![]() Chapter TwoA Chapter by LilMissWriter17![]() Second chapter of 'Unwanted'. Florence has to deal with school, her ex boyfriend and everything else in the world of a pregnant teenager. Enjoy!![]() Chapter two; The rest of the weekend went too fast, and I was dreading going back to school on Monday. I was in the bathroom, having a long relaxing soak in the bath on Sunday night, hoping that Mum would let me have the day off the next day. My wish was ruined when Mum popped her head round the door and smiled, ‘Flo?’ ‘Yeah?’ I looked up to meet her eyes. ‘You okay for school tomorrow? I’ve made a doctors appointment for about four o clock, so try to be home before half three.’ ‘Okay.’ I nearly choked, ‘Do I have to go to school tomorrow Mum?’ ‘It would be good if you could, me and your dad are both at work and Leo’s at school…I wouldn’t want to leave you home alone.’ ‘But everyone is going to find out, and it’ll all be round the school.’ Mum smiled again, more sympathetically this time, ‘You’ll be fine Flo, you’ve got your friends.’ ‘Yeah, okay.’ I mumbled. Mum bit her lip, and then added, ‘Oh! I nearly forgot, could you pick up your brother?’ ‘What from his primary school?’ ‘Yeah it’s just down the road from you; it’ll be so much easier…’ ‘But-’ ‘It would really help me out Flo.’ She pushed, knowing that I would feel guilty if I didn’t agree to help. ‘Okay, fine. That’s fine.’ I said, with a blunt tone. ‘Thank you Florence!’ She said, and then finally got out of my sight. I finished in the bathroom, changing into my comfy pyjamas and sitting up in bed with a hot chocolate and a good book. I didn’t want tomorrow to come, that was the truth. I didn’t want to turn off the light and go to sleep, because tomorrow I’d wake up and it would be Monday and I’d have to get up and go to school. School equalled trouble. Gossiping, rumours, and whatever else. And I didn’t want any of it; I didn’t want to be the new gossip at school. I didn’t want people making rumours that weren’t true about me; I didn’t want it at all. But I had no choice, and the worst thing about going to school tomorrow was that I’d have to see Wayne...my now ex boyfriend. My heart would break into a million pieces all over again, and I wasn’t even sure if I could handle that. Plus, not only did I have school to worry about but Mum had already made an appointment for the doctors tomorrow. Great! Anything else to worry about? Oh, I have to pick up my little brother after school tomorrow as well. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The next day I woke up with a banging headache, a sore throat and sore eyes. I did not, like ever, feel like going to school. But I knew that if I didn’t get up, my mum would kick me out of bed, or at least tell me a sob story, even though I’m pregnant. I got out of bed quickly, got showered and dressed, sorted out my hair and done my make up. Then for once, I made my bed and tidied up a little, then got all my books together and stuffed them in my bag. Luckily, it was only half seven, I had ages before I had to be at school. I grabbed my phone, and dialled Naomi’s number, waiting for her to pick up. ‘Naomi?’ ‘Hey! Florence!’ ‘Are you to school today?’ ‘Yeah, why?’ ‘I’m going in today as well, do you want to come over to mine and we can walk together?’ ‘Aha, sure be there in ten.’ ‘Cool, see you in a bit.’ I said, and then hung up, turning off my phone to save the battery and then stuffed it in my bag with all the rest of my junk. Downstairs, Mum had made breakfast. The dinning room table was full of plates of toast, and pots of marmite, butter, and jam. I licked my lips, knowing that I really fancied a bit of jam on toast. I sat down, and Mum put a cup of coffee in front of me, kissing me on the head as a thank you for waking up and getting up for school. I loaded my toast with jam, and then bit into it, pausing in between bites to have a sip of my coffee. I was delighted that when I finished it was only quarter to eight, I still had time before I needed to get to school. At ten to, the door rang, and I knew it was Naomi. ‘Hey!’ I greeted her, she smiled and gave me a hug. ‘You okay babe?’ She looked at me, her tone as worried as her face. ‘I’m fine, well…you know.’ ‘Aha.’ She smiled sympathetically, ‘Don’t worry, though honey. You’ll be fine today! Just stick with me.’ She put an arm round me. ‘God, I will. Like glue.’ Naomi chuckled, and then made her way through to the dinning room. ‘Oh hey Naomi…’ Mum said, ‘Have you had breakfast? Help yourself to toast.’ ‘Oh thanks Mrs Bridge.’ ‘That’s okay, would you like a coffee?’ ‘Ooooh, yes please.’ Mum grinned, rushing off to the kitchen, giving me a quick smile. After Naomi had finished her coffee and her toast, we finally made it out the door. Naomi linked arms with me as we walked down the road, and on our way to school, the awkward silence broken by Naomi. ‘Don’t look so worried Flo! You’re gonna be fiiiine!’ Naomi tried to make me smile, as we walked along, I couldn’t help but have a miserable, thoughtful expression. ‘Everyone’s going to look at me and think, oh my god, she is such a s**t!’ ‘Flo, no! Naomi exclaimed, standing in front of me and stopping me from walking forward, ‘They don’t even know you’re pregnant! Why the hell would anyone say anything like that!’ ‘Naomi, have you completely forgotten who goes to our school?’ I looked her with complete ignorance, knowing that I sounded like I was talking to a child. I started to walk again, making Naomi move out of my way, and as I walked faster, Naomi struggled to keep up. ‘Wayne.’ ‘Yeah, and who’s the father?’ ‘Wayne.’ ‘And who’s a blabbermouth?’ Naomi laughed once and then for the third time recited, ‘Wayne.’ ‘Exactly! So duh! Every human arsed body in that school is gonna know!’ ‘I’m sure Wayne wouldn’t pass it around….I mean it’s gonna be bad for him as well as you!’ ‘Naomi, seriously! Get a brain! First of all, the bloody gossip is gonna be passed round like a flipping bad smell and second, Wayne will probably say that someone else is the father! Why would he drop himself into it?’ ‘Aah.’ Naomi figured, ‘Good point.’ ‘I shouldn’t be going to school today.’ I sighed. ‘Then go back home….’ Naomi suggested, knowing that I would probably get into trouble. I shook my head, ‘We’re like half way there now, I think I’m just going to get it over with.’ Naomi settled with a sympathetic smile as she hung her arm over my shoulder, ‘Listen chick, you know what?’ ‘What?’ I looked at her questionably. ‘If Wayne has any sense or pride….he won’t say a bloody word.’ ‘And what if he already has?’ ‘Then my darling…’ Naomi stroked my cheek, as I giggled, ‘I’m gonna kick his bloody arse!’ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ School was awkward, but blatantly, it always is. Crowds of people in the corridors, trying finding a seat when you enter a class, all the rumours and gossip about your friends/boyfriends/girlfriends/teachers. It just isn’t the perfect social place to be honest; everyone is just so mean to each other. As I and Naomi entered our tutor room, powered by the wonderful but very weird, Miss Bartley, everyone stared at me, giving me the ’wide eye’ look. I bit my lip as I automatically scrunched up my face with anxiety and quickly nabbed a seat next to Naomi, praying that the staring would stop. Miss Bartley entered the room wearing a pink cardigan, and a floral skirt. After the giggles that surrounded her had stopped, she smiled and greeted us, ‘Morning Class.’ She said, her voice sweet and polite, compared to the reply she got from our still half-asleep tutor group. Miss Bartley’s long, bouncy red curls hung down from her shoulders, clashing with her pink cardigan, but she didn’t seem to care….all she’s ever wanted is a man. ‘Right, in a second I will let you go off to your classes but just before I do, I have a couple of announcements.’ Miss Bartley continued her little speech, telling us all about the dance and singing groups available at lunch time, as well as art and sports clubs. Not that anyone was interested. ‘Okay, oh! One more.’ She smiled lightly, ‘The new school nurse, Mrs Anderson is available on Mondays Tuesdays and Thursdays at the first aid rooms for appointments.’ She said, ‘Appointments can be made by anyone and about anything…’ Miss Bartley continued, then when she was finished reading out the bulletin, she finally let us go to class. This, was the bit I was not looking forward to…. No one had said anything yet, all I had got is a few wide eyed stares as I entered my tutor room, but I could deal with that….it’s the gossiping and bitching that I couldn’t deal with. But luckily, today Naomi was with me and she promised to be stuck to me all day. Apart from in the toilets, cause that’s just weird. ‘What do we have first Naomi?’ I whispered to her as we walked out of our tutor room and into the madness of the corridors. As we both got pushed around and I nearly fell to the floor, Naomi whispered back, ‘English.’ I sighed as I gave Naomi a saddening look; English with Mrs Clarke was as boring as watching paint dry. But as she didn’t pay any attention to the class, we end up just messing around and chatting for the whole hour, this was not what I needed today. I was hoping that today, English class would be different. Was I hoping for a miracle? Naomi dragged me into the class, because obviously I was walking as slow as a snail, and I didn’t like to be rushed. She took me right to the back of the class, told me to sit down and then she sat down next to me. A few stares were sent my way, but I did my best to ignore them, and be oblivious to the fact of why they were staring. Maybe they didn’t know, maybe Wayne hadn’t said anything, maybe I was just having a bad hair day or still had my breakfast stuck in my teeth or tooth paste all over my mouth… Christina Fitch, a tall, blonde haired and blue eyed girl sat down next to me and gave me a quick, vague smile. For once, I was happy about people being a little ignorant towards me, I didn’t really want any attention pressed my way, and if there was any, I crossed my fingers, and my toes that no one would mention the pregnancy situation. When Mrs Clarke entered the room, there was no such change in the loud atmosphere, everyone still chatted and kept texting each other on their phones, updating their face book status to something stupid like ‘Sat in English class with ma friends’ and everyone would like it because they’d think it was so ‘cool’ I rolled my eyes at them, suddenly feeling more mature than I’ve ever felt. I knew that in nine months time, I’d have a big responsibility, so I figured I better start maturing sooner rather than later. ‘Right class, settle down please.’ Mrs Clarke’s tone was stern and demanding, she wasn’t yelling, yet. As no one paid any attention to the teacher, Mrs Clarke did not look impressed, and her voice began to increase in volume. ‘YEAR 11! Will you please, put your phones away, be quiet and listen to me!’ She yelled. Everyone went silent, and stared wide eyed at Mrs Clarke. ‘Thank you.’ She said, and then cleared her throat, ‘Right, today we are going to start studying a well known play, written by Williams Shakespeare.’ She announced, and just a second later, everybody groaned. ‘Now now, don’t groan. I’m sure you’re like it, the play is Romeo and Juliet.’ Everyone groaned again, ‘So, we will be watching two films of the play, the older version and the newer version which has Leonardo DiCaprio in it.’ Suddenly the room was filled with happier, whistling girls. ‘Yes, well I thought you’d like that bit.’ Mrs Clarke half smiled, ‘Right class, I am going to pass round some lined paper and I shall make some notes on the board that I would like you to copy.’ She said, swiftly pointing at a couple of students to pass round the paper. ‘See, today is going to be easy peasy.’ ‘Don’t say that!’ I exclaimed, whispering, ‘It’s been easy so far, you might have just jinxed it.’ ‘Don’t be so negative.’ Naomi groaned at me. ‘How can I be positive?’ ‘Don’t think.’ Naomi told me, vaguely. ‘What?’ ‘Don’t think….about anything.’ ‘That’s impossible, how the hell I am supposed to not think about anything, when well…I have a, ‘you know what, situation.’ ‘By pretending for just one day that you haven’t.’ ‘I can’t.’ ‘Yes you can.’ Naomi said, and then looked at the lined paper someone had placed on our desks, ‘Shut up, don’t think, just copy the notes.’ I rolled my eyes at her, ‘Yes Mum!’ I grabbed my pen and started copying. One hour later, my page was overcrowded with my own messy writing, the summary of Romeo and Juliet. I groaned when I finally wrote the last word, my hand ached, and I felt dizzy. When the bell rang, I groaned again feeling a headache coming on. ‘Okay class, you are dismissed.’ ‘Flo, clear your stuff up.’ Naomi ordered, already stood up with her bag slung over her shoulder. I looked at her, a little puzzled, then she rolled her eyes and sighed then helped me stuff all my things into my bag. ‘What do I do with this?’ I showed her my work. ‘Give it to miss? Duh! I’ll wait outside.’ Naomi said, walking out of the classroom. When everyone had gone, I quickly slung my bag over my shoulder and put the piece of paper on Mrs Clarke’s desk, ‘Thank you Florence.’ She smiled, and then I quickly walked away. Naomi grabbed my arm again as soon as I reached her, ‘What do we have next?’ ‘Maths.’ ‘Oh god.’ I moaned, ‘Not Mr Salt.’ ‘Oh yes, Mr Salt in his pants.’ I laughed out loud, ‘He smells so bad.’ ‘How would you know?’ Naomi raised an eyebrow, still pulling me along the corridors, ‘Have you been smelling him?’ ‘No….’ I laughed, ‘His scent is so strong, it follows him everywhere he goes.’ ‘Eww!’ Naomi exclaimed, screwing up her face. ‘Yep.’ Maths was slow and not needed, no one wanted to do maths early in the morning. I gladly got on with my work, but groaned with everyone else when Mr Salt set us homework. An hour later, math class was over and it was break time. ‘God!’ Naomi sighed with relief, ‘I am so glad that’s over.’ ‘Me too.’ I laughed. ‘I need a f*g.’ Naomi announced. I looked at her, ‘I thought you gave up!’ ‘I did…’ She said, then shrugged, ‘But I couldn’t stick to it…’ ‘Karl?’ ‘Well yeah, I mean I gave up but it didn’t make him give up.’ Karl is Naomi’s nicotine addicted boyfriend, he’s seventeen and at college. I wasn’t too keen on him at first, as Naomi had met him from a friend of a friend but as they’ve been going out for six months now, I kinda had to get used to him. He was always there at her house when I went to go hang out with Naomi, and Naomi didn’t want to choose between friends and boys so she thought they could all hang out together. Wayne and Karl ended up being best friends, so it would work out that when they wanted a boys night out, they’d go watch football at each others houses and the girls, myself and Naomi would do what we wanted to do. ‘You coming for a f*g?’ Naomi asked. I looked at her, with an expression that was so sarcastic, ‘Really Naomi? You think that I’m gonna have a f*g with you?’ I pointed at my stomach and then realised that I was making it so obvious of what I didn’t want everyone to know about. ‘I’d stop doing that if I were you.’ Naomi reminded me, ‘Just come and stand with me, people might start asking why?’ I sighed, ‘Good point.’ I followed Naomi down to the car park of the school, where we usually all hung out, and I knew that I was going to see Wayne, so I tried to prepare myself. Wayne was there of course, looking identical to everyone else in his uniform. He was sat on a bench, next to the bike sheds, drinking something from a plastic bottle which I was so sure was not water, and in the other hand he held a cigarette which he put to his mouth just as we arrived. ‘Naomi!’ A girl with long brown hair and big eyes, wearing far too much make up called her over, ‘Do you want a f*g?’ ‘Ohhh god, yes please.’ Naomi walked over, looking back at me and mouthing, ‘You’ll be okay?’ I nodded vaguely, and then she smiled and carried on walking over to the girl. I stood silently, wondering what to do. I couldn’t have a f*g, I couldn’t have a drink (meaning alcohol) and I didn’t know anyone that I could talk to. I was tempted to go and sit next to Wayne, but I wasn’t sure what he would do…..or say. Wayne beat me to it, after ten minutes, he turned around and saw me standing by the bike shed, looking at my watch and checking my phone. ‘Hey!’ He said, his voice overwhelmed with cigarette smoke. ‘Flo!’ I turned around, saw him smiling, ‘Hi…’ ‘Come over here.’ He grinned, and I suddenly felt very confused. Hadn’t he broken up with me at the weekend? ‘Come here baby!’ He said, then got up from his seat, chucked his cigarette on the floor and slammed his foot down on it, then came up to me, smiling. ‘What are you doing just standing there?’ I raised an eyebrow, ‘Erm, minding my own business?’ ‘Come over here….come sit with me.’ I stared at him, ‘Wayne, you broke up with me! Go away, I don’t want to talk to you….’ Suddenly, he put one arm round me and pulled me close, then kissed me, kissed me like he had never kissed me before. Sweet, and endlessly deep, his mouth was warm on mine but his breath smelt of alcohol and was off-putting. Luckily, I still had some sense left in me, as I pushed him away, ‘What are you doing! You broke up with me!’ I screamed at him, wiping my mouth with the sleeve of my jumper. ‘I want you back Flo, I want to be a Dad to this baby, our baby.’ He said, loud and clear, so that just about everyone heard him. The little blonde girl whom had given Naomi a f*g, stepped out from the little huddled group and looked at me, ‘You’re pregnant?’ I closed my eyes, and wished that I could sink down, and die. This was the worst thing that could possibly happen, but no, it actually wasn’t, because five seconds later, Wayne made it much, much worse. ‘Yeaaah she is man.’ He said, his breath a mix of vodka and nicotine. Did I really want this man, man? I mean, boy, to be the father of my child? No I did not, and though he is, and I can’t change that, I was about to let him into my child’s life. No way, not a drunken, nicotine addict. ‘And!’ Wayne added, and I kept my eyes closed, ‘I’m the father.’ He announced, and with that, I opened my eyes to see everyone suddenly crawling out of their huddles in every corner. Suddenly, they were giving me attention, and wanting to know the gossip. ‘You!’ I pushed him, ‘You’re an a*****e!’ I screamed, pushing him again, watching him fall to the ground. I looked at everyone, deep in the eye, and then as the first tear left my eye, I ran. I ran away, away from all the drama and I never ever wanted to go back. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Okay, so I couldn’t exactly run home. I mean, one it was too far, and two I’d probably get into trouble, so I settled for the girls toilets. I locked myself in one of the cubicles, and cried myself out, cried until my eyes were sore and dry, till no more tears escaped. I was all cried out. I wiped my eyes, and blew my nose with some toilet paper, and then put my head in my hands, trying to think of what the hell to do. So obviously, I thought, everyone knows about the pregnancy now, and that Wayne is the father. So I guess the best thing to do is well deny it? Or will that make it worse? Maybe if I just say yeah, I am pregnant, and yeah Wayne’s the father, their just say ‘oh, good luck and everything’ then walk away and go back to their little groups. Or in a another case, their take the mick out of me and ruin the rest of my teenage and school years. Either way, I’m ruined. Maybe it’s my fault for getting pregnant anyway. I sighed, and decided I was done with thinking. I knew Naomi would find me soon, maybe she knew what to do. It was another half an hour before Naomi found me, I heard the sound of her high heels against the floor as she entered the girls toilets, and then quietly and gently knocked on every door. ‘Flo? You in here?’ She said, with a soft gentle voice. ‘Florence?’ ‘I’m in here.’ I said, my throat was so dry it made my voice croaky, ‘Over here Naomi.’ I put my foot out, and then stood up and opened the door, she slowly came in and then relocked the door. ‘Oh babe.’ She said, her tone sympathetic. ‘What am I gonna do?’ Naomi shook her head, ‘I really don’t know babe…but Wayne…’ She sighed, ‘He was so out of order.’ ‘He’s an a*****e.’ ‘Yeah I know babe.’ She played with my hair, ‘But maybe…maybe…’ ‘Maybe what?’ ‘Maybe he still loves you, I mean maybe he meant it….about what he said…’ ‘Naomi! He’s drunk! He’s been drinking vodka.’ ‘He’s not that pissed…’ ‘How do you know?’ ‘Because he saw you, and he kissed you!’ ‘So?’ ‘Drunk people usually don’t have the sense to kiss someone…’ ‘Yes they do….they go around kissing everyone they see…and course I was the first person he saw.’ ‘All I’m saying is Flo, is that maybe….maybe Wayne wants to be part of this baby’s life.’ She said, with honesty in her voice, ‘He is the father after all, and believe me it isn’t going to be easy on your own….you need all the support you can get.’ I looked down at my hands, and then looked up at Naomi for a second, ‘I don’t need him though, I don’t want him. He’s a drunk, and an a*****e. I have all the support I need, I have you and I have my parents…’ ‘But he’s the father.’ ‘So? I can do this all without him…’ Naomi shrugged, seemingly deciding that she had lost the debate, ‘Fine.’ She smiled, ‘If you think you can cope, then you can cope…’ ‘Thanks.’ I said. ‘No problem, now do you want to come to class?’ ‘What do we have?’ I sighed. ‘French.’ She said, ‘One more lesson, and then you can go home at lunch?’ ‘Fine.’ I huffed, following Naomi out of the girls toilets and into the crowded corridor. No one stopped and stared, but I wasn’t hurrying to get to French class because I knew once I was there, I would be the centre of the gossip. Naomi pulled on my arm, and again, placed me next to her. Our teacher, Madame Bathe passed round our French books and then asked us to copy out the French sentences on the board and wait for further instructions. This hour went far too slowly for my liking, we we’re asked to practice saying the sentences with the person next to us and then we’d have to perform the conversation in front of the class. I did not want to do that. Not today. Not ever. Madame Bathes’ eyes suddenly struck onto our table, ‘Florence? Naomi? Would you like to try?’ Inside, I was saying no no you can’t do this…You’re gonna make an absolute fool of yourself. But the problem was, if I refused, I’d look even more stupid. So I decided to change my lines a little… ‘Bonne après-midi…’ Naomi started, though I really had no idea what she had just said. I answered, with a powerful voice. ‘Faites-moi sortir d’ici des maintenant!’ Naomi stared at me in horror, realizing that those weren’t our instructed lines. ‘Comment allez-vous aujourd’hui?’ ‘Je suis bon, juste un peu malade…’ I said, with a uncontrollable giggle. Madame Bathe stared at us after we’d finished, ‘Ooooh-Kay! Well done! Who’s next?’ She frowned, then quickly moved onto to the next victims. While Madame Bathe was distracted, Naomi stared at me again. ‘What the hell! You didn’t stick to your lines!’ ‘Well I thought I’d make it a bit….different!’ I laughed, knowing exactly what Naomi was going to ask next. ‘So what the hell did you actually say?’ She raised an eyebrow. I shrugged, ‘Just that I needed to get out of here now and I felt a little sick.’ Naomi laughed loudly, ‘Do you think she noticed?’ We watched our teacher pace up and down the front of the classroom, pointing to the whiteboard. ‘I have no idea…’ Naomi didn’t say anything, just carried on laughing though it wasn’t exactly that funny. The rest of the class was rather boring, though watching Naomi getting told off for laughing was quite amusing. I sighed heavily when the bell rang, and made a quick escape for the door, Naomi tagged along behind me. ‘I think you should go see the nurse, tell her you’re….ya know, and then complain of morning sickness.’ ‘But I’m not that far gone.’ ‘Well lie!’ ‘Okay.’ I mumbled. Naomi gave me a quick hug, telling me everything would be okay and then sent me off to first aid. I quickly fast walked around the school, and found the first aid room. I knocked on the door, and then sat down on a chair outside. Mrs Anderson was a small woman, dressed in jeans and a casual top, her hair was tied up into a ponytail, her face had hardly any make up on and her voice was squeaky. ‘Oh hello lovie…’ She said, ‘How can I help you?’ ‘Are you free? I mean to talk alone..’ ‘Of course, come in. I’ll make you a hot chocolate.’ She smiled cutely. ‘Mrs Anderson….’ I started to explain, as she shut the door behind us and then sat down on her chair in front of her computer. I sat down on the small bed, surrounded with cupboards and shelves full of medicines and first aid supplies. ‘Please, call me Maddie.’ ‘Maddie?’ Maddie nodded, ‘Okay Maddie…..um.’ She stared at me wide eyed and I could help but feel intimidated, ‘I’m pregnant…’ Her stare didn’t flinch, she wasn’t surprised to hear a teenage girl say she was pregnant, though being a nurse she probably heard this sort of thing every day. ‘And, well I’m feeling a little….light headed. Dizzy, sick. I don’t know if I can make it through the rest of the day.’ ‘Would you like to go home?’ ‘Yes please.’ ‘Okay.’ Maddie nodded, ‘What’s your name?’ ‘Florence Bridge.’ ‘Right, and do your teachers know about your pregnancy?’ I shook my head, ‘Okay, and is your mother at home?’ ‘I-I don’t think so….but I have a key.’ ‘Aha good, and your mother? She knows?’ ‘Of course, yes.’ ‘Okay, well I shall tell your teachers for this afternoon that you have a stomach bug and have gone home. I’ll allow you to have tomorrow off as well, but please be back by Wednesday…’ She sighed, ‘Darling, have you made a doctors appointment?’ I nodded, ‘Mum made one for this afternoon.’ ‘Good, don’t worry…everything will work out.’ ‘Thank you….Maddie.’ She handed me a slip, and then let me go, I was full of relief when I walked out of the school and started making my way home. I knew that it was at least a good half an hour away, but I didn’t care, I could be at that school any longer. I would of committed suicide if Maddie hadn’t of let me go so easily. Which blatantly, I was very surprised. School nurses usually just tell you to go have something to eat or get some fresh air, but this time there wasn’t any questions at all. I don’t know if me being pregnant made it any different, but there was something very, different about the nurse…. I mean, her name is Maddie for gods sake. When I finally reached home, I didn’t waste any time, I quickly let myself in and dumped my stuff upstairs then made myself a cup of tea and chilled out in front of the TV. A few hours passed, and I knew that I’d have to pick up Leo soon, and then I’d have to go to the doctors with Mum…..I was actually dreading it, I had this feeling that the doctor was going to say something is wrong or surprise me with something… I surprised myself when I couldn’t keep down a couple of pieces of toast and rushed to the bathroom to be sick. Maybe this was a clue? Maybe I was already a few months gone? F**k. But no, I couldn’t be. I don’t have a bump, yet. I cleared up in the bathroom, and drank down some water. I sighed as the clock reached ten to three, rushing around to get my coat and shoes on. I was out the door by five past, and I knew Leo would be wondering where Mum was so I called his primary school and explained that I would be picking Leo up but I’m running late. They thanked me for calling and told me they’d make sure that Leo was told. I fast walked the rest of the way, and finally, at half past three I made it to King Shore primary school, headmistress Miss Stones. Apparently she was a crazy haired woman who wore short skirts and see through tops, but that was only according to Leo, my eleven year old brother. No one would ever think that this cute little boy with blonde spiked up hair and blue gorgeous eyes could ever be my brother, but the truth was, he took after my dad and I took after my mum. Unfortunately. Leo had always been cleverer than boys his age, he was always two his above his intelligence and had been getting A*’s since he was a toddler. Leo was waiting, on one of the picnic benches outside the school. Other kids Leo’s age were playing and chasing each other on the park, but Leo, well he quietly sat at the table, reading his science boy comic book. He never changed his ambition to become a inventor when he was older. And his first child was always going to be called Albert, and if a girl, Alberta. Poor kid. ‘Alright Leo?’ I greeted him cheerfully, with a big grin. It seemed to be swept away when Leo didn’t answer, he seemed to engrossed in his comic book. ‘Leo?’ I said softly, ‘it’s home time now, gotta go home.’ I smiled, tapped on his book, and pulled it away from his face, which was hidden. ‘Leo!’ I exclaimed, ‘C’mon! You can read that at home.’ He didn’t answer, he was completely, and utterly ignoring me! How the hell could this be happening? Eleven year olds shouldn’t even know what that word means! They can’t probably even spell it! But Leo can, oh yes Leo can! Cause he’s special. ‘Leonardo!’ I exclaimed again, my tone turning stern. I never, ever called him by his full, real name because he actually hated it. But this time, it was emergency. ‘Leo!’ I snatched the comic book from his hands, ripping the front page, and then I saw his face, his beautiful small and innocent face. His face was crying, he was crying! His sad eyes were spurting out tears, and he couldn’t stop them. My eleven year old genius of a brother, was crying! What the hell had happened at school?! Was he being bullied!? I’m telling ya now if he’s being bullied, I’ll bully them lot back! ‘Oh Leo.’ I said, my softer tone returning. I quickly placed the book on the table, and whispered that I’d buy him another one out of my make up fund. Then I sat down next to him, and pushed him into my side, placing my head on his. ‘What’s the matter baby?’ I said, ‘Are the other kids bullying you? If they are you can tell me you know…’ I said, quietly, trying to encourage him to be open about his worries. ‘Leo….’ There was another couple of muffled sobs that came from my brother, and then he finally announced in his small, crying voice. ‘Mr floppy died…’ For a second, I wondered if I had heard right, but then I was sure. And I couldn’t stop it! I really couldn’t! I laughed, I laughed so hard! I laughed inside and out, and the worst thing I did was laughed out loud…. I chuckled so loudly, all the kids on the playground stood and stared at me for a spilt second, and then their parents ushered them away. ‘Flo! I’m being serious.’ He whined, ‘The class rabbit, Mr floppy! He died.’ I looked at him, really looked at him, right in the eye. But no, I couldn’t stop. I laughed again, I chuckled and god I sounded like a witch then Leo looked at me, with his gorgeously cute sea blue eyes, all innocent and sad. I didn’t laugh that time, I cuddled him close instead and then took his hand, grabbing the ripped comic as we began to walk away from the school. Mum was waiting for us when we arrived home, though she didn’t exactly give us a nice welcome. ‘Florence! Thank goodness! Where the hell have you been!’ She shrieked, her hair bouncing up and down as she shook her head. ‘Sorry!’ I exclaimed, ‘I um, came home early from school and then went to pick Leo up but there was a bit of an incident…’ I said, and then Leo quietly added. ‘Floppy the class rabbit died Mum!’ ‘Oh darling, oh that’s awful!’ Mum tried to sound sympathetic. ‘And Flora ripped my comic book so she had to get me another one…’ He giggled grabbing the bag I was holding containing his new comic book and sweets. I had to bribe him to come home somehow. ‘Don’t eat them all at once Leo! Your teeth will fall out.’ ‘Whatever.’ He answered. I rolled my eyes then looked back at Mum, ‘Sorry…’ I said again, seemingly feeling that she was still annoyed with me. ‘Why, did you come home early Florence?’ ‘I um, I didn’t feel too good.’ I said, giving her the slip that the nurse had given me. ‘Right, sure okay.’ She nodded, ‘Well, no time to stop! We need to go to the doctors!’ ‘What about Leo?’ ‘Well he’s coming with us.’ ‘Mum! I am not sitting in that doctors room with you and Leo!’ ‘No that’s right you’re not, Leo can play with the toys…..read his comic. He’ll be fine! Now c’mon, we’ll be late.’ She said, ‘LEO! IN THE CAR NOW!’ ‘But I just started reading my-’ ‘Bring it with you, and the sweets…’ Mum told him, and Leo slowly slumped down the stairs, carrying his sweets and comic book. ‘C’mon boy.’ Mum smiled at him, following me out the door and getting into the car. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Unfortunately, the doctors on Lawn Ridge Road was packed, and I knew that my normal doctor, Dr Best was going to be very busy. Dr Best had been my doctor since I was a baby, Mum brought me to see him when I had teething problems, and chicken pox and all the rest. Dr Best to me was actually the best, because he’d always give me lolly pops if I’d been a brave girl. I figured today wasn’t about being brave, or seeing Dr Best. Today was about growing up and taking responsibility. The receptionist, dressed in casual clothes and her hair in a ponytail with drab tired looking eyes informed us that Dr Best would not be available today. Myself and Mum exchanged looks, but gave the receptionist a chance to speak and tell us who would replace him. Someone called, Dr Frances. A woman doctor. Maybe it was for the best. It was half an hour before Dr Frances called my name, she was dressed in a normal outfit, a white blouse and a black skirt. Her hair was a light mousy brown, and bobbed, and she was quite pretty, though she didn’t have much make up on. Her voice sounded young, and sweet, I hoped that she would be as nice as she sounded. Mum told Leo that we’d be back soon, and he was to stay here and play with the toys and read his book, then because she was so worried he was going to run over to the shop when he ran out of sweets she told one of the receptionists to keep an eye on him. I rolled my eyes, as Mum followed me through to the doctors room. As any doctors room is, it was bright and airy. The walls painted a plain white, with a desk area and a computer and files and cupboards on the wall. Then in the corner, there was also a bed, and a curtain, and other intimidating objects. My throat felt tight when Dr Frances smiled at me and told me to take a seat while she shut the door. She sat down comfortably in her chair, and began to fiddle about with the computer mouse, before looking at me and asking, ‘So, Florence, what can I do for you today?’ Wow, I thought, Was I meant to just tell her? Was Mum going to help me? To be honest I was shaking like a leaf, I felt as if though my voice had vanished and if I tried to speak, it would come out as a croak. Mum encouragingly took my hand and squeezed it, Dr Frances eyes studied this and gathered that the problem I had to share with her today was more than a stomach ache or a nasty cold. ‘Dr Frances…’ My mother began, and I automatically let out a quick, silent sigh. ‘My daughter, Florence….’ Mum was struggling, I could see it in her face. Dr Frances continued to study Mum’s face, and mine, she was patient but I knew that she had other patients to see, and that time was getting on. She saw teenagers like me every day….it was the same as the nurse at school. Dr Frances wouldn’t be shocked, but she wouldn’t be any less sympathetic than Madeline. I sighed, took a deep breath, ‘I’m pregnant.’ I finally said. ‘Oh.’ Dr Frances said, ‘Oh okay, I see..’ She smiled at me lightly, ‘How old are you Florence? This must have been quite a shock…’ ‘Um yes, it was….I’m sixteen.’ ‘Right okay.’ She said, turning to her computer ready to take notes. Oh god. ‘So how long have you been sexually active?’ Oh god. I think my stomach just dropped out of my butt. ‘Two months.’ ‘Right, and how long was it since you last had sex?’ ‘Three, four weeks?’ ‘And what made you think you was pregnant?’ ‘I missed a period…’ I told the doctor honestly, ‘I thought I might of just been a change in cycle…it happens right?’ ‘Of course.’ Dr Frances smiled, ‘It’s normal for women and young girls to have a change in cycle….it changes when the body is on an amount of stress or diet change or anything really.’ ‘Yeah, that’s what I thought.’ I said, shrugging, ‘I just thought it might be down to stress or not eating properly, but then I figured that I’d been feeling overly tired…’ ‘So you got a pregnancy test..’ ‘Yes.’ ‘So when did you first find you that you were pregnant?’ ‘Three days ago, Friday night.’ I said, biting my lip because I hadn’t told Mum this piece of information. ‘I thought you found out on Saturday?’ Mum looked at me, all quizzically. ‘I got two tests….I had to be sure.’ ‘You did the right thing.’ Dr Frances assured me, and then carried on, ‘So you found out on Friday, and then did another test Saturday morning? To make sure.’ ‘Yeah, that’s right.’ ‘Okay, right. I’m going to have to check your stomach now Florence, and check the baby and tell you how far your gone…’ She said, grabbing some gloves from her desk, and a file with my name on it. ‘Please follow me to the nurses room, Mrs Bridge you can stay here if you like.’ ‘Okay.’ Mum said lightly, she smiled at me and nodded. ‘You’ll be alright Florence.’ I nodded, and then followed Dr Frances out the door, and down the hall into the nurses room. It was the same as the doctors room, accept smaller. The bed was on the side of the room, but there was no curtain, the scanning machine was stood at the end of the bed, by the window. ‘Okay Florence, if you’d like to just lay on the bed, get comfy.’ I did as she said, feeling myself shake as I climbed onto the bed and laid down. F**k. I thought, why the hell do I do this to myself? Put myself in these horrible situations. ‘I’m just putting your information in Florence.’ Dr Frances said, as if she’d just heard me sigh with impatience. ‘Right then.’ The doctor finally turned around, and walked towards the bed, turning on the ultrasound machine. ‘Okay, I’m just going to put some jelly on your stomach, it might be a little cold.’ She assured me, with a calm voice. She was right, and it was nothing else but cold. It actually looked like jelly too, the stuff you eat, accept well…it was blue. ‘Florence, you won’t be able to see the baby just yet. It’s still a tiny fetus but I’m just seeing how big it is, so I can tell you how far you’ve gone.’ ‘Okay.’ I said. The scan was moved around my stomach, and on the screen, I saw my baby. Well, it wasn’t a baby yet…..I mean like Dr Frances said…it’s just a fetus thing… But it’s still a baby, it’s going to grow into a baby. Dr Frances kindly pointed out my baby that right now just looked like a blob, I was so tempted to squeal out loud with excitement but I controlled it. Dr Frances moved her eyes from her screen to look at me. ‘You’re already over a month gone Florence…’ ‘Oh!’ ‘Yes, you must of fell pregnant the second before last time you had sex….’ ‘So not the last time but the last time before that?’ ‘Yes, and you must of missed two periods…’ ‘But I didn’t even notice.’ The edges of Dr Frances' mouth curved up, ‘It happens…’ ‘Yeah.’ I sighed, waiting for it all to sink in. ‘You’re welcome, I’ll get this jelly off your stomach then we’ll go tell your Mum and sort some things out.’ ‘Kay.’ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Weirdly, Mum didn’t freak as much as I thought she would when the doctor told her that I was already a month gone. I mean, even I was shocked, so I allowed her to be just that, shocked. But she wasn’t anything else, I guess she was over it, I’m pregnant I guess one month gone isn’t the worse of it… Dr Frances gave me some medicines, to the help the sickness when it starts to come every morning, and also for back pain and other stuff. I felt like such a mother. A real, old Mom. She wished me luck, and then we made an appointment for four weeks time, when I’ll be nearly two months gone. I started to wonder when I’d get a bump, but Mum seemed to be all clued up on the baby bump stuff. ‘I didn’t start to show till I was four months gone darling, you might be the same.’ ‘Hmm, I can’t decide if that’s a good thing or bad.’ I laughed once. ‘Well, you’ve still got school so….in your case….’ ‘Yeah I see your point.’ I sighed, ‘Don’t I get like maternity leave or something?’ Mum laughed, reversing into a parking space at Tesco’s, we were surrounded by cars and people with trolleys. ‘It doesn’t work like that Florence. That’s only for mothers who are working, you’re at school, you’re not meant to get pregnant.’ ‘And ‘mothers who are working’ are, are they?’ Mum huffed at me, ‘Say no more.’ She murmured, opening the car door and starting to get out, but looking back before doing so, ‘You coming in or staying in the car?’ ‘Can we look at baby clothes yet?’ ‘No!’ She exclaimed, as if she was ashamed or embarrassed of me. ‘Okay I’m staying here.’ I answered bluntly, looking away and straight ahead. ‘Florence….you have a lot to learn lovie.’ ‘Yeah whatever Mum.’ ‘Be good, look after Leo. I won’t be long.’ She said, and then off she went walking away, and into Tesco’s. I sighed with boredom, I was cold, and hot and tired and hungry. Leo had fallen asleep in the back, chocolate round his mouth and his comic open on his lap. I was tempted to pinch a chocolate from his bag, but I knew I’d get caught. My mind drifted for a while, and my eyes felt heavy, I struggled to get comfortable, but then after a while, I managed to have a sleep. I dreamt about my baby, and being happy. Married, with kids…..good job, money and a caring husband who wanted me for who I am, and not just for one thing. Of course, when I woke up everything suddenly hit me, like a big slap in the face. I’m sixteen, and over a month pregnant already, I’m a single mother… Compared to the perfect dream of a family, the single mother at sixteen thing seemed crap. It made me depressed, made me sink down in my seat. I sighed, tapping my fingers on my knee, I wanted to get out of here. Out of this car park, and out of this world! I wanted to go home… Hide under my bedcovers, and stay there forever. When the moment had passed, and I felt a little calm again, my attention was drawn towards something that…well, it took my mind off my problems. There was a girl, a young woman. She couldn’t be any older than the age