![]() A Song For Mama - A SongficA Story by Ben![]() Ben Skywalker shares a dance with a special woman on a special day![]()
Mara sat at her seat in the great hall and smiled happily as she watched her younger son and daughter running around the hall. She was dressed very nicely for today had been the wedding of her oldest son. She raised a hand to gently wipe away the few tears that remained as she spotted Luke and Ben talking to each other. So many things had changed since that trip to Mon Cal, she thought as she watched them. Ben and Luke had been able to piece together a halfway decent father/son relationship. "My, it seems like only yesterday I was holding him in my arms while the Yuzzhan Vong were trying to take him from me." She sighed softly and smiled again.
A song started over the loud speaker and Ben shook his father's hand. He calmly walked to his mother and looked at her. “Mama, would you dance with me?” He offered his hand to her.
Luke watched his son walk to his mother and smiled. They had always been close. The Jedi Master sat beside his new daughter in law and watched the young man his child had become.
Mara smiled as Ben walked up to her and asked her to dance. She held out her hand and nodded. "Sure a dance would be great sweetheart." She stood and let him lead her out to the dance floor.
Ben led her to the dance floor and took her into his arms. His left hand went onto her back and his right hand took her hand. “All these years I've been thinking of a way to say thank you for everything you've done for me. And I think I have found a way. Mama could you please listen to the words of this song.”
Mara smiled as she danced with Ben. "Sweetheart, you don't have to thank me for anything. I'm your mother and it's my job to take care of you and to protect you. You'll understand one day when you have children of your own. I think you got a taste of what it's like with Ani and Ami." She leaned forwards and kissed his cheek softly. He'd gotten so much taller, just like his father. Her eyes filled with tears as she remembered every step leading up to this day.
Ben smiled “I know Mama. But please just listen to the song for me.” He looked at the necklace around her neck. “You wore it today”
You taught me everything,
And everything you've given me, I'll always keep it inside. You're the driving force in my life, yeah. There isn't anything or anyone that I can be, And it just wouldn't feel right, If I didn't have you by my side.
"Of course I wore it today. It went with the dress and it's your special day and you gave it to me. Why wouldn't i wear it?" She asked as she smiled up at him. She opened her ears and heart to the song letting it run through her and taking in every single word that was being said.
You were there for me to love and care for me, When skies were grey. Whenever I was down, You were always there to comfort me. And no one else can be what you have been to me, You'll always be, You will always be the girl in my life for all times.
Ben kept dancing with the most important woman is his life. This was the woman who had given him life. Who had literally fought to carry him. Her gift to him was her strength. He led her through the dance, watching her, his blue eyes gazing into hers. He smiled as the song went into its chorus
CHORUS: Mama, Mama you know I love you, (Oh, you know I love you), Mama, Mama you're the queen of my heart. Your love is like tears from the stars. Mama, I just want you to know, Lovin' you is like food to my soul.
She smiled as she looked up at her no longer little child but man. She shook her head slightly as the years flooded back through her memories. She remembered his birth and when he was two how he fell trying to chase after Luke. She remembered ever scratch and fall he'd taken up until he was able to hide them from her. This man before her was her pride and joy the first of a great many things that she'd done right finally.
Ben kept watching her. What was she remembering? He didn't care. All he knew was he was happy and his family was here to celebrate this day with him. He glanced at his new wife and smiled.
Tahiri watched and smiled. She had a few gifts for the happy couple. The two people in the whole galaxy to have ever truly love her. She sent the gifts off to one side hoping that nothing would break. She smiled at the few Skywalkers and Solos that noticed her as she hid in the shadows watching Ben dance with his mother. "My they all seem so happy." She said to no one at all. "I'm glad this day finally came for them."
Anakin walked up to his mother and offered her his hand. “Would you care to dance mom?” He asked
Leia looked at her baby “Of course, Baby” She stood up and took his hand
You're always down for me,
Have always been around for me, Even when I was bad. You showed me right from my wrong, (Yes you did). And you took up for me, When everyone was downin' me, You always did understand, You gave me strength to go on. There was so many times, Looking back when I was so afraid. And then you come to me and say to me, I can face anything. And no one else can do what you have done for me. You'll always be, You will always be the girl in my life.
Shada smiled as she watched Anakin dance with their mother and sighed as she turned to watch Ben and her aunt Mara. She smiled wistfully as she watched them.
Luke glanced at Shada. “Would you like to dance? I know the song is nearly over. But I'd like to dance with my new daughter”
Shada looked up and smiled as she nodded and gave her hand to Uncle Luke to dance with him. “I'd love to dance with you.”
Luke looked at Shada and started to dance with her. “Your wedding was lovely. Where are you going on your honeymoon?”
Magryta watched Ben dance with his mother while his new bride set off onto the dance floor with Luke. Even apart, they looked so happy. It was nice enough for them to have invited her after all that had happened. Shada looked the happiest Maggie'd ever seen her and that was a help against the bitter pain the young Queen experienced now.
Anakin lead his mother out to the dance floor and smiled at her brightly. “I miss you so much mom.” He said softly as he placed a hand on her waist and held her other in his hand and started to move slowly to the song tears filling his crystal blue eyes.
Galia and Revan Gemini watched their mother leave, then got the courage to sneak into the building. Hiding in the shadows like Magryta before them, they watched the young man and woman dressed so beautifully. At this young age, they didn't quite understand but they knew their mother had been very upset at the invitation. As they watched the happy couple look at each other, the girls' realized why. This happy, love-struck man was their daddy.
Leia looked at Anakin and noticed the tears. “Why are you crying, honey?”
