Stained by Love

Stained by Love

A Poem by Lightfalls

It wasn’t supposed to be like this
It promised to be a wedding
But it feels like a funeral procession
Tears coming
One by one
A steady stream

Its black
Black every day
Who was I to think myself pure enough for white?

Against the sun
Clouds stain even the bluest sky

Against my body

Stains can never be erased

I don’t need to hear "I care"
I just wish that you did

Where are you when I need you?

So far away...

© 2010 Lightfalls

My Review

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I think the first two stanzas give the work a platform to stand on, and then the entropy sets in (for the character) which is shown through fragments and big spaces between stanzas.

Beautiful imagery here as well. Great write!

Posted 14 Years Ago

The first two stanzas don't really seem to fit this for me- I don't know why. Otherwise, I thought this was quite good. Staining clouds and funeral weddings... great imagery. Good job.

Posted 14 Years Ago

beautiful and so sad.............:((

Posted 14 Years Ago

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3 Reviews
Added on June 23, 2010
Last Updated on July 4, 2010



Edge of the World, AK

I'm not about being tied down and limited with words. Words are just a shadow of life anyways, and only used because they simplify things. Sometimes there are things far, far beyond words, that you .. more..

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A Poem by Lightfalls

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