![]() Chapter EightA Chapter by LilMissWriter17![]() Just as Florence thinks her life may be getting better, and it couldn't be more perfect with Wayne, her fears become reality...![]() Chapter Eight; A few days later, and I was still in hospital. My back ached so much, I prayed everyday that they’d let me go home, just so I could go and sleep in my own bed! Any bed was more comfy than this one. The doctors had said they were running tests, but as they had used this reason over and over, I realised that it was just an excuse. They obviously knew something was seriously wrong, or maybe they had more important people to deal with and they just couldn’t be bothered to let me go home. I figured with all intelligence that it was probably the second one, otherwise they would have told me what was going on… Sarah had told me that she’d be back, and though I believed her, it had been two days since she’d suddenly popped up in front of me. I was just waiting for her to do that again. Every time Mum came through the door, or Dad with Leo, I’d think it was Sarah, and I’d snap my head up so quickly that whoever had walked through that door, must have thought I was some kind of hungry human eating zombie. I did exactly the same thing when the next person walked through the door, but with all truth, I was actually very surprised to what my eyes were seeing. ‘Wayne?’ I gasped, my voice rough and croaky. ‘What are you doing here?’ My voice was still high and surprised, ‘I’ve come to see you….that’s what I’m doing here.’ He smiled ever so sweetly, kissed me for the first time in months, on my forehead and placed the bunch of flowers that he’d been carrying on the side table. ‘I’m really sorry for everything.’ He said, finding it hard to make eye contact, but I wasn’t. I couldn’t stop staring at him, I was so amazed that he was here… Right here, with me. Was I dreaming again? I ruffled my hair, and rubbed my eyes but ended up poking myself in the eye. I pinched myself at least three times before I realised, that this was real. He was actually here. ‘That’s okay…’ I smiled back at him, wondering what to say. ‘I um…’ I trailed off, ‘It’s good to see you.’ ‘It’s good to see you too.’ He grinned, grabbing my hand. ‘I’m sorry it’s like this though, are you okay? When will you be out?’ I shrugged casually, because I actually had no idea. ‘I-I don’t know…the doctors said their doing tests but I’m sure it’s nothing crazy.’ ‘What you smiling at?’ Wayne asked five minutes later, because yes, I was still smiling. ‘I’m just happy to see you, that’s all…’ ‘Well I’m glad Flo.’ I nodded, ‘So, what made you come?’ I asked interestedly. I didn’t want to invade his mind, but I had a right to know… Wayne sighed, ‘Mum convinced me.’ He said, a little ashamed. ‘I’m glad she did.’ I replied simply, ‘She talked to you then?’ Wayne nodded, ‘She’s not proud of me for getting you pregnant, but you’re right, she was even less proud that I just dumped you…’ ‘She made me think about it more, and told me that I couldn’t do anything about it, I’m going to be a Dad, and she’s going to be Grandma, and even though she’s not happy with either of that, she wants me to be involved.’ I breathed heavily, ‘And?’ I prompted, fiddling with my fingers before looking up at Wayne. ‘I will be involved Flo, I’ll be there at the birth and I’ll help you out, but it’s going to be really hard.’ ‘That’s okay!’ I squeezed his hand, which was still entwined with mine, ‘That’s all I wanted…’ ‘Can we just be friends? Just make sure, that this baby has parents before we start things again?’ I nodded, ‘We can be parents without being together Wayne, it’s not impossible…’ ‘Good.’ ‘But you need to promise Wayne, you need to promise that you’ll always been here for this baby, your baby.’ I closed my eyes as I spoke the next heartbreaking sentence, ‘Even if you’re not here for me.’ ‘I promise.’ Wayne promised straight away, ‘Not only to the baby, but to you, I’ll always be here. Even if its just as a friend.’ He added. ‘Thank you.’ I murmured, trying so hard to keep back the tears. Wayne stood up, and gently hugged me, like he had just read my mind. He slowly pulled away from me, and then looked straight into my eyes, brushed my hair back with his hand. Caressed my cheek with his finger, and then ever so gently, brushed his lips onto mine, his hands lay upon my shoulders as he kissed me deeper, then he opened his eyes and waited till I did too, smiling at me affectionately. ‘Wayne?’ I broke the silence, with a calm and collected voice. ‘Are you still working at the bar?’ I looked innocently at him, not wanting to seem judging or harsh. ‘I quit.’ Wayne smiled, ‘I knew you’d want me to anyway, so I did it before you even asked.’ He shrugged proudly. ‘Oh Wayne, that’s so adorable of you.’ Wayne smiled, ‘I’m doing it for you Florence, I’ll get another job. A real job, I promise!’ Wayne told me so enthusiastically. ‘Of course you will.’ I stroked his cheek. ‘Actually you know what?’ Wayne grinned at me, suddenly all excited. ‘What?’ I grinned back at him. ‘I’ve got an interview, in about ten minutes.’ He said, looking at his watch. ‘It’s at this garage, just down the road.’ ‘Oh that’s great! That’s so great!’ I beamed at him. ‘I’ll be back okay?’ Wayne stood up, but still held onto my hand, ‘I’ll be back and I’ll be employed!’ ‘Alright.’ I said, ‘I’ll be right here, waiting for you.’ Wayne didn’t say anything else, and he didn’t need to. He just simply kissed my forehead, squeezed my hand and then looked at me again, staring into my eyes for a second before he kissed me lightly on the lips. He waved as he walked out of the room, and I sighed lovingly, wondering if it could get any better than this… Mum and Dad arrived an hour later, with Leo by their side. ‘Alright love?’ Dad smiled sympathetically, placing some fresh fruit on the bedside table. His eyes wondered over to the fresh flowers that had appeared, ‘Who gave you the flowers Flo?’ He asked quietly. ‘Oh they’re beautiful!’ Mum gushed, smelling them. ‘Flo? Who gave you these?’ I sighed guiltily, knowing that they’d never understand. They were pretty against me being with Wayne now, more Dad than Mum because he knew how upset I was when he dumped me… ‘Florence?’ Dad spoke my name, his tone cautiously serious. Maybe working out the last piece to the puzzle himself. ‘I…he…he’s really sorry.’ I managed, quietly. ‘He apologised, and it was all down to Eve.’ I told them, ‘She supposedly spoke to him, made him realise….’ Mum and Dad just continued to stare at me, meanwhile Leon was off exploring the world of hospital machinery. ‘Ooh! What does this button do?’ Leo innocently, and curiously approached the machine that was keeping up my levels of living. ‘Leo don’t touch that!’ Mum snapped when she realised what he was about to do. Leo snatched his hand away automatically, a little shocked and scared by Mum’s tone. He walked back to stand beside Dad, looking upset. Mum quickly gave him a smile and said, ‘Sorry darling, but that machine…it’s helping keep Flo well.’ Leo nodded, ‘Sorry, I was just curious.’ He said. Mum nodded, instantly forgetting and then turning back to me. ‘So, Wayne gave you the flowers?’ She sat down in the chair beside me, and took my hand. I nodded, ‘Mum, please. I know that he dumped me and I was upset but-’ ‘You were absolutely devastated Florence.’ Dad suddenly stepped in, ‘I can’t believe you’re considering letting him back into your life…’ Dad had officially started the lecture. Great, so now it was two against one. ‘Dad please!’ I exclaimed, trying to at least get one chance to speak, tell them my reasons. I had good enough reasons! They just had to listen to them.. ‘He’s different…’ ‘Only because his mother has persuaded him Florence….’ Mum answered, unwillingly able to accept what was happening. ‘Yes maybe! But isn’t that a good thing? That she’s made him see sense!’ ‘But he’s using you, he probably doesn’t mean anything he tells you Flo. He’s probably only got involved again because of the baby.’ ‘Yeah so? That’s all I wanted! All I wanted was for this baby to have a father, and for us to be on good terms….’ ‘So what? I don’t get what you’re saying Florence.’ Dad looked at me, confused, his nose wriggling and eyebrows furrowing. ‘We’re just friends, but he’s going to be involved.’ Dad was still staring at me, silently. ‘How is that going to work?’ ‘Dad, please? Just listen to me! I know what I’m doing, Wayne and I may not be together, but this baby is his as well as mine!’ ‘I know that, it’s just-’ ‘Just what Dad!?’ I exclaimed, ‘That you thought that I’d be happily married and in a stable job when I fell pregnant? Yeah me too Dad, but not everyone is perfect, no one’s life is perfect!’ ‘I’m not saying you have to be perfect, but the situation…I just don’t see how it will work Florence.’ ‘Well what else do you suggest Dad! I need a father for this baby, I won’t be able to manage on my own, we all know that!’ ‘Flo, please calm down…’ Mum said softly, ‘You have to keep calm, you’re still not very well. You shouldn’t be worrying about all this.’ ‘But Mum, if I don’t worry about it then who will?’ ‘We worry Florence, of course we worry!’ ‘I’m not saying that you don’t! I’m saying that I can’t help that I worry, you can’t worry for me…’ ‘We already do, that’s why you shouldn’t.’ ‘It doesn’t work like that Mum..’ Mum sighed, and with just hearing her sigh, I could automatically read her mind and know what she was thinking. She wanted to help me, but she didn’t know how, she wanted me to be happy but she didn’t fully want to accept it. ‘It’s all so complicated Florence..’ ‘I know, Mum. I know.’ I said, ‘But there’s nothing we can do okay? I didn’t want this to happen but it has, and now I’m having this baby, even if Wayne and I are not together.’ ‘I still don’t see how that’s going to work.’ ‘Dad, if that’s all you’re going to say then make yourself useful and go get me a hot chocolate please?’ Dad stared at me, and then after a minute or so, reluctantly answered. ‘Sure.’ He said, gesturing for Mum and Leo to go with him. ‘We’ll be right back.’ Mum said, before she walked out of the room. Finally, I was alone again. Peace and quiet…I thought, sipping some water and slipping down on the bed. I fidgeted for a while, and then finally got comfy, closing my eyes for just a second. It was about ten minutes later, that I heard the sound of the door opening, the squeakiness of the door interrupting my peacefulness. I opened my eyes, and yawned, expecting to see my Mum and Dad and Leo, but it wasn’t them at all, no. It was a completely different person, a stranger. The man stepped into the room, he was tall and middle aged, black hair and from my view, dark eyes. He was wearing trousers, and a jacket with some sort of shirt underneath. He didn’t look like a nice person, not appealing at all. In fact, if I could, I would have ran away, right at that second. ‘Florence.’ He said, with a slightly unsettling smile. ‘You might know me.’ ‘I don’t think I do….’ I screwed up my face, observing him carefully…failing to remember him. ‘You do, you know you do…’ He said, his voice quiet and mysterious. ‘I really don’t.’ I said, ‘Who are you?’ I sat up, and stared at him a little more carefully. He stepped forward, and sat in the chair by my bed, just a little too close in my opinion. ‘How did you get in? I don’t even know you.’ I said, feeling scared and vulnerable. ‘You do know who I am, or you will do in a second.’ ‘What?’ I stared at him, seriously confused. ‘Look, just tell me who you are?’ ‘Michael.’ As he spoke the word, my heart beat began to race undeniably fast and my eyes widened at his existence in my hospital room. ‘What the hell are you doing here!’ I nearly screamed, because I was that scared. ‘Michael get out!’ I screamed, jumping out of my bed, and standing up to face him, ‘Get out!’ ‘Florence, I’m not going to hurt you.’ He said, looking down at me, because he was of course, so much taller. ‘I just want some information, I won’t hurt you…’ ‘Pffft! I don’t believe anything you say! Now get out!’ I exclaimed, pushing him away. ‘Florence!’ He grabbed hold of my arm tightly, ‘Just calm down, tell me what I want and I’ll go…’ ‘I’ll call a nurse! They‘ll get security…’ I warned, picking up the emergency button. ‘Florence will you just listen to me!’ ‘No! I wont! You’re mean, you ruined Sarah’s life! Now get out!’ ‘That was years ago, Florence you need to let me explain-’ ‘No! I won’t listen, now go before I call security! I’m serious!’ ‘I just want to know where Sarah is….’ I laughed at that moment, with no reason to, ‘Michael I’m not telling you anything!’ ‘Oh of course you won’t, because Sarah said not to?!’ ‘Michael, get out!’ ‘No, I’m not leaving!’ ‘My parents are going to be back soon, don’t you think that they’ll wonder who the hell you are!’ My tone raised just a little, I was just one second away from blowing up. ‘Help me, and I’ll tell you where Steph is.’ ‘You can’t do that!’ I held my hand up, frustrated but I wasn’t going to give up. ‘That’s not fair!’ ‘Tell me where Sarah is.’ He said, his voice stern and just a little nasty. ‘I’m not going to hurt you, or her.’ ‘Where is Steph? Is she okay?’ ‘She’s fine, she’s with Lewis…’ ‘What did she say? When she found out you wasn’t dead?’ ‘That’s none of your business, if you’re not going to help me.’ ‘Michael, I’m just trying to figure this out. You can’t use me, and try to get information out of me. This is your whole mess, it’s your fault.’ I prayed that while Michael stood staring at me, and didn’t say a word for at least three minutes, my words were actually sinking in to his mindless and selfish brain. ‘Can I call her?’ He said, jumping in with a completely different question. I didn’t know what to say to that; he couldn’t hurt her physically by a phone call, and I’d listen closely to what he would say to her. ‘I don’t know.’ I answered honestly, with a nearly toneless voice. ‘Please?’ Michael asked, politely with a smile though it still wasn’t a friendly one. I shook my head, ‘If she knew…that you was here…’ I trailed off, trying to imagine Sarah’s awful reaction to his existence, ‘She wouldn’t be happy.’ I laughed once. ‘Florence please-’ He started to beg again, taking another step towards me. At this point, I was gone. ‘DON’T YOU DARE COME ANY CLOSER!’ I screamed, my eyes bulging, ready to leap out of their sockets. ‘You’re a murderer, but I’m not going to let you hurt anyone else.’ I kept taking a step back, never standing still. ‘Florence, I won’t hurt you…’ ‘I can’t.’ I shook my head, in absolute agreement with myself that I wasn’t going to let him get anywhere near Sarah. ‘I can’t.’ He stood looking at me again, ‘Well please! Do something.’ ‘Get out.’ I said, trying to calm myself because if I screamed anymore, someone would know something was wrong. ‘Just get out before I call security.’ ‘Fine.’ He said, finally and thankfully, giving up. ‘But I’ll be back….’ ‘Please don’t.’ I hissed, trying to calm my breathing, which right now was out of control. Michael was gone, and I was still trying to breathe as slowly as I could. But just as I thought I was going to be okay, a sudden sharp pain hit the side of my stomach, making me scream helplessly. Luckily, Mum had heard me from the corridor and rushed to my side. ‘Florence, are you okay? What’s wrong?’ She stared at me, looking very concerned. ‘My stomach hurts.’ I moaned, closing my eyes and struggling to keep still, and then I screamed again, ‘Mum! It hurts!’ ‘Okay, you’ll be alright. I’ll get a nurse.’ Mum hurried away. The nurse checked my stomach, and after a while, the pain slowly dissolved and passed, but she was still a little worried. ‘If it happens again, call me as soon as you can okay?’ ‘Okay. Do you have an idea what it is?’ ‘Well what I’m hoping that its anything but labour.’ ‘I’m way too early!’ I interrupted my mums conversation with the nurse with a frightened cry. ‘I know sweetie that’s why I’m praying.’ ‘It wasn’t strong enough to be labour.’ Mum added, ‘She was in pain, of course but it wasn’t labour.’ ‘I’m very sure too that it wasn’t labour, but we will keep an eye on you.’ The nurse smiled. I sighed, wondering when the hell I’d be out of here. ‘Nurse? When do you think I’ll be free to go home?’ ‘Not just yet, you’re certainly not ready.’ ‘Will I ever go home?’ I asked, in a sad quiet voice. ‘Of course you will, but I don’t think you’re well enough just yet okay?’ I nodded, ‘Thanks.’ The nurse nodded lightly, and then quickly gestured Mum away to have a chat with her. They didn’t leave the room, but their voices were so quiet, I had no idea what they were saying. I guess it was for my own good that I hadn’t heard what they were talking about. The nurse left a few minutes later, leaving Mum alone with me again, she sat down in the chair by my bed and grabbed my hand, looking a little teary. I was forced to ask, ‘Mum? You okay?’ Mum nodded, unable to speak as her eyes filled with tears. ‘I’m fine darling.’ She sniffled, ‘Just emotional. I hate seeing you like this.’ She stroked my cheek and then began to play with my hair. ‘I’m gonna be okay Mum, it’ll all be over soon.’ I told her, with as much belief in my voice that I could squeeze in. ‘Of course you’ll be alright.’ Mum smiled, ‘I’m just so worried about you.’ She said, and began to cry again, ‘Oh dear! Look at me ay! Such a mess.’ She wiped away her tears, ‘I’ll be right back sweetie, I just need to go to the bathroom.’ She said, and quickly escaped out of the room. I think that was the first time, in a very long time that I’d seen Mum cry. She was obviously very worried about me, and in that moment, I realised how much she really cares about me…I felt ever so guilty that I’d been such a b***h in these past few months… Seconds passed, Minutes….Hours. And I was still lying on the bed, doing nothing, feeling helpless. I was just about to have a nap when Wayne suddenly appeared by my side, ‘Flo? You awake?’ ‘I am now.’ I said tiredly with a small smile, yawning. ‘Sorry baby, I’ll go-’ ‘No! I’m sleeping too much, I’ve got nothing else to do. Stay, please.’ Wayne nodded, grabbing my hand. ‘I got the job.’ He said. ‘Oh Wayne that’s brilliant! Well done.’ I grinned excitedly. ‘Thanks, I thought maybe since I’ve got a job….I’ll save up and then we could buy a flat together? For when the baby is born.’ ‘Really?’ I asked, a little surprised. ‘You really think we should do that?’ ‘If you want to, I mean I want to…’ ‘That would be perfect Wayne, wow.’ I grinned so hard my cheeks ached, ‘Thank you.’ I kissed him lightly. ‘You’re welcome, it’s all for you and the baby.’ ‘I’m so glad we sorted things out Wayne…’ ‘I know.’ Wayne nodded. ‘I really couldn’t do this all without you…’ ‘That’s why I’m here…’ Wayne grinned, then looked over to my bedside table, ‘Oh, would you like some fresh water?’ ‘That would be lovely, thanks.’ ‘I’ll be right back.’ He said, grabbing the jug and walking out. I sighed, letting it all sink into my mind….I couldn’t believe it! Wayne was going to buy us a flat! An actual flat, we’d be a proper family… It seemed too perfect. Absolutely too perfect. Something had to go wrong…. The next morning, I was awakened earlier than usual. After I had stretched and yawned several times, I sat up in my bed, picked up one of the many books Mum had brought for me, and began to indulge myself in the story. It was about half an hour later, that I heard very urgent and loud voices from outside in the corridor. I didn’t know what had happened, but I was sure it had to be an emergency. My head snapped up automatically, when I distinctively heard someone say Sarah. I knew something was wrong, a rush of knowing just knowing, flushed through me, and I knew it was Sarah. My breathing began to speed up, but I knew in myself that I had to stay calm. What if it was the Sarah I thought it was? What had happened? Where was Michael? Was he involved? Was Stephenie okay? All these questions flooded my mind, and made it uncontrollably hard to think straight. To think positive or to actually think at all. I waited for a couple of minutes, trying to hear the women’s second name being said. If I heard Martins, then my heart would shatter. But somehow, I was ready, because I just had this feeling of being sure. I was really very tempted to get out of bed, and go to the door, just to the door, and ask the nurse what the emergency had been. But I knew if I did that, they’d tell me it was nothing for me to worry about, and that I should go back into bed and rest. Then they’d think to themselves in their minds how nosey I was. But they had no idea what I knew…. What I was feeling. After everything that had happened, I just couldn’t risk my own instincts…. If I was right, and Sarah is the person that is the emergency. then I needed to see her straight away. It wouldn’t be right if I didn’t. When my nurse entered the room, I waited till she had started a conversation, and then I asked her causally, ‘Nurse, is there an emergency?’ ‘Yeah, there’s a woman, poor thing….she’s very badly hurt.’ ‘What’s her name?’ The nurse looked up at me while she was checking my notes, ‘I’m sorry but all patient information is confidential.’ I laughed once, ‘I’m sorry, I know that but you don’t understand, I think I might know the woman.’ ‘Oh well I’m sorry for that, but I really mustn’t tell you-’ ‘What if I tell you the name of the person I know, and then you can just match it up?’ ‘Florence, this is a respectable hospital…’ ‘Nurse, please? I need to know, it’s important.’ ‘How important?’ She asked, still looking unconvinced. ‘Very.’ The nurse sighed, tucked a piece of her greying hair behind her ear, and looked at me one last time. She didn’t look too bad, wearing the nurse uniform, you could tell she was quite old though, at least fifty odd. ‘Florence, I really can’t. I’m sorry…’ She said, and turned away, trying to make her escape. I knew that I was slowly persuading her. ‘Sarah Martins?’ The nurse span back round to face me, bit her lip, ‘She’s in a very bad condition, I’m so sorry.’ I watched as she left the room, but at least she had answered my question. It was Sarah, and I knew, I knew from the start it was Sarah. Somehow, I felt responsible. Michael had visited me, and I hadn’t told Sarah, hadn’t contacted her. I had a feeling that he was somehow involved in this, it was completely obvious. I also wondered where Steph was…. Was she with Lewis? Was she safe? Did she have any idea her mother was in hospital, badly hurt? I had a very convinced feeling that she actually, has no idea. I needed to do something, so I calmed myself, took a deep breath and then thought about what I could do. I didn’t feel that well, I still felt dizzy and very tired, but I needed to do this. I slowly got out of bed, and stood up, my legs began to wobble, and I had next to no strength. I quickly put on my dressing gown and slippers, and then slowly walked to the door, opened it and began to lean on it, then looked down the corridor wondering where Sarah would be. I decided to go and ask the receptionist. I walked towards the reception, and then waited behind several people, trying to keep myself up. ‘Hi, I’m Florence Bridge. I know someone called Sarah Martins, and I heard there was an emergency, concerning her? Could you tell me where I could find her?’ The receptionist looked up at me, screwed up her face a little, ‘Aren’t you a patient? You should go back to your room.’ ‘Please? I need to know, it’s important.’ ‘I’m sorry, but every patient’s information is conferential, and you shouldn’t be out of bed.’ ‘You don’t understand, Sarah is my friend. I need to see her.’ ‘I’m really sorry, but first of all, information on any patient is confidential and second, no one is allowed to see her at the moment…’ The receptionist said, her tone becoming quiet and rather vague. ‘Why?’ I frowned, ‘I don’t understand.’ The receptionist leaned forward to murmur, ‘She’s in a very bad condition, I’m really sorry.’ The woman's expression saddened. ‘Oh I see.’ My eyes began to water, ‘When will I be allowed to see her?’ ‘I’m not sure, but who’s your nurse?’ ‘Um, Nurse Hazel…’ I sniffed. ‘Okay, well go back to your room and rest, and I’ll make sure that I tell her everything that I find out okay? I’m really sorry.’ ‘Okay…’ I smiled lightly, ‘Thanks. I slowly walked away, and back to my room, got back into my bed and sat there, thinking. Sarah was in a very bad condition, what the hell had happened? Was Michael involved? Was she going to be okay? All these questions took over my mind, and I couldn’t control the tears that followed, flooding down my face like a waterfall. I sniffled, and sobbed, snuggled down into bed, and then cried myself to sleep…
© 2012 LilMissWriter17Author's Note
Featured Review
2 Reviews Added on December 18, 2011 Last Updated on January 11, 2012 Tags: Teenage pregnancy, love, forgiveness, fears, frightened, uninvited Author![]() LilMissWriter17United KingdomAboutHi! I'm Jess, i'm 19 :) I love reading, writing and drawing :) My dream is to be a published writer, I love writing, it is my passion and I'll never give it up! :) My favourite authors include JK Rowl.. more..Writing