The Silent Watchers Unite

The Silent Watchers Unite

A Chapter by Lexington

''Timing is always unexpected''

I sat at the table with a blank face. I starred at the clock. All i heard was the sound of the clock ticking away. My head was hurting like crazy but i had no idea what was wrong. That Jane, what was i really doing here? what was she even doing here? At the same time of me thinking like this, she was right. Do i even belong here with these people? Do i even, have a connection with them? i should just walk up and leave. I stood up and i saw a paper on the corner of my eye. Did something fell out of my pocket? No. It was attached to my pocket by accident. I bent down and picked up the paper. It was a photo of Jane, Jeff, Ben and me. What the hell? I could tell, this is really old of how young and normal we all looked. Jane must have put this on me without me noticing. We were all once happy, a happy sensation we all felt. I heard a door open as i stuffed the photo in my back pocket. It was just Jeff.
''What are you planning on?'' Jeff said. 
''Nothing.'' I replied and starred at him. This is preposterous. How can this be the same guy i knew long ago. 
''Well, i'm off to town to grab some supplies.'' He said as went past me. 
''Supplies supplies supplies. What is this, for school?.'' I said. He stopped walking. 
''Is supplies is what you guys ever do? Does this crap all matter?.'' I can sense him cringing at my statement. 
''You know better than this than me. I don't understand why this so call CP Unit even encountered in the first place. Why bother? Just go out and do whatever you want. If you ask me, you guys are the real monsters not everyone else so why the hell torture people? What does this Slender man even need with supplies HE'S A CREATURE. he can just kill off everyone and don't give any s**t about it.'' 
With that, he charged at me and grabbed my shoulder holding a knife against my neck lifting me up. 
''If you really want to know the truth, then go ahead, cause i can just up and leave.'' I said. 
''You don't know, what the hell you're saying so shut up. Nobody told you to be in this mess why didn't you just do like everyone else and up and leave out of here and not come back.'' He said putting the knife close to my neck. 
''Yeah you're right. But instead i helped your sorry asses didn't i not? It's you people who killed all these innocent people without no reason so don't get me any bull.'' I said. I stepped on his foot hard as he yelled out in pain and i grabbed his knife, I head butt him in the face as he stumbled back down on the ground. 
''Don't come looking for me. I'm done.'' With that i threw his knife at a wall and left out of there. For good this time. 
Masky and Ben ran in and saw Jeff pissed. 
''What the hell happened in here?'' Ben said. 
''Jane left.'' Jeff said as he stood up. 
''SHE LEFT WHAT ARE YOU DEAF?!'' Jeff yelled as Ben and Masky went quiet. 
''What the hell for?'' 
''She thinks the CP Unit is full of crap and just up and left.'' 
''That other Jane must have got into her head.'' Masky said. ''I overheard some of the conversations they had.'' 
''Whatever, we don't even need her in the beginning.'' Jeff said. ''We can manage perfectly.'' 
''I'll miss that weird girl but now what? We had pitch everything about Jane and now, we're at a dead end?'' Ben said. 
''Not really, Even if Jane left, she could be in danger.'' Masky said. 
''But she's strong as hell, what could possibly defeat her.'' 
''I don't know, but we'll see. Now, Slendy says Oakside park was just a seldom, nothing important. We knew about CR and Kate, the Facility was rundown by Jane but, we really can't do anything since Jane doesn't have much of a point to attack.'' Masky said. 
''Yeah true. We'll just have to gather supplies and just deal with it.'' Ben said. 
I put on my hoodie and pull over my hood over my head and kept walking. I didn't look back, i didn't even turn around i kept walking straight. I didn't regret a single thing i did. I surely made it at the cliff of Oakwood Uni. Standing there, i looked back at Oakwoods city i used to stay in. Dead. But looking back, the way it used to be played in my head. The bench i sat in i saw next to the woods, was really a golden brown bench and the woods were covered by fences. The houses were shiny and new, and people walking on the sidewalk and cars passing by. I decided to take a walk. I walked down some more, and saw the shut down school building i went. It's full of dust and mold, and no color. I remember the school, it was yellow and green with the sidewalks always colored with chalk designs and hopscotch. It was a middle school that reaches to 6-9 grade. The high school i went to, was across the street and it's torn down. I face the middle school and felt the cold building. The building where Jane hides behind whenever Jeff comes outside with his brother. I sighed. I starred back at the end of the place as it was dim. Houses were tore down and it looks deserted. If you wanted to go to the store and mall it was all down there, and now all gone. I then fell down, as i felt a rumble i rushed back up and onto the cliff of Oakwood Uni. Everyone was panicking and running to there cars leaving, everyone single by single. As the rumble stopped, so as the people. When i turned around i saw Hoax aiming there weapons at me. My eyes widen. The first thing that popped in my head was Jane. Instead of taking over the CP Unit, she threatened to take over the whole city of Oakwoods and the people in it. As soon as they fired i back flip off the cliff and down to the Uni. They must think i jumped off and left but i was holding onto a stick. What the hell is going on here? As i managed to bring myself up back on the cliff i saw a drawing. It was a circle with a x over it. 
