When will there be a happy ending?

When will there be a happy ending?

A Chapter by Lexington

The silent watchers try to stop Jane, and try to get to Zalgo. Jane tries to defeat all Zalgo's army in her human form hoping to get herself back before it's too late.

''How dare you try me!''

Why Did it have to happen like this? I keep thinking that in my head as we all went to the woods were Jane and Jeff were last seen. I ran up ahead with Helen. When i stopped he stopped as well. What was this guy's deal? Shouldn't he be close with his girlfriend or something. 
''HEY JANE I SEE THEM!'' Ben yelled as Jeff and Jane were wrestling. Jane was on top of Jeff with her hands around his neck choking the living daylights out of him. I threw my scythe as her as it hit her upside the head as she fell back with a loud thump. I rushed over to my scythe as Ben and Masky helped Jeff up. I put my foot on her stomach as she choked out.
''You aren't going nowhere. You cannot co-operate for one damn second can't you!'' When i looked up, I was shot by some goo as i fell back. I saw a dagger coming at me as i rolled out the way. It was Zalgo's army. They rushed and grabbed Jane as they vanished away. What the hell just happened? 
''Hey man you alright?'' Ben asked as Jeff dusted himself off nodding at Ben's response. I walked back over as Jeff looked down at me. 
''Zalgo stole your illusion form?'' He asked me as i nodded. How'd he already know? At this rate, i am not sure where to start looking for Zalgo. 
''Oh great, Jane must be working with Zalgo already. This is so not good.'' Masky said as he looked up at the sky. Everything pretty much got darker. Sadly, i can't provide a glow with my eyes. There were bats flying around the sky and it appeared to shoot out fire balls. One almost was aiming at me as Helen shouted my name and grabbed me pulling me away from the fire ball. As he did that, we both stumbled down a steep hill. 
''HELEN! JANE!'' The others shouted. I stumbled down as i grabbed onto a branch as Helen grabbed my ankle hanging onto me. He looked up then back down with a red face holding onto his mask with the other hand. 
''I am used to you being in shorts.'' He said as i wiggled my leg he was grabbing on. 
''I WILL KICK YOU I SWEAR.'' I yelled as i pulled up both onto land. When i looked down, it was a swamp, we surely don't want to be stuck in there. As we stood up, we looked around and saw a factory nearby. 
''Where are we anyway? We need to get back to the others.'' I said. Helen looked around and blew on a poster. 
''I think this is Zalgo's hideout.'' When he said that, i saw armed forces and guards of hoax everywhere. This looks like Jane's work. 
''I think Jane might be over here, those are her hoax's.'' I said as i tried going that way, but Helen put his arm on my shoulder. 
''No way it's dangerous don't try. This place is guarded, and i don't know my way around Zalgo's hideout yet. I haven't reached this far with him yet.'' He said. With the others, Ben and Masky look around bushes and trees trying to look for us. 
''I knew i couldn't trust that girl.'' Angel said as she stuck her sword in the ground sitting upon a log. Jeff glanced over at her way. 
''What the hell did Jane do to you.'' He said as Angel gave him a pissed off glare. 
''YOU GUYS DON'T SEE IT DON'T YOU? UGH IT'S SO OBVIOUS SHE'S TRYING TO GET MY HELEN TO HERSELF.'' She yelled as she levitated a few rocks throwing it against a tree. 
''WOW PRINCESS, CALM DOWN. We know Jane and she's not doing anything like that, quit wasting your damn time on Helen and try to help us stop Zalgo, or else you wont see Helen anymore.'' Ben said as she grew quite while her head was hanging down. 
''You're right. I haven't seen Helen when Zalgo had partnered up him and Liu together. When we were partners, we've always been close to one another and work so good, but we slack off and be lovey and stuff. Maybe this is better. I am done with Zalgo anyway, I want to be free from all this.'' She said as she stood up with her sword. 
''That's more like it. Come on let's split up. One team go find Helen and Jane, the other go and try to look for Jane and those hoax's.'' Masky said as Ben and Toby looked at each other. 
''Alright, Jeff and Masky are a team, me, Angel, and Toby are a team.'' Ben said as Jeff huffed. 
''Fine by me.'' Masky said. ''Alright, Me and Jeff will go look for Helen and Jane you three try to find Jane.'' Everyone nodded as they took off. Jeff and Masky walked deeper into the woods as they cut down tree's and bushes. 
''Where the hell could they be? They couldn't have fallen far could they?''Jeff said as Masky shrugged. 
