Remember Me

Remember Me

A Chapter by Kayo

"... Until her gaze came to rest upon a small jewel-studded book, lined with an exotic silver and gold pattern around the edges. 'Remember Me', was engraved on the front in silver..."


October 19, 2001.

The last few days have been pretty uneventful. I've had a lot more free time on my hands than usual, and quite unexpectedly. It's more than I'm used to.

But I at least have a job to do tomorrow. Another bounty to collect, this should be fun. A demon who has been severely misbehaving down the Netherworld. My job will be to capture him alive and remove him from the Netherworld, but to keep him alive for some reason. Sounds easy enough. I don't usually take easy jobs like this, but I have nothing else to do. No interesting bounty has come along for a while now.

I had another dream about her last night. No - another nightmare. I miss her. But I can't see her, I can't put her through that pain again... I just can't.


The girl laid her pen down on her heavybound black book and looked out into the ocean. She bit her bottom lip softly, a small tear forming in her eye. She wiped it away hastily and continued writing,


I can hardly even remember what happened that night... it was so long ago. I wonder if she remembers? I wonder if... what does she even look like? It's been so long since I've seen her... does she think of me? I wonder if she misses me. Does she think of coming looking for me? I've thought of looking for her quite a lot... but I can't. I can't leave her and... how would I find her? How would I go about it?


She laid her pen down on the sand and closed the heavybound black book, laying it down on the sand next to her she looked back out to the ocean. She hastily wiped away another tear before it dared trail down her face, giving a small sniff. She shook her head, scolding herself. Don't even think about it, she warned herself. Don't you dare cry, you haven't cried in seven years, you are not going to cry now.Taking a deep breath, she picked up her book and pen and placed them inside her purple velvet bag before looping it over her shoulder and standing up.

With one last glance at the ocean, she made her way over the sand back to her seaside cabin.


She took a large rusting key out of her pocket and inserted it into the large oak door, turning it to the right she removed it from the lock. She turned the large brass doorhandle and opening the door, she stepped inside, shutting it quietly behind her. She set her bag down by the door and walked forwards into the large living room. Glancing around, her gaze ran over the large oak, velvet covered sofa; the large mahogany bookcases filled to the brim with books of all shapes and sizes; the small wooden tables laden with drawers full of all sorts and the large coffee table inbetween the velvet sofa and the velvet chairs, until her gaze came to rest upon a small jewel-studded book, lined with an exotic silver and gold pattern around the edges. 'Remember Me', was engraved on the front in silver, with a small silver flower pattern swirling around the writing.


She walked forwards, laying the key on the sofa she picked up the book and sat down, her eyes fixed intently on the cover of the book. Delicately, she opened the book, revealing the first page.

The page was mostly blank, aside from a set of words laid in the middle, which read:

Willows whiten, aspens quiver,
Little breezes dusk and shiver
Through the wave that runs for ever
By the island in the river
Flowing down to Camelot.
Four grey walls, and four grey towers,
Overlook a space of flowers,
And the silent isle imbowers
The Lady of Shalott.


She turned to the next page, which was also blank, aside from the words, For my three beautiful daughters, you made my world. I love you. Turning to the next page, her eyes rested on the familiar scrawled handwriting. She traced her finger down each line as she read, mouthing the words as slowly as she turned the page, handling each one like it would crumble in her fingers if she was too rough. Tears swelled in her eyes and she wiped them away hastily, giving herself another warning.


She read a few more pages, then delicately closed the book, the yellowing pages forming together to make a yellowing white block.

She stood up, the book still in her hands, and walked over to the other side of the room, where one of the huge bookcases lay. Pushing one book side, she slid the book into the bookcase. It fit perfectly, blending into the background like a chamelion in the hungle. She touched the spine of the book one last time, her eyes glistening with tears, before turning away to enter another room.

© 2011 Kayo

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Added on November 3, 2010
Last Updated on February 16, 2011



United Kingdom

Hi I'm Rachel, I'm 14 and I love to write. I looked up this site after a friend reccommended it. I'm hoping that I'll fit in here and people will like what little work I have :D I hope one day to be a.. more..

Do you love me? Do you love me?

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I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

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