''I see you picked up the Operator's Symbol.'' I heard someone say. When i turned around, it was some guy with long black hair and glasses, i could barely see him due to the darkness around him. 
''The what symbol?.'' I asked. 
''That is the symbol that represents the calling of the slender man. It's only temporarily though, I am kinda working for the Slender man.'' He said. ''I'm the Observer.'' 
''Tell me what the hell is going on here.'' 
''I would, but i can sense you are a powerful girl. If that Jane girl doesn't get what she wants by killing Jeff, then she will attack using more proxies.'' 
''Look even if i was a proxy i quit. It's their problem now.'' 
''But you are the problem now. If you don't stop Jane, then there's nothing left for you to do but to be washed away forever.'' 
I knew what this guy was getting at, besides im stuck here aren't i. I then heard a sound, it was like a song someone was singing. When i looked back, i saw a pink hair girl on top of a building singing. When i lean over, i saw people jumping off cliffs and ending there life. I covered my ears, the sound was horrible. 
''Lavender, she will make any young people kill themselves with that song.'' The observer said. ''And with that, other CP's want to take over Jane and instead, want to take over as well. If you want to know what's going on, come with me.'' 
Even if i didn't want to, i must. He led me to the woods, but around the other side. He pulled out a book and showed me it. It contained Entries from the CP unit. When i opened it, i saw information regarding everyone here, even Jeff, Ben and Masky. 
''If you want to get to the bottom of it, You must talk to Zalgo. He's very unknown, but he is dangerous, he is the one who can end the Slender man. He's a much bigger threat. But with the Slender man, he can never be defeated. Jane thinks that if she gets her hand on Zalgo and get him to agree to be on her side, he can end the Slender man once and for all and the CP Unit all together, and she can get close to Jeff killing him too. He can't be defeated.'' He said.
I read about him in the book, this guy is seriously dangerous. Could he be after me? Nobody knows where this guy is. 
''But i know for a fact, Slender man's Unit is strong enough to take over, The Silent Watchers.'' He said. 
''The what?.'' 
''The Silent Watchers, Ben, Jeff, Eyeless Jack, Masky and Slendy was known as that, known as the powerful team to take over the Unit and yes to kill people but to be powerful.'' 
''So what happened?''
''Jane came along and kind of, ruined the proportion, That's when Slenderman let his guard down.'' He flipped the book onto Ben. 
''Ben drowned, He's very violent. He irrupted by being inside of people's computers and spread a virus inside and He communicates with people on Clever bot. He's like a parasite. Before he came like that, he was interested in playing games, when he drowned, he was corrupted of the Majora's Mask. You already know what has happened to Jeff as you were there. Masky on the other hand, was just a human like you, just was in the wrong. Slenderman, just a tall figure who makes children disappears and make them play his game, to college 8 pages. Before he gets you. Eyeless Jack, he steals people's kidneys in there sleep.'' He said closing the book taking it from me. ''Do you still, know these people, Jane.'' 
My eyes widen. How did he know my name? It was clear to me though. I knew Ben, cause of that game he played. I remember back when My friends and i went to the Greece woods to stay in a cabin in the cold and i met Ben with his friends. I know a guy named Nick. I remember how i always watched him play. He even made a file after him. BEN. I knew he went to our school and we hanged and after i moved away i never heard from him, nor have i heard from him after Jeff's incident. I heard a person mentioned he drowned. People in school were afraid, there computers would be full of viruses and a screen will pop up, Cleverbot. He would ask them, have you met a terrible fate. The thought of it made my stomach drop. How i knew Masky, I knew a guy named Tim. He had brown hair and wears exactly what Masky was wearing. I met him near an open field when he was sitting outside on his laptop. I never met Eyeless Jack though, but i sense i know that he kidnaps kidney's as he tried to rip mines out when i got caught. 
''Thanks for the information.'' I told him. 
''My pleasure, but i think the silent watchers would be powerful if you joined them.You do know those people and what you are doing now, you are leaving your actual friends behind.'' He said and vanished. I looked back, and i never thought, how i didn't know. I decided to turn back and head back to the mansion. 

