

A Chapter by . o O (Deepest_Thoughts)

Living a new life.


Everything was cold dark and lifeless, when suddenly I felt as if I was struck by lightning. As I sat up quickly I looked around in panic, not knowing where or even who I was. "What..? What's going on?" My breath was uneven and my words a mumble. Opening my vivid eyes, one green one blue, seeing nothing but shades and a blur of colors, I tried to sit up.
"Shh.."  A calm smug man said to me as a cold hand pushed me back down. "You don't want to get up to fast." I blinked as my vision started to clear and could faintly see the mans face. Pale skin, dull gray eyes, blond hair and a smile that could scare children. Something about him made me angry but I couldn't figure out why.
"Don't touch me..." I said getting annoyed with the way he grinned awkwardly at me. I sat up slowly and realized I was in the back seat of a pick-up truck. "Why am I here? Who are you?" My words came out fast as I looked around in a panic, reaching for the door handle. The strange man grabbed my hands and held them tightly not letting me escape.

My head throbbed painfully as I tried to remember what had happened to me, but sadly nothing came to me. It was as If I was just born and the world was a new place to me, but that idea seemed odd. Clearly I could remember the things around me, the truck I was sitting in, the buildings and trees that sped past as we drove. None of these things seemed new to me, and the furthered my suspicions of this man.
I felt strange around him, as if I knew him but at that moment it didn't matter because I couldn't even remember my own name. Pulling my hands free quickly I held my chest tightly feeling my heart beat faster and faster, a feeling I don't remember having. I looked around a bit blinking rapidly trying to shake the headache I had right behind my eyes. He didn't seem to notice I had asked him a question but instead seemed to be watching me closely, as if waiting for something to happen.
"Hello?" My voice came out with an angry tone. "You going to answer my question anytime soon? Or are you just going to stare stupidly?"
"Oh, um, yeah." He said quickly shaking his head. "My name is Vince and you are in a truck-"
"Duh," I interrupted, my attitude with him seemed to come instinctively.
"Let me finish." He glared. "As I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted." He said giving me an angry look as I rolled my eyes. "Your on your way to your new home."
"Well.. What happened to my old home?"
"You don't remember?" He asked smiling.
"No." I growled thinking that my memory loss was nothing for him to smile about.
"Well I don't know either."
"Well your not very helpful, are you?"
"Listen, you ungrateful little-" He started before he quickly stopped, taking a deep breath. "Look all I know is that me and Joey here," he said waving a hand to the driver, who gave me a worried look in return. "We're supposed to drop you off with the Kurstin family." He finished as my eyes glanced to Joey in the mirror.
"What?" I said sitting up more a bit confused. "Who are these people? Where's my family? Why am I going to live with them? Why can't I remember anything!?" I asked raising my voice, not trusting his words.
"Calm down!" He yelled as I started to shout. "You don't have any family left and these people offered to take you in till you get your memory back. You had an.. An accident." He said as if he had to think about it.
"What kind of accident?" My teeth clenched together as I tried hard not to punch him.
"Well you um.. That doesn't matter now!" He said getting irritated with all the questions. "All that matters is your on your way to a new life." He smiled creepily.
"Whatever." I crossed my arms looking out the dark window, in silence, thinking about how I could get out of this. I could leave right now. Just open this truck door and jump out. But where would I go? What would I do for money? Maybe I did have an accident.. And these people could help with  getting my memories back. But then how could I trust these strangers, they could be the reason I'm like this. I groaned, my thoughts being to much for my head to handle at one time. Everything was going through my head at once, it made my stomach twist and turn. Or maybe that was normal..
Trees flew by along with houses and others vehicles. We eventually drove into a small town that looked as if a tornado were to hit, it could only make it look better. The sign on the side of the road said, Welcome to Johnstown. Buildings were old and falling apart, as well as the cars and roads. The people on the streets looked like drug dealers, murders, or some other kind of criminal. The streets were filthy and covered with cans and other garbage.
The car suddenly stopped, honking a group of guys out of the road. They didn't look to happy that their basketball game was interrupted. I leaned my head against the window looking at them as we drove past. I'd more then likely be going to school with them after all. We drove a little further up the street then stopped in front of a huge yellow and brown house. It looked as if it was barley standing. The paint was peeling, a few windows broken and it had burning on the side of it that was facing a huge open dirt field.
Vince got out of the truck and came over to my side opening my door. "Come on. Lets go meet your new family." Vince said with another awkward smile.
"What if I don't want to?" My voice was low and crossing my arms were crossed. "Why should I listen to anything you say? I don't even remember my own name, how can I be expected to trust you?"
He scowled and before I knew it I was being pulled out of the truck. "Stop being so stubborn for once in your life!" He shouted as I pulled my arm free.
"Just leave me the hell alone.." I mumbled walking towards the old house having no other place to go.
"Damn it all.." He growled as he went to the trunk and grabbed a few bags that I guessed were mine.
The porch was stone and the door looked broken from where I was standing. Vince carried my bags up to the door and gave me a quickly glare. "So if you know everything, then what's my name?" I asked waiting to see if I got him angry again.
