Chapter Two - A Royal Greeting

Chapter Two - A Royal Greeting

A Chapter by Lisa Jane Creed

Chapter 2 �" A Royal Welcome


I didn’t ask Duncan anymore about what was to come for me with the Grey Wardens. Equally he didn’t press me further on the subject of Rendon Howe. We walked for another day and night without pause before we finally reached Ostagar. It was unlike anything I’d ever seen before in my life, as far as the eye could see towers and columns of white carved stone rose up before us.

“So this is Ostagar?” I asked in amazement rather than as a question.

“The fortress of Ostagar was once one of the most important defensive imperial holdings south of the Waking Sea.” Duncan replied. “It has been abandoned since the first Blight over a thousand years ago.”

“Imagine what this place must have looked like before it was a thousand year old ruin!” I said in awe.

“Elissa, please prepare yourself now for it looks like we will receive an unexpected welcome party.”

“Unexpected?” Duncan was looking ahead to where a group of heavily armed men were walking to greet us.

“It seems the King is here to greet us. Remember, what has happened with your family is terrible but there is a far greater threat pressing us right now.” He meant the Blight.


“Ho there Duncan!” King Cailan stood tall and proud in the centre of his entourage.  His armour shone in the sunlight, bright high quality Ferelden steel inlaid with gold detail. His long blonde hair was slicked back and a warm smile crossed his face at the sight of us both. I had never met the king before now. Despite travelling with my father to Denerim several times I had never gone to the castle. I had heard many stories about him and about his father king Marick.

“King Cailan, I didn’t expect…”

“A royal welcome?” replied the king as they took hold of each other’s arms in greeting. “I was beginning to worry you’d miss all the fun!” he smiled.

“Not if I could help it your Majesty.”

“Then I’ll have the mighty Duncan at my side in battle after all! Glorious! The other Wardens told me you’ve found a promising recruit. I take it this is she?” the king turned to look at me smiling warmly still.

“Allow me to introduce you your Majesty.” Duncan said formally.

“No need Duncan.” He waved a hand dismissively but kept his gaze on me. “You are Bryce’s youngest are you not? I don’t think we’ve ever actually met?” he asked me. I looked over at Duncan who was giving me a knowing glance.

What happened to your family at Highever is tragic and justice will be served but do not let it consume you. Vengeance can be a terrible burden on a persons heart. Keep calm when I take you to meet the king, be respectful, serve him well during the battle and I am sure he will respect your loyalty. Then justice will be given to Rendon Howe. That is all I will say on this matter do you understand?”

I remembered his words to me on our journey here. I also remembered his words about my training to become a Grey Warden. Something he had called “The Trial”, something he had called dangerous. If I didn’t survive becoming a Warden how would I keep my promise to my mother ad father of vengeance.

“Yes, I am your Majesty.” I bowed slightly in respect, “and I bring important news.” I ignored Duncan’s glares.

“Is it about your father? Your brother has been concerned about him?” the king asked.

“He’s… he’s not coming. He died when our castle was taken.” I tried to hold in my anger and grief as I spoke. Whispers broke out among the kings entourage.

“Dead?!” the king looked at me in confusion. “What do you mean? Duncan, do you know anything about this?” the king asked.

“Teyrn Cousland and his wife are dead your Majesty. Arl Howe has shown himself a traitor and overtaken Highever Castle.” More whispering and murmuring amongst the kings group.

“Had we not escaped, he would have killed us and told you any story he wished.” Duncan finished before looking at me with knowing eyes once more.

“I… can scarcely believe it! How could he think he would get away with such treachery! As soon as we are done here, I will turn my army north and bring Howe to justice. You have my word Lady Elissa.” Relief flooded me. No matter what happened to me now I knew that my family would be avenged.

“Thank you your Majesty.” I said bowing again in gratitude.

“No doubt you wish to see your brother. Unfortunately, he and his men are scouting the Wilds.”