You met a terrible fate haven't you. 

I stopped. I heard someone say in the distant. But there was nobody there. I kept walking anyway. 

You shouldn't have done that. 
Those words, playing in my mind isn't it. Make them stop already. I heard a flute playing in the background. I rushed over. I saw a guy sitting on a stump. Blonde hair blowing in the wind, brown shoes tapping the stump, his green hat blowing along with his hair, The elf like ear's piercing hitting against his face, his two swords clunking against each other, the black goo rushing out his eyes. It was Ben. I saw the sun rise over the horizon over here. I saw his face clearly. I saw the fairies flying around him. In my image, all i saw was a boy with a long green hat, blue eyes, green shirt with brown pants, and brown boots. normal ears. I wanted to call out his name, but no words were out. This image, was the image i met Ben for the first time. When he stopped playing his red eyes looked at me. 
''Why, hello stranger.'' He said. The same words he said when i starred at him play the flute. 
''Hello yourself.'' I said. The same words i said before. He smiled and played his flue standing up. I listened to the music he played, the music was the theme song of the game he played. Was this real? His fairies glew more as he stopped playing. 
''Jane, what are you doing here? Jeff said you left.'' He said. 
''I did. But a guy helped changed my mind.'' I said. 
''What guy?.'' 
''Don't worry about him,'' 
''So i see.'' He put his flute back in his pouch. ''I know who your talking about.'' He held up the operator page. I then saw Masky and Jeff come out. I saw Masky with the short brown hair, drawn eyebrows, darken shadowed eyes and black mouth on his mask with the brown shirt and pants he wore before. As now, i pictured him the guy with the brown hair, brown eyes named Tim. Looking at Jeff, i see a image of a monster, white face, burnt eyelid, cut off cheeks, white blooded hoodie and black pant with black and white converse and black hair. Now i see, the brown hair, white hoodie with black pants with blue eyes boy i met. Before i had the fantasy dream i heard a yell. 
''Madam?? what are you doing here?'' Masky said. Jeff didn't say a word. 
''Didn't you hear, she missed us.'' Ben said. 
''The observer must have talked some sense into her and she wants to help us again.'' 
''Oh my goodness him? i haven't seen him for ages. I hope he didn't say weird things to her.'' 
''I must know, the whereabouts of Zalgo.'' I said. with that, everyone turned there attention to me as if i was talking nonsense. Even Jeff turned to look at me. 
''Why the hell do you need to know where Zalgo is!?.'' Jeff exclaimed. 
''You want to know why? you really want to know why? You people already knew what was going to happen to the CP Unit and you tried to cover it up. Zalgo, you know who the hell Zalgo is, the only reason why Slendy said Oakside was pointless, because we're pointless, he doesn't want to give us lead or else we'll discover Zalgo, and Zalgo is the only dangerous person to defeat everyone. And i mean, Jane's lead!.'' I yelled. 
''THAT'S ENOUGH CHILD!!!.'' I heard a shout and with that, the Slenderman teleported here.
''Don't give me that crap. I already figured you out. I figured EVERYONE OUT. even myself. If you weren't so afraid, you would've told us about Zalgo. Instead, you lead us to your own trap. The Facility, Kate, CR, The radio tower. You were only making us see the damage you done. Getting supplies isn't going to defeat Jane isn't it. Jane isn't your problem, it's Jeff. If she thinks she can defeat you, she can defeat Jeff once and for all and you're only protecting him because of Her. Now, NOW, Every damn proxy is out killing everyone. And if we don't step out and do something, Jane's going to get her way anyway. You can simply teleport out of here, but he can snoop out and find you.'' I said. He knew i was right. 
