![]() To the RescueA Story by Dice3Wanting him to see her for who she really was, she decided it was time to take their relationship to the next level. She drove to his trailer just outside of town, shaking with excitement. She knocked on his door, she could hear music inside, so she decided to go in thinking he was still awake at eleven pm. “Jason?” she called. She heard noises from the bedroom area. Slowly going to the sliding door, she slid it part way. Jason was with another woman! “WHAT THE HELL??” she yelled at them both. She couldn’t see the woman’s face, it was turned in the opposite direction. But then she faced Jason, he looked from the woman to her. “S**t!” Jason nearly jumped off the bed, taking the woman with him. “Who is ‘She‘?” poison dripped from the other woman’s lips. “Jess, I’m sorry!” Jason started to apologize. “Save it, you son of a b***h.” “JESS!!” He yelled after her. She left the trailer before he could even get his pants on. “Well, that was interesting.” the woman on the bed pointed out. “Get. Out.” Jason told her, and left the trailer. How could he do such a thing? They had been together for a year, she had felt a connection with him. They had decided to wait to get physical, because that’s when relationships fell apart. “Guess he couldn’t wait,” Jessica Philips told herself while driving back to house. She shared a three bedroom house with her friends. Both friends were pregnant and happy, that’s what Jess had wanted, to be happy. They always teased her about being a virgin, but she never really felt left out. She hadn’t met that one person she wanted to be with until Jason. He was so charming and handsome, her friends always checked him out when he was over. “That b*****d,” she had told her friends she was going to his place tonight, they were so excited and wanted the juicy details when she got back. She didn’t want to face them right now and have the shame of explaining what he had done, maybe she could go to her parents house for a couple of weeks. She called her supervisor explaining she was taking her vacation time early and wouldn’t be back in for a couple of weeks. Jess then called her mom, asking if she could come visit and stay there for her vacation. Her mom said she would make up the spare bedroom for her and they would talk more when she arrived. When she got there it was well past midnight, her mom instantly gave her a hug, knowing it would sooth her enough to maybe tell her what had happened. Explaining to her mother what had happened with Jason at his trailer, her mom wrapped her in her arms and rocked her gently saying “It’s o.k. sweetheart, It’s going to be alright.” Jess cried harder than she has ever cried knowing that her heart was broken and her mind shattered for all time. Who would love a broken person? Who would want to be around her bitter self? What did she do to deserve this, this life? The next morning she woke up in her parents living room to the aroma of pancakes and muffins. Everything was on the kitchen table, her mom was in the kitchen, and her dad was outside, visiting with Jason. She grabbed a muffin, wrote a note to her mom and dad and quickly went out the back door just as they were walking in. Jason calling out her name, not knowing where she went. Jess hoped into her Toyota truck and drove away. She had left her cell phone on the table, her cloths were already in the truck, and Jason was trying to chase after her as she left the drive way. She drove for a couple hours not wanting to stop and risk Jason catching up to her. When her stomach grumbled she stopped at a café, parking around back just in case. She walked in and was immediately seated. A male waiter came to her table, he was tall with dark brown hair, cut short and a crisp black shirt and matching trousers. “Hello, my name is Glenn and I will be your server today. What can I get you to start with?” “Water, please” “O.k., I will be right back,” Glenn left her table to go to another that walked in just after her. Jess was down with self pity that she didn’t notice Glenn noticing her. She was eyeing the menu when he came back to her table. “Have you decided what you would like?” “A new life,” she said under her breath. “What was that?” he eyed her with concern. “Just a salad please.” “What kind of dressing?” “Italian please.” “Will that be all?” “Yes, thank you.” “Ok will be just a few minutes, miss. If you need ‘anything‘ at all just let me know.” “Sure.” Glenn walked off to put in her oder. He was out of his league with her. He brought her her salad and let her enjoy it in peace. He noticed her wipe away a couple of tears here and there during her meal, he felt concerned for her. She was to young to have problems, maybe in her early twenties or so. She was the most exquisitely beautiful woman he had seen. She had long, curly black hair. Intelligent grass green eyes, a perfectly shaped nose, and a welcoming smile. He went weak in the knees just thinking about her mouth. After he dropped the receipt off, he went to get her a piece of pie hoping that would cheer her up, but when he got back to her table she had already left a tip and left. He saw her walking to her truck out the back window. It was a tiny Toyota, painted blue with more than a few scratch’s on it. Jess drove for about twenty minutes when she pulled over onto the side of the road. She sat there for a while just crying. She got out and walked around for a minute before getting back in and starting the truck. There was hardly any traffic, yet it only took one vehicle to plow right threw her truck. It hit hard enough that the truck tipped over on its side, trapping her. The door was smashed in, and the windows were cracked and broken. She could smell the faint stench of gas as it leaked out of her gas tank. Glenn was on his way home when he noticed the Toyota on the side of the road. He didn’t see anyone about or around the vehicle. He parked his car a good ten feet away just in case. He approached the truck cautiously, looking around for anyone that might have been thrown. He smelled gas, and there was no sign of any other vehicle. He looked inside the windshield and saw the lady he was eyeing at the café. She was unconscious and bleeding. Smashing in the windshield, he was able to get her out before the truck blew. Unfortunately he didn’t have time to grab the bags in