![]() Little red book.A Chapter by Little Amy Lee![]() Chapter one of protection link.![]() Silence is quickly distressed and disturbed by Eva’s long red curtains being parted to let the warm spring sunlight flood throughout her wooden welcoming bedroom. “Great its morning” Eva moans wiping her tired hazel eyes and looking towards the distracting curtains. Cornelia’s there stood with a grin on her face accompanied by her sparkling brown eyes by the curtains as usual, in her working maid gear. Her dark blonde hair was tied back just like always. She’s been working here as long as Eva can remember, even when her mum was alive, although it’s been 16 years since she tragically died but it still seems like yesterday she was around laughing with Eva and her perfume scent was all around the castles winding hallways. Now days seemed like a task, Eva’s father was ill and there was no life left in the castle, She would in her spare time be writing away in a this little red book which her mother gave her and when she was alive also wrote in it with her, most of the time it would be words to describe the day. Or a simple poem, but memories of any days should never be forgotten and they’re always with Eva in this book. Eva’s own little brain cell which consists of loads of precious memories this, this is one special little red book. Yawning Eva quickly pulled off the covers from her warm body, to feel a chill. “Cornelia, it is freezing. Have you not put the fires on?” Cornelia was straightening out Eva’s long curtains and then turned to face her. “Not at all Miss, The fires have been burning tremendously all morning, but miss. Your windows open could it not be that?” Eva gave a warm smile; Cornelia was such a good maid she never had to be told twice. She was glad Cornelia was around. “Oh Cornelia, I have told you a thousand times, do not call me miss, Eva will do perfectly and why yes, I must have been so attracted to the night sky I simply forgot to shut it and then forgot about it as I closed my curtains. The sky was so beautiful last night, I simply cannot believe how no one cannot admire it so much as I” Cornelia smiled and took a deep breath. “You are just like your mother miss, I mean Eva. She would try and count all the stars but unfortunately never succeed. But I know she’ll be one of them now, watching down on you” Slowly walking towards her gold leafed mirror Eva grabbed her brush and a flash back came of her mother brushing her long brunette hair in front of that same mirror, how Eva now treasured those simple days. “You really think so?” Cornelia grabbed the brush as Eva sat down in front of the mirror and began brushing her long silky hair. “I know so” She replied and gave Eva a smile through the mirror. The sun was strong, Eva could feel the heat on her pale skin as she walked gracefully past the castle windows that over looked the garden. The gardens where a maze, Eva’s Grandmother had designed them when Eva’s mother was little, although Eva never knew her grandmother, she knew the gardens were somewhat magic. When she was little she would spend hours on end getting lost in them on purpose, so she could really escape from the castle walls. She would return when her mother would call her. And every time she did, Eva knew her way straight back. Eva was in her own world in the gardens and she controlled that, and thrived off it. She hadn’t been in the gardens for a long time, they echoed the voice of her mother and memories of when she was young and happy haunted her, although she cherished each and every moment she simply couldn’t believe how everything changed so suddenly. Why could Eva no longer be happy? Why could she never escape the castle walls into her own world again? Why was everything haunting her? It’s like she was being told something, a sign but she was too blind to see. Eva wanted changed she no longer wanted to be cooped up, but when. When will it be too late to scream for help? Today Eva wore a medium length silk pale blue dress; she didn’t feel like dressing up. But she didn’t have to; she had the natural beauty with her flowing brunette hair loosely tied back in a ribbon. Her eyes where bright today, bright and clear. A new day and with every moment that went by, those bright clear eyes would capture images that will stay with Eva forever. The kitchen was quite a walk from Eva’s bedroom but it never seemed to take long, since Eva’s mind was so curious of the world she never really realised she was still walking and sooner than she knew it she was in the heart of the castle. “Good morning Miss Marcellus” A middle aged largely built man was standing by the overlooking wooden doors that led the entrance to the kitchen. He had light brunette hair and dark eyes; he was Devlin the main servant of the castle. Eva hardly spoke to him, as far as she knew he was a nice guy. She had been told he was so who was she to think otherwise. “Good morning Devlin, has my father awoken?” Eva’s father was Sir Francis a highly respectable man of London; he served as a head knight for the king of England for many years but then retired due to the loss of Eva’s mother. The Castle had always been passed on through his family and he cherish each wall of it. Recently her father had become very ill and weak. Eva couldn’t stop worrying about him, each day Eva knew it would be a struggle for him but just like a true knight he kept on fighting. After asking the question Eva became somewhat suspicious. Eva wasn’t sure why but Devlin seemed to stand right in front of her, and it somewhat seemed like he was guarding her