

A Poem by Lexi =]

Okay. Well my ex told me to write him a poem...and he wrote me one too..So i just want some reviews...

Jeremy, So many words. 
Yet a short poem to explain. 
You’re the guy that I’ve cried the most over. 
The guy I’ve cared for the longest.

You’ve made me so pissed 
Yet you stay on my mind.
Never lost feelings for you
I just can’t let go of you

All of our issues
All of our tears
Our stupidity
Our pain

Didn’t affect any of our feelings
No matter what
Were we meant for each other?
Or are we just a frantic mess

Them three words
Have already surpassed our lips
Yet we still question it all

© 2010 Lexi =]

My Review

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You can't spend your life wondering ''What if?'' If you don't know with absolute certainty that you're meant to be, then don't go for it. That's just my opinion though. Amazing emotions portrayed here. Excellent =]

Posted 14 Years Ago

love it great

Posted 14 Years Ago

Bella.. I think the words are I Love You.
This was nice. you guys need to work things out in my opinion.
Keep up the great work,

Posted 14 Years Ago

Yay! I love it

Posted 14 Years Ago

Pure, beautiful and definitely deserved 1oo/1oo.
Loved every minute of reading it.
And what are 'Them Three Words'?
Awesome stuff!

Posted 14 Years Ago

good poem

forgot to rate

Posted 14 Years Ago

ok. this is how i learned.
if theres any question in your mind then its not meant to be.
if theres not question then keep going untill you crash and burn.
can waste your life wondering what if.

Posted 14 Years Ago

This was nice enough to read.

Posted 14 Years Ago

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i like it

Posted 14 Years Ago

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10 Reviews
Added on February 1, 2010
Last Updated on March 20, 2010
Tags: Pain, Love, Hate, Frantic, Tears, Stupidity


Lexi =]
Lexi =]

Houston, TX

Hey! I am Alexis. Most call me lexi! (which I rather) and Im 13. I like all kinds of music. My main genres though are Dance and Electronic and Alternative and Rock. My favorite person ever is Mitc.. more..


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