the back seat, but did manage to grab her purse with her wallet and I.D. inside. He picked her up and ran straight to his car, knowing the truck was going to blow any second. It didn’t take too long, it blew while Glenn was just getting back to his car. It rocked him hard enough that he fell to the ground releasing the woman in his arms. She rolled down into the ditch with debris and tires flying every witch way. Glenn quickly ran to her, blocking the debris from hitting her. Glenn got his cell phone out and called the fire department and police station. He set her inside his car, and waited for the paramedics. While he waited he grabbed her purse, laying discarded by the car, took out her wallet and checked her I.D. Her name was Jessica Philips, what a beautiful name. When Jess woke up, she was in a single bedroom at the hospital. All she remembered was a vehicle ramming into her truck. Someone must have come along and helped her out. She had a slight headache, and a few bumps and bruises all over her body. Other than that she was quite lucky. She heard the beeps from the monitors, but beneath those sounds she heard a slight little snore. In the corner of the room was a small kind of pull out bed, on it was the waiter from the café, Glenn. He didn’t wake up when the nurses came in or when she got up to use the bathroom. She was so tired from the meds, that when she got back to her bed, she plopped down and had to sleep again. Glenn woke up around noon, and noticed Jessica sleeping peacefully and deeply. She didn’t stir while he cleaned the room, or when he used the tiny bathroom. She did wake, however, when he was fixing her blanket around her. “Good afternoon, miss Jessica.” She cleared her throat not sure if her voice would work. She could smell his after shave and it made her a little queasy. He moved away from her to sit across the room and she inhaled deeply to settle her churning stomach. “You know it’s polite to say good afternoon back.” Glenn said with a smile. They sat there for a few minutes in silence. “So, uh, how are you feeling?” he asked her. “Ok, I guess. Who are you?” Jess looked at him not sure of what to think. “I’m sorry, I would have thought you would have recognized me. My name is Glenn Michles.” “The waiter from the café?” “See I knew you recognized me,” he beamed at her with a wink. “Do you remember what happened?” “Sort of, I remember bits and pieces, but I don’t remember what happened after the vehicle hit me.” “Well when I got there, you were already unconscious. The trucks gas tank blew about maybe two minutes after I got you out. Unfortunately, I couldn’t save your cloths, but did manage to grab your purse instead.” “Oh, Thank you.” she said puzzled. “You’re welcome, but when you are able to leave, I would like to take you shopping for some new ones. If that’s ok?” “Umm, sure, I guess. Did anyone call my mom to let her know what happened?” “No, I couldn’t find your cell phone.” He said a little nervous now. She lived with her mom, how interesting. “May I please have my purse?” “Yea, sure.” He put the purse on the table next to her bed. “Thank you,” She sad there a good five minutes trying to find her small cell phone. It wasn’t in her bag, she forgot she had left it on the table at her parents house. “Can you please ask a nurse to call this number and ask for a Mary Philips?” She scribbled her mom’s name and phone number on a piece of paper, and handed it to Glenn. “Ok,” he got up to retrieve the paper, when he noticed the blanket had slipped from her leg. He saw huge black and blue marks up and down her left side. “Holy Crap! Does that hurt as bad as it looks?” She hadn’t even noticed the blanket or her exposed leg. Somewhat embarrassed she pulled the blanket up over her leg and looked away from him. It wasn’t that she barely had anything on under the blanket, or that she found him cute, he was looking at her openly and that made her blush a crimson red. No one had looked at her like they wanted to eat her up, not even Jason. Her mom and sister told her he was a safe bet, and she thought he was the one. “I can’t actually feel it much unless I walk on it.” She said still not facing him. When he finally walked out of her room to go to the nurses station she took a deep breath to steady her pounding heart. It was like being in a room with a hungry tiger, or a large predator she wouldn’t be able to defend herself from. Glenn asked the nurses to call the number on the paper, and if there was anything he could do for her to make her more comfortable. “She just needs some rest and to stay off her left leg. It looks pretty bad.” A pretty petite blond told him. “Ok, thank you, Ashley.” She smiled when he said her name. He turned and walked back to Jessica’s room. Jess was attempting to get up, so when he saw her struggling to hop off the bed, he immediately picked her up. “What are you doing?” She asked a little shocked he had just picked her up like she weighed no more than a pillow. “Helping, the nurse, Ashley, said you need to stay off your left leg.” “Umm ok, but that doesn’t mean you have to literally lift me up. You could just help me limp to the bathroom.” “It is much easier to lift you, then wobble you around the bed.” He said while taking her to the bathroom. Half aware of her gown gaping open in the back. She must have thought the same thing as him because her face was turning that beautiful shade of red. When they got to the bathroom he set her down gently and stood in the door. “I got it from here, thanks.” “Are you wanting to take a shower because you will have to sit and have a bath instead.” “I think I can manage, Glenn. Thank you, please leave.” “Ok, but if I hear a thump, I will not hesitate to come in.” “What?! No, if you don’t hear me moving around then I will be taking a bath. Do not come in unless you are invited. Witch will never happen.” She said the last part with as much conviction she could muster. He looked down at her 5’5” height with those chocolate brown eyes. “Fine, but I will be waiting out here just in case.” “Fine.” She closed the door in his face and turned on the water for the bath. © 2011 Dice3 |
1 Review Added on April 11, 2011 Last Updated on April 11, 2011 Author![]() Dice3Bakersfield, CAAboutI write my own short stories, my family loves to read them and are always wanting more. more..Writing