''...I'm afraid, she's right. You got me.'' He said. Everyone looked at him, then at me. 
''You know all 5 of you are dangerous, you can simply defeat Jane and her hoax. Like he said, you are all the silent watchers before, right?.'' I said. 
''Oh my damn, we haven't been called that for centuries.'' Ben said. 
''BEN, he can strike people, affect there technology and be a parasite to make a virus remotely, Jeff, he can kill people and can't be harmed with his knife. Masky, he can electrocute people to a electric shock, Eyeless jack can swoop in and rip off anyone's kidney's. Me, i can simply harm you with my power.'' I said. Everyone looked at each other. 
''Jane's right, we shouldn't be doing nothing we should do something. If we want Oakwoods the way it was and to stop Jane and just consult her, we need to convey a strategy.'' Masky said. 
''Slenderman, your proxies are out of control, if your really the CP Unit, you need to control them again, but i must warn you, the operator is affecting you. Be cautious. One slip move and you're toast. What we really need to do is find where Zalgo is, and try to get him on our side before Jane does, and the only one who can stop her is Jeff since he's the one who got her in this mess.'' I said. 
''I may know, where he is.'' I heard someone say. When i look back, i saw a girl with brown hair, pink scraped torn dress holding onto a bloody teddy bear. 
''Sally?.'' Ben said as he ran up to her. 
''Hello again.'' Sally said. ''Sorry if i don't be around here as much as i do, but i do want to portray in this. If you want leads to Zalgo, He who Waits Behind The Wall, you must say the words. You'll summon him.'' Sally said. 
''He who waits behind the wall..He comes- I stopped as i screamed out. Sally rushed to me as i fell on my knees. 
''Don't! not now, you can't. It'll affect you it's dangerous to even do it. I knew i shouldn't have mention that.'' She rubbed my back as i rubbed my eyes, I saw red. 
''Your eyes will bleed, you'll be under his control. You say that and yell out his name, you'll be summon to him.'' She said. Ben rushed to my side along with Masky. 
''Yep, that's Zalgo. Saying his name makes me cling.'' Ben said. ''Oh Jane, this is Sally, Sally this isn't the other Jane, this is a different one who's going to help stop the evil Jane. Sally is a little girl who thinks she's innocent but isn't, Slendy is like a father to her, im like her big brother.'' 
I looked at her, i never knew someone as young as her would wind up in this hell. 
''Come my child, we should talk. On the other hand, let's bring back the silent watchers again.'' Slendy said as he took Sally's hand and walked in the Mansion.
''You know Jane, even if you are a pain in the a*s, you sure know how to talk down to people.'' Jeff said as he held out his hand.
''Yeah, you know me, so it's nothing new right.'' I said as i grabbed his hand. Ben and Masky put there hands on ours. 
''Here's to the silent watchers.'' Ben said. 
''And here's to, having Jane back with us.'' Masky said. 

Even if things aren't what i planned, hopefully we'll make it through it. 

© 2015 Lexington

Author's Note

ignore grammar problems what do you think

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Added on February 8, 2015
Last Updated on February 8, 2015
Tags: creepypasta, horror, fanfiction