![]() Chapter 2- SchoolA Chapter by LilMissJPLike you mortals we go to school, but depending on our characteristics, we each have a different time to be there. If you're creatures of the night you have to be there right when the sun goes down, but if you're a creature of the day then well you get the point.
Today's the first day of school! I can't wait to see all of my friends, but I wish my sister would feel the same. When I woke up beside her coffin, I felt bad. I could never go to school and hang out with her since we have totally different schedules. I wonder what school's like at night.
You're probably wondering why we have totally different schedules. It's because of our blood. Since I'm mostly werewolf I am called a werewolf, and my sister's just the opposite if you know what I mean. So our lives are sort of different from each other’s and they don't usually merge.
I got up at five like normal, but luckily the moon wasn't full, or we could've had a serious problem. I keep forgetting to take my potion at night since I never look at the calendar anymore. Come to think of it I should really start doing that. Oh well. I ate breakfast and was off to school afterwards. Here's another FYI for you mortals, I eat the same thing you do, but my sister on the other hand has to have, you know, B-L-O-O-D, and you can't say that word in front of her because she gets a little freaky if you do.
School Once I set foot on school property, I felt at home right away. Back to school, I couldn't have asked for anything else. I missed my crazy teachers and professors, especially my wacko friends. Oh and my crush, Brandon. He's a shape shifter, and HOT! I've said too much.
When I felt someone tap my shoulder I jumped because I was lost in thought, which I tend to do a lot.
"I didn't mean to scare you, I just wondered if you were alright, since Whyet does have a pretty good arm." It was Brandon! And he looks super sexy with his dark brown hair a mess as it hung in his face hiding his dark blue eyes that never seemed to show happiness. There was one problem, I was so lost in thought, that I had no idea what he was talking about.
"Hello?" He asked again.
"Oh, umm. Sorry, what the HECK are you talking about?" When I asked this he just laughed and reached down to receive the head of a fake human. They practice their "stunts' with it. It's a sport we have that is something like karate or fencing, but a lot more aggressive. People who participate are called warriors.
"Oh." I said noticing the head. "Did it hit me or something?" I only received a nod, and then I understood.
"So.... Are you ok?"
"Yeah, sorry if I freaked you out. I didn't did I?"
"For a minute, but are you sure you're ok?"
"I'm fine; I was just.....Lost in thought." I said with a laugh.
"What were you thinking about if I may ask?"
"Oh just-" I couldn't finish because Whyet bellowed something. He has to ruin every good moment. When I say every good moment I mean every good moment. It's kind of his thing. Okay he does it a lot, but we love him anyways.
"Sorry, we'll have to finish this chat later; I have to get back to the guys."
"Alrighty then good luck."
"Thanks see you later Flame!"
"It's Star!" I called after him. For some reason people always confuse me with my sister, oh wait we're twins that's why. Besides the white hair that glows in the moonlight, and the icy glare, our eyes are different. I have icy moss green eyes, and my sister has blood red eyes that remind my mom of the red you see in ashes. Other than that you can't tell us apart, except soon my sister will have short hair that comes up to her chin.
"Right Sorry!" He called over his shoulder then he was back to his game.
"So you've been flirting." A voice sounded behind me and I swirled around to find Malinda. Malinda’s my best friend ever! She's a wizard, but I still love her! She's a little taller than me, and always seems to be wearing a white lab coat that scientists usually wear. She also wears black glasses that hide her yellow eyes, and I keep telling her to change to contacts, but she's as bull headed as me which is sometimes a good thing.....I think. Her dark brown hair reminds me of Brandon's but hers is always up in a bun; but I bet if my sister gives her a makeover she'd look like one of the Venom sisters.
The Venom sisters are quadruplets and the most popular, beautiful girls in school. To make matters worse, they love experimenting with dark magic, and I swear they are pure evil, but hey I'm the only one who usually sees them after school. I mean come on who else would spy on them? Ok maybe one of the warriors, but other than that I doubt anybody else would have the guts to.
"Malinda!" I screamed and hugged her, once I came back to reality that is.
"Careful girl, I just finished a new potion. It's for your sis, so she can come out during the day. Tell her to try it."
"Oh so I don't get an 'I missed you too! Star.' I see how it is." I turned my back to her, but I was obviously playing with her.
"No girl! You do, because I so TOTALLY did miss you!" Malinda wrapped her arms around me and we both laughed.
Our school is so awesome, no it's beyond awesome it's extraordinarily awesome! We have halls and lockers like you mortals do, but some halls turn into streets, rooms, neighborhoods, some don't have lights so it's dark all the time. I love to wander through the passage ways to see where they lead me to. Who knows someday I could find something very valuable, like jewels or pearls, or A PUPPY! I better keep my sister away from it, or we might have a problem.