''Honestly, I never seen Angel this stressed out over Helen. Those two make an amazing fighting team.'' Masky said. Jeff nodded after sitting down on a log. Masky joined him. 
''Hey Masky, what would happen if we really did defeat Zalgo? will we return to our normal lives with Slendy? Or even, watch Oakside turn lively again. Or maybe even, become humans again as our illusion forms are taken from us.'' Jeff said. Masky sighed at his statement. 
''You aren't lying about that. I wonder that too. Is it bad that i don't want to go back to the way things were. I only want to go back to where we met Janet.'' Masky said as Jeff looked at him with his eyes wide. 
''You met Janet too?'' Jeff asked as Masky nodded. 
''It's pretty funny, i was outside on my laptop, there goes a girl around my age but younger. She spooked to me and we just, became friends.'' 
''We met as neighbors. She's the only person i know who didn't see me lose my s**t. She's lucky she didn't.'' Masky stood up and heard a noise. They were about to be in battle stance until they saw Sally poke out from the woods. 
''Sally? why are you here?'' Masky asked. 
''I overheard you two talking. I kinda want it to be over with and be on Slendy side. Be a happy big family again. So me and Eyeless Jack came up with a game plan.'' She said as Eyeless Jack came with a long list. There, was Aaron. Me and Helen are near the side of the building of Zalgo's hideout. There was a huge dark shadow blocking the front entrance. He looked too buff to defeat. 
''Look, you are a human, i'll have to pretend i'm capturing you alright? They will bring you and me to Jane.'' Helen said as i nodded in agreement. Helen grabbed me by my arm and marched up to the guy. 
''I am here to bring a human to Jane dear. I am one of the hoax's of hers. I may have granted access to Zalgo as his henchman and watchmen.'' Helen said as the guy believed his story letting him through. Helen pushed me over to a room as he locked the door hearing Jane's voice talking to the guard. 
''Alright, we need to put you on a disguise you can't walk around here looking like that.'' He said tossing me a cape that has holes in it and a old worn cap. I tied the strings attached to the cape to me to cover my shirt and skirt. I put on army boots. Helen swung over to my face holding my chin up with his finger using a pen to mark scars on my face. He was too close to my face, as he was almost done doing the eyebrow part, a loud thump was felt as a ball hit his head. I managed to kick the ball to the door, but it bounced back and hit Helen on the back of the head causing him to lean into me too close crushing his lips onto mines as we both fell back on the floor. He didn't let go as i opened my eyes and starred at the door. A guard was walking by, then past us. Helen noticed as he let go and quickly stood up with his face flushed and pale. He ran over to the door and lean his ear against it. As he opened the door, he motions me over there as i followed quickly forgetting the situation happened. We sneaked past a few guards and finally made our way to Jane's room, but when we got there she wasn't in there. I felt something move as i jumped out the way in time while Helen got caught in the rope trap. He hung upside down as his mask fell off his face. I cartwheeled from a bunch of darts shooting at me. I landed on the desk squat down. I saw the door swung open as Jane angrily came out. 
''WHY WON'T YOU DIE.'' She yelled as she threw her knife at me as i flip back over it as it hit the wall. I grabbed the knife quickly as she charged at me at the same time. I stabbed her in the arm swinging my leg and hit her in the face as she went down with her knife in her shoulder as she screamed trying to pull it out. I grabbed my scythe and twirled it in my hand cutting down Helen as he fell down. I swirled my scythe as Jane hit her knife with my scythe in time. Helen was on his side as he reached his hand out and the strings came out quickly wrapping it around Jane's waist tossing her making her hit the wall as it cause dust to flew. She slid down onto the wall and crash on the floor. Helen closed the door with the strings as he got up grabbing me wrapping his arms around my waist as we looked down at Jane. He grabbed her with his strings as he toss her down again. 
''ENOUGH!.'' She yelled as she coughed out blood holding her stomach. ''What do you want from me!? Zalgo already is taking over, so you two are too late to save the world.'' She said. Helen growled at her. 
''You might say that, but there is still time to get to him, and we're gonna use some help from you.'' I said walking out of Helen's grip grabbing my scythe putting it near her head. She quickly got up and sits up holding her stomach, she was bleeding. 
