Reverse Type

Reverse Type

A Chapter by Lexington

Jane, Masky, Jeff, and Ben were sucked into her scythe, to only find the better side of the CP world, would it change Jane?

''No silence''

''It was, just like that i swear.'' I heard someone say. I managed to stand up and opened my eyes, we weren't in the woods anymore. It looked as if we stumbled into someone's house. When i turned to face the guys, they weren't there. What happened? This place, was like i saw this place before. 
''I suppose, i can go to school again.'' I heard someone say again, now that voice sounded familiar too. I hid behind the couch when i heard someone coming. It was a little girl with black short hair, green and blue eyes with a jacket, skirt, and boots wrapped around her neck was a scarf rushing out the house. I thought to myself, does she resemble me? When she opened the door, i saw a little boy about her age but much older. He had jet black, messy hair, black eyes, white jacket, black pants and black converse shoes. Now he looks like someone who resemble- 
''Jeff! what on earth are you doing here?'' She spoke. My eyes grew wide. That's Jeff!? Jeff the killer?! The annoying Jeff i know!? Was i dreaming? what the s**t is going on here?? 
''I came to give you back your pencil you dropped rushing out of the classroom yesterday idiot, don't get any ideas.'' He said as he took off. The girl blushed as she yelled at him. 
''Wait, do you want to walk to school together?'' She said. 
''What? Jane i could care less.'' He said as they walked out of the house. Wait a damn holy minute! Are you telling me that girl is me, before i came like this? and that i met Jeff? Something isn't right here. There is no damn well i could have met Jeff, he was way older than i was, his a*s looked at least 17. I then took a look around this place. Yeah i recognized this place, the house before we moved away, way back when things were normal, back when it was peaceful. If i remembered, Jeff was the boy who moved next door, i was Janet. I took off to where they were going, to that disgusting school. I played it cool, maybe the others got trapped in here too. I tried reaching for my knife, nothing. No scythe or anything. What the hell is going on how do i get out of here!! 
''Janet! Jeff! slow down!.'' A little boy yelled. Who was that guy? He was young, brown haired, black eyes, turtle neck, black pants, and sneakers. He looked a lot like Jeff. Wait is he his brother?? Jeff never mentioned he had a brother. I saw a girl, jet black long hair girl, with blue eyes and a scared look in her face hiding near the school building. Call me stupid, but i bet that's the original Jane. Who Jeff ruined her life. Was this all before we were turned like this? This must be. 
''Soo Jeffrey~ Did you get that note that Jane girl sent you.'' He said. 
''What note? i never received a note on any condition.'' Jeff said. From my point of view, looked like Jane had feelings for this mutt. Jeff was even a bigger d********g when he was young. 
''Jane? what are you talking about?'' She said. 
''She's this, girl before you came along. Acts more weirder than you did.'' Jeff said as she stopped. 
''H-HEY! I am no weird! i'll catch you guys later i have to, go get something out of my locker real quick.'' She said as she left inside the building as Jeff and his brother chilled outside. 
''Louie don't give me that crap.'' Jeff said. 
''Hm?.'' Louie said confused. 
''Do you really think i could stand a chance with Jane?'' Jeff said. Louie sighed in annoyance. 
''Jeff, don't tell me you given up on that Jane and followed another JANE! THAT'S CRAZY.'' He yelled. 
''L-look here butt nugget! Me and Janet are close, Jane and i, i don't know. Besides i don't know her at all, we barely speak. I overheard her parents are letting her come to this surprise party there having so maybe we'll see what goes. Besides i was forced to come over her house so our parents can meet the neighbors.'' Jeff said. 
''Are you going to invite Janet?'' Louie said. 
''I tried, but i get tense around Janet, besides i'm sure she wont mind.'' Jeff said. 
''Wait, do you like Janet?'' Louie said. Jeff slapped his hair lightly as he went ouch. They went back in the building once the bell rang and Jane came out. 
''Well, i guess i can make my appearance and talk to Jeff...'' She said as she hurried inside. What the s**t is going on!!? But wait, this makes sense now. My brain is hurting trying to remember s**t. I heard of a guy who was throwing a party or something, and i couldn't come due to me leaving for a bit out of town for a couple of days. When i arrived, i never heard of the boy ever since. I then felt something push me back hard as i yelled. When i looked up, it was Toby. 
