![]() TwoA Chapter by . o O (Deepest_Thoughts)![]() First day of school..![]() The loud droning noise of an alarm clock echoed in my ears. My hands quickly clasped over my ears as I reached around aimlessly for the noise. I groaned and sat up in my bed looking over at the dresser, an alarm clock placed neatly next a note. Mumbling as I turned off the clock, I grabbed the note and reading it with a yawn. Good morning, dear. I have work this morning. I just wanted you to know that school starts at 7:30. Look good for your first day. Abby ♥ "Yea, I truly doubt my way of looking good is the same as yours, Barbie mom. " I rolled my eyes crumpling up the note as I went to take shower, wondering if the house was totally empty. The note fell from my hand and into the small silver trash can that lay next to the bathroom sink. I slipped my clothes off and turned the hot water on, stepping into the marble shower. About an hour later there was a loud knock on the bathroom door and a voice on the other side. "Hurry up! I need to go to the bathroom!" An unfamiliar voice shouted. I sighed turning the water off and wrapping a towel around myself as the door suddenly opened. I placed a hand on my hip and looked at the girl standing in front of me. She gave me a snotty look and flipped her dirty blond hair behind her. I rolled my eyes and walked past her not saying a word. My door slammed behind me and I fell onto the bed sighing deeply. "Why the hell am I here?" After forcing myself to get dressed I stood in front of the mirror, looking myself over. The black spaghetti strapped shirt I wore hugged my chest and the long black and blue Tripp pants covered the red leather boots that were a size to big for my feet. I pinned up my black and blue streaked hair, letting my bangs partly cover my eyes. A smirk crossed my face as I counted the number of piercing I had. One in my lip, eyebrow, belly button, and nose, then six in my left ear, and five in the right. After putting on my dark colored make-up, I headed into the kitchen looking for something to snack on. The doorbell rang, but ignored it knowing it wasn't for me. I grabbed an apple and closed the fridge hearing the door bell go off once more. "Could you get that!" I heard the preppy girl yell from her bedroom. "Nope," I mumbled sitting on the table, taking a bite of the apple. The door bell went off once more and then a knock. "Get that!" The girl yelled again. Irritated by the girl and the door I go up to answer it, apple in my hand. As I swung the door open I saw a tall brown haired, jock looking guy standing there grinning at me. "Is Alicia here..?" He said his blue eyes glancing up and down my body. I held back a glare as I spoke threw my teeth. "She might be, who's asking?" He smiled even more, "Names Daniel, but you can call me Danny." He said with a wink. I laughed and rolled my eyes walking back inside. "You wish.." He invited himself in and closed the door. "I didn't catch your name." One more bite from the apple and it was gone. "That's because I didn't give it," I said with a meaninglessly smile, as I tossed the apple core into the trash. Alicia walked into the room glaring at me as she walked over to Daniel, who I expected was her not so loyal boyfriend. She kissed him quickly, obviously trying to make me jealous. "Hey, babe." She smiled turning back to look at me, a smug smile spread across her face. I put up my middle finger and then stuck it down my throat pretending to gag. She scoffed at my act and I smirked walking back to my room. "S**t.." The word came out of my mouth spontaneously, remembering that I didn't like her type. Snotty, conniving, teen aged tramps. Remembering the notebook I had hidden under my pillow, I pulled it out and shoved it in one of my over sized pockets, along with a pen. I glanced at the clock, it read: 7:16. I sighed and headed out the door, Daniel winking at me as Alicia turned away. This placed seemed dull, not much to do here for fun, besides shop and join the local druggies it seemed. The stores weren't all that interesting, mostly stores filled with useless junk or some kind of business store, obviously nothing that interested the teens. There was a book store at the end of the block that looked good enough to check out, so I figured I'd check it out. I looked up and the hanging sign that read: Mysteries on Main street. As I walked in there was a bell that alerted the owners that they had a customer. I flashed a quick smile at the cashier and headed up the small built in stairs. Colorful lights hung from the ceiling, along with wind chimes and other decorative ornaments. Bookmarks, jewelry, statues and a few books lined the glass counter tops, along with a few candles here and there. Three signs were placed over the three different rooms; Children, Teens, and Adults. Curiously I headed into the teens section scanning the rows of books for something that looked remotely interesting. After a few minutes I headed back to the front