the first meeting

the first meeting

A Chapter by Dryad

    King Flaran  stood outside the room his three year old daughter, Nadia and the dragon slayer trainee Sean  were in room alone. The dragon, a male metal dragon named Erabor, stood on the other side of the door.  "It's just a chastity belt," he said smirking " Besides he's eight, she's three I'm sure they want to fool around at this age." Flaran knew he was right but still he thought it was a little over board to use a chastity belt on a three year old who could hardly walk yet. "Look," Erabor said "I don't think that your kids going to be a tramp it's that I don't want the risk of someone deciding to take advantage of the kid especially if she's like her mom."

   Flaran knew he was right; if she grew up to her mothers image then there was no doubt that she would be desired by many men. Her mother, the late Queen Malissa, had many men after her hand to; he thought back to the day she'd died riding blare and the haunted look in Blares eye's that had led to her dying. What made it worse was that Blare was one of Erabors children. He and Erabor turned when the door to the room opened and Sean walked out carrying Nadia who was asleep. "It's finished" he said nervously looking from one man to the other. Erabor nodded "And I put my dragon mark on her shoulder."

   Flarans eyes shot to Erabor. "It's a mark that proves she's his so as she gets older no matter what she is always going to be his," he explained "it's a permanent bond between a dragon and their mate." Flaran nodded and looked down at Sean and spoke in a stern voice "Don't you ever hurt her."  Sean looked at Nadia who was asleep in his arms then looked Flaran in the eye's and spoke calmly "I understand." Flaran nodded and took Nadia left.

   Sean looked up at Erabor who was watching Flaran "Why does he hate me?" Erabor looked down at him "He doesn't hate you he's just not sure what to do with you." Sean looked back after Flaran as he disappeared around the corner "I have a feeling that something really bad is going to happen to them Erabor, Something terrible." Little did any of them know trouble was already on it's way.

© 2014 Dryad

Author's Note

okay for any one who doesn't know a chastity belt is something used to stop men from taking a women except for the one who put it on the woman, in some stories it's a cloth infused with magic like this one.

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Added on August 27, 2014
Last Updated on August 28, 2014




sixteen and a bookworm who likes dogs. more..
