Sequel 3: A connection

Sequel 3: A connection

A Chapter by Lexington

It was at this point, Jane will decipher what she was to everyone

How did it all happen?

How did it all happen? All i said to myself. I happened to woke up, but i wasn't in Zalgo's Hideout anymore, i was in some sort of Alley. I felt my scythe still here, good. Then again, i could just use my scythe to open a portal to go back to Jeff and them. But when i turned around, i saw Jane. 
''Hey, you're awake.'' She said as she tried helping me up but i slapped my hand away from. 
''You. Better tell me, what's going on in 5 seconds or i will kick your a*s.'' I said as her eyes widen. 
''Okay, I saved your life when i saw that when i came back, and thought of what you said, as Jeff got in the portal and left you behind i had to do something. I realized, i have no family and when Slenderman had came to rescue me, he treated me along with the others as family. I kinda took advantage of him because of Jeff, and also i wanted to take control.'' She said. I sighed and stand up rubbing my head. 
''What now then?'' I asked. 
''I want to ask you a question from those memories.'' 
''How did you and Jeff even meet?'' I looked at her for a long while, then sighed. 
''I suppose i can tell you.'' I cleared my throat, i hope i can even remember. I used my scythe to help with my memories as i was now portrayed into my old self form. 

It all started when me and my parents saw someone moving into next door to us. I saw myself again; It still hurts. 
''Janet dear, why don't you go next door and greet the neighbors?'' I heard my mother say. 
''But, what if they are weird? I am pretty shy.'' I said. 
''Oh Janet don't be silly, I guaranteed they are nice people. Go meet the Woods, i'll be right behind you.'' My mother said. I shrugged my shoulders and ran over to the neighbors house. I was intensely shy. As they were packing, my mother came from behind me and waved at the woman. 
''Hello dear neighbors!.'' My mother shouted. The woman looked over at my mother and me and smiled. 
''Why hello!'' She replied smiling. 
''We live next door to you, I wanted to introduce you to my daughter, Janet. I'm her mother Lindsay. My husband is too busy unpacking.'' 
''Oh! that's wonderful! i also have kids. My two sons Jeff and Liu. JEFF! LIU! COME HERE PLEASE!'' She shouted. I saw two guys run down. Both of them had brown hair, One of the brothers had Brown hair, blue eyes and a white hoodie, black pants and converse. The other brother had brown hair too, with a scarf around his neck, green eyes, smiling super hard, brown coat jacket, blue dark pants and converse. 
''Jeff, Liu, this is Janet, the neighbors daughter.'' Their mother said. When she said Jeff, he was the blue eyed one. 
''She looks pretty young.'' Jeff said to his mother. My mother must've overheard him. 
''Janet is 12 years old, how about you two.'' My mother asked. 
''Me and Liu are 14 years old.'' Jeff spoke out. 
''Why don't the kids get to know each other, don't they go to the same school?'' My mom asked. 
''Oh you mean Oakside middle? Of course.'' Their mom said. As they were talking, Jeff and Liu walked over to me. 
''Janet? isn't that another name for Jane?'' Jeff asked. I shrugged my shoulder. 
''Jeff? Isn't that another name for Jeffery?'' I asked as we both laughed. 
''Alright alright, you got me there.'' Jeff said as Liu stepped in front of him. 
''Hello I'm Liu, Jeff's overly nice brother. You look very nice Janet.'' Liu said smiling. 
''Why thank you.'' I said smiling. When Liu and me were talking, Jeff grabbed a flower walking up to me but Liu snatched the flower away holding Jeff away from his reach. 
''Flowers milady?'' Liu said. 
''LIU THAT'S MY FLOWERS YOU JERK.'' Jeff yelled as i laughed. 