''Hello, Jane. Are you loving the time differences? doesn't it make you want to think about how your life was?'' Toby said laughing hysterical again. I groaned in agony. 
''What, what the hell did you take me, what the hell is this and what is going on!.'' I shouted. 
''Would you PIPE down!? goodness, don't point fingers, you were the one who activated the path. You saw your reflection in the scythe, correct way of using the path, but your mind wasn't thinking of finding me, your mind was thinking of your appearance, what you looked like in the past. You thought of all this past crap, and it bugged you, to now find yourself. Well, it brought you here.'' He said. 
''...W-wait where is the scythe anyway.'' I said getting up. 
''Since you entered into this world, you're going to have to get the monumental object, that is, if you are able to stop Jeff from being a killer, or erase him from your existence. With that, the scythe is yourself, so just stare at a mirror somewhere and you can transport anywhere you want to. Choice is yours, you can change this world the way you like.'' Toby said as he vanished. I have no choice to really think about do it? i can just get a mirror, and go back to CP world and let things happen here happen, or i can actually fix this where Jeff was never a killer to began with. Why am i thinking? like i give a s**t if he's a killer or not. I went in the school that i went to long ago, i forgot the place head to toe, this really must've took me back, before i went to another s****y school and hell broke loose. Searching up and down the school, i saw the classroom where me, Jeff, Jane and his brother was. I quickly went in when a student came in the classroom to sit.I managed to hit behind a cabinet behind them. I was too curious of how this went down. 
''So uh, Janet, i'm going to some kids birthday party which i'm nowhere interested in, do you want to go?'' Jeff asked rubbing the back of his head while Louie snickered. 
''I would love to, but i can't i'm going out of town for a little bit for karate classes.'' Janet said. Jeff sighed. 
''Oh, well that sucks huh. It's alright, me, Louie and Jane are going, so i'll bring ya something when you come back.'' He said leaning back in his chair. 
''Well, that's cool i suppose. honestly i really want to just, go to a birthday party and skip going to karate practices, i'm already good at it.'' She said. 
''Then why go?'' Jeff said, 
''I'm being forced to freaking go that's why, i'll be in Oak Wood Uni. Anyway, so it's not far from here.'' She said. 
''It wasn't like i was asking you out or anything, that'll be hell of a weird.'' He said blowing his hair out of his face.'' 
''Yeah, consider the fact you're kinda older than i am.'' Janet said laughing. Jeff turned red in the face, flushed. 
''Well, i'll miss you Janet.'' Louie said. 
''I'll miss you too Louie!.'' Janet said as she hugged Louie. While he hugged her, Jeff was watching getting aggravated. Louie just stuck his tongue out. Why couldn't i remember all of this? Just then the bell rang, i saw Jane slip a note onto Jeff's desk. Jeff read it, i mentioned him saying, Hope to see you soon, I know how you feel. He got weird-ed out by it. I walked out, and saw Jeff talking with Jane while version of me went to her locker with Louie. Do i really want to change this? I am curious of what would happen if i didn't go to karate practice. The hell with it. I quickly ran out the door before anyone and grabbed a skateboard, going to the house i lived in. I wanted to change, to the point that me won't go to the karate practice during the party. I got off, and rushed inside to grab the pamphlet, If i knew my parents, they forget about writing the appointment and time down. So i tour up the pamphlet. Time switched. 
''Janet dear, we have bad news.'' I heard a old man say. My dad. 
''It looks like the pamphlet for the karate thing went missing, we looked everywhere, looks like you can't go.'' He said. 
''Oh, well, can i at least go to Jeff's neighbor party their having'' She asked. Holy s**t i actually did it. With that time switched to the party where Jeff was actually having fun, like he's a little kid playing with them. He got interrupted with a tap on the shoulder. He jumped and fell over. 
''What the hell are you doing here??'' He said in a embarrassed voice. 
''Sadly, i can't go to karate practice, parents lost the pamphlet, so i thought i could come to the party.'' She said. 
''W-well, then let's have some fun then huh? Oh and, did i mention something about what had happened before?.'' He said. 
''No, what happened.?''
''Ricky and his gangs came by, tried to steal Louie money and my wallet, so i punched the living s**t out of them and ran..'' 
