Forget-me-notsA Poem by LilyThere is too much of my sprawling self to write. My fingers stretch across the keyboard and the words don’t seem enough, They are two dimensional. But I wish I could write myself into a poem, So I
wouldn’t have to remember who I am Or who I was. I am very
forgetful. I think I used
to press forget-me-nots In pages of
books Or maybe
not. I think I
liked that scarf I lost I left it
at a party An earring
too And half the
night. I think my
heart was broken once, I think I
used to smoke. I think I
scratched mosquito bites, Scratch
until skin broke. I think I
used to play guitar, Perhaps I
used to sing. My
voice is hoarse, my neck is cold, Winter
melted into spring. Forget-me-nots came early And were withered by a frost. I think I
liked a lot of things And now I
think they’re lost. I think I
used to like myself And now I
think I’m lost. I used to go on midnight walks, Fill pupils to the brim With
moonlight stars and breathe night air and shiver, Sneaking out and in. And maybe I
wrote poems that made more sense to me. They say
each cell in your body is replaced Every seven
years. These new ears hear nothing. New eyes see nothing new brain thinks nothing. I forgot to
replace myself now I am a mosaic of the forgotten. Staggered
forgetfulness staggering through the same grey corridors. Maybe they
were red once- I forget. Memories
slip past and the only ones that stay Are the ones
of me forgetting. See, I wish I
could write myself into a poem So I could
remember who I am. I’m very
forgetful you see. Did I say that already? © 2017 LilyReviews
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