from going into the kitchen. Confused, Eva waited for an answer for her question. “Your father indeed has awoken and he has asked for you to be seated in the main dining hall for your breakfast miss” Devlin moved his large body from blocking the kitchen entrance and led Eva to the main dining hall which was situated through a crooked door to his left. “This way miss” “Devlin, how long has my father been awake for? Please tell me that he is alright, the main dining hall? What is this? Father knows I always make breakfast myself. There’s something you are not telling me is there not?” Eva was confused, what was going on? Why was she going into the main dining hall, whatever it was it couldn’t be good. She took a deep breath and followed Devlin. The main dining hall was large, over built and lonely. An oak dining table was the centrepiece of the hall with at least 20 chairs surrounding it; they all sat on a crimson red carpet which attempted to make the room look bright and cheerful, but was simply futile. There were windows all around this hall letting glorious sunlight in, but the drooping large lights simply casted horrible shadows and blocked sunlight from many areas of the hall; it never used to be like this though. Once the lights would have been lit and then would shine like gold dust, once there would have been a warm feeling in this dining hall, a warm fuzzy feeling of love from a family who cherished one another, but now it was cold. Cold and gloomy like a winters morning. Eva hated it in here, she loved the memories but hated being here on her own simply because she knew she was never going to get those feelings back and when she stepped into that hall, it became reality, her own reality of loneliness. Devlin grabbed the chair on the right hand side of the table he then turned and smiled at Eva. “Take a seat miss, you food will be with you shortly” Eva taking a glance around took a seat and waited; she was confused but could hardly function due to lack of sleep, resting her head on the table she sighed. “Maybe I should try and get some sleep for once, instead of counting those stars” Suddenly a door opened with a creek. Cornelia stepped in with a breakfast fit for a king, it was large and piling up on the plate, bacon, egg, bread everything you could ever want. “Maybe you should darling, those stars aren’t going anywhere and every princess needs her beauty sleep” “I suppose so, I’m truly tired out today, Cornelia, you didn’t have to. I could have made something myself” Cornelia placed the plate down and took a seat next to Eva. “Well my darling, you may rest after you have eaten and seen your father. I’ve been told he has something important to tell you. Now, what do you desire to drink?” Poaching an egg with her cutlery Eva’s eyebrows narrowed. “Father has something to tell me. When has father ever had news for me? I’m normally the one who’s waiting on news for him” “I do not know, but I know that if your father has news, you should listen clearly my dear. You never know what effect it may have on you, now. Drink, what would you desire?” Eva took a bite of bread, a feeling came over her. She didn’t like what Cornelia had just said. How it may affect her? What was the meaning of that? What was going on, surly it couldn’t be good. “I’ll have water please Cornelia” Eva smiled at Cornelia as she went to get her some water. Cornelia was wise and had always given out little quotes on what she had been told by others. She did this so she could warn Eva and look out for her hoping that Eva would listen and catch on to the quote Cornelia had said. But this time, the quote simply made no sense. Cornelia came into the hall again, a brass jug of water in hand a glass in the other. She poured Eva a glass and once again, sat on the seat next to her. This was normal for Cornelia to sit with Eva while she ate, she would pour drinks for her or what Eva preferred, just talking. Cornelia gave out the best advice and Eva wasn’t going to turn that down one bit. “Thank you Cornelia and I’m sorry. I just can’t eat all of this. I’m extremely full” Cornelia laughed at Eva as she lent back in her chair with her arms on her stomach. “How can a slim little thing like you be full? I wish I was like you” Eva smiled. “You know I think the same thing” Cornelia frowned and tuned to Eva. “What do you think the same?” “That I could be like you Cornelia” Cornelia’s heart sank; she didn’t want to hear this from a young lady like Eva. “No Eva, you don’t. You don’t want to be me, you doing fine as yourself” Eva looked at the table, then at Cornelia’s gazing eyes. “I’m not though, I can do nothing right. I’m trapped and everyday I’m suffocating and scraping on these castle walls to let me go, but that doesn’t work. I pray for my mother to walk through my bedroom doors and to give me a kiss goodnight, but that doesn’t work. I hope that someday, a man whom which will love me for who I am will grasp my hand in marriage and for once, I would make father proud. But that. That will never work; it simply won’t happen and once again as days pass seasons change and I’ll be all alone in this castle. This same old castle” Cornelia could feel Eva’s pulse racing with every word she said as she expressed her feelings and from Eva’s pure hazel eyes crept a tear. Out of breath she simply looked at Cornelia for an explanation. “Eva, you did everything right in your life. You’ve never placed yourself first and you probably never will. You get that from you kind hearted mother and you should be proud, be proud of whom you are and how far you have come, you