desk, a small book securely in my grip. I placed the book on the counter and searched my pockets, somehow knowing I had a bit of cash on me. The cashier eyed me suspiciously, most likely thinking I had stolen something. She smiled after a moment, content with how I didn't act even the slightest bit nervous. "Would you like a bag with that?" The old women asked with a unevenness in her voice as a group of teen aged guys passed the large window in the front of the store. I followed her gaze and watched the guys pass, a few of them glancing at me as they walked. "No thanks." Was my answer. I collected my book and left the store. The roads were pretty much empty, aside from the single bus that passed. I kept my eye on the guys a block in front of me, using them to find my way to the school. The huge letters of the school came into view; Johnstown High School. To the right of me there lay a large field with a road circling around it, for the buses to drop of students. To the left was the students and teacher parking along with a long plot of land separating the bus road and the parking lot. I walked across the field heading right into the school. Long glass windows covered the front half of the school, and smaller windows covered the rest. Inside the doors there were students lined up next to a small room with a sign hanging above it that said; Attendance office. Why such a small room? I asked myself as I went to wait with the other students that were late. The main office was to the left of the front doors, along with two hallways leading in different directions. One sounded as if it lead to the band room and the other had the scent of food in the air so that meant the cafeteria. Then the last hallway must have lead to the classrooms. I glanced around eying all the trophies and awards that were displayed in cases down the hall leading to the cafeteria. "Miss?" I heard a women ask from behind me. "Do you need some help?" Turning to face the gray haired lady and nodded a bit. "I'm new here, I guess." I said unsure of the whole thing. "Then head into the office. They'll help you with whatever it is you need." She said smiling, her wrinkly face bunching up as if it wasn't something she did often. The women in the main office looked as happy to see me as the other women did, which wasn't very much at all. She glanced over my outfit and gave me the you-a-trouble-maker kind of look before asking what I needed. "I'm new.." Was all I had to say before she told me to take a seat as she typed away on her computer. "Are you Kyra Kurstan?" She asked pushing her glass down to the tip of her nose as she looked at me. "No, its just Kyra." "Then what's your last name?" I thought about it a moment and realized I didn't know. "Um.. Well.." "Do you not know what your own last name is?" She asked before I could say anything more. "Do you know how old you are? Or even your birthday?" "Look lady, I don't know anything about myself right now and if that's not good enough answer, well then you can just go f-" "What's going on in here?" A tall man wearing a suit and tie suddenly walked out of his office and looked over at us. I looked to him stopping the words that were just about to come out of my mouth. His hair was cut short, his eyes were a plain brown, his skin was somewhat tanned, and the skin on his face was tight around the bones, making him look dead in a way. "This girl here isn't giving me the information I need to know to get her a schedule and agenda." The women said quickly giving me a dirty look. "Its not my fault that I don't have the information that you need." "What's your name young lady?" The man asked. I assumed he was the principal or at least the vice principal. "Kyra." I answered ignoring the looks I was getting from the women. "So your the girl that's staying with the Kurstin family? I've heard so much about you. Come. Into my office." He said with an ere smile on his face. He's heard so much about me? I wondered. Is one days worth of information considered much to him? Or is he in on it to? Sitting in one of his soft chairs I watched him warily. It seemed odd that he was so friendly towards me, when I didn't even know him. He couldn't be sure if I was a trouble maker or not, so I couldn't understand his misplaced trust in me. The small desk stood sticking out from the wall leaving space for students to sit in front of his desk and room for him to sit behind and type on his computer. Papers scatter on the desktop along with a few pens and folders filled with bunches of paper. The metal name plate on his desk read; Mr. Estilie. The chair squeaked as he leaned forward placing his elbows on the desk, his hands neatly folded under his chin. And the first thing that came to my mind was, He's gay. "So, Miss..?" He paused remembering I hadn't a last name to go by. "Well do you mind if I just call you Kyra?" "That is my name." I half yawned. "Alright, good. Now your guardians have explained to me that you've been having