I think I owe you an apology. I don't know what I was thinking when I read this write, but I see now (helped by other reviewers below) that you were expressing frustration due to the dreaded block. We all go through it, Riv. One of the things I do when blocked is keep a pen and notepad handy. When I'm watching tv or some other non-actually-doing-anything (lack of) activity, I may have an offbeat thought or two. I jot them down, maybe a sentence, just a phrase...anything. You'd be surprised at how many pieces I've written based solely on a single thought, phrase. Keep the faith, it will come back. Good luck. take care...dan
I think I owe you an apology. I don't know what I was thinking when I read this write, but I see now (helped by other reviewers below) that you were expressing frustration due to the dreaded block. We all go through it, Riv. One of the things I do when blocked is keep a pen and notepad handy. When I'm watching tv or some other non-actually-doing-anything (lack of) activity, I may have an offbeat thought or two. I jot them down, maybe a sentence, just a phrase...anything. You'd be surprised at how many pieces I've written based solely on a single thought, phrase. Keep the faith, it will come back. Good luck. take care...dan
well said Riv, it's even worse when you think of a line then wait to write it down only to find when you do that you can't remember it lol, that's my curse, at least you got a stanza out of your's my friend :)
Sometimes the limited release of our thoughts on paper, no matter how small or the content will trigger a great write. Just have to get the energy flowing to find focus. Nice. Thanks,
Alright, let's do this. My name is Riv or Abby. Either one works. I'm eighteen years old and really love writing poetry on my spare time. While I do write novels and wish to publish one or a few one d.. more..