![]() Chapter FourA Chapter by LilMissWriter17![]() Long awaited fourth chapter of Unwanted :) Things are getting more complicated now! Hope you enjoy!![]() Chapter Four; Ignorant Three weeks later On the first of October, the rain came down, and a storm began to brew outside. I was now two months gone, and had my second doctors appointment yesterday afternoon. Nothing was wrong, but nothing was exactly perfect, I was still pregnant and up until now, I still chose to be a mother to this baby and everything that came with that responsibility. My relationship with my parents had not improved, and I hadn’t spoken to them in weeks, both being busy with work, neither of them had time for me, their pregnant sixteen year old daughter. I knew they were ashamed, I could feel it every time they looked at me. They wouldn’t say anything, just look at me and sigh, then walk away again and get back to what they were doing. On the brighter side, I was now officially helping with the case of Stephenie Morgans. I was now involved because I was the one that was typically and ironically sat in the car at Tesco’s waiting for my Mum to finish shopping when Lewis Kendal assaulted his girlfriend Stephenie. It just so happens that the security guard wrote down my mothers number plate and then informed the police, whom arrived at my front door asking me questions about the incident. They then gave me their contact numbers and told me, as if giving me another piece of homework, that if I remembered anything about what happened, to write it down. I hadn’t remembered anything, but I was still helping with the case, which Rebecca and Charlie did appreciate. I hadn’t been going to school, but still kept in touch with Naomi, but I spent most of my days, talking to Sarah because she was the only one that was honest with me, everyone else was just lying to my face. I guess it was a little weird, that she was the receptionist of the Abortion Clinic down the road, but she wasn’t trying to convince me to get rid of the baby, or anything like that. All Sarah was doing, was just listening to me, and that’s all I’ve ever wanted for the past two months. No one wanted to hear how I felt! Everyone was just telling me their opinions of what they think I should do. But after all, it’s my baby. ~~~~~~~~~~~ I very nearly pulled all of my hair out of my scalp, I just couldn’t concentrate anymore, this English essay on bloody Romeo and Juliet! I think it was worse sat at home trying to do it myself with no help from a teacher, though I did have all the notes from Naomi. It was now four in the afternoon, Dad was still at work, but Mum would be on her way home soon and Leo was at his friends waiting to be picked up. I pushed my English books and half written essay onto the floor, forcing my face into my pillow and screamed. Screamed as loudly as I could, and then tried to calm myself. But the storm outside was unsettling, the rain was really heavy now, and it was starting to give me a headache. ‘Argh!’ I rolled off my bed, and sank onto the floor, leaning on the side of my bed, rubbing my stomach. ‘I really hope this is all worth it.’ I murmured to my little bump. A few minutes later, I heard the front door slam and Mum rushed in, Leon following her. ‘Florence? You okay?’ I carefully got up from the floor, and then walked down the stairs, ‘Yeah I’m fine.’ I said, wondering why she’d asked. ‘Good, now can you help Leo with his science homework please?’ I raised an eyebrow, following her into the kitchen, ‘Did I hear right?’ I asked, with full sarcasm. Mum turned around and looked at me, she didn’t look like she was joking about at all. ‘What?’ ‘Leo needs help with his homework? He’s like the most intelligent eleven year old I know!’ ‘He’s probably the only eleven year old you know! I want you to spend some time with him? I think he misses you..’ ‘Pffft.’ I laughed, ‘Leo misses me?’ ‘Yes, yes he does Flo.’ ‘Alright fine, I’ll go help him!’ ‘Good, thank you.’ Mum smiled at me, for the first time in weeks. ‘Oh, and when you’ve finished helping him, come down and help me with dinner….we need to have a chat.’ I screwed my face up, but Mum didn’t react, though it didn’t help that she wasn’t facing me. ‘Fine.’ I mumbled, and then walked back upstairs, knocking on Leo’s door. ‘Hey Leo?’ I said softly, ‘You ready to do your homework?’ ‘I’ve already done it!’ Leo exclaimed, rushing to open the door, ‘Like I need your help with my homework!’ ‘Well okay, fine….’ I said, biting my lip. ‘What’re you doing then?’ I asked, entering Leo’s room. It’s kinda small….