My Dearest Josephine,
Happy birthday, love! Ah, if only I could be there to see your beautiful shining face! I can see it now, your rosy cheeks glow with laughter and joy. Don't cry for me love, we shall be together again one day.
Remember when we would sit together at the edge of the pond and speak about our hopes and dreams? Remember those wonderful days we had together. Cherish them; after all, those were the best days of my life. Remember when you pushed me in the water in the spring? There was still ice left over from winter. Even now as I pen this letter to you I can feel the chill of the water from that moment.
England is nothing without you. When I turn a corner I half expect to see you running full tilt toward me, not caring that your ankles are showing inappropriately. Just the remembrance of when I came back from Canada to find you there on the platform anxiously waiting for me. We were just children then, children in love who had no idea what we were getting ourselves into.
Darling I will forever cherish those moments we had together.
Forever yours,
Beloved Daniel,
I remember very well the pond we used to tell our dreams to each other. I read you letter there, next to the rose bush. It's in full bloom now, much larger then when we were children. That day I pushed you into the pond, I never thought I would be strong enough to push you into it. When you came out with your blue lips I was afraid I would lose you. I felt horrible for weeks!
I will always cherish those days. How could I not? Those days will be the days that I think about in my last moments on earth.
Mother reprimanded me when I ran at you that day at the train station. She told me ladies, no matter how excited they are, are not to run at people. She's been bitter ever since Father died. Fun is inappropriate no matter what the circumstances are. But I remember how she and Father would look at each other, full of love in their eyes. I could always see the same love from your eyes as I would see in theirs. And I only hope that we will one day be together again someday.
We may have been children, but we were still in love. I am still in love with you Daniel, and it breaks my heart to be away from you. I do not think that this horrible feeling deep within my chest will ever go away. It is a black hole, a void that only you can fill.
Remember old Wilber, the farmer outside of town? He came into the store today, said his nephew is coming out to live with him and take care of the farm. His nephew must be a kind soul to give up his life and come help his uncle. Especially one he's never met.
I love you,
My Darling Josephine,
Your heart is not the only one that aches. I stay up at night thinking about you and wondering what you are doing. Especially with the war I know it must be hard. But I have heard rumors of a treaty that will be signed very soon. This war cannot last much longer and once the tensions have died down things will get better.
You're parents had a good life together. But don't end up like your mother because we are not together now. Just keep holding out hope that we will be together again. I promise that as soon as I can, I will be there for you, with you. Love will bring us together again.
I'm very glad that Old Wilber's nephew is coming to help him. Especially after that fall last year, I'm not sure how he would have made it for much longer on his own.
I went to see Tosca last week. It was a wonderful opera with very talented singers. You would have enjoyed seeing all the people. They were dressed grandly, some of the women dripping in diamonds and pearls. It was an interesting affair.
The motor-car is becoming increasingly popular here in England. I have noticed that there seem to be more and more every week I'm here.
The next time you go to the pond pick a rose for me, pretend that I gave it to you, just like when we would go there together.
Forever yours,
Beloved Daniel
My Sweet Daniel,
I will never turn bitter, even if we do not see each other again. Just knowing that you love me is enough to last me for a lifetime. I will keep waiting for the letter that says you are coming back to America, back to me, and back to our life. I will wait forever.
Tosca does sound wonderful. And to think! People have enough money to walk around in diamonds and pearls. It sounds so enchanting!
Old Wilbur's nephew got here a couple of weeks ago. I met him and he is a very nice young man. The only reason he's not fighting in the war is because he has a limp. He came calling on Sunday. Mother is excited, but I'm not sure how I feel about it. Somehow deep inside me I feel like there isn't going to be a 'you and me' ever. I need to know if you ever plan on returning to Colorado; if you ever plan on returning to me.
I love you still,
Precious Josephine,
I do not know if or when I will be coming back to Colorado. Keep looking and waiting for me. Now with the Armistice Treaty signed and a new year coming up I don't think that tensions will continue here. But follow your heart, for I know that if it brought us together then it must know something. If you decide to allow the nephew to court you then I hope you will still keep hope alive in your heart for our love to bring us together.
Please just keep hoping that I will be able to come back to Colorado and back to you. It is in my dreams and in my prayers every night.
I told you I loved you when I handed you that first red rose when we were seventeen and I love you still. Even there are no roses on the bush right now I hope that you will still remember what our love was like when we were young.
Eternally Yours,
Treasured Daniel,
My mother has told me to allow Alexander to court me. I agree with her. He is a nice man and I will give him the chance for I cannot survive without someone to support me. If you could only come back to Colorado, then I wouldn’t have to worry about courting him.
I know that your job requires you to live in England, but I would love to live there with you! Please, let me know. If you still love me you will come for me.
My Love,
I am sorry but I cannot come back to Colorado. It is impossible now. I love you, if you would just wait for a few more years I will come for you if I am at the position to do so then. Please, I love you. Remember all those wonderful days when we were children? We can have days like that again. Please, I love you.
Forever Yours,
I am sorry, but my mother is sick. I cannot wait for you to come back. I cannot wait for you to come back when I need you now. Alexander has asked for my hand in marriage. I feel that I can come to love him over time.
When we were children we had good times, but now we are adults. We must take responsibility for ourselves and our families. I will always love you, but I cannot wait for you here without knowing when you will come.
I have not written to you in over fifty years. I do not know your circumstances in life or what has become of you, but I trust that this letter finds you in good health.
Today is my seventy-first birthday; I celebrated with my seven children and my husband. Though I have had a happy and long life I feel that my time is coming to an end. My love for you has not faded, but in a way it has changed.
As I promised to you fifty years ago I will remember those happy days of our youth. I fear that this is the last letter I will ever write and I hope that you understand.
I am coming to see you. I love you and would like to see you one last time. I am taking a plane to Colorado a week from now. I should arrive a few days after you receive this letter. I love you.
Josephine Worth
Beloved Wife, Mother, and Peacemaker
B. June 14, 1895

D. June 16, 1966