I put my scythe down to not mess with the rest of the memories as Jane stayed silent. 
''Oh yeah, i couldn't remember you as much because people kept calling you Jane even though your name was Janet.'' She said. 
''Let's go back, you have a lot of apologies to do.''  I said as i held the portal to my face, picturing the CP unit. Later, Jeff and Liu are in my room sitting on my bed. 
''Be honest, you liked Janet didn't you Jeff.'' Liu asked. Jeff kept quiet. 
''JANE OH MY GOODNESS!.'' Masky yelled. Liu and Jeff rushed downstairs and saw me and Jane. Masky ran up and hugged me tightly. 
''OH MY JANES!.'' Ben yelled. 
''You idiots, you forgot my scythe is a portal.'' I said as Masky got off. Eyeless Jack and Sally rubbed there heads in shame. 
''You.'' Jeff said in a harsh tone as Liu's scarf started moving. 
''Wait wait! i know everyone is pissed at me, i get it. But Janet opened my eyes and, i really didn't know that i was treated as a family after some a*****e killed mine off, i realized the CP unit is my family and it feels like i'm killing my family. I felt like Jeff again.'' Jane said. 
''Oh my goodness we get it!'' Jeff shouted. Jane walked up to Jeff. 
''You maybe a horrible, horrible person, but I will not hold a grudge against you Jeff because i did love you.'' She said as the whole place grew quiet. Jeff eyes were wider than usual. 
''Pardon. Your. French.'' Jeff said. Without her mask, Jeff couldn't help to keep looking at her actual face. 
''Oh yeah i know, but you broken my heart after you liked Janet. But still, i may want my revenge and that i still hate your guts. But i suppose we can be cool for now.'' Jane said as she walked off only with the Slenderman stopping her. 
''OH, LOOKS LIKE THE TROUBLE MAKER IS RUNNING BACK HERE.'' Slendy spoke in a harsh tone. ''I have been taking a close eye range with you all. The day i see Jane coming back is the day i end her miserable misguided life.'' With that, Jane took out her knife as i stepped in front of them.
''Okay, look. I know things are weird now that Jane came back, what i want to know is what are we going to do with her? I mean, Oakwood is pretty much destroyed. Oakwood Uni is the only town kicking. How do we restore it?'' I asked as Slendy sighed. 
''You're right child. I will restore it if you like once i find clockwork.'' He said. Who's Clockwork? I haven't really met every CP person here. The door flung open as I saw Toby with this woman. She had long brunette hair, one of her eyes were a clock. She had a blue crop jacket with white tank top, black pants and black boots. She smirked holding onto Toby. 
''I hate almost all of you, except you Jeff.'' She said. Jeff walked up to her. 
''You mind doing the time of reverse to restore Oakwoods.'' Jeff asked. She looked at Ticci Toby and looked back at Jeff. 
''I might, what will it cost me.'' She said as Jeff picked up Sally and held her up in the air. 
''I will sale this child. She is sick and needs attention.'' Jeff said as Sally squirmed. 
''See? she's so sick, she needs all the attention.'' Jeff said as he put her down as Clockwork laughed. 
''Good one. But alright. I don't have enough power to make that work. But why Oakside? it's just a abandon town anyway.'' She said. To me, she had a point. I had memories at that town but, they all were gone anyway. Bloody Painter ran in here and grabbed my arm. 
''We need to talk. Now.'' He said as he carried me to the other room. Everyone was looking around. 
''Oh don't tell me, Bloody Painter over here likes Jane too.'' Ben said to Masky as he groaned in agony. 
''Oh you think everyone likes Jane.'' Masky said. 
''Oh! it's so true. That, that Aaron guy totally liked Jane, Jeff's brother did, even i bet that Helen guy does too!.'' Ben said. 
''Ben don't be silly. She has earned a lot of people's trust other than the other Jane.'' Masky said as he looked around. ''Wait. Where is the other Jane?'' Once everyone heard Masky. The lights went out. Bloody Painter dragged me in the dungeon room where i was captured. 
''Remember when Jane was going to go to Zalgo to be on her side? Well about that. She already did.'' He said taking the mask off. I was shocked. 
''Are you telling me, Zalgo's coming.'' I said. He nodded. 
''I must warn you, his powers are really powerful. There is no way that he can be stopped. Jane must've sneaked out when Clockwork came in with Toby.'' 
''Don't tell me. Clockwork likes Zalgo doesn't she.''
''Yes why?''
''I have a feeling that, she is working for Jane.'' With that, the door swung open from the dungeon. Aaron jumped up and tried opening the door, but it wouldn't budge.  
