Chapter 3 Midnight Madness

Chapter 3 Midnight Madness

A Chapter by KLH

The detention gang is out late tonight, but little does Scarlet know, shes in for a bit of a shock.


“Could you believe the look on Principle Planes face?” Talon said as him, Scarlet and Rose exited the school's detention hall.

“It took all my will power not to crack up when that spit ball landed dead center on his bald spot! I have to give you credit Rose you got aim!” said Scarlet, giving Rose a pat on the back.

“Well when you grow up around nothing but older brothers you pick up a few things. Hey it’s only 6:00p.m you guys want to head to Jazzy Juke and grab some coffee?” Rose said already heading in the direction of the club.

“Sure why not?” shrugged Talon

“Beats going home to parents waiting to yell at you for getting another detention” added Scarlet.

“Great!” said Rose with excitement.


When they arrived at Jazzy Juke, Talon went and grabbed a table while Scarlet and Rose got the drinks. The two made their way over to the table and sat down handing Talon his drink, plain black coffee, Rose sat across from Talon, with a caramel latte in hand. Scarlet sat between them blowing on her mocha, looking up at the stage listening to the poetry being spoken.

          “Hey I got an idea, Scarlet why don't you go up there!” Rose said shoving Scarlet out of her seat.

“Rose I think you finally caved in to your insanity” Scarlet said with a laugh. “You have got to be kidding me if you think-!” “Come on! You know I’m not going to leave you alone until you go up there!”

With a sigh Scarlet stood up and made her way to the stage. She got up to the mic and cleared her throat.

“I was kind of forced up here but what the hell. Ahem! This is called who am I? I am me” Scarlet took a sec to collect her thoughts.

“Who am I?

I am dark

I am distant

I am shunned by all around me

You can't judge me based on him or her

I’m not doing any wrong

All I’m doing is being me!

If that’s a crime lock me up

And throw away the key

Cause all I’m doing is being me

You may not like the way I

Act, dress or talk

The things I do

The music I listen to

But do I care?


Because my self-a-steam is at an all-time low

Through all that judgment you put on me

You can't see the one little thing

That I’m not all that different from him or her

Just like them all I’m doing

Is being me”

          Scarlet could hear all the people clapping for her, she knew that when she came here she felt like she belonged. When she made her way back to her seat she could see the look on her friends faces and it made her give a skull piercing glare that only made them start laughing.

“Hahaha laugh it up, it just means I got two new names to add to my death list” Scarlet said as she sipped her coffee

“We’re sorry you were really good, really!” Rose said with a smile on her face.

“Yeah, you know us, we wouldn’t do anything to make you feel uncomfortable” Talon laughed.

“Yeah whatever, what time is it anyway?” Scarlet said as she grabbed her drink, trying to find a clock somewhere.

“Um, it's OH GOD! 11:30 we better get going!” Rose stood up grabbing her drink “You coming Scarlet?”

“Nah, I think I’ll take my short cut you know, give me some time to myself and my thoughts” she said as she made her way out the crowded club door.

          As she walked through the streets, Scarlet couldn't help but feel like she was being watched. She looked behind her shoulder just to see empty streets staring back at her. Scarlet shook it off and kept walking, she turned the corner into the ally, the strange feeling still with her. As she climbed up on top of the dumpster just about to swing her legs over she was pulled to the ground from her backpack that was soon being pulled off her back.

She looked up to see two big men laughing at her, the laughing only made her mad. “Hey you big jackasses give me back my bag!” she charged toward them just to be flung back against the dumpster.

“Heh, nice try girly it’s going to take a lot more strength to take us down” one man said

          “Yeah” the other shouted as they both started to move in closer “The only way you’re getting this here bag back is if you give us a little show”.

Scarlet couldn't believe this was happening she tried to find a way out but the men had her cornered. She just about gave up hope when out of nowhere a loud THUD echoed through the ally. Scarlet looked up to see something huge blocking her view of the men. A look of panic appeared on her face as she could hear the men whimpering with fear, whatever this thing was it was huge at least 7 ft. tall! And it was standing between her and potential rape.

“Now, are you going to give this nice young lady her bag back or are you going to make me do if for you?” it growled while cracking its knuckles. Scarlet was finding it hard to understand the thing in front of her, but from how deep its voice was she could only assume that 'it' was a 'he'. He spoke in a deep somewhat demonic voice, but under that deep, demonic voice was some kind of accent!

“Well? Are you going to hand over the bag?” he said as he took a step towards the men. The two men screamed and ran, dropping the bag realizing they couldn’t stand a chance. He laughed and bent down to pick it up, then turning to face Scarlet.

He extended his hand to Scarlet, her bag hanging from his fingers. Slowly and carefully she reached out, grabbing her bag. She noticed scales covering his hand which traveled up his arm and ended right under the elbow, each finger bared an inch-long claw. But what caught Scarlet’s attention was a strange glowing marking on this inside of his wrists.

“Are you alright? They didn't hurt you did they?” He asked, Scarlet shook her head no. Scarlet stood by and watched two large bat-like wings unfolded from his back, as was about to take off Scarlet suddenly blurted out.

“Wait w-will I ever see you again?” he looked down and grinned a big toothy grin.

He bent down and whispered in her ear “Only fate would know, my dear” taking off into the night sky.

© 2016 KLH

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Added on February 4, 2016
Last Updated on February 4, 2016
Tags: Short story, fantasy, celestials



Seattle, WA

Hello, my name is Kayla Lovell Hitchcock. I am a young, passionate artist. I do what I want and love doing it. An Earth without Art would just be Eh. "You have to be odd to be number one" - Dr... more..

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