“When will he return?” I asked as calmly and politely as I could muster. I had really hoped to be reunited with Fergus.

“Not until the battle is over, I fear. Until then, we cannot even send word.” He must have seen the disappointment on my face. “I apologise, but there is nothing more I can do. All I can suggest is that you vent your grief against the darkspawn for the time being.” I sighed but nodded.

“So long as Arl Howe pays, I’m happy. My sword is yours in the coming battle your Majesty.” I replied.

“I’m sorry to cut this short, but I should return to my tent. Loghain waits eagerly to bore me with his strategies.” He said rolling his eyes. That name was familiar to me too. Loghain Mac Tier, once a Freeman, son of a farmer, he had raised himself to nobility fighting alongside King Maric in the rebellion. Stories of his triumph were legend among the noble houses of Ferelden. This was someone I had to meet!

“Your uncle sends his greetings and reminds you that Redcliffe forces could be here in less than a week.” Duncan was telling the king.

“Ha! Eamon just wants in on the glory. We’ve won three battles against these monsters and tomorrow should be no different.” The king replied confidently.

“It sounds like the Blight is almost over your Majesty.” I replied in surprise. From what Duncan had shared on the road, the Blight was not so easily overcome.

“I’m not even sure this is a true Blight. There are plenty of darkspawn on the field, but alas, we’ve seen no sign of an archdemon.” Cailan seemed agitated at this.

“Disappointed your Majesty?” Duncan smirked slightly.

“I’d hoped for a war like in the tales! A king riding with the fabled Grey Wardens against a tainted god! I suppose this will have to do.” He replied with a sigh. It was strange how laid back the king was when we were so close to facing a mighty horde of darkspawn.  “I must go before Loghain sends out a search party. Farewell, Grey Wardens!” the king nodded before turning on his heel and heading off toward the main camp.

I watched them go for a moment but I could feel Duncan’s gaze on me.

“I know… but you know why I had to tell him now.” I simply replied.

“What the king said is true,” he replied dismissing my comment. “They’ve won several battles against the darkspawn here.” We slowly began to walk the same path toward the main camp.

“He didn’t seem to take the darkspawn very seriously though.”

“True, I know there is an archdemon behind this but I cannot ask the king to act solely on my feeling.” He replied to me frustrated.

“Why not? He seems to regard the Grey Wardens highly.”

“Yet not enough to wait for reinforcements from the Grey Wardens of Orlais. He believes our legend alone makes him invulnerable. Our numbers in Ferelden are too few. We must do what we can and look to Teyrn Loghain to make up the difference. To that end, we should proceed with the Joining ritual without delay.” Duncan said. We had reached a more open area now, a long stone bridge stretched out across a great precipice.

“What do you need me to do?” I asked as I leaned on the wall to look over the edge.

“Feel free to explore the camp here as you wish. All I ask is that you do not leave it for the time being. These are dangerous times and darkspawn lurk in the Wilds around us. Bale can stay with me while I attend to some business.” Duncan patted Bales head as he woofed in agreement. They had formed a strong friendship during our travels from Highever.

“The Grey Warden tent is on the other side of this bridge. You will find us there, should you need to. There is another Grey Warden here in the camp, his name is Alistair. Seek him out and inform him that it’s time to summon the other recruits. We have until nightfall to begin the ritual, every recruit must go through a secret ritual we call the Joining in order to become a Grey Warden. The ritual is brief but some preparation is required. We must begin soon.”

“This Joining ritual you speak of, what is it?” I asked curiously. Duncan had spoken of a trial but never of a Joining.

“The Joining is dangerous. I cannot speak more of it except to say that you will learn all in good time. Until then, you must trust what is done is necessary.” It was clear Duncan would not elaborate anymore on the matter.

“Alright, farewell for now Duncan.” I patted Bale who licked my hand affectionately before following Duncan across the bridge.