CHORUS. Mama, Mama you know I love you,
(Oh, you know I love you), Mama, Mama you're the queen of my heart. Your love is like tears from the stars. Mama, I just want you to know, Lovin' you is like food to my soul. Jacen smiled as he watched his mother and brother, his uncle and sister and his aunt and cousin all dancing. He sighed as he leaned against the wall and looked at his dad. “Well what do you think? Your nephew is your new son-in-law. I thought you said that the only relation to Uncle Luke that you were willing to have was that through mom. What's the change of heart?” He smiled as he noticed that his youngest son Jefferey was trying to dance with his mother, Beauty was a sight today, but still she thought that Shada, being the bride after all was far lovelier than she was.
Galia wanted to rush to him, their joy of finally finding him overflowing in the already emotional child. But Revan pulled her back, knowing that it wasn't right. "She'd have told us if he was important. Come on Gal, let's go back." Revan said sadly. With a confusion of feelings bubbling in their hearts, the girls turned and fled back to the ship before their mother could find them missing.
Han looked at Jacen. “I think it's fine. As long as they're happy, I don't really care.” He looked at Leia and Annie dancing. “It's good to have Annie here though”
Jaina smiled brightly as she watched her family dancing. She hid her tears well she thought as she sat at her place back at the table. She was all alone during this happy time. She was glad that her baby sister had finally found the happiness that she deserved. Somehow everytime she thought she found it for herself it wasn't true but that was good for her anyways. She looked at her chrono and smiled again. She'd taken the week off of her job on the Heart and with Twin Suns just for this one day. She'd actually spent a great deal of time with both Shada and Ben as the day drew near. She was so happy for them both.
Twins Ani and Ami Skywalker, Ben’s little brother and sister ran to Jaina and begged her to dance with them. The twins, who had been ring bearer and flowergirl in the wedding, were dressed in matching blue and red tunics and trousers.
Mara Smiled at Ben as she listened to the song still and kept pace with him. He was a skilled dancer like his father. "So where are you two going for your honeymoon? And I take it that I'll be watching my...step-grandchildren, for lack of a better word." She smiled softly at him.
Ben looked at Mara. “We 're going to Malastare. I think. And Luke and Daydream think of you as their grandmother”
Jaina smiled at the twins and picked them both up in her arms and started off towards the far end of the dance floor. She started moving in slow circles and smiled at them. Ani and Ami were so special to her. She was so happy that they'd come and pulled her out of her slump as got her out on the floor were the galaxy was a much happier place.
The twins squealed in delight as Jaina picked them up and danced with them
Never gonna go a day without you.
Fills me up just thinking about you. I'll never go a day without my Mama.
CHORUS. Mama, Mama you know I love you,
(Oh, you know I love you), Mama, Mama you're the queen of my heart. Your love is like tears from the stars. Mama, I just want you to know, Lovin' you is like food to my soul.
Daydream and Luke watched everyone before noticing Tahiri and they went running to her. "Aunt Tahiri, will you dance with us?" Daydream asked her.
"We're going to Malastare, to start our fortune." Shada smiled and laughed lightly as she danced with her favorite uncle turned father-in-law.
“Just happy to be here with you and the others I guess.” Anakin said as he smiled down at his mother.
Tahiri smiled and nodded slowly as she offered a hand to each of them. "Alright then let's go shall we?" She smiled as she let them lead her to the floor and started dancing with them both. She smiled a bit brighter as the song started drawing to an end.
Jacen nodded slowly. “Yes, having Anakin home is a good thing. I'm glad that the mission back to Myrkr was so good. I thought that he was going to snap.”
Mara smiled at him. "Well that's a rather interesting place for a honeymoon. But I think I like the thought of it. Someplace not too noticeable for either one of you." She sighed as the song ended and she looked at her son. "I guess my time with you is up finally." She said with a soft sad sigh. Her son was finally a married man and no longer needed her to help him. She pulled away slowly and smiled brightly. "May the force be with you and your new lady love."
Ben looked at Mara. “Mama your time with me will never be truly up.” He raised her hand to his lips. “Thank you for the dance mama” He turned and looked at Luke. “Dad may I have my wife please?”
Luke looked at Shada “Thank you for the lovely dance My Lady” He looked at Ben and guided Shada to his son “Take care of her son”
As Ben turned to collect his bride from his father, Maggie turned away into the shadows she'd haunted so many years ago. Outside, she gave the order for her present to be given to the young couple and then for the servant to meet her aboard the Hawk.
Nori watched the couple holding hands and smiled. The little Ben she had watched grow was gone; a tall, caring man had taken his place, with a beautiful bride at his side. She couldn’t believe so much time had passed. She remembered dancing with Ben in his infancy, when she had watched over him occasionally. Now, he had one woman to dance with forever. The rogue knew she should go wish him luck but he had his eyes on one person tonight and that wouldn’t change for anything. So she sat and watched them, wishing them the best luck and life.
Tai smiled from where she sat with a hand on her pregnant stomach. She sighed as Charisma sat on the edge of her chair watching everything.
Amber sat at the table watching her parents. She was so happy that they had gotten married at last. She moved her head to the music as she turned back to her coloring book.
Sahira sat away from most of the people feeling out of place. She watched her mother and smiled as she watched her dance with a new husband. She had seen two marriages now and hoped this one would last before she left for the weekend to see her father like her mother had said she could.
Shada took Ben's hand and smiled at him, glad to be in his arms at last. "I missed you during that dance baby."
Ben took his bride into his arms and smiled warmly, happy to have his love in his arms “I missed you too but that last was for Mama” He leaned down and kissed her passionately. © 2008 BenFeatured Review
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Added on March 28, 2008Related WritingPeople who liked this story also liked..