Chapter 4 The Unexpected Encounter

Chapter 4 The Unexpected Encounter

A Chapter by KLH

One surprise after another, Scarlet's not sure how much more she can take


A couple weeks passed and still Scarlet could not believe what had happened, she kept telling herself it was all in her head and that it was just a dream, but at the same time she needed proof, so she camped out at the dumpster a few times. Besides the occasional homeless person there was nothing out of the ordinary. She pushed the thought to the back of her head as she approached her locker ready to be on time to science, she put in her combo and tried to open the door, it would not budge.

          “Great that’s just great, the one day I try to be on time and you had to go and ruin it! STUPID METAL BOX!” she kicked her locker “OW! AH!” and slumped down next to it.

“Um, would you like some help with that stupid metal box?” a familiar voice asked. She looked up, meeting eyes with Damon. With a smile he held his hand out to Scarlet, as she grabs hold she was easily lifted up like a feather.

          “W-wow, oh yeah, I could use a little help thanks”.

“Anything for a friend” he said, making Scarlet's cheeks turn a pale tint of pink. He turned toward her locker and placed his hand on the lock, a blue glow covered it. He lifted his hand from the lock and stepped aside “There, try that” Scarlet approached her locker, lifting up the handle and pulling open the door.

          “H-how did you do that!? It usually takes old grounds keeper Peat 5 hits with a hammer to fix it, by then I’m usually late for class”.

          “It’s a secret now you better get going, wouldn't want to be late” he smiled and waved her goodbye as he made his way down the hall. A small smile crossed Scarlet's lips. She grabbed her note book and text book and made her way to class.

          As Scarlet made her way through science, art, and health she found herself in her longest, and most boring class of the day. Math. But there was an upside to it, 1. Lunch was but a mere 5 minutes away 2. This was one of the three classes she had with Damon. And 3. She sat closets to the window and Damon only a chair over and up from her. Every now and then she caught him staring at her or he would catcher her staring at him.

          Just as Mrs. Ish was about to get into a boring story on how she became who she is today or something like that the sound of sweet freedom rang. Everyone started to collect their things and head to lunch, Scarlet headed out the door and saw what looked to be Damon waiting for her.

          She smiled and approached his side “Uh, Hey, I was wondering if you would like to eat lunch with me and the others” she said shyly.

          “Really? You would want to eat lunch with a freak like me?” Damon said jokingly.

          “If you haven't noticed I’m not what you would call ‘normal’ ether besides, Talon said he was going to invite you anyway so thought I would do it for him, he said you’re ‘one of us now’ whatever that means” laughed Scarlet.


          As the two of them started to walk down the hall, out of nowhere pounced Talon like a tiger, tackling Damon to the ground.

          “You were open dude!” Talon laughed as he was shoved off as Damon stood up.

          “Ha, you got me man” the both of them laughed. Scarlet rolled her eyes.

          “I'll meet you two at the table”.

          “So you finally got through to Scarlet didn't think that would happen” Talon laughed as he nudged Damon in the ribs.

          “What do you mean by that?” Damon said while shoving Talon to the side “Why wouldn't I?  Does she not like me? Am I to tall? I can slouch!”

          Talon laughed “Dude relax all I'm saying is when Rose and I first met her back in the 3rd grade she was new to Phoenix.  We didn't click at first. It was a month later at lunch, Rose and I sat next to her and tried trying to talk to her but she was just really quiet until Rose spilled milk on her lap, it looked like she wet herself. I laughed so hard that milk came out of my nose and well that's how it started, by making her laugh” Talon said remembering the good times.


          The two made their way out side and to the lunch room hoping to get a good spot in line before it got too long. Soon they had their lunches and caught up with Salem. As the boys sat down at the lunch table the girls soon fell silent.

          “Uh...did we miss something here?” Talon said looking at the three then at Damon and Salem.

          “Oh it’s nothing” Rose said.

          “You know I think we should invite them” Luna chimed in as she turned to Scarlet then, Rose.

          “It could be fun!” said Scarlet with a smile on her face.

          “O.K someone PLEASE tell us what you three have schemed up this time!?”

          “We just want to know if you guys want to hang out and go to the mall” Rose told Talon with a smile “We thought it would be nice to show Damon around and what not” all three smiled.

          “Wow that sounds like an interesting time! I would love to go!” said Damon. The girls cheered, Talon and Salem groaned. Every time the five of them went to the mall Talon and Salem somehow ended up bored out of their minds, and carrying 7 bags that weren’t theirs.

          “Let me guess after school?” Talon said with a groan “and I'm driving?” the girls just nodded as Talon hit his head on the table and everyone laughed. “I’m glad to know my pain amuses you”.

          “Every time, sport.” Rose said patting him on the back. “You’re the only one with a car, besides now you and Salem have someone else to be bored out of your minds with” Rose said with a smirk.

          After 5th and 6th period ended Scarlet, Talon, Rose, Salem, Luna, and Damon all headed to their lockers and would meet up in the parking lot. As Scarlet was making her way to hers out of know where a foot fell right in front of her making her fall flat on her face. When she looked up all she saw was the laughing horror of Casandra and what seemed to be the rest of the school. “Did you have a nice trip bat girl?” she said laughing.


