

Making a get up she looked at his eyes.

Lime green, so bright and so pure.

She'd never seen anything so beautiful.

"Im guessing you slipped?"

He smiled warmly at Alice.

Alice's eyebrows narrowed.

"No. No I was knocked over. By someone, a man I think. Im not too sure, I didnt see their face"

He glanced around. Nothing was in sight.

"It was probably one of those druggies doing a runner"

Alice looked confused.

How did he know that they were druggies round here.

Did he live here? Howcome she had never seen him around before?

"You live around here?"

He looked up towards the sky.

"No, I just know the place pritty well"

"Oh, cool"

Alice's mind went blank she went for the first question that popped into her head.

"So. What brings you out at this time?"

He laughed.

Alice smiled, not quite understanding what was funny.

He had an incredible smile though. Brethtaking.

"Buisness, you could say. The usual. Yourself?"

"Same really"

Alice looked down at her watch.

seven fifteen it read.

"Well, I suppose I should be heading off before starbucks gets full"

He looked at Alice in disgust.

"You call that real coffee?, I'll show you real coffee. Follow me"

Alice didnt know weather to go.

She didnt even know his name, let alone him himself. He's a complete stranger!

But how could she resist a handsom man like him?

His leather coat swooped infrount of her.

I guess he's leading the way then she thought following behind him slowly.

"Name. You never told me you're name"

He looked behind to Alice quickly and smiled that gorgeous smile.

"You never told me your's"

"Alice, my names Alice"

Alice took a long step and began walking beside him.

"Nice to meet you Alice, I'm Blake"

"Well, Blake. I've never heared that name before"

"You wouldnt of. Its an old english name"

"Well, you never know. I might of heared of it before"

Blake looked cheekily at Alice.

"Well, have you heard of it before?"

Alice laughed.

"Well, um. No"

Blake giggled and looked at the big buildings that surrounded them.

"Its amazing, how tall everything is today. The world has changed so much"

Alice was confused once again.

"What? Its always been like this to me"

Blake hesitiated.

"No. Nothing. Forget I said anything"

He sighed.

They was in the mid city now.

Half Seven, the city was still buzzing.

As usual.

Blake led Alice to a long shaded alley way.

"Its down here. Come on"

Alice bit her lip. She now knew his name. But not really him.

He could be anyone. This alley way seemed deserted.

Should she go down there?

He held out his hand.

"Its down here. Come on"

"You sure its down there. It looks empty. I cant see anything"

"You won't be able to see it. Its on the corner"

Once again she couldnt resist.

She ran over to him and grabbed his hand.

It was freezing.


Alice held his hand tightly. She felt she was safe with him.

That he would not let any harm come towards her.

Glancing around she felt confused.

It was only a small alley way but it all looked so strange.

So hard to follow.

He gave her a stare.

"See. Its there"

He was right there it stood. A small old looking coffee shop.

They stepped in the shop.

It was all so neat and tidy. No trace that anybody had even been here.

All the tables set out all in order everything sparkling and clean.

Alice could see a blonde haired boy behind the counter.

He seemed to be smiling coldly at Blake.

Alice took a look at blakes face.

He was clearly in shock, his eyes widened and his mouth had dropped.

"Fancy seeing you here, Blake"

Blake strolled towards the counter ignoring what the boy had just said.

"We'll have two coffee's please"

"Must say since I last saw you"

He laughed louidly.

"You havent changed much at all"

"We'd like them coffee's as soon as possible please"

Alice could tell Blakes blood was about to boil.

"Alright. Dont get you're knickers in a twist"

The boy grabbed two polistirene cups.

"Talking about knickers, whos this beautiful lady you are with then?"

Alice stepped forward.

"Erm, I'm Alice nice to meet you"

"Hello, Alice. Im Braydon. I'm guessing Blakey boy here has mentioned me?"

"No. Erm he hasnt. We've only just met"

"Awh. The shame. We've had some good times me and Blake here"

Alice smiled unfortably.

Braydon passed over the coffee's and smiled once again at Blake.

"See you soon buddie"

Alice and Blake left.

Without saying a word.







© 2009 Little Amy Lee

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Have to read it again. :)

Posted 15 Years Ago

I love it!

Posted 15 Years Ago

I love this story. It's so heartfelt and emotional. I understand what Alice is saying and how she feels. She must really be alone out there! A great story. You should make it into a book, or at least a book! I would be obliged to read it! A great piece, indeed.

Posted 15 Years Ago

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3 Reviews
Added on November 29, 2008
Last Updated on February 8, 2009


Little Amy Lee
Little Amy Lee

Skegness, United Kingdom

I have this addiction, this addiction to write. To let all my feelings out. I could spend all day writing and due to this fact I made this account. I upload whatever and whenever I get the chance. .. more..


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