Freedom to Love

Freedom to Love

A Poem by Lightfalls

Through depths of sadness, and the beauty of a sunrise.

Through swirling thoughts of madness and confusion, and truth’s endless clear depths.


I embraced pleasure, and was left with pain.

I let the beauty of difficult times escape unnoticed.

I have longed for love, and discovered rejection.


But no matter how many changes life has given,

Through countless mistakes I’ve made,

No matter what I have gained and lost,

There is one thing that remains the same…

The reality that God is.




Though my world is too dark to see, He is hope. I can feel Him. He is the light through the doubt. He is the morning sun of new beginnings giving strength, and shining through the dead and lonely hearts of this world. He is what gives strength to the broken and lost, and causes the fiery passion for life to flood the soul of the one who was once desolate. How else can a hopeless soul rise from the ashes of this life, and find the hope to live beyond the things of this broken earth?


He is more then we can see, more then the light through the dark and more then endless hope…

He is love, for now unseen.

I have sensed his beauty through the woods, clearly through the meadows.

I have seen Him through the power of the human spirit alive with His radiance.

Though He is more then we could ever dare to know,

I know for certainty that He is the creator of all that is clear and right and beautiful.

All else may fail me, but your love never fails.

I will always love you…please never leave me.

Throughout time and eternity.



Keep my eyes focused on you, though all else clouds my sight

Keep my faith in you, even though doubts overwhelm

Keep me on the path of light, though I stumble and fall all to often


Show me that life is more then sun and rain. More then running from this sadness.

Make me believe that there is hope shining clear and real at the end of the tunnel.

And please, never forget me. Show me that you will be there when the sky falls.

Please, I need to know....

That heartbreak will give way to joy

I need to know that happiness lives beyond the sadness in this world.


Help me to know your plans for my life,

because this is the way to find happiness.


Please help me to see you.

Please, help me to love you.

Because I know that that in so doing, only then will I be free to truly love.

© 2010 Lightfalls

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1 Review
Added on June 20, 2010
Last Updated on June 20, 2010



Edge of the World, AK

I'm not about being tied down and limited with words. Words are just a shadow of life anyways, and only used because they simplify things. Sometimes there are things far, far beyond words, that you .. more..

Writing Writing

A Poem by Lightfalls