of twenty two, she gripped her handbag on her shoulder so tightly, that her hands could have been burning by the friction. The expression upon her face, worried me straight away; she looked frightened, anxious…. Like she knew something was going to happen, like she was late for something but it was much much worse than forgetting to pay some bills or…forgetting to update her taxes. She walked along the path, once she’d crossed the road, and every now and then, she looked back behind her… As if someone was following her, wanting something from her. But she knew, she knew it was coming. Suddenly, my eyes grew wide, as the young girl was pulled by her arm, by a man that was following her along the path. I hadn’t noticed, until now. He pulled her around to face him, and I could see within their body language that they were having some kind of heated discussion. The girl tried to get away from the man, but he still held tightly onto her arm, and as she tried to escape, my whole body twisted towards the scene. I wanted to get out of the car, and help her. What the hell was he doing? I gasped when the man slapped her round the face, pulled her hair, and dragged her across the road, he pushed her to the floor, making her sit on the pavement. They argued again, she waved her arms around in the air, and he pointed his finger, angrily at her face. I could of screamed with delight and relief when two other people came rushing over, one was sure to be a security guard, and there was a woman who must have called security over. The security guard was the same height and build as the man who had mishandled the girl, tall with dark hair. The girl was smaller than the men, with mousy brown curly hair that shaped her face. The other person who had called security, was a older woman, just old enough to be the girls mother. The security guard vaguely spoke into his phone, probably calling the police, while he carefully held the angry and persistent man with two hands behind his back. The older woman was sympathising the young girl, and then the woman said something to the security guard, who nodded and then focused on the man again. It must have been fifteen minutes when a police car, and ambulance arrived, and I was still wide eyed from behind the car window. The police handcuffed the man, while he shouted and screamed, pointing at the girl, and she did, I had to be honest, look a little guilty about something. Something was there, there were deeper and darker secrets about that girl. Once the police car had driven away, the security guard made sure the girl was fine, and helped her into the ambulance, the older woman stepped into the ambulance too. The doors closed, and the ambulance was gone, with the siren, loud and clear heading off into the distance. The security guard from my eyes, huffed and sighed, then looked over at me; right in the eye, just for a second, before walking away again. I was astonished! How could all that of happened in just forty five minutes! The light sound of the siren in the distance, woke up my brother. Leo yawned as his eyes twitched and flickered open. I turned round to look at him, and mouthed, ‘Hiya.’ His response wasn’t as light as I thought it would be; ‘What’s that siren!’ He exclaimed, his eyes almost popping out of his eyelids, ‘Is that….is that a AMBULANCE!?’ Leo is also obsessed with anything that is big, moves on four or more wheels and has a siren. Weird kid. ‘Leo.’ I rolled my eyes, ‘Yes, it was an ambulance. You missed it, bad luck.’ ‘Darn it!’ I opened my mouth, ‘What did you say! ‘I said, DARN! God Flo! Not like I said the F word, which I hear you say alllllllllll the time!’ Okay, now he was sounding normal; like an annoying eleven year old kid. ‘Where’s Mum?’ ‘Leo!’ I exclaimed, had his brains just disappeared while he slept? Wow, maybe I would actually get some credit for my hard working C grades. ‘We are at a shop. It’s a big shop. Full of food, and equipment and everything else that people, buy.’ I told him sarcastically as I could, ‘Yes! That’s right, Mum….has gone…….SHOPPING!’ ‘Ha-ha! Very funny.’ Leo said, his face brightening up for a second, before coming a moody pre-teen expression once again. ‘Oh god.’ I murmured to myself, not knowing that my brother had suddenly gotten extremely good hearing. ‘Mum hurry up.’ ‘Oh god.’ Leo mimicked me, his voice whiny and so unlike me, ‘Mum hurry up.’ ‘Shut up!’ I snapped. ‘You shut up!’ ‘NO! You shut up!’ ‘YOU SHUT UP.’ ‘LEO SHUT UP!’ ‘FLORENCE SHUT UPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP….’ While enticed in our mini shouting match, Mum had silently put the bags away and was now standing by the open door, listening to Leo and waiting for him to finally finish the flaming ‘upping’ ‘UPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP.’ Leo kept going, then I gave him a look that made him snap to Mum’s face and well, shut up. ‘Yes, thank you Leo.’ Mum said sternly, getting into the car, then she put the keys in but didn’t turn the car on, she turned round at Leo and looked at him then at me and asked, ‘So, have you been doing this since I left?’ ‘No…’ We both answered in unison, turning round to look at each other and giving evils. ‘Florence!’ Mum exclaimed, ‘Stop it, you’re supposed to be the older and more mature one.’ ‘Florence? Mature? Pffft, like that’s ever going to happen!’ Leo exclaimed from the back seat. Mum gave him a warning look in the wing mirror, and I swear for a second, he sounded as if he turned into a girl and was now my nagging and annoying OLDER sister. What the bloody hell was happening to this world! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
© 2011 LilMissWriter17Author's Note
Featured Review
3 Reviews Added on September 16, 2011 Last Updated on December 5, 2011 Tags: Unwanted, Love, Realizing what matters, Family. Author![]() LilMissWriter17United KingdomAboutHi! I'm Jess, i'm 19 :) I love reading, writing and drawing :) My dream is to be a published writer, I love writing, it is my passion and I'll never give it up! :) My favourite authors include JK Rowl.. more..Writing