I explored the grounds of the fortress for quite some time. I watched people bustle back and forth, elven servants moving supplies, soldiers training for the fight ahead, members of the chantry moved around the camp giving their blessings to the soldiers, healers tended to the sick and injured soldiers. One thing was certain, I was a long way from home. I must have stood out here because a soldier strolled over to me while I was sitting on the wall by the bridge watching as people passed by.

“This place hasn’t seen such bustle in centuries I’ll wager!” he said with a chuckle. “You need a hand getting anywhere miss?” he asked kindly.

“My name is Lady Elissa Cousland. I am looking for a Grey Warden named Alistair.” I asked him politely.

“Ah yes, if you head North from here you wont miss him, he was sent with a message to the mages.” He replied. “Is this your first time here at Ostagar?”

“Yes it is, I don’t often visit abandoned places.” I said slightly sarcastically. He didn’t seem to notice but instead started giving me a history lesson.

“Used to be a fortress long time ago, so I understand. Back in the days when the Wilders used to invade the lowlands. I saw you come over the bridge earlier, from the eastern side of the ruin. The Tower of Ishal is there but Teyrn Loghain’s closed it off until the battle.”

“I noticed the Tower actually when we arrived.” I said looking back toward the other side of the bridge.

“I think they used it once to watch for Wilders coming out of the forest. Looks like they found some lower chambers under it and they don’t know how far down they go. For now everyone’s being made to stay out.”

“Let’s hope it doesn’t disrupt the foundations, it’s a pretty large ruin.” I said looking over at the Tower in the distance. You’d be able to see for miles from the top.

“Goes back to the time of the Tevinter Imperium. Dwarven make, that’s probably why it’s still standing.”

“Thank you for your help, good day!” I said nodding to the soldier. He watched me walk toward where he had directed me to find Alistair.


Before long I came upon a group of tents that seemed to be a base for the Circle of Magi. Several mages where gathered practicing their magic for the upcoming battle. I moved closer to get a better look but I was stopped by two heavily armed Templar Knights.

“Please do not disturb the mages right now.” One of them spoke sternly.

I moved further through the Magi camp still unable to recognise this Grey Warden amongst the people there. I saw one mage who stood out amongst the others. A magic brand set upon his head, he was a Tranquil. Magic and those with magical ability were feared in Thedas and for good reason. Anyone who practiced magic attracted the attention of demons and spirits. They could easily become possessed and in turn the demons would warp the mages to become horrors known as abominations. I had seen it once with a boy who lived on one of the farms in Highever. His parents had tried to supress his magical abilities and hidden him away. Anyone who showed magical talent was taken from their homes to train in the circles. They could be found all over Thedas. This boy was kept hidden and so he did not know how to control his magic. He was enticed by a demon and accidently killed his parents. My father and his men had to hunt him down and kill him, it was a task not done lightly, the boy was only 14 years old. Demons would entice mages with the knowledge of blood magic and so they were considered dangerous. The power of magic was more of a curse to those who had it. Tranquil were mages who had posed the most threat to performing blood magic and being tainted by demons. They were marked with the magical seal, this stripped them of all emotions and magical talent. In essence it muted their connection to the fade and their ability to cast magic. It was an irreversible process, no tranquil had ever regained their emotions. I felt sad for them that they would never feel any kind of emotion again. For them they simply felt nothing. I did not fear the mages as others might, rather I respected them for the constant struggles they faced.

“Greetings there young lady.” A kind warm voice sounded at my side. I turned to see a tall white haired woman in Ferelden Circle robes standing watching me closely.

“You are Duncan’s newest recruit, are you not?” she moved closer smiling very warmly at me. She radiated something but I wasn’t sure what, goodness, kindness, warmth. I took an instant liking to her even though we had hardly spoken. I sensed goodness from her unlike anyone else I had ever met.

“Duncan is not a man easily impressed. You should be proud! Allow me to introduce myself. I am Wynne, one of the mages summoned by the king.” She nodded politely.

“Greetings Wynne, I am Elissa Cousland, Lady of Highever.” I replied formally and respectfully nodding back.