''D****t! Doesn't she know when to surrender?!.'' He said. The lights in the dungeon went off. I felt something zoom past me. 
''W-what the hell was that? Helen this isn't funny!.'' I yelled. 
''What!? i'm not doing anything! You're the one that keeps poking me in the face! i do adore you Jane but please do not try me in the dark that is unsanitary!'' 
''I WOULDN'T EVEN THINK ABOUT IT.'' I yelled. Once the lights went back on, me and Bloody painter were hooked up on the equipment. Our arms and legs are trapped from the chains. We heard someone walk up to us. It was a guy with short spikey black and red hair, red eyes, with a black suit and red tie. He smiled at us. 
''Well look who i stumbled upon. One mysterious girl and Bloody Painter. I have finally arrived.'' He spoke in a grim deep voice. It echoed through the room. Who the hell is that. When he lifted his hand up, it formed a mouth in his hand. Bloody painter's eyes widen. 
''Zalgo.'' I heard him say. Is he in his illusion form? With the others, Jeff looked around too. 
''S**t, we just had Jane in our position, where the hell did Jane and Bloody go?'' When Jeff turned to the Dungeon room, he panicked and ran over there trying to open the door. 
''Jeff the heck are you doing?'' Masky said as Ben followed them up to where Jeff is.
''I have a feeling, Zalgo is in there.'' Jeff said. From the window, Jeff was grabbed and sucked into the window. When Ben and Masky hurried over to the window, Jeff was gone. 
''What. WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE?'' Ben said freaking out. Ticci Toby ran up to where they were and looked out the window. 
''Oh you know what this calls for? A REUNION OF THE CP SQUAD.'' Toby yelled. Masky wasn't excited. 
''Oh hell no am i going to team up with you.'' Masky said. 
''Masky there is no choice. Jane and Jeff are both captured. What other plan you have.'' Ben said. Masky sighed as a okay sign. Ticci Toby got out his hatchets swirling them in his hand. 
''Good, because we got company.'' He pointed to the door as They looked out to see Zalgo's henchman's were coming towards us. Slendy and Eyeless Jack along with Sally are trying to keep the door closed. 
Zalgo had kept starring at us for a few minutes. 
''So, i have a boy who was bullied and murdered people, I have a girl who i never seen before. Let's see who you really are.'' He said as he held his hand up to me and my illusion form was coming off without my consent. My short hair was there, my green hoodie and red skirt was there. My old school shoes and red scarf around my neck. My eyes were normally green and blue. He looked at me more confused and so did Helen. 
''I don't even know what to say. A little school girl winding up here? What is your story?'' He said. I looked over. 
''My name is Jane, or as people called me Janet. I winded here by mistake. I got involved with these people but, i'm no murderer like they are. I was actually friends with some of them before they turned like this.'' I said. He scoffed. 
''You are telling me you are not a murderer? Young lady i saw you killed lots of things here after you turned, like that.'' He said. It was true. I ended up killing a lot more now that i'm like this. 
''I'm sure you don't need your old look back, I think i'll keep it here in my bag of illusions i stolen.'' He said putting my original self of illusion from his hand to the bag.
''NO WAIT WHAT ARE YOU DOING GIVE ME MY OLD SELF BACK.'' I yelled as he covered my mouth with his large hands tightly. 
''Shut up. I don't want to hear it. You all will be destroyed. I decided to be on Jane's side. It's been years since i wanted to finally get rid of the Slenderman and the CP unit for good.'' He said as he let go. ''I should just let you two perish in here, you two are powerless anyway.'' He opened the door and locked us in. Me and Helen were struggling to get out. 
''Oh great now what!'' i said. 
''Need some help?'' I heard someone say. I looked up at the ceiling and saw someone jumped down. It was a woman. She had short blonde hair, black eyes, White dress, white leggings and white boots carrying a large sword. 
''DINA DEAR!'' Helen yelled. He knows her? 
''Helen? why are you tied up with a school girl?'' She asked. I groaned. 
''I am not a school girl, I got my illusion permanently on me by Zalgo.'' I said. 
''Oh that makes more sense, i thought my Helen was fooling around with a school girl.'' She said. 
''WOULD YOU BREAK US FREE OR ELSE YOU'LL GET YOUR A*S KICKED BY ONE.'' I yelled as she quickly used her sword to break the chains off of us. She ran over to Helen as they both hugged each other. They must be dating or something i never seen Helen happy. 