(smaller than mine) with blue walls, matching bedding and curtains. In the corner his desk, and his computer, with a lamp by the side and underneath were shelves holding all his files of his ‘blueprints’ for his latest ‘inventions’ and well….other science homework I guess. ‘I’m just reading my comics…’ ‘Cool.’ I answer lightly, sitting down on the floor beside him. ‘What er….what are your comics….like about?’ ‘Well.’ Leo began, ‘There’s a different story every week, but it’s like this scientist guy, and he like tries to invent stuff, but sometimes it goes wrong…’ ‘I see.’ I smiled, but Leo hadn’t lifted his head to look at me. He was rather focused on his comics. ‘So, is everything okay with school?’ I asked, casually. ‘Yeah, it’s uh, fine.’ He said, just a little too bluntly for my liking. ‘Just fine?’ I asked, ‘You know, if there’s anything you want to talk to me about….I’m always here.’ ‘You can’t say that.’ Leo finally looked up, but not for the right reasons, ‘You’re hardly ever here anymore.’ ‘I’m always here!’ I exclaimed, ‘I’ll always be here for you…’ ‘Ever since you got pregnant Flo, you have not been here.’ ‘Where is ‘here’ exactly?’ I raised an eyebrow, since I had been at home, nearly everyday. ‘I don’t feel like I can talk to you…’ Leo admitted, ‘I miss my sister.’ ‘I’m right here!’ ‘No! You’re the other Flo….the pregnant Flo!’ ‘I’m different?’ I asked, feeling a little deflated. ‘I-I didn’t realise…’ ‘You’ve been so ignorant Flo, have you even talked to Mum and Dad for the last month?’ I tried to remember my tracks in the last month, and well it seemed that the answer to Leo’s question was no, I hadn’t. ‘Things have been hard…you don’t understand Leo!’ ‘Florence, I might be eleven but-’ ‘Okay! Alright I get it!’ I exclaimed, yelling a little. ‘I’m sorry okay? I’m sorry…’ I couldn’t stop the little trickle of warm tears that were rolling down my cheeks. I stood up from where I was sat, and started to walk out of the room, but Leo made me turn back round again when he said, ‘Before you go and have another shouting match with Mum….she didn’t put me up to this..’ He smiled cutely. My eyes widened, ‘That was all your own speech.’ Leo nodded, and then went back to reading his comics. I shook my head in disbelief, trying hard to convince myself that he was telling the truth. But course, Mum probably did put him up to it and then told him to lie as well. Without another thought, I quickly walked out of the room, shutting the door behind me and then stood outside Leo’s room, thinking. I had two choices, two simple choices. Choice one; I could go downstairs, and ask Mum to her face, about this speech that Leo had just given and practically made me feel the guiltiest teenager in the world right now, or at least in the neighbourhood. Choice two; I could just let it go, and go to my room, then ask about it at dinner but without making a big thing about it. I decided that whatever choice I chose, there was gonna be some kind of ‘heated discussion’ but if I talked to Mum….on her own, well it probably would save my voice a little more, meaning (well hopefully) less screaming? I quietly walked down the stairs and knocked on the closed kitchen door. I did wonder why the door was closed, since Mum never really does close it, ‘Mum?’ I called, my voice quiet, and innocent. Mum opened the door, though her eyes were not focused on me, she was drying up a saucepan in her hands. ‘What do you want Florence?’ I screwed my face up, with my back to her as I shut the door. ‘What do you mean ‘what do I want?’?’ I fired back at her, ‘I-I’ve come to talk to you?’ I mumbled, ‘Is that alright?’ ‘Did you talk to Leo?’ Mum asked, finishing off the washing up, then slapped the towel down on the counter, and turned around to look at me. ‘Yeah, I did.’ I answered, ‘He uh, gave me this nice little speech…’ I laughed once, but without humour. ‘Really?’ She asked, I knew this was a sarcastic rhetorical question, Mum had blatantly put Leo up to this. ‘Oh don’t even try to act like you don’t have a clue!’ I accused, ‘You told him to say that, you probably wrote a script for him!’ ‘Florence I did no such thing!’ Mum shouted back, ‘You have no proof of that!’ ‘Well Leo said that you didn’t….so you obviously did!’ ‘I didn’t! I might of said something to him, but I didn’t-’ ‘I don’t believe you Mum, I give up even trying talk to you, you disgust me! Getting Leo to talk to me, he’s eleven! If you want to talk to me then talk to me yourself, to my face, and don’t get anyone else to do it for you! Cause I’m not listening to anyone anymore!’ I yelled, stormed out of the room, and slammed the door then tried to run up the stairs, but failed miserably when I nearly slipped. ‘Oww!’ I moaned, ‘Mum!’ I cried, feeling the twist of pain in my stomach, and then I felt myself beginning to shake, my breathing began to rise in pace. ‘Mum!’ ‘What!?’ She shouted back, then saw me on the stairs, running up to me. ‘Oh Florence, you okay?’ ‘DO I LOOK OKAY?’ I shouted, the pain too much for me to take, ‘My stomach…it hurts!’ ‘Alright, it’s okay.’ Mum said, ‘Deep breathes, it’s fine. Just calm down….’ She said, encouraging me to breathe slowly. There was a silence, as I sat there on the stairs, feeling my breathing calm again, Mum by my side. I knew that I needed her, whatever her opinion of me, I needed my mother. I needed her here….bedside me, for as long as possible. ‘Kay.’ I whispered, ‘I’m okay now.’ ‘You sure?’ Mum asked, her expression worried. ‘Maybe we should go to the hospital-’ ‘No Mum.’ I said, ‘I’m fine.’ I tried to stand up, but Mum had to help me, my strength had suddenly dropped. Without saying anything, she helped me up the rest of the stairs, and then sat me down on my bed. ‘I’ll um….I’ll go make a cup of tea.’ She smiled lightly. I nodded, not even having the energy to talk. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Without any control, it must have been ten minutes later after Mum left my room that I had fallen asleep. I did know why I was so tired, but I didn’t want to let it stop me from doing the things I was doing. ‘Florence, I think you should stop with this investigation thing….it’s obviously stressing you out.’ Mum said sympathetically, as she passed my tea. ‘No! I want to help them, it makes me feel….needed.’ I shrugged, sipping my tea. ‘But Florence, you’re pregnant! You need to think about yourself.’ ‘But that would make me selfish.’ I mumbled. ‘No it wouldn’t, not if its stressing you out…’ ‘Mum, I want to help.’ ‘Florence you practically just fell down the stairs! You have no strength at all, I had to help you to get up here-’ ‘Mum, just stop.’ I said, my voice stern but I couldn’t shout, I didn’t have the energy. ‘You don’t even have the energy to talk!’ She exclaimed, as if she’d just read my thoughts. ‘Mum, if all you’re gonna do is nag at me, then go away! I don’t want to hear it. It isn’t helping me.’ With wide eyes, Mum looked at me, her expression worried and sympathetic but not just for me, for herself. ‘I’m trying to help you, but you won’t let me!’ ‘But you don’t help me though Mum! You’re not helping me, you’re stressing me out even more!’ I exclaimed, passing her my tea so I could slip down underneath the covers. ‘It’s not going to get any better Florence….’ Mum whispered, ‘You’re only two months gone, you’ve got a long way to go yet.’ ‘Well I guess you better leave me alone then.’ I murmured, rolling over. ‘Florence!’ ‘What!’ I yelled, suddenly sitting back up again. ‘What do you want from me Mum?’ I sobbed. ‘I don’t want anything! I just want to help you..’ I didn’t say anything, because I didn’t know what to say anymore. All I wanted was for her to go away, just leave me alone! Couldn’t she see she wasn’t helping me? All she was doing was nagging, I kept telling her this, but again, she doesn’t listen! ‘You know what, if you don’t leave me alone right now, then I’m going!’ I announced, looking at her, right in the eye, trying to make her see how I was really feeling. ‘What do you mean go? You haven’t got anywhere to go to!’ ‘I’ll call Naomi! Or Wayne, or somebody! I don’t want to stay here anymore, not when you’re around!’ I said, getting out of bed, and began to stuff one of my many handbags with clothes, and make up, and everything else I needed. Mum began to walk to towards me, grabbing my wrist and pulling me again from the pile of clothes I was sorting out. ‘Florence, sit down!’ ‘No!’ I screamed, ‘Go away!’ I sobbed, falling down to the floor, leaning against my chair, crying until my eyes began to feel sore. I covered my face with my hands, raised my knees up towards me, and then put my head on them, wanting to shove myself away from this reality. ‘Florence.’ As Mum murmured my name, sitting down next to me, I wanted to curl up into a ball just a little more, and well…disappear. ‘You have to got to talk to me, I’m your Mum, you’re supposed to be able to talk to me about anything…’ She said, trying to calm me down, trying to make me see sense. I’d already seen sense. ‘Yeah, but that’s just it.’ I said, ‘I can’t talk to you, about anything!’ I watched as Mum’s expression grew with horror, ‘I didn’t tell you about my pregnancy did I?’ I continued as Mum was stunned to silence. ‘No, you had to find out from, overhearing! Well let me tell you this!’ I began, knowing that the truth would hurt her, it would hurt her badly, but at least she’d know… ‘If you hadn’t of overhead….you probably still wouldn’t know that I’m pregnant.’ I sobbed, ‘And, that’s because, I don’t feel like I can talk to you.’ I managed, in-between my crying, ‘I find it hard to talk to you about anything, because I’m scared of your reaction, you’re not a calm and quiet person Mum.’ I told her, honestly. Looking up to her wide-eyed, shocked face. ‘You’re a naggy, loud, and over-enthusiastic person, and you never understand how I feel.’ ‘Well this is how I feel now, so I hope for once, you try to understand. But if you can’t, then don’t bother being a grandma to this baby. I am having this baby, and nothing is going to stop me, and nothing! Is going stop this baby from having a perfect life.’ After I was done ranting, I sat quietly, and put my face in my arms again, leaning on my knees. I was still crying, and sniffling, still wanting to disappear, when Mum finally broke the silence. I had a hope, in my heart, that it would be an apology but frankly, what came out of my mothers mouth next was not what I was dreaming for. ‘You really feel that way?’ She said, her voice prickling down my spine, making me feel so guilty. Watching my mother cry, right in front of my eyes, her voice strained because of the tears that now rolled down her cheeks. ‘M-Maybe you should go…’ Mum managed, still crying. ‘Maybe you should go, right now.’ Though she sounded as serious as ever, I really regretted that I couldn’t believe her. ‘You’re so kidding, you wouldn’t.’ I said spitefully, ‘You don’t have the guts!’ Practically hissing at her, I gradually stood up, and looked down at her, ‘Can you get out of my room please? I’d get to get some sleep.’ ‘I’m not kidding Florence, get out! Get out of my house, right now!’ The smug grin on my face was wiped away, by her charging voice, ‘You’re not serious.’ ‘Of course I’m serious.’ Mum looked at me as she stood up, laughing hysterically, a little wickedly even. ‘You want to go? Then go! Go right now! I’ll even pack your stuff for you, call a taxi!’ I cried even harder as I watched my mother pull all of my clothes from my wardrobe, dumping them like a pile of rubbish onto my bedroom floor, and then began to sort them, pushing them into another bag. ‘You’ll need you’re toiletries right? I’ll go get them!’ She said, all enthusiastically, speed-walking out of the room. I quickly followed her into the bathroom, trying to stop her from shoving all shower and hair products, my toothbrush, even towels into my travel bag. ‘Mum stop!’ I ripped the travel bag out of her hands, and pushed her to sit down on the edge of the bath. ‘Just stop!’ I cried, sobbing my heart out. ‘I can send you to your Nan’s if you want to….just for a few days? Or maybe you can stay with Naomi, but I don’t think Wayne will like it if you go over there begging for a place to stay-’ ‘Mum, I’m not going anywhere.’ Mum screwed her face up, still playing her famous and childish game, ‘But you said-’ ‘Mum stop it! I’m not going, can you please snap out of it?’ There was a sudden silence, as we both stared at each other, trying to figure out each others thoughts. It was silent until a door slammed downstairs, Mum breathed heavily, ‘Your dad will be home soon…I must go finish the dinner.’ She mumbled, walking out of the bathroom. I followed her, but instead of going downstairs, I went back to my room. I shut the door, and quickly tried to tidy up the mess, putting back the pile of clothes into my wardrobe. I sighed as I got back into bed, and grabbed my phone. Two missed calls. Yay…..I am loved. Naomi, and Sarah had called me. Both actually minutes apart, but hours ago. I quickly called Naomi first, knowing that I’d probably be on the phone for hours with Sarah. ‘Naomi? Hey did you call me?’ ‘Yeah, I was just calling to see how you are; cause, well we haven’t spoken in like a week!’ ‘Oh god-! Naomi I’m so sorry, everything has just been so hectic-’ ‘Hey! Hey! don’t worry chick, its okay.’ Naomi said, all enthusiastically, not caring about how ignorant I’d been. I remembered that this was why she was my best friend, she’s so forgiving about everything and she’s there when you need her. I was smiling now, ‘Thanks Naomi, how are you then?’ ‘I’m fine chick! I’m just missing you, school is so boring.’ ‘Aww, I know. I miss you too.’ I said, ‘Have you…um, seen Wayne lately?’ ‘No, I haven’t actually. To be honest, he hasn’t been at school.’ ‘Oh.’ I bit my lip, trying not to sound like I cared. ‘Oh! Sorry chick, I gotta go! Someone’s at the door, dogs are going mad! Bye.’ And a second later, Naomi had hung up. I sighed, looking down at my phone, wondering if I’d ever go back to school, and be a normal teenager again. Before I could think another thought, my phone buzzed against my knee, and I automatically picked up. ‘Hello?’ ‘Florence, hi. It’s Sarah.’ ‘Oh hi Sarah! I was just about to call you.’ ‘Oh really?’ She laughed once, ‘Good timing then. I just wondered, I’m free for like four hours, do you fancy coming over for a coffee?’ I’d usually just talk to Sarah on the phone, making my phone bill go towering up above the limit, but this time, Sarah wanted me to go visit. I had a feeling she had something to tell me. Something urgent. ‘Oh okay, um sure.’ I said, ‘I’ll just get ready, um can you give me your address?’ ‘Oh….um. Actually, I’ll meet you at the park, by your house?’ How does she know about that? ‘Oh sure, okay.’ I answered, stopping myself from asking questions, ‘I’ll be there in about ten minutes?’ ‘Sure, see you soon.’ Sarah said, and then hung up. I screwed my face up, scratched my head and then ran my hand through my hair. Something was up, but I just didn’t know what. It was nearly half six now, and Mum would probably call me down for dinner. So I quickly got myself ready, putting on a decent pair of jeans, and a jumper before tying up my hair into a high ponytail and slapping on some mascara and eyeliner. I wanted to look at least half decent! I grabbed my shoes, and pulled them on, stuffed my phone, and purse into a random shoulder bag that was hanging from the end of the bed, ran out of the room and closed the door behind me. I was careful running down the stairs, trying my best not to trip up and hurt myself. I quickly put on my jacket, and then opened the front door. I was all set to go, but then Mum ruined it, by coming into the hallway. ‘Flo, where’re you going?’ She laughed a little hysterically, ‘Dinner will be ready in two minutes, go sit down!’ ‘Mum, save my dinner and I’ll reheat it later, I’ve got to go see someone.’ ‘Who’s someone?’ Mum asked, because well, I hadn’t told her about Sarah. ‘A friend, I’m meeting at the park! Mum I’ve got to go!’ I rushed my words, and I was surprised that Mum understood the mashed up sentence that came out of my mouth. ‘Florence, you are pregnant and you need food! Now go and sit down in the kitchen, NOW!’ ‘Mum, I’ll go get a takeaway. I really need to go-’ I said, but before I could argue any more, Mum had pulled me away from the front door and into the living room, making me sit down in the sofa. ‘Now you stay there, and I’ll call you for dinner.’ She said, huffing as she walked out of the room. When she was gone, I eyed the hall from the living room door, trying to figure if I could ‘waddle’ fast enough out of the door before Mum caught up with me. Now that the months were passing quickly, I wasn’t so confident with running. I turned away from the door for a minute, quickly glancing at the TV but not really paying attention. I yawned, and leaned back in my seat, I’ll text Sarah, say I’m going to be a bit late. I thought, beginning to open my bag and get out my phone when suddenly the news had struck onto the TV, the theme tune making me look up at the latest headlines. My eyes were glued to the screen, as the words left the news presenters mouth, ‘Stephenie Morgans has been kidnapped from hospital, the seventeen year old was first attacked by her ex boyfriend Lewis Kendal in a Tesco’s car park, and then it is supposed that friends of Kendal made her end up in hospital. It is suspected that Kendal is the kidnapper in this crime. Joanna Raymond interviewed Stephenie’s mother, Sarah Morgans, but all she had to say was this. A quick, and automatic clip of Stephenie’s mother appeared on the screen, she did not look the camera in the eye, and all she simply said was, ‘I just….can’t believe it.’ Sarah cried, and then the presenter carried on talking. ‘Police are trying to track down Stephanie’s ex boyfriend Lewis, but there has been no sign of him since the kidnap. Sarah’s neighbour has also reported a car missing, and they suspect that Lewis may of used the car to kidnap her daughter. That’s all for now, Hailey May for West London Tonight. Thank you. My breathing had suddenly increased in pace, and tears were dripping down my cheeks, I couldn’t believe what I’d just seen or heard! I didn’t want to believe it, I didn’t want to believe any of it! But I knew one thing, I needed to get out of here and go meet Sarah. NOW. I turned off the TV, feeling dizzy as I stood up, then quickly but quietly opened the front door and this time stepped out into the dark night. I shut the door behind me, and then started walking down the street, trying remember the way to the park. To stop Mum from worrying, I sent her a text saying that something had happened with Naomi, and I needed to see her right away but I also told her not to phone her and ask about it. Because it was personal. When I reached the park, Sarah was not there. So I walked onto the bark chips and sat on the swing, lightly pushing myself off the ground with my feet. Then I saw her, the dark figure that had opened the park gate and then let it slam behind her. ‘Sarah?’ I called, wrinkling my nose. ‘Yeah?’ Sarah suddenly shined a bright torch light in my face, ‘There you are!’ She exclaimed, her face all smudged with mascara, she must have been crying. ‘Sarah! Oh are you okay?’ I quickly jumped off the swing and ran over to her. ‘I know what’s happened Sarah….’ I whispered, ‘I saw it on the news.’ ‘Shhhh! Don’t say anything, we have to be careful! He has spies! There’s probably people watching us right now!’ I stared at her, watching her as she hysterically babbled on about someone having spies to watch us. ‘Sarah-’ ‘I’m serious Florence, we need to get away from here. Right. Now.’ She said, her breathing beginning to race, the intensity of her voice making me shiver with nerves. ‘Okay!’ I shivered again, ‘You can come back to mine-’ ‘No, the car. My car, it’s over the road.’ She said, then grabbed my arm and pulled me out of the park, over the road and then quickly searched for her keys in the bag that she was carrying. ‘Get in!’ She ordered, a nano second after she’d unlocked the car. I couldn’t stop myself, as I got into the car. ‘Sarah what’s going on!’ I exclaimed, just as Sarah pushed her keys into the car and started it up. We sped down the road, and out of my neighbourhood. ‘Sarah where are we going?’ I asked, feeling a little nervy. ‘What is this all about?’ ‘I’ll tell you when we get there.’ ‘Get where?’ ‘The graveyard.’ She said, bluntly. My eyes widened, but Sarah smiled lightly, ‘Don’t worry.’ She said, ‘I’ve just got to drop off some flowers.’ ‘Oh okay, but why at night?’ ‘Because no one else is there.’ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When we arrived at the graveyard, it was absolutely pitch black. And as in, ‘pitch black’ I mean that I couldn’t even see the figurine of Sarah as I got out of her car. Luckily, she had a torch, because without it I so wouldn’t of agreed to go into that graveyard. ‘I’m sorry about this, you must be freaked out.’ ‘Just a little.’ I whispered. ‘Sorry.’ She said again, ‘I won’t be five minutes, and then I’ll tell you everything, deal?’ I nodded, and began to follow her footsteps as she walked down the rows of gravestones that were stood deep in the ground. When Sarah began to slow down, I did too, and then she stopped at one particular gravestone. It didn’t look any different to any of the others; old and dirty, covered in mould, but it did have one difference… This one meant a lot to Sarah. I could see it in her eyes, as she slowly bent down to place the flowers, a mixture of colourful roses, onto the grass. Her expression began to fall into a deep sadness of memory, of this person, buried in the ground beneath us. I tried to look at the writing on the gravestone, but the only light there was, was coming from the torch, which Sarah had now weirdly turned it off. ‘Shall I read the writing? Will that help put the pieces together?’ I asked quietly, and then through the darkness, I saw the fuzzed vision of Sarah nodding as she passed me the torch. ‘It might.’ She whispered. So I took the torch from Sarah’s marble, frozen hands and shined the light on the gravestone, beginning to read the writing engraved on it. *Michelle Morgans 1960 - 1996* Michelle was a loving mother, sister, wife and grandmother. She was always smiling, and we hope to those who took us away from us, that their smile is now wiped away. But may Michelle always be smiling, above us. In heaven. Rest In Peace Michelle Morgans* I looked away from the passage of writing, and back at Sarah’s face, lightly shining the torch in her direction. ‘Don’t look at me.’ She sobbed, ‘I’m a mess.’ I shined the torch further away, ‘Sorry.’ I said lightly, then I swallowed as I began to add, ‘Michelle, is that your Mother?’ Sarah nodded, ‘Yeah.’ She sniffled, still sobbing. ‘She um, she was stabbed…’ She managed to say, in-between sobs. ‘Oh god Sarah that’s absolutely awful.’ I said, without any exaggeration at all. Sarah breathed heavily, ‘Yep, you said it.’ My expression saddened, and I lightly, pressed my hand onto Sarah’s shoulder, rubbing it lightly. ‘I’m so sorry Sarah.’ ‘It-It’s okay.’ Sarah said, ‘Kay. I’ll um tell you the story….’ ‘Okay, take as long as you want.’ I murmured. ‘It’s kinda long and complicated, but here goes…’ She began, ‘When I had Stephenie, I was actually the same age as you.’ She said, looking at me in the eye. Watching as mine began to widen, ‘I was in love with my first ever boyfriend, Michael Sullivan, he was the absolute hottie of my high school but I was lucky enough to be his girlfriend. We had our ups and downs, then when I fell pregnant, it all broke down. My Mother was disgusted with me, but she was even more angry with Michael…’ Sarah took a breath, still staring at her Mothers grave, ‘He began to abuse me, and he threatened that if I ever told any one then he’d kill them, and then me.’ Sarah’s voice was scratchy, and weak, ‘I couldn’t and wouldn’t let anything ever happen to my baby, and course I was only sixteen…’ Sarah pulled a piece of hair behind her ear, and wiped her eyes, ‘When Stephenie was born…’ Sarah shook her head, and beamed a perfect grin, ‘She was absolutely perfect! She was the perfect size, weight everything! The only thing that wasn’t perfect was that her father was an abuser, and so, I told my mother when Stephenie was two days old.’ ‘We were sat in the kitchen, I was holding Stephenie, and we was just talking about some stuff.’ Her nose wrinkled, ‘Then Mum…she noticed my bruises, she started asking questions and then I had to tell her….but this was such a mistake! He kidnapped Stephenie, and we didn’t get her back until weeks later, Mum urged me to leave the country so I went to stay with a friend….’ Sarah started to cry again, ‘He killed my Mum, Michael killed my mother!’ I gasped, and then I wrinkled my nose, and tried to piece it together but the burning question was on the tip of my tongue, ready to be spoken….to be asked. ‘What’s this got to do with Lewis? And the kidnapping?’ ‘When Michael killed my mother, I didn’t want anything to do with him ever again, and so I pushed him out of my life and Stephenie’s….Stephenie doesn’t know who her father is, I told him he’s dead, and I thought it would stay like that until now…’ My eyebrow furrowed, and Sarah sighed, ‘C’mon, we better get back to the car, it’s getting late.’ I followed Sarah back to the car, and then waited for her to end her story, but she didn’t say hardly anything on the way back home. ‘Sarah?’ ‘Lewis is Michael’s brothers son, and he’s making him go out with Steph, so that Michael can get to her….’ She sighed as she turned back into my home area, ‘Lewis has taken her to Michael.’ ‘Oh!’ ‘Yeah, and the worst thing is, is that she thinks he’s dead. So I’m really worried that he’ll hurt her.’ ‘Is there anything I can do to help?’ Sarah sighed heavily, ‘I know this is going to be hard Florence because you’re helping the police, but you can’t tell them anything! You hear me?’ ‘Why? You won’t be in trouble, Michael is a psycho right?’ Sarah nodded, ‘Yeah, but I knew about Michael’s plan…to make his nephew go out with Steph…’ Sarah said, ‘He told me that if I just let him do what he wanted then he wouldn’t ever touch her, ever. And well, Lewis and Steph seemed to get on well but Lewis didn’t know about the whole plan until about month ago but sadly he agreed. Even though I thought he loved her, because Steph loves him.’ ‘Wow.’ I said after a while, trying to let it sink in. ‘That’s complicated.’ ‘Yeah, so just don’t tell anyone I told you kay? Not even your parents…’ ‘Wait, what am I supposed to tell them?’ ‘Just say I’m a friend or I’m helping you through with the pregnancy.’ Sarah shrugged, ‘Make something up.’ ‘Sarah….my parents don’t even know I’ve been speaking to you….they don’t know who you are.’ ‘Oh, well that’s okay then!’ ‘Sure, but I might have to tell them in the end, as well…I’m helping with the investigation and you was on the news?’ ‘Well…just make sure they don’t know anything that I’ve just told you okay?’ ‘Okay.’ I agreed, ‘Just stop here, I’ll walk the rest of the way.’ ‘You sure? It’s really cold out there.’ ‘Yeah, otherwise they might see you? Ask questions.’ ‘Good thinking partner, and sorry for creeping you out earlier…’ ‘Its okay.’ I smiled, ‘I’ll um, talk to you later.’ ‘I’ll call you, thanks for listening.’ I opened the car door, and then shut it behind me. Sarah wound down the window, and waved as she drove down the road. I waited until she was gone, and then walked speedily down the path and started to think about a backup story for when Mum starts to ask questions. I opened the gate, and quickly walked up to the door, but I didn’t have to knock because I saw the shadow figure of my Mum standing behind the door. ‘Mum before you start-’ I began the second she opened the door, but Mum did not let me finish, instead she pulled me in and slammed the door then hissed at me like a cat that had just been plunged into cold water. ‘Where the hell have you been!’ ‘Mum I can explain-’ ‘No need to explain! I know exactly what is going on!’ ‘No you don’t!’ I shouted back, moving towards her, with a screwed up expression upon my face. ‘You have no idea!’ I pushed passed her and into the kitchen. ‘I need a drink, my throat is dry.’ ‘Florence, tell me where you’ve been! You shouldn’t be wondering round at night, you’re pregnant! You’re nearly three months gone!’ ‘Yeah exactly, I’m not even half way! It’s nothing, my bump isn’t even noticeable! I can do what I want Mum!’ ‘Was it a guy?’ She suddenly blurted, but thankfully, I had my back to her as I reached for a cup from the cupboard. I didn’t turn back to face her when I answered, ‘What!’ ‘You heard me! Was it a guy? Are you seeing someone??’ ‘No!’ I exclaimed, ‘Mum that’s horrific! I’m pregnant! Why would I go out and date more guys?’ ‘I don’t know, you tell me!’ She said, with a very argumentative tone. ‘No, mother it isn’t a guy! One stupid guy has already got me pregnant, why would I go out and date another dickhead!’ I said, anger within my voice. I could feel the tense awkwardness in the air, Mum had definitely pressed the wrong buttons. There was a silence, and then Mum lightly, and very quietly added, ‘Flo, I’m sorry.’ I turned around, and looked at her, narrowed eyes. I was so annoyed, Mum knew all about Wayne and how he probably never loved me and how he didn’t want anything to do with me or our baby. Mum knew it, so why would she bring up THAT subject. I quickly opened the fridge door, and picked up the carton of apple juice, kicking the door shut again with my foot. I poured the apple juice into the cup, took a quick sip then filled it back up to the top, put the lid back onto the carton and span around, leaning against the kitchen counter. ‘Whatever Mum, you never listen to me….so, I’m used to it.’ ‘I try to listen to you Florence! But you won’t let me help you, oh! For goodness sake we’ve had this conversation a million times!’ ‘Yeah exactly, so just stop talking…’ I murmured. ‘I heard that!’ Mum shouted, and then sighed, ‘Flo, do…..do you want your dinner?’ ‘No.’ I said, with a much pissed off voice, ‘I’m going to bed.’ I refilled my cup, grabbed a couple of biscuits and then slumped out of the kitchen and up the stairs without taking another look at my mother. But just as I stepped onto the third step, Dad knocked on the door. He knocked once, then again, and then again. He shouted through the letterbox and even Mum screamed at me to answer it, so I plonked down my apple juice on the table by the door, and put my biscuits in my mouth, answering the door. ‘Florence! Finally! How long does it take to open a flipping door?’ He asked sarcastically, then stared at my face, ‘Flo, you okay?’ I nodded, ‘I’m fine, Mum’s in the kitchen.’ I said quietly, then started to walk back up the stairs. ‘I’ll come and see you in a while.’ Dad called up to me, but I didn’t turn round, I just kept walking. When I reached my room, I put my apple juice down on my side table, and my biscuits, quickly took off my jacket and my shoes then changed into my pyjamas, taking my hair out of its ponytail. I huffed, as I picked up my bag from the floor, and rummaged through it to find my phone. It was now half eight, I’d been out at least an hour and a half! I didn’t really know what to think about what Sarah had told me, it was a bit glum and miserable, no wonder Sarah understands how I feel! She was just like me, and now she has all this to worry about! I didn’t know how I would try to deal with all that complication, because I was finding it hard for it to sink in just as Sarah’s friend! How the hell could I deal with it if it was me? So then I knew, I knew what I had to do. I could feel it in my bones, my head and heart were finally telling me the same things, the same messages! I needed to make things okay with Wayne, otherwise he’ll end up doing the same thing to me! I mean, I don’t think he’d ever kill my Mum, cause well she’d probably kill him first- But! Oh you get the picture, I need to make things okay….So that we can still talk about things and make decisions….so our relationship isn’t strained. Just friends. I really wondered if I could do that.
© 2012 LilMissWriter17Author's Note
Featured Review
5 Reviews Added on October 18, 2011 Last Updated on February 24, 2012 Tags: Teenage pregnancy, investigation, witness, love, family, what matters Author![]() LilMissWriter17United KingdomAboutHi! I'm Jess, i'm 19 :) I love reading, writing and drawing :) My dream is to be a published writer, I love writing, it is my passion and I'll never give it up! :) My favourite authors include JK Rowl.. more..Writing
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