Were they tear drops Or blood I saw trickling Freely Down the frame of your face Did you hear me whispering In silent pray Forgotten to the world Lost to myself The night that seems so dark And merges into forever Takes my soul to places I have long since left Peace and freedom Once fought for Are but lying discarded collecting dust Love is but a pile of bones Lying in a mound within the corners of your sanctuary Can you find yourself in nightmares Can you touch the heart Which bleeds I see the tears of blood Running freely And lean over to taste the colour of your pain
Wow, Pebbles, this one just blew me away. Your words are powerfully chosen, the last two lines leave me just completely in awe. In fact, I am so in awe, I am having a difficult time reviewing this. I will simply say, this is a difficult subject written with class and style, leaves the reader wanting more, but nothing more, if that can possibly make any sense at all to you.
This is well written. "Can you find yourself in nightmares, can you touch the heart which bleeds, I see the tears of blood running freely" is very dramatic. Great job writing this :) Hope to read more from you.
If I didnt write I would probably go out of my mind, I am inspired by everything and everyone around me, you want to know more about me just read my poetry ... all is good in my world ....
The film .. more..