''..I'd be disappointed but, hey, they had it coming, i call it self defense.'' 
''Karate s**t?''
''Karate logic.''  Janet said laughing along with Jeff. Now i see, now i remember. Just then some guys came and broke down the door. I rushed inside without being detected. It was those gang members Jeff mentioned. 
''Well, well, well. it's Jeffrey. I didn't appreciate you killing my gang!.'' Ricky yelled. 
''Whoa! you killed them!? Janet yelled in shocked. 
''I-i didn't know what came over me, it felt so wrong, but felt so good at the same time.'' He said. 
''You are going to get it, payback's a real a*s.'' He said as i saw him take out some bleach and a lighter. 
''If you're going to get Jeff, you're going to have to get through me!.'' Janet said as she took a bat out of her jacket and rushed towards him. He managed to duck, but she hit him with the back of the bat as she stumbled back onto the ground. She placed a foot on his back but he grabbed her ankle and through her up against a wall.
''I don't normally hit a girl, but you're really ticking me the hell off!.'' He said cutting the lighter on. With that, Jeff grabbed the bat and hit him so hard he crashed into the wall. Ricky shook it off as she jumped onto Jeff dragging him upstairs with the bleach and lighter. Janet rushed up the stairs and tried to get to them, but he closed the door right on her face. 
''RICKY OPEN THE DAMN DOOR!.'' she yelled. She then managed to kick the door down with all her force seeing Jeff being in a headlock position as Ricky reeled the Bleach over his face. 
''Little girl if you don't get lost i wi- '' With that she jumped up, grabbed the bleach as she air kicked him in the cheek while he fell back. Landing on her feet she pulled Jeff out of the room and douse the room with bleach and with the lighter in her jacket, set the room on fire and ran out of the place with Jeff. I stepped outside as i saw the place burn down. Louie ran after Jeff and hugged his arm. 
''I'm so glad you two are safe, i don't know what would have happened if you two didn't make it. I want to thank you Janet.'' Louie said smiling while crying. 
''Look, it was alright. I managed to not get Jeff bleached up, nor did i make him actually kill those gang.'' She said. The others gasp in surprised. 
''Yeah, i was the room who saw what happened on my way to the store since i wasn't going to go to karate practice, i distracted Jeff.'' She said. 
''Y-you, wait, WAIT YOU DIDN'T GO? i was really curious of why were you here, but i didn't want to be rude.'' Louie said and hugged me.   
''You would've had got in trouble by the police or something, i couldn't let you go that far.'' she said. 
''Jane didn't come?'' Louie asked. 
''No, i didn't see Janet all day, nor have i seen her at the party, she's probably at home.'' Jeff said. With that they went walked home. My mind almost exploded. If i didn't go to that karate thing, all these things that would've happened to Jeff, wouldn't have happened if i wasn't there to help him. That meant, he would've killed those gang members, get arrested, and get bleach and lighted on fire. Bleach and fire, that could have resulted in his face i saw. He mentioned to me, he killed Jane's family, he must've killed his family too, then went on a rampage on killing everyone in town.. these things really got me thinking a lot. I looked at Jeff the wrong way, i judged him without getting to know his real side first. I turned to face Jane house, I went in her house, and spotted her. I leaned back and saw a mirror. the path. I know it's hard to deal with this, But it's better if things didn't go this way. I wouldn't have met the others, and for once, i care. Everyone played a role. Masky was human, Ben was human, Jeff was human, they were all human beings, and then there's me. I starred at the mirror, it sucked me in, i didn't think of it anymore, it meant it reversed it. It went pitch black again. This time i heard noises. 
''Jane!?'' I heard a tired voice say. 
''HELL NO YOU DO IT'' it was Ben, Jeff and Masky. I was back. 
''No, no. where am i?'' I asked. 
''Madam! are you alright? we teleport here near where Toby might be with your scythe, but you just fainted.'' Masky said. 
''It's best, if you didn't know what had happened.'' I said as i stood up feeling anxiety. I looked around, yep it's where i thought i'd be. Nothing changed. 
''Come on, let's go guys.'' I said. They all looked at me funny. 
''She must've hit her heard too hard.'' Ben said as they all walked along. 

© 2014 Lexington

Author's Note

ignore grammar problems, what do you think

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Added on December 21, 2014
Last Updated on December 22, 2014
Tags: creepypasta, horror, fanfiction