Behind that smile There is something he doesnt want you to see Or maybe
he does Maybe he is screaming to be heard Behind the iron mask of humour He bestows upon himself It has been hard for him to read his own words Of life gone wrong In humour he found A voice A way to excape the madness inside his head But to excape the madness He needs to unleash it upon us all And then after a while The fear That his true self has become invisable not only to us But to himself Becons And terrifies him more Than the voices he hears Inside the eye of his mind I wish he could see himself as we see him Beyond the madness Beyond the crazy feelings of isolation The man not only has the words But there is a strentgh Which if he learnt to master Would be his greatist allie Behind that smile There is a friend A man that is real In his pain he forgets That some have eyes Which see through the words on paper And can infact almost touch the void Because they know The void so well
Really good writing, loved the description of "touching the void". Just a few spelling mistakes to work on "invisible" and by becon did you mean beacon or beckon? Otherwise very good, venting through writing is always the best. I seem to do my best work when I am struggling with my own madness :p
If I didnt write I would probably go out of my mind, I am inspired by everything and everyone around me, you want to know more about me just read my poetry ... all is good in my world ....
The film .. more..