![]() Part five: JuniaA Chapter by RachelReaper![]() chapter 4! Things are gonna start getting good from here![]() Junia My turn again? God, do the others explain nothing? Fine. Wal-Mart. Make-up isle with Rycel on the other side. Covergirl lipstick ten shades too light. Ugh. I hate prep work. My hearing catches the sound of Rycel talking to someone on the other side; a boy from what I'm gathering. I hear the boy laugh and Rycel joins in. She says, "My name's Rebecca, and who are you?" she gives her made up human name. I roll my eyes. Someone please tell me she isn't going to flirt with someone when there's an important mission at stake, again. Rycel,
keep it up and we're going to be short a member because I'm going to kill you.
I say to her with telepathy, but she portrays a picture of her optimistically blowing me a kiss before putting up a temporary mental wall that makes me
incapable of accessing her mind. ... Time to intervene. I step around the corner, which only takes me three strides because of my long legs. Or, as Rycel so ungraciously puts it I'm, "Built like a stool". It really amazes Gabriel how Rycel and I are still friends, but hundreds of life or death experiences does tend to bring you closer to people you wouldn't normally associate with. Take Harler for instance. "I'm Jackson." The boy says with his back to me. He's wearing a plain white t-shirt and has silky brown hair which is so not my type. Rycel smiles, "Nice to meet you, Jackson." she says sweetly, looking up at him from under her eyelashes. I think I'm going to be sick when she sees me and waves. "Hi Jenna." She says and then looks back at Jackson, "That's my friend Jenna." He turns around curiously, but the second he lays eyes on me his smile drops to a blatant stare and I have to work really, really hard to keep the annoyance off my face. I feel like sighing and saying, "Yes! Behold my almost seven foot towering stature! And let's not forget to gawk at the white hair, white eyes, and black lipstick! Take a picture, it'll rot before I die." "Nice to see your friend, Rebecca."Jackson
says in a strained voice and reaches out for my thin hand to shake. I was used
to the staring, but it would always bother me when people looked at me like I
was a monster. Picture the irony when it was my job to protect them from any real monsters. Rycel smiles, "So Jackson," She starts, "how did you wind up with Jenna and I in the make-up isle? Were you looking for something in particular?" She asks, teasing him. She knows the real reason he's over here is because of her. Jackson plays along, "Oh, you know, I was just passing through and I-" then suddenly his eyes widen, "Oh, God, I've got to go." He says suddenly. That sounded suspicious. "Why?" I
ask him, blocking his way out with my arms crossed over my chest. Then I saw a wavy haired red head that was the source of ninety percent of my headaches come bounding towards us through the store with a terrified brown bunny partially protruding out of her purse. "Rebecca, Jenna, I've got to tell you something that happened to Kaitlin!" She called and wasn't paying attention to where she was going. So of course she runs straight into an elderly woman on her motor cart. Rycel started cracking up in no holding back, belly clutching laughter beside me and I groaned as the old lady's cart skittered to a halt and Harler was cussed out by an angry eighty year old in the middle of Wal-Mart. With everyone staring. *Facepalm* "Look, um, Jenna? I've really got to-" Jackson started out, ignoring the scene Harler was causing. "Hold up." I tell him absently. I wasn't done with him yet. I heard Harler cheerfully say, "Have a nice day, mam!" and when she comes to a dead stop in front of us, Rycel is finally able to calm down and wipes the tears of laughter from her eyes. "Kaitlin, she's-" Harler started, but then she looks over at Jackson and gasped. Jackson groaned. "Jackson!" she exclaimed, jumping up to put her skinny arms around his neck. Jackson cringed and looked over at us for help, but I just shrugged. I could control Harler as well as I could control the flow of time, which is none at all, in case you were wondering. I didn't know how Harler knew this human boy and I didn't care. What was important was what had happened to Kalilee, but obviously someone didn't see it that way. "How do you know Jackson?" Rycel asks Harler. "He came to say hello to me and Cutie earlier, when Cutie was eating his carrots. I think he liked me." Her words were slightly muffled in Jackson's shoulder. He's obviously trying to get away from her, but she's at least seventy times stronger than him and not letting go. Jackson looks like he wishes he were dead. Rycel puts her hands on her hips, "You flirted with my friend?" She accuses. Oh, for the love of.... "Listen-" Jackson tries, but Harler cut him off with another gasp and let go of him like he had burned her. "You went to flirt with Rebecca right after you flirted with me? You're icky! You're a, a, a womanizer!" she says, pointing at him. "You chicks are freaks!" Jackson says hysterically and starts backing away. I let him pass. Evaluation over. The only crime he committed that I knew of was hurting feelings. "Freaks?" Rycel asked, getting pissed off (if you ever want to piss her off, just talk badly about me, Harler, or Kalilee), "Listen, buddy, you're the one that came onto me. And right after you flirted with another girl, let alone my friend Hayli? Wow." "Yeah," Harler nods, "we should let the sandman get you." Well now we sound like freaks. Nice, Harler. "Yeah, um, I'm just gonna... bye." He turns around and starts to hurry away from the cosmetics as fast as he can speed walk. "That's right, you'd better run!" Harler yells after him, "Womanizer!" "And thank you, for alerting the entire store of our presence." I say sarcastically when several Wal-Mart goers turn to stare at us. Again. Rycel shakes her head and her brown curls fall in her face, but the good thing is that her anger evaporates as quickly as it starts. "So what's Kaitlin tripped up by now?" She asks, going from irritated to her more serious approach. Harler c***s her head, "Wha, oh yes!" She remember and goes in depth to tell Rycel and I all that had happened to her and Kalilee, but I stop her when she wants to talk about her viewpoint on hoola hoops. As many centuries, or maybe longer than that, that we had been on a team together I still don't care about hoola hoops with water versus ones without. That only reminds me of the time we were in Hong Kong and Harler had found a red hoola hoop on the side of the road. She had "accidently" (with Rycel egging her on) bumped into me with it almost twenty times before I finally snapped the damn thing in half. "So, in a nutshell, Kaitlin chased a ghoul outside who fesses up his pack is around and they're all going to attack us because of his telepathic warning? Great. Another average day in the life of, well, only we could say that." Rycel says with a grin and looks like she was itching to draw her scythe right there. But the ghouls in the ambush didn't bother me; it was common knowledge that ghouls traveled in packs, what bothered me was why they were here. If ghouls were here strictly by chance it would be highly unlikely we would stumble upon them by accident, but they weren't here by chance. According to the ghoul Kalilee and Harler captured, they were here because of something we, the Light, had lost. A cherub. Or that's what the ghoul had said. Mathentum was a cherub that had been missing for three months before Kalilee, Rycel, Harler and myself landed close to here, this particular spot, for a reason. I am an angel and a firm believer in destiny and everything happening for a reason, but I am also a firm believer in logic. If ghouls were looking for the angel child, the cherub, they must have planned in advance where Mathentum would be. At this place and this time today. That could only mean that they wanted a
cherub for... something. No ghoul would just go looking for a cherub unless
they wanted to deal with the wrath of angel warriors (and not necessarily the
four of us), unless they were being threatened by something they believed to be
stronger than us. More lethal than us. How foolish, and for a second I almost gave them the credit of becoming more advance.
© 2013 RachelReaperAuthor's Note
12 Reviews Added on October 27, 2012 Last Updated on February 15, 2013 Author![]() RachelReaperAboutHey!!!!! My name is Rachel, and my unofficial last name is Reaper. I am 14 years old. Blood and kisses to all who review my work, I appreciate it so much and couldn't express to you how much it means .. more..Writing
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