![]() UnknownA Chapter by Lexington''Take in the air, don't waste it.'' I was sitting down on my bed making notes about Zalgo. I was confused, who was them, and how did Jane know where we were? That's just weird. I need to put the picture of me, Ben and Jeff out my head. It was just a one time thing, it'll never happen again, i'm certainly not putting on my illusion form on again. Out of nowhere, i heard a scream so i jumped up and not bothered putting my hair in a pony tail i rushed out. I then heard it coming from the bathroom as i heard it's coming from Ben. I kicked down the door open as he ran out with nothing but a towel wrapped around his waist screaming. ''GET IT OFF GET IT OFF GET IT OFF!!.'' He yelled. I tried to see what was the fuss, but i knew sooner it was Jeff's pranks. He glued a spider onto Ben's back. I managed to grab his wet arm and pull it right off as i grabbed my scythe slicing it to pieces. I looked at Ben and his muscled scar body. ''I'm gonna kill Jeff when i see him.'' Ben said as he rubbed his back and looked at me. ''Ah, thank you Jane. You can stop starring any day.'' He said with a wink as i glared at him throwing a towel at his face. ''Don't even think about it.'' I said. Masky and Jeff came and saw us. ''What was all this screaming about?.'' Masky said as Jeff did nothing but laugh. ''Jeff's stupid pranks again.'' Ben said. Masky groaned and tapped on his mask. ''Say, where's the note Slendy says he got for us to look at?'' ''What note?'' Jeff said. ''The note to gather new leads.'' ''There wasn't any note.'' ''That's strange.'' Masky said as he looked around for it anyway. Ben and Jeff high five each other. ''Let me guess, you two idiots did get the note?'' I said as the nodded. ''Let's see-.'' Ben looked at it but it appeared to be blank. ''What the hell?? there's nothing on here!.'' ''What does he expect us to do nothing?.'' Jeff said as Ben toss it to the side. ''I guess it's a free day today, i'm gonna finish off my bath, and play video games.'' Ben said as he closed the door behind him. Me and Jeff glared at each other. Then he broke it with a shrug. ''You know, we should probably ki- i mean! find some bad guys to slaughter?'' Jeff said nervously. ''You know, Ben's right. It's a break day. I'm going to gather more notes about Zalgo.'' I said. Before i head to my room Jeff grabbed me by the arm as i looked back at him. ''You know, i'm actually getting used to your long hair.'' He said as i blinked. What does he mean by that? Is he joking? he must be messing with me. He reached out to gently pull a few strings on my hair, then letting go walking away. I stood there like an idiot not knowing what to do. I heard a slam on the door as Ben fixed up his green hat and green suit wear. His red goo was dripping from his cheeks as his red eyes moved to my view as he waved. ''Sorry about that, didn't see you there.'' He said. ''It's fine i suppose.'' I said. Before i could say a word he went pass me. Seriously?? what is going on first Jeff asking strange now Ben. Forget this i'm finding Masky, i don't need a break for this long. I went back to my room and wrapped my hair in a pony tail, put on my hoodie with my shorts and boots and went out. I opened the dungeon room and the look of it caught my eye. I remember being caught in here, being trapped under the chains as Eyeless Jack was about to cut my kidney's. Then i met them. Now i'm a part of them. I closed the door behind me and went downstairs as i saw that Sally girl playing with her doll and playing with Ben. Jeff nowhere to be found. ''Okay Ben, you are the new brother to Kristy.'' Sally said talking to him through her doll. ''What? really? how many sisters am i going to have?.'' Ben said. ''Maybe 100. OH! MASKY! OVER HERE.'' Yelled Sally. I turned around and saw Masky coming from downstairs. ''Yes Madam?.'' Masky said bending down to reach Sally's height. ''Want to play, here, you can be this guy.'' She said with a smile. Poor girl. What happened to her? ''Oh, not right now Madam, I have to search for Slendy's note.'' Masky said. ''Please?.'' She said with a pout face. ''Fine fine, i will just for a minute.'' Masky said. When he picked up his doll, he noticed he didn't have a leg. ''..What happened to my leg.'' Masky said. ''Oh i'm sorry, do you need a leg?.'' Sally said. ''Oh no. It's fine. It's not like i needed a leg or something.'' Masky said sarcastically. Sally and Ben laughed at him, so did i but in my head. Maybe it's best if i do take a break. Ben stood up and walked towards me as i looked at him. He was in his illusion form as his blue eyes looked at me. ''Sally says i needed to get into character.'' He said chuckling. ''Dressing up as Link?.'' I said as he shrugged. ''Maybe.'' He said as i followed him to his room sitting on his bed. His room looks messy with all those video games piling everywhere. ''You girl, need to get into the basics of video gaming.'' With