I'm Not Scared

I'm Not Scared

A Poem by Lightfalls

I'm not scared to give you my heart, I'm just afraid of it being broken


I'm not scared of being controlled
But I despise it
It would mean that you don't love me -only the girl you want me to be

I'm not scared of being hurt
But I'm afraid to play the fool

I'm not scared of being left
But I'm scared I'm not enough

I'm not scared of being alone...

But that you don't want me

I'm not scared of being forgotten

But I am afraid...

To find out you never really cared

© 2010 Lightfalls

My Review

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You have great narrative tone, and you speak truthfully. Very sensual thoughts. It really sounds like you have a grasp of what you want and need in life. Some strange line breaking, but it really works. Keep writing and have fun with it. Thanks.

Posted 14 Years Ago

A short, poignant mural on pain. I can say nothing more =(

Keep writing.

Posted 14 Years Ago

i like the last three lines..
a piece that many can relate to..
good work..

Posted 14 Years Ago

"I'm not scared of being forgotten
But I am afraid...
To find out you never really cared"

{nice-this is a reflection of the mood we all feel sometimes...I Love It !!!}

Really--A wonderful poem!!!


Posted 14 Years Ago

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4 Reviews
Added on July 25, 2010
Last Updated on July 25, 2010



Edge of the World, AK

I'm not about being tied down and limited with words. Words are just a shadow of life anyways, and only used because they simplify things. Sometimes there are things far, far beyond words, that you .. more..

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A Poem by Lightfalls

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