          “Hey Casandra why don't you back off before I break that nose job of yours” Rose said from behind Casandra her fists balled up. Casandra let out a gasp as all eyes were on her, her cheeks filled with red and she took off. Rose just smirked and went to help Scarlet up, helping grab paper that fell out onto the floor “One of these days I'm going to give her what she deserved ever since the 4th grade” Rose said through gritted teeth.


          “When that day comes I want a front row seats” said Scarlet as she opened her locker and got her stuff

          “Now let’s go before Talon leaves without us, cause you know he will” they both laughed and headed out to the parking lot.


          After a long montage of stuff that the girls and the guys did they finally decided to take a brake and head over to the food court. The girls arms were filled with bags as the guys only had a few, they took their seats and Talon went to order.

          “So...what do you think of the mall so far Damon?” said Luna trying to get a conversation going.

          “I think its very fun and cool” he said with a smile as Talon came back with smoothies for all and a large order of fries.

          “It's Scarlet's turn to decide what we do next” said Salem taking a sip of his smoothie as they all looked at Scarlet waiting for an answer but she was nothing but silent. Scarlet was too busy drawing in her sketch book, she was drawing the thing that saved her, still un-sure if it was real or not. She used nothing but memory to draw it and it was turning out really good.


          “Scarlet!” Talon said as he waved his hand in front of her snapping her out of concentration.

          “What? Um, I don't know someone else can chose” she said returning to her drawing, taking a bite of a fry. Talon took the book out from under her nose and started to examine it.

          “Talon you piece of crap, give it back!” Scarlet yelled as she tried to reach for her book.

          “What the heck is this?” he said not sure what he was looking at.

          “I-it's nothing now give it back!” she said snatching it back and closing the cover before putting it back in her bag.

          “Seriously what was that thing that you were drawing?” Talon laughed and all eyes were on her.

          Scarlet sighed “I don't know, you see a few weeks ago, when I was walking home...” Scarlet explained to her friends what had happened as she took out the drawing to show everyone. None of them could believe her as she put it back.


          “You were probably just dreaming now let’s get going, since you're not going to pick where we're going, I am” Talon said as they got up.

          “Ugh no thanks I'll just stay here” Scarlet said a bit upset that none of her friends believed her.

          “Fine by me, Damon you coming?” he asked.

          Damon shook his head no “I think I'll stay with Scarlet”

          “Whatever man it’s your funeral” Talon said as the rest left.

          Scarlet blushed when Damon said he was staying. Damon caught sight of it and decided to take advantage of it. He turned to face her and with a dashing smile and smooth voice Damon asked “So, tell me about yourself”


          An hour later Scarlet and Damon were in deep conversation really focused on what the other was saying.

          “Wow you have to show me your drawings sometime!” Damon said with a smile on his face.

          “Only if you show me your paintings” said Scarlet with a sly smile.    

“You got yourself a deal” the two shook on it. After talking for about an hour more they found themselves out side getting some fresh air, looking up at the stars as they realized they had lost track of time. The night sky started to clear up and the moon made its appearance


          Something caught Scarlet’s attention out of the corner of her eye, it was Damon's cross like tattoos and they were glowing! Her eyes widen and she took a step back, Damon was confused until he saw what she was looking at. His own eyes widen as he tried to cover them.

          “S-Scarlet I have to go” he said looking around, spotting an opening in some trees not too far off.

          “W-what do you mean you have to go? What’s going on?”

          “If I told you, you would never see me the same way again” he said as he ran off towards the trees.

          “Damon! Wait!” Scarlet yelled running after him.

          Damon ran through the dense woodland dodging tree after tree, he turned back and saw Scarlet was far behind. He kept running, as fast as he could, deeper and deeper into the woods. Scarlet found it hard to keep up while trying to find her way around in the dark.

“Damon!? Where are you?” she called out no answer, she kept going deeper and deeper the sound of leaves rustling and twigs snapping freaked her out. All around her nothing but darkness, till she came to a small opening, the moon providing a bit of light, like a moth, she headed straight for it.


          When she got to the opening the sounds only got louder until they stopped right behind her. The hairs on the back of her neck stood up. With all her courage she turned around only to come face to face with a towering figure. Startled she stumbled back falling on her a*s. She tried to get up but her foot was caught under a root. The figure bent down slightly and offered his hand to her.

          “Would you like some help with that?” he said to her, his hand and part of his arm were the only thing she could see in the light, that and the strange cross like tattoo. Her eyes widen as she knew who that voice and tattoo belonged to.


© 2016 KLH

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Added on February 4, 2016
Last Updated on February 4, 2016
Tags: Short story, fantasy, celestials



Seattle, WA

Hello, my name is Kayla Lovell Hitchcock. I am a young, passionate artist. I do what I want and love doing it. An Earth without Art would just be Eh. "You have to be odd to be number one" - Dr... more..

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