We have subjects like you guys do too, but instead of PE, we have DB (Death Bed), PTD (Prepare To Die), and defense classes. Instead of science we have SP science and potions, unless you got in the dark magic class like Malinda and I did. We also have a lot more subjects, but there are too many to discuss and we must move on.
Class When I walked into dark magic class, and saw my teacher Mr. Cajus, I was so glad school was in session, and what better to start the school day with than having your favorite class as your first class of the day? Mr. Cajus used to be a powerful warlock, but he had a little accident while vanquishing a ghoul, aka a demon. So now he's, well let's just say he's one of the more interesting teachers we have here at Underworld High. Oh by the way Underworld High is the name of my high school. I took my seat next to Malinda, and to my surprise Brandon sat next to me on the other side! Yay!
Malinda passed a note to me while Mr. Cajus was arguing with Mrs. Landis. The note had the following words on it; Can you believe we're juniors? JUNIORS! Write back, Malinda
I can understand why she's so excited, but hey aren't we supposed to act casual about the whole deal? I wrote back quickly and then turned to Brandon and Whyet. Whyet took the seat next to Brandon if you're wondering. Whyet's the sorcerer if I haven't mentioned that yet, and he's also Brandon's best bud.
"Hey do you or Whyet know what Mr. Cajus and Mrs. Landis are talking about?" I asked whispering for whatever reason.
"Whyet and I were just discussing that. Mr.Cajus sent one of the freshmen’s to Mrs. Landis (Just in case you're wondering Mrs. Landis is the nurse), and now she's lecturing him about that wolf he has as a pet." Brandon explained in the cutest way possible.
"Did someone do a spell on the poor wolf or something?" I asked sort of confused.
"Well sort of. The student was told to try to turn the wolf into a glass of whine using a potion. He didn't make the potion right and well everything went down hill from there. The potion only caused smoke to appear which made the wolf mad and it attacked the poor kid." Whyet butted in, but I didn't mind at least my question was answered.
"So is she blaming it on the wolf, Mr.Cajus, or the student?"
"Mr.Cajus." That was Brandon.
"I see I hope he isn't in too much trouble, he's one of my fave teachers."
"Same here." The boys agreed with me in unison.
When I turned back to my desk I found a note, obviously from Malinda. The following words were attached to it ; I know I'm being dramatic you don't have to point that out, but I still can't believe how fast last year went can you? Anyways what were you talking to Brandon and Whyet about? Write back, Malinda
I told her everything that Brandon, Whyet and I had said and discussed then passed the note back to her. By the time, we passed the note around like twenty times, Mr.Cajus finally came back into the world of teaching, but he seemed different. He has that stern look on his face.
I turn to Malinda because I have to know if I'm hallucinating or not. "Are you seeing what I'm seeing?"
"Yeah, it's Mr.Cajus who's actually worried and serious." Malinda stated, and next to me I heard Brandon say, "The earth has stopped spinning, literally."
This has got to be bad. You see, our teacher, well my teacher, Mr. Cajus, never ever worries, nor is he ever serious. I mean come on, I love this class, one because I'm with my friends and two Mr.Cajus is not a boring guy. He's cracking jokes left and right. You never see him being serious. He's the class clown grown up.
"Well, students it looks like there has been a change in schedule. Everyone is going to get a new schedule and study it, and memorize it. Get it, got it, good." He began to call names, one by one, and hand out schedules, one by one.
When I was called I walked up and took it from him, but I looked at my crazy, but funny teacher with the pet wolf directly in the eyes, and let me tell you, I didn't see one sign of joy in there. It was worry, confusion, and depression like. I don't know who that guy is, but that isn't the Mr.Cajus I know.
"Malinda, why do we have to learn about weaponry? We're not warriors." I asked.
"Why do we have to learn how to kill, instead defending ourselves?" Malinda asked.
"Please tell me this is a joke." Brandon pleaded.
"Why do we have to learn to do all of this?" Whyet asked freaked out.
Soon the room was filled with whispering and everyone was asking questions.
"Quiet! Now, I know this is a lot to take in, but we are in a very, very tough, and..... How do I say this? Complicated is the word I have to use, situation. There is not going to be any classes, which means no school. But there will be homework, yes homework. You will learn how to become doctors, surgeons, and soldiers. For there will be a war." © 2010 LilMissJPAuthor's Note
Added on January 26, 2010 Last Updated on January 29, 2010 Author![]() LilMissJPNone of your business, INAboutI am seventeen, but am often mistaken for older. I am a freshman in high school and am ready to graduate... I love to write and have been ever since I was seven. I started at an early age and then .. more..Writing