Chapter Five

Chapter Five

A Chapter by imfucking-in-an-elevator

Daily doubles went by pretty fast, and before I knew it, it was the last day. Ayden was telling the group about how he was assessing us. I had nothing to worry about, I already had a spot on the team thanks to Devyn, but Devyn was the one distracting me. I found out in the past week that he was openly bi, and for some reason, that made me really jealous whenever he talked to anyone else. And right now, he was massively flirting with this junior that everyone knew was gay. They’d been flirting all week. I plugged in my headphones, after making sure Ayden was done talking. The first song that came on really fit with how I was feeling. It was More Than This by One Direction.


If I’m louder, would you see me?

Would you lay down

In my arms and rescue me?

‘Cause we are the same

You save me,

When you leave it’s gone again,


And when I see you on the street,

In his arms, I get weak,

My body fails, I’m on my knees,



When he opens his arms and holds you close tonight,

It just won’t feel right,

‘Cause I can love you more than this, yeah,

When he lays you down,

I might just die inside,

It just don’t feel right,

‘Cause I can love you more than this, yeah.


I walked off by myself with both my headphones in and the volume all the way up. I couldn’t hear a thing. I just stood there by myself, trying with all my might not to cry. All of a sudden I felt something hit my foot. I looked down, and there was Devyn’s favorite soccer ball. I looked up and he was standing right in front of me. I pulled a headphone out and turned the volume down. He gave me this really sad look.


“Why are you crying Oli?” Apparently I was failing at not crying. I decided now was not the time to confess my unsure love for him, and just came up with an excuse. I looked at the date on my ipod. It was the 5 year anniversary of my dad’s death. Time to play the guilt card.


“Today’s the 5 year anniversary of when my dad died. I miss him a lot,” I added the last part for sympathy.


“Oh Oli, I’m so sorry!” He grabbed me up in a huge hug and held me close to him for a  long time, but it was too short for me, and it ended soon. He looked me in the eyes and all of a sudden he leaned in. Oh my god, Devyn Cloud was going to kiss me! Our lips touched for only a second, but it was amazing. He looked shocked at what he just did.


“O-oh my god. I’m so sorry Oliver! I have no-“ I cut him off by hugging him close.


“It’s okay Devyn. You were only trying to cheer me up,” I glanced down and smiled at him. He was shorter than me, but only barely. He managed to smile back at me, and hugged me tightly, continuing to apologize immensely.


“I told you Dev, it’s okay. You were just trying to cheer me up, and it worked,” He smiled from ear to ear as I said that. He gave me mobility back by letting go of me. Ayden called everyone back to the goal so he could say some final things before we headed home. Devyn turned to me and kissed me on the cheek before running out to his brother. I walked out there a lot slower than him, thinking about what just happened. Devyn Cloud just kissed me. Twice. I had a lot of debating to do.


When I got out to the goal, I sat down next to him and nudged him in the ribs. He glanced over at me and winked provocatively. I stifled a giggle as Ayden started to talk. “So as you all know, today was the last day of Daily doubles. The final team listing will be posted on the bulliten board at school tomorrow morning by 7. Check the list tomorrow. Practices start the day after, strictly at 3:30. Don’t be late. Unity camp is this weekend, more details will be given during the first actual practice. Finn, have you been practicing?”


I was caught off guard by Ayden’s remark. I didn’t even know he knew that I was going to play. “uhm, yeah. I need a list of songs to learn so I actually play stuff you guys like.”


“I’ll have the boys write down one song each on a slip of paper then I’ll write down the ones I find … appropriate enough at the end of the first practice. You better be good. This is all riding on you Devyn,” Ayden turned the entire conversation over to his little brother. “If I don’t like him, it’s all gonna be on you. You’re the one who has to live with me everyday.”


I laughed at Devyn when he stuck his tongue out at his brother. It was obvious they cared a lot about each other. After Ayden dismissed us, Devyn pulled me off to the side. “I know you can sing, but I’ve never heard you. Can I come over and hang out?” Devyn just asked to come over. Well, my house was clean, as was my room.


“Let me text my mom and ask. She’s been having a rough week. But she shouldn’t have a problem with it,” I pulled my phone out and sent her a text asking if I could have a friend over. She texted me right back. ‘of course! You never have anyone over! Is it a girl? Can I meet her?!’ I texted her back with thanks, no and idk.


“She said yeah. We have to walk though. It’s a half a mile,” He just smiled and said it wasn’t a big deal. He ran over to Ayden and told him he was going over to my house and he just nodded and turned away. We headed over to my house, talking about everything and anything on the walk. We discussed favorite bands, and I was surprised to find out that he liked One Direction and Ed Sheeran, as well as Blink-182. We actually had a lot in common.


Soon, we were at my front door. My mom’s car was out front so I knew she was home. I stopped Devyn before I opened the door. “My mom can be a little strange, so please don’t take anything she says too seriously.”


“It’s alright, my dad’s the same way. My mom’s deaf so she doesn’t actually talk much, but my dad never stops when I have someone over,” I’d never known his mom was deaf. I had to ask him about that later.


I opened the door slowly, cautiously peering my head inside. My mom was sitting on the couch facing away from the door, watching some soap opera on tv. I motioned for Devyn to walk inside. I quietly closed the door and walked into the living room. I looked over at my mom, who was completely immersed in her show. I took a deep breath and spoke.