''Look, what do you want me to do? I don't know where Zalgo went! He just told me to stay put here in his hideout. I didn't expect you two to even arrive here, especially you Janet since you are in human form.'' She said. My scythe was in green flames as she looked at me scared. She tried reaching to her knife as I held the sharp part of the scythe close to her face. 
''Try me.'' I said as she didn't move her hand. ''We should let the others know we are okay.'' Helen nodded, but he gripped my shoulder as i turned to face him. He held his mask he grabbed and held it on the other side of his face pressing his lips to mines having the mask cover it. The window was open as the air came in blowing all of our hairs in the wind. Jane looked up surprised in the face. 
''N-no way. You two.'' All she could say before he pulled away looking me in the eyes. At that moment, A guard broke in the place. He told me to wait for it. As i did, I heard someone free falling. Ben crashed in through the roof with Angel. 
''STAY AWAY FROM HELEN!'' She yelled as she swirled her sword to the ground as a green beam hit him causing him to demolish in 1 second. I didn't want to mess with her after that. Ben walked over to me. 
''Hey you alright? We came here as soon as we had a signal from Helen, which Angel kinda knew.'' Ben said as Toby was outside fighting off the hoax. He stood by the window looking down as i went by his side holding his hand as he looked down at me. 
''You ready?'' He said as i nodded. We both jumped down from the window. Ben was the first to dive down as he pulled his hand where my hand was grabbing onto, pulling his arm forward throwing me dive first over as he spun around. I gripped my scythe in my hand throwing one at 5 of the hoax as it went through their heads cutting it in half as my scythe  hit the tree stump. I landed on my feet as i squat down, then stood up. As Ben landed on his toes, I walked over to my scythe grabbing it. 
''Where's Jeff and Masky?'' I asked him as he looked behind him. 
''There.'' He said as we saw them fighting the hoax off with Toby. We heard Jane fall down on her face as i heard a crash landing near me. Helen and Angel were holding onto each other as Helen kicked Jane by her head. 
''Zalgo is apparently, in Oakside Uni. You guys might want to hurry there. Quickly.'' Helen said as me and Ben looked at each other. This is bad. If he destroys Oakside Uni. He'll be able to take over the rest of the towns, and wipe-out everyone. When i looked up, it got darker. The sky was a circle, black and purple with lighting. Angel started running as Ben and the rest tagged along to head to Oakside. Helen stopped me a bit. 
''Hey sorry about that sudden kiss.'' He said as i shrugged. 
''It was a signal you gave out to Angel it's fine.'' I said. He rubbed the back of his head. 
''Yes, and no.'' He said. I raised an eyebrow. ''I did it on purpose. To get a signal, i already done that. We have this tracking device sorta so we know if one of us is either lost or hurt. I don't know why i kissed you. It was the moment. I just hope Jane doesn't open her mouth to Angel.'' Helen said walking in front of me. Why did he even do it in front of Jane? Speaking of Jane, i saw Helen use his strings to tie her up and dragged her as we all walked to the mansion. Slendy decided to lock her in the dungeon till they get Zalgo. I really hope i can get my old self back. Me, Ben, Jeff, Masky and Toby were on the hill near Oakside hearing people screaming in agony and pain as they were getting slaughtered. I took the cap off my head and unhook the cape that was around me onto the ground. 
''Let's get this over with, and finished this.'' I said. I started speed running down to Oakside as the others followed. I stopped to see Zalgo in his illusion form. I couldn't move. He looked over at my direction, and fireballs started falling down on me, I couldn't move. Ben managed to hold onto me as he used his shield to block out the fire balls. Zalgo scoffed as he transformed to his actual form. He looked way scarier than his illusion form. He's like a phantom demon. 
''Nobody going to get hurt, Just give me back my original form!.'' I said as he laughed it off. 
''Too bad.'' He said in a demotic voice. He pulled out his hand with a mouth on it, it took me out of Ben's grip and he strangled me in thin air. 
''JANE!.'' Ben yelled, The other tried to get to Zalgo but was blocked with a force field. 

How can this be a happy ending?

© 2016 Lexington

Author's Note

ignore grammar problems

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Added on May 29, 2016
Last Updated on May 31, 2016
Tags: creepypasta, horror, fanfiction