When Will No Mean NoA Poem by Lexi HammondAfter overhearing a woman ask somebody to donate to sexual assault awareness, I was inspired to write this.
Walking through a crowded mall, I overhear words that don't sit well with me.
"Would you like to donate to sexual assault awareness?" Imagine that. A world where we have to put money toward teaching people to keep their hands to their f*****g selves. Did someone teach the coworker I once had that as a 40 year old man, it's unacceptable to prey on 17 year old girls? Maybe, but apparently he thought it was okay if she was much younger than that. Did someone teach that self entitled boy who called me every nasty name in the book because I didn't give him permission to touch me that he actually wasn't entitled to anything at all? Maybe, but apparently he thought they were wrong. Do we actually live in a world where people defend rape by saying "she deserved it, just look at how she drank and what she wore"? So what the f**k did that infant girl on the news do to deserve having her innocence taken away before she could even say the word innocence? Was her diaper a little too short? Or was it the fact that she was unfortunate enough to be around a man who thought that it was his to take? As a girl in college or even high school, seeing your friends become a victim of sexual assault is pretty f*****g common. We live in a world where I am sitting up at 4:30am writing about why it's wrong to touch somebody if they say no. If you don't see a problem, you are the problem. © 2017 Lexi HammondReviews
1 Review Added on October 3, 2017 Last Updated on October 3, 2017 Tags: rape, sexual harassment, feminism, sexual abuse, no, sexism, empowerment, sexual assault Author