some memory problems. So what we're going to do is use their last name for the time being, and-" "I'm not using their last name." I objected. "They're not my parents and I'm not going to pretend they are." He gave me a perplexed look and took a breath. "Well then Kyra, what are we going to call you? Its not right to be without a last name." "I could care less if I had one or not. People can just call me Kyra. That is my name after all." Shifting in my seat slightly, I could start to feel the tension in the room as his temper rose. "Well then, that will have to do for now." His chair let out another loud squeak as he leaned back to the point of tipping over. "Its going to take time to get your class schedule, so your going to have to wait till then." "How long?" I asked in a monotone voice. "Haven't a clue. You can go take a look at the school if you want. It's probably going to take a while." He didn't need to tell me twice. I got out of my seat and headed back into the main office as the door opened and a student walked in. He handed the secretary a note and she promptly tilted her glasses down to read it. I rolled my eyes at her act and he seemed to smile noticing. His skin was pale but there was no surprise there, everyone in this town seemed to be pale. His eyes were a deep golden color unlike I've ever seen before, and his semi-short hair was spiked up to match his biker-boy appearance. I couldn't help to stare a moment at his eyes, catching me off guard. My eyes fluttered shut and I shook my head feeling dizzy. I cleared my throat and passed the boy who now seemed to be smirking at me. "Strange town, strange people.." I muttered as I passed him. "Mr. Hunter!" The women at the desk said raising her voice as he watched me leave, paying little attention to her. Their voices faded as I headed down the hall that lead to the class rooms. More glass walls appeared on my right, inside they concealed another cafeteria. On my left there was the girls and guys bathrooms and then up a little further a stair case leading to the second floor, no doubt. As I continued I had to make a decision, do I go left? Or do I go right? Right it is, I decided easily. As I walked I made a left turn, seeing that going straight would only lead to a stair case at the end of the hall. Students were shouting in their class rooms, some of the words were in other languages. Spanish and French, I established after listening a few moments. Taking another left I walked down a long hall way with class rooms on the right side and fliers and glass containers on the other. In the middle of the hall way on the left side was the library door, a place I would most likely spend no time at all in. After circling around the library I found myself back at the stair case, confused. There has to be more, I thought. Maybe I didn't turn somewhere? Looking around confoundedly I saw the same guy from the main office heading towards me, the same smirk on his face as he set his eyes on me. He seemed to be standing in front of me in no time at all. "Lost already?" His voice was low and something about it seemed treacherous. "I'm not lost." I answered quickly. "I just happen to have no idea where I'm going.." He laughed smugly and looked down at me slightly. "Meaning that your lost." He had to point out once again. My shoulders lightly when up then down as I shrugged. "Whatever." "Need any help?" "I think I'll find my way eventually." I yawned making no eye contact, remembering what happened the last time. My feet started to walk as my mind wandered aimlessly. "See ya." "Catch ya later." He said, a hint of disappointment in his voice. Something about him seemed odd. He seemed so sure of himself, a feeling that I was robbed of. It was like he already knew who he was and what he was doing in his life, something no teenager his age should be so confident about. Or even half of the adults I've meet in the time I've been here. Suddenly I felt jealous, jealous of him for knowing who he was. For knowing where he was. For having the memories of his life, so carefully locked away in his head. Not even having to struggle with a memory so simple as his name. I felt enraged, I felt lost, but most of all I felt betrayed. I couldn't yet tell why I felt this way, only that it had to be because the people who so willingly have surrounded me. My eyes began to tear up but I held them back as best I could. Scanning the halls, I found myself truly lost. Thinking I must of gotten lost in my thoughts and wandered to far from where I was. The sounds of music filled the air as I realized I wasn't so far away from the main office. My ears lead me to the music and I found the hall that brought me back to the main office, Mr. Estilie waiting for me next to the door. © 2010 . o O (Deepest_Thoughts) |
Added on April 27, 2009 Last Updated on March 8, 2010 Author![]() . o O (Deepest_Thoughts)J-town., NYAboutHey my names Amber. I live in NY and love to write in my free time. [: more..Writing