Chapter Six

Chapter Six

A Chapter by imfucking-in-an-elevator

Things become official between Oliver and Devyn


When I got to school the next day, I made a beeline to my locker hoping to find a note from DJ. I was really curious to find out who he is! I opened my locker and, just like I expected, the note was sitting right there. I grabbed it, quickly shoving it in my pocket, and threw my stuff in my locker. I didn’t need my textbook for math today, so I grabbed my notebook and headed to the bulletin board. I didn’t need to, but I looked anyway.


The roster had been posted but it was still early enough that there wasn’t anyone crowded around the board. I looked it over and read the top.


Vero Beach High School Boys Soccer Team

Captain: Devyn Cloud

Co Captain: Oliver Lehcar


I was a lot more surprised than I should have been, since I already knew I was co-captain, thanks to Devyn. I really needed to talk to him. I didn’t have any classes with him because he was a junior and I was a freshman. I vowed to myself to ask him about us during practice. There was still a practice today, but it wasn’t mandatory since the final cuts had been posted only this morning. I knew I was going to get congratulations all day long for making co captain as a freshman.


I sat down in math and set my stuff down in front of me. I still had a smile on my face from actually seeing it down officially on paper that I made it. Not only did I survive daily doubles, I actually made co captain. I was so excited I almost forgot about the note burning a hole in my pocket. We were watching a movie during math today, so I pulled it out and read it, not paying any attention to the characters on the overhead.



Congratulations on making co captain, I had a feeling you’d make it! I know you’re excited to figure out who I am, but I’ve decided you’re going to have to wait a few more days! I know, how cruel of me, but you can stand the wait. The boys are going to be given their clues throughout the day. Your ‘adventure’ will take place during Unity Camp. Like I said earlier, this is your initiation into the team. You’ll be given a series of tasks to accomplish, all of which will end at another team member. Your final task will lead you to me. You can’t accomplish it until we arrive at camp, but your first clue is as follows.

Cabin 13 at Camp Runamuck is known for being haunted. Your second clue is waiting for you somewhere in cabin 13. You must find cabin 13, figure out a way inside, and find the clue. You must do so by campfire, as you have to play and sing during then.

Good luck- you’ll need it!


I sighed inwardly as I read that last part. I hated scary things. I’d never told anyone that, so of course the boys would have no idea. I wondered if this DJ was getting the other boys input on his clues. Either way, this ‘Camp Runamuck’ did not sound like it was going to be very fun. Just the name sounded haunting. I folded the note back up and shoved into my back pocket. I pulled out my pen and started to doodle on the cover of my notebook once again. I was afraid I was going to need to get a new notebook soon, with the way this cover was looking. It was barely attached to the notebook itself, and it was falling apart from having a pen pressed to it so many times.


School went by all too fast, and I was constantly getting congratulations and recognitions for making co captain as a freshman. It all went by with a blur, and soon it was time for practice. I stepped out on to the field, since it wasn’t an official practice I doubted that we had to get changed. I looked out on the field and there was Ayden, Devyn, and Camp, and a few other members of the remaining team. I saw that none of them were dressed for practice, so I headed out there to see what was going on.


When I arrived at the goal, everyone was just chatting, and I realized everyone else was there. I guess that meant that everyone was dedicated to the team. Seeing that I had arrived, Ayden tried to get everyone to quiet down. When Camp saw his failed attempt, he yelled at everyone to shut it and to pay attention to Ayden. It was no surprise that everyone did just that. Ayden discussed jerseys, sweatshirts, and Unity Camp. Just like my note had said, we were going to Camp Runamuck. Ayden passed out permission forms and told us to have them signed and with us tomorrow when we headed out. We were going to be gone all weekend, returning late Sunday night. He turned to me and reminded me to bring my guitar, and handed me a list of songs. Surprisingly, most of them I knew. Apparently, our team was a fan of One Direction. The rest of the songs were by NeverShoutNever, Mayday Parade, and the likes.


Ayden passed out forms for getting our sweatshirts, telling us to have them back by Tuesday of next week so we can get them as soon as possible. I folded mine up and shoved it in my back pocket with my permission form for camp, and my note from this morning. I laid back on the grass and closed my eyes, waiting for Ayden to stop talking. All of a sudden I remembered how I was going to talk to Devyn, and sat up abruptly. I got a few funny looks, but no one said anything. I stared at Devyn, who was sitting somewhat near me, until Ayden finished his speech. He ended with telling us that he was glad we were all so dedicated to come today, and that we were dismissed. Everyone stood up and headed off in their own directions.


Devyn stood there for a minute until Camp and Ayden walked off, then turned around and gave me a huge hug. I was shocked at first, but hugged him back. When he let go of me and looked me in the eye, he could tell I had something that I wanted to ask. “What’s up? You look like you just saw a ghost or something,” He was almost as confused as I was.