“Well met and good luck to you on the battlefield. To us all, in fact.” She said sounding slightly worried.

“Its not luck but skill that will save us I think.” I replied thoughtfully.

“I’m sure you have plenty of that to offer.”  Wynne smiled. “To defeat the darkspawn we have to work together, It’s not an idea everyone seems able to grasp.

“I think those Ash Warriors and their Marabi hounds would take on the entire Hord if the king would allow it.” I laughed.

“Your probably right!” she chuckled back.

“Have you fought the darkspawn before?” I asked.

“Stragglers yes, not the vast horde the scouts speak of. I wonder… how much do you know of the connection between darkspawn and the Fade?” she asked me.

“I know that the Fade is where you go when you dream.” I replied simply.

“Anytime your spirit leaves your earthly body, whether it’s to dream or to die, it passes into the realm we call the Fade. Its home to many spirits, some benevolent, others far less so. At the heart of the Fade lies the Black City.” Her voice had grown quiet and cautious now as she spoke to me.

“The Black City?” why did that sound so familiar. I must have read it in a book somewhere.

“Some say the Black City was once the seat of the Maker but when mages from the Tevinter Imperium found a way into the city, it was tainted with their sin. That taint transformed those men, turning them into twisted reflections of their own hearts. The Maker cast them back to the earth, where they became the first darkspawn.” I felt a chill ride up my back as she spoke and I shook slightly at the thought.

“At least… that’s what the Chant of Light says.” Wynne said noticing my discomfort.

“Is it true?” I asked “Do you believe it?”

“It may be allegory, meant to teach us that our own evil causes human suffering. Or it may be true. It is as good an explanation as any, for now.” Answered Wynne.

“Its something to ponder at least.”

“Yes, occasionally its wise to contemplate ones actions. I am sorry my Lady I have taken up enough of your time, I’m certain Duncan has more for you to do than talk to me.” She smiled warmly.

“It was good to meet you Wynne, I wish you well in the battle and I hope we meet again.” I really did hope to see her again.

“Good bye for now Lady Elissa.”


I headed deeper through the mages camp before I reached its end. I was stood alone in another empty baron part of the fortress and about to give up hope of finding Alistair when I heard shouting close by.

“What is it now? Haven’t Grey Wardens asked more than enough of the Circle!” a very tart angry voice chipped. I moved up a slight incline to an old room that had long since crumbled away and left only the circular floor and several broken columns. A mage stood in the centre looking quite flustered as he spoke with a tall armour clad man with flaming red hair.

“I simply came to deliver a message from the revered mother, ser mage. She desires your presence.” He replied a little too politely.

“What her Reverence “desires” is of no concern to me! I am busy helping the Grey Wardens by the kings orders, I might add!” the mage snapped.

“Should I have asked her to write a note?” Alistair replied sarcastically.

“Tell her I will not be harassed in this manner!” shouted the mage.

“Yes, I was harassing you by delivering a message.” More sarcasm from Alistair who shook his head at the mage.

“Your glibness does you no credit!”

“Here I thought we were getting along so well! I was even gong to name one of my children after you… the grumpy one.” Alistair replied almost to himself.

“Enough! I will speak to the woman if I must!” he turned to leave and almost ran straight into me. “Get out of my way fool!” he shouted at me angrily.

I watched him leave uttering to himself quite loudly as he went.

“You know, one good thing about the Blight is how it brings people together!” Alistair said behind me. I spun around not expecting him to be quite as close to me as he was. It caught me off guard as I responded.

“Sorry, what?” was all I could get out. I had to look up just slightly to meet his eyes. He had a big grin on his face, clearly amused by the mage and his hot temper. He looked down at me then, slowly taking a few steps back.

“Oh, nothing. Just trying to find a bright side to all… this.” He waved his hands around in the air to emphasise the impending battle. He looked a little more closely at me then and moved back into my personal space.

“Wait, we havent met have we?”

“I… I don’t think so…” I said feeling a little overwhelmed by his laid back demure.