''How did you get here angel?'' Helen asked. 
''Since you were partners with Liu and never came back i got worried so i tracked you down from Zalgo.'' She said. Helen lightly pecked her on the cheek as she smiled lightly. They make me sick. I had to get out and find the others, but Helen grabbed my arm. 
''I wouldn't open that if i were you.'' He said. The door was a misty odor from it. I used one of the needles on the floor and threw it at it. It completely demolished the whole thing. 
''Oh that's great, we're stuck here.'' I said. I grabbed my scythe from behind the device. Stupid Zalgo forgotten to lock away our weapons. I looked up at the ceiling. She made a hole in the ceiling as i jumped up and climbed. Helen looked up and did the same thing along with his lady friend. When we went down stairs from the room above, we saw everyone fighting Zalgo's henchmen. I looked at the window and saw Toby, Masky and Ben fighting. It was pretty wonderful to see. Ben used both of his swords and swing attacked double enemies as Toby hatched them down from the head all the way down. Masky back-flips on a bunch of them either twisting their heads backwards or executing them. They actually work good as a team. When i look around i didn't see Jeff anywhere. 
''CHILD YOU MUST DEFEAT THEM.'' I heard Slendy say as he was holding onto the door along with Eyeless Jack and Sally from the henchmen's to come in. 
''I got this.'' I said swirling my scythe in my hands. I wonder where did Zalgo go. I jumped through the window and twirl forward slashing one in the head as i landed on my feet. The ones that were trying to break into the mansion had turned around and tried attacking me. I swirled my scythe in the air as everything was spinning around, even the henchman's. I stopped as they all went flying. I looked up and spin kicked one in the stomach as it flew and hit a tree. I held my scythe straight up as i spun myself holding onto my scythe around and kicked 5 of them to the ground. I stopped and punched one in the face downward leaving a hole in the ground. Helen and Angel both looked outside at me. 
''She's pretty bad-a*s.'' Helen said as Angel huffed. 
''Oh what you like her or something?.'' She said in a jealous tone. 
''What? no way. Maybe i should help her you know? she might need some help.'' Helen said as he put one foot on the window as she grabbed his shoulder. 
''We're finally together okay? she can handle this on her own. If you go out there and help her i wont forgive you.'' She said as Helen sighed. He stepped back from the window as Slendy and them let go of holding on the door. Masky, Toby and Ben looked my way as the Henchmen's were coming my way. 
''Madam is certainly beating them all down, but why is she in her illusion form?'' Masky asked. 
''I don't know but i am digging her fighting in a skirt.'' Ben said as Masky and Toby shook their heads. I hit my scythe on the ground as i created a whole, the henchmen's all fell in. I swung my hand back as one tried sneaking up on me, i dug into their stomach and ripped their chest open as they collapsed into the hole. I panted as i closed up the hole with my scythe. They all ran over to me. 
''You okay Jane?'' Ben asked as i nodded. 
''Zalgo trapped me and Helen in the dungeon room. He took away my original self and made me be stuck in my illusion form. I must get it back.'' I told them. 
''Where did he go?'' Toby asked. 
''I'm not sure. Jeff isn't here either. We need to search the area he could still be around here.'' I said. 
As we all went back in, Slendy said it was cleared he checked every room in the mansion. No Zalgo. 
''I cannot be in this form, I will get killed for sure since i am human.'' I said. 
''Don't worry child you just need to stay hidden most of the time you'll be fine. Now, where Zalgo went i have no intentions but he is after me and you all. He can disappear and reappear. Now about Jeff, i think Jane took her.'' Slendy said. Jane cannot be co-operative for one second. When we heard screaming, me and Helen looked out and saw Jane choking Jeff with her tentacles and they moved into the woods. 
''I'LL GO.'' Me and Helen both said as we looked at each other. 
''Don't you mean we.'' Ben said. ''We shall be the Silent watchers reunited!'' We all ran out to the woods to catch Jane. 

Let's hope we're not too late. 

© 2016 Lexington

Author's Note

ignore grammar problems

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Added on April 17, 2016
Last Updated on April 18, 2016
Tags: creepypasta, horror, fanfiction