He took a deep breath and dropped my bags near my feet, almost squishing them if I hadn't moved fast enough. "Your name is Kyra, and you better not act so rude to this family. They're taking you into their home so you better behave."
"Yeah whatever.." I rolled my eyes and looked up at the sky, which was slowly darkening.
His fists clenched tightly as he knocked on the door, probably imagining it was my face. I smiled seeming to get on his nerves so easily. I glanced at the door as it swung open, a tall tan man and semi short women standing there, smiling at Vince then at me. "Welcome!" The man said excited to see me for some reason. "Come on in, please." He said moving into the house. I glanced to Vince wanting to ask what the hell he was so happy about but I decided against it.
"Grab a bag." Vince said as I yawned some.
"That's alright, I think you can handle it." I said stepping over my bags and walking in the house. He cursed under his breath as I walked past into the large dinning room.
There wasn't anything of real interest in the room. Table, chairs, pictures of animals on the walls, just a normal Dinning room. I glanced around more as they started to talk, though I wasn't listening. A small kitchen stood in front of me and a huge living room to my left. There was one door next to the living room then a hall way that led to three other rooms. They seemed to be explaining rules but I just wandered off thinking about why I was doing this.
"Kyra?" The man asked noticing I wasn't paying attention.
"Huh?" I asked looking over at him.
"Its okay, you don't have to be afraid. We are nice people." He smiled.
"I'm not afraid." I said quickly.
"Its okay, you don't have to hide it." The women rushed over and pulled me into a hug. "Me and my brother will take care of you."
"Get off me!" I felt weird with her touching me.
She let go and backed away some, frowning. "There's no need to yell, dear."
"My name is Cory by the way," The tall brown haired blue eyed man said. "Cory Kurstin, but you can just call me Cory."
"I'm Abby," The women said. She had lighter brown hair but the same blue eyes. It made them look like twins.
Vince smiled and set my bags on the long table in the middle of the room. "Well now that your all set, I guess I can go now," he said looking over at me then to Cory and Abby.
"Thank you so much for bringing her to us. We'll take good care of her." Cory said shaking Vince's hand.
He nodded. "If she has any problems or gets any of her memory back please call me. I'd be glad to help."
"Help, my a*s.." I mumbled sitting at the table.
After a few moments Vince left, leaving me with these strangers that I could hardly trust. Even though I couldn't trust him either. "I'm going to bed, where's my room?" I asked grabbing my bags, which were full of clothes."
"Right over there."Abby smiled pointing to the room next to the living room. "Be careful not to wake my kids."
"Okay.." I said glad she hadn't said our kid.
As I opened the door I yawned some looking around at the small plain room. White walls, single queen sized bed, and a dresser that looked like it could only hold half my clothes. As I closed the door I noticed a huge mirror on the back of it. I sighed sitting on the bed and tossing my two bags over in the corner near the closet as I looked myself over in the mirror. Black hair with blue streaks, dark colored clothes, odd green and blue eyes, and piercing all over. My eyes caught my attention most of all, one being blue and the other green, both abnormally bright. I glanced back over at the window trying to remember what had happened to me. I just wish I knew why I can't remember anything.. It has something to with these people..
"I got it!" I said dropping onto the floor and grabbing a bag searching through it for some kind of journal. Nothing. I got up and looked through the dresser drawers hoping I could at least find a piece of paper, but better yet I found a whole drawer full of school supplies. "Great." I said grabbing a pen and a new notebook. I sat back on the bed and started to write all the things that I could remember and my thoughts on this place and the people I've met. "Just in case something happens again.. I can read this and figure out what's happening to me."
I heard a knock to my door and quickly shoved the notebook under my pillow along with the pen. "Its me, I'm coming in." I heard Abby say as she turned the doorknob. I tried to act normal as she walked in and smiled at me. "Its time for lights out. The bed time around here is 8:30. You start school tomorrow, you need your rest." She said turning my lights off and closing the door.
I sighed and rolled my eyes in complete darkness. "This is so gay.." I mumbled looking out the window at the moon and trees. The leaves were changing colors, a sign of fall. The weather was getting cold but it was mostly the wind. I leaned back on the bed and pulled the blankets over myself closing my eyes trying to get to sleep, hoping I'd wake up from this nightmare.

© 2010 . o O (Deepest_Thoughts)

My Review

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Oh, catches ones interest right away, doesn't it?
I personally feel it's a bit long to be called an actual prologue, it feels like a first chapter to be honest. You have a few spelling misstakes you should take a look at (usual confusion over Your and You're, as well as changing kids to kid and piercing when you probably mean piercings). I haven’t had a chance to look at the other chapters you have posted yet, but I think that in order for this piece of writing to be a prologue you should strip it down to the necessities. Sort of hinting what would come next, but not yet beginning the story.
For example ”He looked at the girl sleeping on the seat. She had no idea of who she was. Literary, no idea, and it was his job to keep it that way” (obviously I took a stab in the dark, I have no clue at this moment what the book will be about)

Posted 15 Years Ago

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1 Review
Shelved in 2 Libraries
Added on April 27, 2009
Last Updated on March 8, 2010


. o O (Deepest_Thoughts)
. o O (Deepest_Thoughts)

J-town., NY

Hey my names Amber. I live in NY and love to write in my free time. [: more..