“I don’t suppose you happen to be another mage?” he asked a grin spreading across his face.

“We haven’t met before but I’m guessing your Alistair.” I said. I gave him a friendly smile before stretching out my hand in greeting. He took my hand in his, a slight shock zipped up my arm at his touch, he felt it too because he pulled back quickly.

“Oh, you must be the new recruit Duncan spoke of? Glad to meet you!” As the junior member of the order, I’ll be accompanying you when you prepare for the Joining.” He said kindly.

“Pleased to meet you Alistair, I am Lady Elissa Cousland.”

“Right! That was the name!” he said nodding. “You know… it’s just occurred to me that there have never been many women in the grey wardens. I wonder why that is?”

I really hoped he wasn’t going to question my abilities to be a Grey Warden because I was a woman. I felt my cheeks getting hot. Alistair was cheeky, disrespectful, showed very little manners or understanding of personal space. Had he been raised in a barn! I decided I would play him at his own game! I moved ever so closer looking up into his eyes I spoke gently.

“You want more women in the Grey Wardens do you?” I said smiling at him, holding my ground. His mouth dropped open in surprise at my comment and a flush of red appeared on his cheeks.

“Would that be so terrible? I… I mean not that I’m some drooling lecher or anything. Please stop looking at me like that!” He stepped back quickly and looked up at the sky above us as he paced slowly around the room.

“So I’m curious: Have you ever actually encountered Darkspawn before?” he asked glancing at me for just a moment.

“Have you?” I said raising my eyes at him.


We walked together through the camp, we passed a group of new recruits who were all leaning over a body on the floor. The commander was explaining what they were looking at. I moved closer out of curiosity but quickly stopped when I realised what the corpse actually was. So this was a darkspawn.

“When I fought my first one, I wasn’t mentally prepared for how monstrous it was. I cant say I’m looking forward to encountering another.” Alistair said beside me. Sharp twisted features, razor teeth, rough bumpy uneven skin, clawed hands. This was unlike anything I had ever seen before and it filled me with dread. We moved on through the camp towards were Duncan was surly waiting for us.


We found Duncan waiting by his tent. A large fire roared the light from the flames flickering across his face. He looked into the fire seemingly lost in thought. Bale came bounding over to greet me, he sniffed Alistair suspiciously but seemed pleased with him to Alistair’s delight.

“Who’s a good boy, who’s a good war hound!” he said rubbing his belly. Bale rolled over wagging his tail frantically.

“Take some time to rest both of you, when the others arrive we will begin.” Duncan said moving away to talk to a group of mages who had wondered toward our camp.

“That argument I saw earlier… what was it about?” I asked Alistair.

“With the mage? The Circle is here at the king’s request and the Chantry doesn’t like that one bit. They just love letting mages know how unwelcome they are. Which puts me in a bit of an awkward position as I was once a Templar.” He said with a sigh.

“You… were a mage-hunter?” I tried to muffle a slight chuckle imagining Alistair as one of the fearsome brooding Templar Knights. He ignored my giggling.

“Not that that’s all templars do but yes. The Chantry raised me until Duncan recruited me six months ago. I’m pretty sure the revered mother meant it as an insult sending me as her messenger. The mage clearly picked that right up. I never would have agreed to deliver it, but Duncan says we’re all to cooperate and get along. Apparently, they didn’t get the same speech.” He smiled at me then. Now I felt slightly bad for teasing him about his past. Alistair an orphan, a templar and now a Grey Warden. He had been through quite a lot.

“I look forward to travelling with you then Grey Warden Alistair.” I said as politely as possible. He looked into my eyes as if expecting me to start giggling at him again but I held my gaze determined that he know I was serious.

“You do?” he asked surprised. I nodded smiling again in reassurance. Was he really finding that so hard to believe?

“Huh, well that’s a switch!” I didn’t know what he meant by this and I didn’t ask. He seemed very pleased that I approved of him.

