There is a very clear voice in all the poems I've read of yours thus far, and it's very refreshing.
I don't feel like I'm trying to fight my way out of a maze of words and sentiments as I do with other writers on this site. The meaning is there, the images clear, and each word adds rather than obstructs the reader's journey through your narrative.
I'm a fan. ^-^ Great piece.
"So called victory that has been nothing more than
Bitter, for my eyes will never meet yours again."
When I was reviewing the finalist poems for my contest, those lines stood out to me every time I read this piece. It's so relatable and definitely brought me back to my past and slapped me in the face with the raw emotion. I love every word of this. :)
There is a very clear voice in all the poems I've read of yours thus far, and it's very refreshing.
I don't feel like I'm trying to fight my way out of a maze of words and sentiments as I do with other writers on this site. The meaning is there, the images clear, and each word adds rather than obstructs the reader's journey through your narrative.
I'm a fan. ^-^ Great piece.