“Devyn, I’ve wanted to ask you something since last night. I don’t want to freak you out or anything though…” I trailed off and glanced at my feet, not wanting to meet his eye when I asked him.


“You can ask me anything Oli, I don’t care what it is, I promise I won’t be freaked out,” He smiled confidently, his encouraging demeanor spilling over into me.


I took a deep breath and finally asked him what had been bugging me since he had come over and had an intense make out session with me. “What are we? Like, are we dating, or…” I trailed off, not knowing what else it could be.


It was obvious he wasn’t sure what we were. He tried starting a few different ways, but it took him a while before he managed to say anything coherent. “Well, what do you want us to be? I don’t want to pressure you into anything you don’t want, but like I said last night, I really like you Oliver.” Was Devyn asking me out? I honestly had no idea, so I asked him just that.


“I guess so, yeah, I am. Oliver Lehcar, will you go out with me?” I was awestruck. I had no idea how to respond. Devyn Cloud had just asked me out. Since I was at a loss for words, I just leaned in and pressed my lips to his. The sudden movement startled Devyn, but soon he was kissing me back. My hands wound their way up to his hair and his found their way to my waist. I felt his lips turn up into a smile, and his tongue press against my lips, begging for entrance. Not wanting things to go too far with his brother somewhere near, I pulled back and shook my head slightly. Realizing how that could be taken as me saying no, I quickly told him yes, and hugged him tightly.


“I’d do anything just to be with you Devyn, of course I’ll go out with you,” I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him in close for a hug. He hugged me back tightly. When we went to leave, he grabbed my hand and held it all the way out to the sidewalk. This was the awkward moment where we had to say goodbye for a while. I hated saying goodbye, because goodbye means going away, and going away means forgetting. Yes I did just quote Peter Pan.


“Hey, Oli, you should see if you can come over. I don’t want to leave your side yet. Plus, this way, you can meet my mom and dad, since I’ve already met your mom,” He gave me one of his signature smiles and I couldn’t say no. I texted my mom and I told her I was going over to Devyn’s. She responded with an okay, and to make sure I talked to him about ‘us.’ Luckily, I already did the latter, so I had nothing to worry about. I sent her back a thank you, and nodded at Devyn.


We headed off toward his house, the opposite direction of mine. He lived slightly closer than I did, so it wasn’t as long of a walk.


When we got near Devyn’s house, he pulled me close and leaned down to kiss me. I kissed him back, a little more hesitantly than I would have liked to, but his parents, and brother, were less than a hundred feet away! I was technically still in the closet as gay, not intentionally, but at the same time, I wasn’t just ready to go tell everyone I was gay either. He pulled away when he noticed I was hesitant, and looked down at me with a confused look.


“I don’t know if I’m ready to come out yet Devyn. This all is just happening so fast! I don’t know how to react to it all,” I was so worried he was going to back out on all of this, but all he did was wrap me up in his arms and just hold me for a while. He pulled away and looked into my eyes.


“If you honestly aren’t ready to come out, I won’t force you to, or out you to anybody, but I really was looking forward to being able to parade around places holding your hand, or with my arm wrapped around you, so people know that you are mine, and they can’t have you. I can’t make you come out, but if you’re worried about the way people at school are going to react, do realize just who you’re dating. I will beat the living s**t out of anyone who so much as says one thing out of line. I love you Oliver, I really do,” I was awestruck at what he had said. To top it off, he ended by telling me he loved me. I’d never had anyone besides my family tell me that. I mean yeah, I’d had girlfriends before, but things always ended before the ‘L’ word came out. I was so shocked I nearly collapsed on the ground. Luckily, Devyn was right there and was his ever alert self, catching me before I hit the ground. “Are you okay Oli? Did I say something wrong?”


“No, you said everything right,” I leaned in and kissed him with every ounce of passion I could muster. We stayed like that for a while, before we realized that his parents were waiting for us to get there, and my mom was under the impression that I was in Devyn’s house, not making out a few blocks down.


“I love you,” I told him before I wriggled out of his arms and grabbed his hand. “You should probably go introduce me to your parents now Devyn.”


We finished the last few blocks of the walk, and headed up to his front door. He stopped and turned to me before opening the door.


“Things can get a little crazy in here, so be warned, and don’t forget, my mom is deaf. Talking louder doesn’t make her hear you, just talk slower. She can read lips. And my dad never shuts up, so don’t be fazed to bad by his never ending flow of questions.”


He reached for the door knob and turned it, visibly taking a huge breath as he did so.

© 2012 imfucking-in-an-elevator

Author's Note

Okay, so the next chapter will be posted twice. once with a R scene, and once without. I think...

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Added on July 16, 2012
Last Updated on July 16, 2012



Wonderland, WA

i'm leon. genderfluid. 16. generally a bad kid. more..