“Just let me know if you have any questions and I will do my best to answer anything you want to know.” He said.

“Why not tell me a little about yourself Alistair?”

“You want to know about me?”

“Yes, why is that so surprising? If we are travelling together isn’t it natural to get to know one another?” I asked.

“Your right of course, I’m just… not used to anyone really taking an interest in me, well other than Duncan I mean.” He scratched the back of his head looking slightly embarrassed.

“Well… As I said before, I was trained as a templar before Duncan recruited me about six months ago. The chantry raised me and becoming a templar was a decision made for me a long time ago.”

“You mean you didn’t have a choice at all?” I asked surprised.

“I was sent there at 10 years old. Trained for almost 9 years to become a templar. It wasn’t for me, I was unhappy and Duncan saw that. He figured my training against mages could double for fighting darkspawn. Now, here I stand a proud Grey Warden.” He did look proud and happy with his position as a Warden. I smiled warmly as I listened to him.

“The grand cleric wouldn’t have let me go if Duncan never forced the issue. I’ll always be grateful to him.”

“You really didn’t want to join the Chantry did you?”

“It… just wasn’t for me. I believe in the Maker well enough, but I never wanted to devote my life to the Chantry.” We sat quietly for a moment. Alistair seemed uncomfortable to talk much more on his past life.

“You speak fondly of Duncan.” I said changing the subject.

“I spent years in that chantry, hopelessly resigned to my fate. Duncan was the first person who cared what I wanted. He risked a lot of trouble with the grand cleric to help me.”

“Duncan is a good man.” I said. Alistair nodded in agreement.

“What about you?” he asked me suddenly catching me by surprise.


“Well yes, why did you choose to be a Grey Warden? What do you know of our order? It seemed when we got the message you were coming that it hadn’t been entirely planned for Duncan to bring you here?”

If it had been anyone else in that moment asking me so openly I probably would have gotten very angry. However I knew Alistair was asking me innocently and did not mean to offend me with his questions.

“When I was a child I remember reading about the Grey Wardens, warriors without equal. Darkspawn threatened to destroy the world four times over, yet each time the Grey Wardens led mankind to victory.” Alistair watched me speak in clear surprise at my knowledge.

“I remember a book in our library at Highever Castle… it fell to the floor and when I lifted it there they were, riding on the back of mighty Griffons. I never saw anything so amazing and I wished it was me. My parents did not agree with my fantasies but rather, wanted me to be a fine upstanding Lady and find a suitor!” Alistair giggled.

“I think it would be hard to find any man who could tame your spirit.” I looked at him, surprised but in agreement at his words. This man I had known for so little time really seemed to understand me so well, just as I felt I understood him.

“Speaking of Griffons, I’m sure you’ve heard then of Weisshaupt Fortress? The great aerie carved into the white cliffs far off the Anderfells?” he asked me breaking the silence between us.

“Where the Grey Wardens kept their Griffons, yes!” I smiled fondly as I recalled images from the books I had read. “I would love to see it for myself!”

“One day I am sure you will, I will see to it! Sadly the griffons died out and our numbers have dwindled since the last Blight. There’s only a handful left in Ferelden. A few more in other nations.” Alistair finished.

“So these new recruits that we are waiting for?”

“Yes Daveth and Ser Jory are here in the camp somewhere. You will meet them soon enough.”


As the afternoon drifted by I continued to explore the camp. I came across a prisoner who sat skin and bone in a hanging cage.

I don’t suppose you have a bit of kindness in you? All I want is food and water. They haven’t fed me since I was locked up and I’m starving!” he begged me as I looked up at him. Alistair watched in the distance as I approached the guard beside the cage.

“Grey Warden, your lucky the king will ride out with you into battle. Instead I have to stay and guard this deserter scum!”

“Who is this prisoner exactly?” I asked with as much authority and grace as I could muster.

“They say he was recruited before the war, up in Denerim. Probably thought he’d never have to fight if he served the king right?”