that, he tossed a remote controller at me as i caught it. ''I know how to game, i game before.'' I said. ''Show me what you're made of then.'' ''Fine your funeral.'' With that, we played for hours. Me beating him, Him beating me. We were always tied. Him sitting next to me, i never noticed how his blonde hair stood out. He does have a perfect face. I was focused on him too long that i leaned over to far and fell on his lap as he looked down. ''WAH! You okay??'' I tried playing off as a way of him getting out on purpose. ''YOU CHEATED.'' ''Yeah, it's called, distraction.'' I said looking up at him. He let out a gentle smile and i looked over not bothered to stare. I sat up next to him as he looked my way. ''This is a first i see Jane having fun instead of slaughtering proxies.'' Ben said. He wasn't lying, all i did around here was fight to my death, now here i am, actually having a blast that I've never done in 18 years. I'm glad i got to have some memories with Ben before he turned like this. He leaned in as i hit his face with a controller. Jeff walked in as he heard Ben screaming in pain then looked at me. Jeff was in his illusion form with a white collar shirt and black pants. Ben stopped and looked at him. ''You uh, got a date?.'' Ben said. ''No, i found another city near Oakwood Uni. It's called Ashebrooke it has ton of alive people there.'' Jeff said. ''Ashebrooke? how come i never heard of it.'' I asked. ''Because nobody wants anyone to know that place, it was sealed off pretty tight with a gate. I assumed that's what it's called from Masky's map.'' ''There's got to be something up with that town.'' I got up and walked out but Jeff blocked my view. ''Change your look before you go out, i.e your illusion form.'' He said. Oh great, not that. Anything but that. Sally jumped up with a makeup kit and starred at me. ''Makeover!!!.'' She yelled as she grabbed my arm and hurried me downstairs. Ben and Jeff looked at each other. ''I don't know who i should feel bad for, Jane's sake or how Sally handle's makeup.'' Ben said. Hours later, with my illusion form on i looked in the mirror. Sally found hair product at a store so she made my hair longer abit making it a wave, she made me put on a black short jacket with a red dark dress and black boots. It didn't look like me at all as i swirled around. I feel gross but i must appreciate it anyway. Ben and Jeff came back down and starred at me priceless. Ben had on a brownish tan hat with his blonde hair swayed to the side, green sleeveless hoodie, black gamer shirt and brown shorts. What is going on here. ''Jane you looked fly girl.'' Ben said as he winked. I almost puked in my mouth. ''We're only in disgust because- ''Because one of Slendy's huntsman's are there in Ashebrooke and that operator sign is there behind the guy who is behind the sign. If we get on his good side, they'll let us be closer to Zalgo and earn their trust, if not well, always beat them up, but i must regard you, they are super tough to defeat. Once that's done..'' Masky said taking out a map. ''You guys will have to go to a cell door guarded by Jane's hoax where there will be someone waiting for you, i.e a guy named Unknown. He's been with us for decades, he got trapped, then got Zalgo's intermission secret that we need.'' He said as he rolled up the map and handed it to me. ''Yeah, what the smart butt said.'' Jeff said. ''So you found Slendy's note?'' i asked. ''Yes, two boneheads locked it in Eyeless Jack closet.'' he coughed. ''Alright, i'm staying here with Sally and Eyeless Jack, you three will be monitored by our headsets in your ears, Anything goes underway we will handle it.'' Masky said. I feel pumped actually, this is like a awesome sci-fi movie i'm in, going undercover to finding the truth. ''Now be careful, Ashebrooke is the only town you nut brains didn't cause hell in, those guys know you guys pretty well but not in your illusion forms. Stay cool and collected and we'll guide you to Unknown.'' Masky said. We all nodded as i put my scythe in it's case as we all headed out. I can feel them both starring at me. ''WHAT!.'' I yelled. They both got startled. ''Nothing nothing, Jeff was looking at you like a dog i was looking at how beautiful you look.'' Ben winked as Jeff growled. We stumbled onto a large cliff. That was funny, this wasn't here before? I remember this way lead to a continuous road. It was cut off. ''What now?'' Ben said. I looked around and grabbed some bark. I sliced some off and made it into those wood sleighs. ''Ready or not?.'' I said. They looked at me crazy. ''Do you not know how deep that is!?.'' Jeff said. ''One way to find out.'' I said as i grabbed the board as i ran and jumped in the air with the board above my feet and slide onto the cliff hanging onto it. Ben and Jeff looked down at me. I grabbed tightly as i swirl myself hard managing to stay onto the cliff, I grabbed a snake as it opened his mouth, i stuck