The other halfA Story by Lev821![]() After she'd killed and buried her husband, he wasn't happy.![]() He stared out from behind the glass of a
small frame, the picture taken 22 years ago as he stood on a beach, the sea
behind him beneath a cloudless sky. She wanted to feel emotion at his passing,
wanted to shed a tear, but couldn’t. He hadn’t been a bad husband, and he
certainly hadn’t been good, but then neither had she. Yet he had seemed to
treat her as though she wasn’t really there. She had been someone he could fall
back on when he had nothing else. He had had many affairs, but she always
forgave him. It had come to the point where he would simply tell her he had
been with another woman. He didn’t fear any repercussions from her because he
knew she would forgive him. He had exploited this for many years, using her
reliability to get away with anything. Perhaps it was because she needed him as
much as he needed her. The word ‘doormat’ often sprang to mind. If that was
what she was to him, then so be it. At one point she had thought he may be
right. If she could put up with his playing away and drunken mood swings, then
there must be something wrong with her if she stayed. What was it that she
didn’t have that made him look elsewhere for affection? Again, if she could not provide contentment
for him, then that of course must prove that there was indeed something wrong
with her. This provided the reason for her forgiveness. It was a case of, if I
cannot provide you with what you are looking for, then I forgive you for
looking for it elsewhere. Yet, at the back of her mind, suppressed by this
train of thought, was her conscience telling her: ‘Sandra, how long is this
going to go on? Tell me you’re not living in denial. He’s using you as a base.
Off he goes to work all day as head of his car insurance agency, coming back
for his tea, then going back out to nowhere you’ve ever been with his rich mates,
drinking and getting up to all sorts while you’re sat in here watching your
soaps and waiting for him to come in so you can make him a cup of tea in the
false notion he actually cares about you. You provide him with his food, mother
him, and believe that one day he’ll change. You know very well he’s not going
to change. Is he suddenly one day going to stop his
philandering, buy a huge bunch of roses and declare his undying love, and never
even glance at another woman? You’ve more chance of walking on Mars. This seed
of doubt eventually grew to overpower the notion of reservation she had
harboured for many years. It is the reason she had killed him. She had poisoned his food, and finished the
job with one of his rusty saws he kept in the garage for the rare occasions he
actually bothered to decorate. Perhaps it was desperation borne of
insanity. Her tolerance over the years had slowly eroded away any normal
thoughts she used to have, and brought with it a type of neuroses that
eventually led her to let him ingest the poison. Why she had to saw him in half, she
couldn’t really answer. Maybe it was in case he woke up. Perhaps she hadn’t put
enough poison in. If he found out, then she guessed he wouldn’t be too happy
about it. Her hands were still filthy with soil,
having buried him in the garden which had never properly been maintained.
Occasionally an old lawn mower would be taken out of the garage and taken over
it, but the weeds always grew back. Now though, in amongst the undergrowth was a
large patch of soil. Using a rusty spade, she had surprised
herself with her strength at digging, especially at 59. There were no
witnesses, the nearest neighbour being all of 50 metres away around the curve
of a country lane that led into the town, and eventually the town of Lynswood. Silence hung in the air, omnipresent, his
absence noted by the very atmosphere, and altered accordingly. Walking out into
the kitchen, she looked down at the place where she had used the saw, where his
innards had spilt, where she found it hard to saw through his spine, where the
blood carpeted the tiles, and seeped into every orifice and cavity in the
kitchen. It was all gone now, mopped and soaked up with towels and his clothes,
but still there hung in the air the odour of blood, and the tiles would never
be as yellow as they used to be. They now held a tint of ground-in crimson. Out in the back garden, the air was cold,
blowing the weeds slightly and chilling her bones as though the angry ghost of
her husband was standing beside her. She wondered whether or not to put a cross
where he lay, some sort of final gesture to seal the fact that he had truly
gone. When she put her hands in her pockets, she felt, then pulled out his
reading glasses that he had been wearing when the effects of the poison had
truly taken hold. She had taken them off in the kitchen before using the saw. Sandra placed them on the mound of soil,
beneath which his corpse now lay. The glass in the spectacles reflected the sky
and the clouds, as though showing her where his soul had departed to. Beyond
the clouds, into other worlds. She turned and walked back into the house, feeling
the heavy silence descend upon her, and surround her like morning mist in a
countryside valley. Hours later, with the sky black as pitch,
with no moon or stars to pierce the dark clouds above, Sandra decided that she