“I don’t understand, why would he want to desert?”

“Why does anyone want to desert? Cause he thinks he’s going to die and he’s a bloody coward, that’s why!” the guard snapped, he turned and spit on the floor towards the prisoner. “Either that or he’s been listening to a bunch of hogwash about how the darkspawn’ll drag you off and eat you!”

“It does seem a waste for you to have to stand and guard him all day.” I said seeming to agree with the soldier.

“Well I am stuck here until someone figures out what to do with him! Probably just waiting for someone important to make a decision. Then they’ll hang him, I expect and I can do something else!”

“I spoke to him just now actually.” I said.

“I noticed he had words with you, I don’t expect it was an enlightening conversation.”

“He simply asked for food and water.”  The soldier laughed.

“Did he now? Since nobody sends me nothing to feed him with, the only way he’ll get this is if I give him mine!”

“So what, you’ll miss one meal, the man is likely to be hanged soon!” I argued. “Prisoner or no he deserves fair treatment until his sentence is decided.”

“All right, all right. I guess the poor fella could stand to have one meal in his belly before he hangs, Don’t know why you care though! If he starts burping I’m blaming you, just so you know!”

The prisoner was delighted as I approached him with the food and water.

“Much obliged, you’re a kind soul, you are! May Andraste herself rain blessings upon you!” he tucked into the food as I headed back to our camp. Alistair watched me come over.

“That was a kind thing you did for a stranger.” He said.

“Kindness costs nothing. Yet means so much to the person who receives it.” I replied simply.

Alistair said nothing but continued to watch me.

Duncan returned from meeting the mages looking a little flustered. Soon after Daveth and Ser Jory arrived.

“Assuming of course that you’re quite finished riling up mages Alistair I think we are ready to begin preparations!”

“What can I say? The revered mother ambushed me. The way she wields guilt they should stick her in the army!” Alistair responded.

“She forced you to sass the mage did she? Alistair we cannot afford to antagonise anyone. We don’t need to give anyone more ammunition against us.” Alistair looked sorry then.

“You’re right… Duncan I apologise.” He said holding his head a little.

“You four will be heading into the Korcari Wilds to perform two important tasks. The first is to obtain three vials of darkspawn blood, one for each of the recruits.” Duncan spoke calmly. It looked like I would be fighting the darkspawn sooner than I had imagined.

“And the second task?” I asked.

“There was once a Grey Warden archive in the Wilds, abandoned long ago when we could no longer afford to maintain such remote outposts. It has recently come to our attention that some scrolls have been left behind, magically sealed to protect them. Alistair, I wat you to retrieve these scrolls but only if you can! These scrolls contain treaties promising support. Treaties that may prove valuable in the days to come. Watch over your charges Alistair. Return quickly and safely.” Duncan said.

“We will Duncan.” Alistair ushered us to move toward the gate leading out of camp into the Wilds.

“May the Maker watch over your path. I will see you when you return” called Duncan.

As we moved toward the gate I turned to Alistair.

“Why do I get the impression that Duncan isn’t expecting to stop this Blight so easily.”

“You mean because of the scrolls?”

“Yes, why would we need them if the battle is going to be won as easily as Cailan says?”

“I don’t think the battle is going to end the way Cailan expects.” Alistair replied as the guard opened the gate for our group.

“Lets worry about the battle once we’ve survived this little excursion to the woods!” Ser Jory spoke up.

“Agreed, the Korcari Wilds are dangerous and we are purposely seeking out the darkspawn. Prepare yourselves recruits soon you will face death itself!”

© 2023 Lisa Jane Creed

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Added on May 2, 2023
Last Updated on May 2, 2023


Lisa Jane Creed
Lisa Jane Creed

Doncaster, South Yorkshire, United Kingdom

I am a 39 year old Teaching Assistant working with children and young people with additional needs. I am from South Yorkshire, England. I enjoy writing in my free time as a hobby. From fan fiction to .. more..


A Chapter by Lisa Jane Creed