his mouth onto the board, swing it to a tree and reached into my backpack, shot the swing rope at it, and reeled me up to where the snake hung onto the tree tightly. ''That girl, is bad a*s.'' Ben said. ''Alright let's check it.'' Jeff said grabbing his knife, he grabbed the board like a skateboard and slide down with his knife stabbing down onto the cliff wall as Ben skateboard himself down the cliff instead. Ben slid down faster than Jeff moving left and right avoiding obstacles on his way, He then saw my view and threw his fairies as they made a horse shape figure, Ben back flipped off the board onto the fairies lifting him up to where i was as i back flip myself onto it. Jeff back flip in the air as Ben drawn the fairies near Jeff as he landed onto it. There wasn't anything near the end, it was way too deep, the only thing i saw surface, was 8 feet down below. Ben flew us to the lock-in gate Masky mentioned. When we arrived there, Ben's fairies dissipated and we jumped onto the remaining ledge. ''Wow, this thing does look tight.'' Ben said. Jeff said he told him it was. I don't know if there was anyway we could get pass through it. I cracked my knuckles coming towards the gate, With all my might i punched through the gate with all my strength and it broke leaving a huge hole, not tempting the whole gate. I rubbed my knuckles as Ben healed it. It was a bit small but i kicked it hard with all my might and made it bigger. Ben took out his scythe's to throw it at the wires making sure the alarm doesn't go off. I rolled in there first along with the others as we slipped in undetected. We saw millions of people walking and about on their cellphones, walking with pets, even though it was getting dark. We tried blending in with the people as i tapped in my ear plugs. ''Masky you there?'' I asked. ''Yes Mad'am i hear you clearly. Good job on the gate and getting there. It's dark so people will be out of your way soon. Mike and Smithy is in the back of the buildings near the grocery store and music place. Should see two weird buff guys near there. Nobody is hanging around there, get to them.'' ''Alright.'' I hung up and told them where to go. We ran at the destination Masky told us to go. We spotted the guys Masky mentioned and we walked over there. ''Hello you two.'' I said. They looked down at me. ''Who are you three? you aren't allowed back here.'' One of the guys said. ''I know, but we're friends with Slendy.'' ''Sorry, still can't let you in.'' ''Now what?.'' Ben whispered to me. ''You know what to do.'' I whispered back. With that we all left, but Ben sneaked to the side and put his illusion form off, and sank underground in water, then the two guys sank under the water drowning yelling for help. ''You shouldn't have that done.'' With that, they sunk under water as Ben came back up shaking his wet hair. With that, Jeff kick opened the door with his foot as we slide in. We all dived down to see a bunch of lasers and the place was dark. ''Shoot, think we're too late.'' Ben said quietly. ''I got this.'' I said as i sneaked below walking crouching down. I back flip over a laser bean, then jump and flip over two more. I landed onto the floor but holding my position as i was hand standing. things were upside down. Ben waved at me pointing to the key over to the glass case. I back flip twice over then jump over onto the case. I stand still on it leaning down. I didn't know how to break it open. My eyes shot out laser beans last time, i'll quickly change into my form for a bit. I got the hang of it when Slendy taught me. My eyes burn. I hated that pain feeling but i had no choice. The blue and green cross over and beamed the glass. I rubbed my eyes tightly, it hurts like hell. I grabbed the key and back flip on the ground safely. Before we thought it was safe, the alarm went off. Jeff nor Ben moved a muscle, was their security cameras? Masky didn't mention any? We heard a large boulder coming at us top speed as Ben and Jeff made a run for it out the door as i unlock it. They both grabbed my arm and ran quickly. We almost hit a dead end. I had to stop the boulder. I stopped and turn around. Ben and Jeff kept nudging me as i didn't move a bit. ''JANE QUIT BEING A BAD A*S AND GO!!.'' Jeff yelled. But i didn't bother. It came closer and closer. In speed, i stump the ground as a plies of wood stuck out from the ground as i threw it in the air and back kick it with my left foot. It went right underneath the boulder causing it to stop. I jumped over it and landed on my feet. ''Looks like your coming with me.'' I said as i knocked on it. Ben and Jeff came by my aid as they were shocked. ''What.'' I said. ''Pretty bad a*s, even in a dress. I like.'' Ben said as i rolled my eyes. My illusion form knows better. We continued to walk around to see the exit.
© 2015 LexingtonAuthor's Note
Added on April 27, 2015 Last Updated on May 27, 2015 Tags: creepypasta, horror, fanfiction |