“Mom, this is Devyn, from the soccer team,” I pointed at him and braced myself for a huge moment to be made, but all she did was say hey and go back to her show. I gave her an exasperated look. She made me look like an idiot in front of Devyn, preparing him for an attack of motherness when all she did was say hey. I shook my head and walked up stairs motioning for Devyn to follow me. We headed upstairs and I closed my door once he got inside. I set my bag down on the floor and he did the same. I stood there awkwardly as he looked around my room, taking it all in. I did the same, and realized how much like a girl’s room it looked. My walls were covered in posters for my favorite band, and a few pieces of art I’d done. My desk was green, but it wasn’t too girly. My bed had green sheets and a green comforter. Moose was sitting on my bed, and my walls were orange. I know, it’s a weird color combination.


Devyn sat down on my bed and picked up Moose. He looked up at me with a questioning glance.


“My grandma got it for me. She always buys me girl things to remind me how much she wanted a girl for a granddaughter. His name is Moose,” I looked away shyly, realizing how idiotic that sounded from anyone else’s perspective.


“Makes sense. Well he’s adorable and I think he has the perfect name. So are you gonna play something or do I have to beg?” Devyn gave me a weirdly suggestive look, but I brushed it off, thinking it was just my nerves getting to me. I grabbed my guitar from its resting place next to my dresser. I opened the case and pulled out my horribly old guitar. I took a good look at him before getting ready to play. He was old, and it showed. He was so worn, he looked dirty. He had a paw print I drew on him, along with the lyrics, “This is not what it is, only baby scars. I need your love like a boy needs his mother’s side” in an & symbol.


Devyn looked at my baby and asked, “Did you name it?”


“Him, and yes, his name is Nigel. He was the first, and only, guitar I got. My dad bought him for me,” I explained, pulling out a box of picks and grabbing my favorite red one.


“Cool,” Devyn said, his voice trailing off as he marveled at Nigel’s structure. I glanced down and saw him smiling at the lyrics I had written on him after my dad died.


“What do you want me to play?” I asked, startling Devyn out of his trance. He looked thoughtful for a minute before he decided.


“Do you know how to play Save You Tonight?” He asked, a hopeful look on his face.


“Yeah, do you want me to sing too?” He gave me an exasperated look.


“Of course!”


I sat down and closed my eyes. I’d never sang in front of anyone besides my mom, dad, and the people in the music store that one day. To be honest I was really nervous. I started a little slower than normal. Devyn was staring intently at me, but there wasn’t a hint of whether he liked it or not on his face.


I can't be no superman

But for you I'd be superhuman

I, I want to save you

Save you, save you, tonight


Up, up and away

I'll take you with me

Up, up and away

I'll take you with me


I finished slowly, making sure not to sing off key. After I finished, Devyn just sat there. He didn’t say anything, and I felt horrible, thinking that I had absolutely no talent and that my mom and dad had lied to me. But all of a sudden, he took Nigel and set him in his case before tackling me onto my bed and kissing me full force. I was caught off guard but soon I was kissing him back. I was glad I had shut my door, because my mom had no idea I was gay, even in the slightest sense of the word. We stayed like that for at least 10 minutes, making out. My questioning quickly changed to knowing, when Devyn kissed me. There was no longer any doubt. I was gay.


Devyn was the first to pull away. His face was flushed and his lips were wet with saliva. He gave me a nervous look before falling into my lap and laying on his back. The first thing he said caught me off guard yet again. I was beginning to think that was his special talent.


“Do you like me?” Where did that come from? Obviously if I was just making out with him, I liked him right?


“Isn’t it obvious?” I was incredibly confused at that point. Did he not like me? What he just making out with me because he was bored?


“Just making sure. And you’re really good at singing, and playing guitar. I really like you Oliver. A lot,” He added emphasis on the ‘a lot’ part. Those thoughts were instantly blasted out of my mind. I leaned down and pressed my lips to his again. He tried to push it farther again, but I pulled back slowly, making sure he knew I was a little uneasy about this.


“What’s wrong? Did I do something?” He was obviously worried so I slowly stroked his face with my hand and let him know how I felt.


“Up until I met you, I thought I was straight. Then I met you, and I was utterly confused, and when you kissed me at practice, I knew I was gay. All of this has happened really fast. I don’t want to accidently do something I’ll regret later. Plus my mom is just down stairs,” He gave me a smile and I knew he understood. He gave me hug and just stayed like that. I rested my head on his shoulder and just breathed. Being near him calmed me down. His phone went off soon after and he said it was his mom. She wanted him home for dinner, so he had to leave. I gave him a kiss, and a long one at that. Then I walked him downstairs so he could leave.


After he was gone, my mom ran up to me. Now she chose to freak out. “Who was that? Is he your friend? Why are your lips all red and swollen? Wait a second, YOU WERE MAKING OUT! How come you never told me you liked boys? Were you worried I wouldn’t love you anymore? OLIVER I’D LOVE YOU EVEN IF YOU TOLD ME YOU WERE A MONKEY!”


I let her get it all out of her system before I sat her down and explained everything. She took it all really well, and completely excepted me for who I was. I managed to leave out the part where we made out for a while. She didn’t need to know. Then she asked the one question I didn’t have an answer to.


“Well are you guys dating?” I never even thought about that part. Were we dating? I had no idea. Nothing was said between us about it, but he did say he really liked me.


“I have no idea. It wasn’t brought up,” She had a worried look on her face. I could tell she was worried about me. She always worried about me. I just told her it was fine and that I’d talk to him about it later.


I headed upstairs and was getting ready for bed when I realized that I’d be getting another note from DJ tomorrow to start the search for whoever he was. 

© 2012 imfucking-in-an-elevator

Author's Note

i didn't really read over this one, so there may be some blatant errors.

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Added on July 8, 2012
Last Updated on July 8, 2012



Wonderland, WA

i'm leon. genderfluid. 16. generally a bad kid. more..