see that there?” Cornelia placed her left hand on her chest Eva looking up at Cornelia’s actions did the same and whispered “The heart?” “Yes, the heart and it’s what makes you, you. And you mother is in there because she made you, you and she’s not going anywhere. When you look up at those stars at night she’s there beside you helping you count them, and when you go to sleep she’s by your bedside wiping your hair from your face, she’s there Eva and I know you can feel that to, so let yourself feel it. Embrace your mother’s love; she wants you to have it. So accept it. A man will come along Eva, but everything comes to the ones that wait and believe me he’ll have waited a long time for you” Eva’s eyes began to cry as Cornelia’s speech flooded out of her, Cornelia put her arms round Eva and kissed her on her head whispering into her ear. “Everything will fall into place, trust me. Now, go see your father on what he wants then get some sleep ill check on you when you’re done” Eva looked up at Cornelia and smiled wiping her tears from her eyes. “I shall go see him now. After ill take up residence in my room” Eva then got up and left patting Cornelia on the shoulder and whispering ‘thank you’. The halls up to the main bedroom where strangely large, they where cold damp and echoed as Eva took each step. Breathing was heard throughout these air tight corridors and Eva hated it, hearing her own breath made her simply breathe more rapidly and she always thought someone was following her due to her footsteps echoing so by the time she came to the guards at her father’s door she was simply tired and out of breath. Two large doors stood at the entrance of her father’s bedroom, and a guard was beside each door. Eva smiled. “My father ordered my attendance here this morning” The guards looked at each other, then Eva and slowly opened the doors. Eva’s father’s bedroom was large and had many wardrobes. His bed lay in the center of the room with a table beside it which had a glass of water, a pendant and a ring resting on it. Her father looked more fragile today, his skin like white silk his eyes dull and his lifeless body just sent shivers through Eva’s body. “Father you wanted to see me did you not?” Her father then slowly sat up in bed and gave Eva a warm smile. “Beautiful beautiful Eva, yes. I did indeed need your company this morning. On this fine morning indeed my precious flower” He stared out into the spring sunshine and smile once again. “May I ask father on what reason do you need my company for?” Eva’s father patted the bed next to him signalling her to take a seat next to him. She made her way and sat down gracefully next to her father. He began looking into her eyes his hands caressed the side of her face. “Such a beautiful daughter I have” Eva smiled and put her hand in her father’s as it made its way from her face; she then kissed her father’s hand and smiled. “Such a beautiful father I have” Eva’s father laughed and then coughed abruptly. “You alright father, here have some water” Taking a sip of water Eva has passed him from his side table he gasp but spoke. “Eva, darling I won’t be here for long and I need to know you’ll be supported and happy when I’m not around. I need to provide safety for you and I need to make sure you’ll be safe” “Father I know of this, but Cornelia’s here for me. She won’t leave me” “I know she won’t precious but a father wants to attend his daughter’s wedding day does he not?” Eva though her ears were deceiving her, a wedding day. But who whom was Eva to marry? “I have suited 3 well educated, high class men from other counties for you. You must decide which of them will be able to be of great needs for you” “But father I simply can’t...” “Eva I know this is not what you wanted, it’s not what I want but I need to know you’ll be alright” “I will father, Cornelia’s here” “This family always married into a rich heritage, you will do the same and your father will attend the wedding day” “Mother wasn’t rich when you fell in love with her father” Eva immediately knew she’d struck a chord when she said that. “Eva Marcellus, this is not about me. Neither your mother. This is about a father looking out for his only daughter which when I’m no longer around will be a target to many men of the land who would only dream to have your hand in marriage. Now this way I can see who will be the next man of this castle I’ll be able to meet him, to know him and to know your okay. No questions, no excuses Eva. You know deep down this is the right thing” Suddenly Eva’s dad began coughing, the cough became rough and the knights trampled on in. Eva got pushed to one side as one of the knights had gotten the nurse to come to the assistance of her father whom was gasping his breath while holding his chest. Slowly he got his breath back and the nurse had him lie down. Eva’s heart slowly went back to normal speed, she gasped. “Yes father I will do whatever’s necessary to retain my rich heritage my safety and my well being” Eva kissed her father on his head as the nurse began counting his pulse on the other side. “Get some rest father” Her father’s breath was faint but she heard what he had to say. “My precious, I love you” Eva then left the room with the thought of marrying someone whom she may not love. © 2013 Little Amy LeeAuthor's Note
StatsAuthor![]() Little Amy LeeSkegness, United KingdomAboutI have this addiction, this addiction to write. To let all my feelings out. I could spend all day writing and due to this fact I made this account. I upload whatever and whenever I get the chance. .. more..Writing