would make a hot mug of tea and take it to bed. The house felt empty, and to a
certain degree, colder than normal. Perhaps it was because winter was drawing
in, and the darkness crept across the land earlier each day, bringing with it a
coldness that would cloak her and penetrate every bone. It meant that the bed
covers at this point were an attractive proposition. That, and a large mug of
tea. With the bedside lamp on, casting her and
the bed in bright yellow from a pale lampshade, Sandra read her dog-eared
paperback romance novel, about a king’s daughter obliged to marry a squire,
whilst she secretly receives gifts and love letters from a secret admirer. After around half an hour, the mug empty on
the bedside table, she put the paperback down after discovering who the admirer
was. It was the gardener. She switched off the light and settled down, her mind
surprisingly relaxed after what she had done. Perhaps it was the huge weight
off her mind, the part of her psyche that worried and fretted over her husband,
dying along with him. She also noticed the silence. It had never been this
quiet before. There was no wind, and no nocturnal animals to pierce the
atmosphere audibly. It was as though time itself had stopped in this area, and
was perhaps deciding whether or not to stop her heart beating, as she had done
to her husband, but soon there came a bang from somewhere that sounded close,
and she wondered if she had been in some sort of half-conscious state. Did I
hear a bang or was it the remnants of a dream? The bang came again, like a door closing.
It was real, and sounded like the back door, leading into the garden. Had Sandra looked out of the window with a
large powerful torch, and trained it on her husband’s grave, she would have saw
a gaping hole. Moments later, she heard a soft, barely
audible sliding sound that changed to a rougher, coarser sound upon contact
with carpet. Sandra wasn’t afraid, just confused, her mind trying desperately
to work out what it could be, and she remembered that she hadn’t locked the back
door, her mind elsewhere. Perhaps it was an intruding cat, or fox from the
fields. What else could it be? It crawled slowly along the hallway, leaving
behind a trail of soil and slivers of flesh. Sandra realised that whatever it
was, was coming up the stairs. It took a few minutes to reach the top, and continued
to draw closer, the dragging sound increasingly louder. In the pitch black of the bedroom, Sandra
heard the door open, a slight squeaking sound came from the hinges. She had
always meant to put a drop of oil on it, but most of the time, her mind never
came close to even thinking about it. Nervously fumbling for the bedside lamp
switch, she turned it on, and could not comprehend what was in the doorway at
first, something that crawled towards her, with a gaunt, white face and white,
sunken eyes. The top half of her husband dragged itself slowly towards the bed,
a rasping breathing issuing from its damaged lungs. Sandra was so frozen with
fear, her vocal chords refused to work, her eyes wide and staring, like a
rabbit caught in headlights. He disappeared from view at the foot of the bed,
but then a hand appeared, grabbing at the duvet. It hauled itself up, and
slowly crawled towards her, its white face cast even brighter under the glare
of the light. Sandra did not know that he could not die.
That he was immortal. His trysts and rendezvous that Sandra knew of, but not
about, had resulted in a certain pact, that he, and several of his colleagues
had achieved. Quincy, a name he had given himself, because he never liked
Colin, had been part of a group, or secret society congregation. There were several such societies of
varying sizes, each with their own regulations and rules, but this one he was a
part of there was only eight members, so they could hardly call themselves a
society, more a club, or group. Yet, unlike the others, they were so secret
that they didn’t even give themselves a name. Most secret societies are not
really secret at all, because by even giving themselves a name, they announce
their existence. This was a group only eight people knew
about, and for a new member to come into the fray they would be secretly
investigated and vetted that they could then be given morsels of information,
and if they seemed keen to know more, if their interest was piqued, then they
were asked to join, and so far, all had said yes. Most societies have some sort of common
interest, or aim. Or simply escaping from the real world to indulge in riches,
wine and crackers and to discuss affluence and how to make more of it. This
society was certainly in that bracket, but with the inclusion that their main
aim was immortality. All members would research throughout history with however
means, and perform the different methods and techniques that have been used to
try and attain it, be it voodoo rituals, alchemic mixtures of all sorts of
ingredients, or simply trying out their own spells and methods. They would
philosophise, debate, and gave serious thought to cryonics, preserving
themselves to be woken up in the future. All of them took it seriously, and none of
them could ever really answer the question as to whether or not they really
were immortal. They believed they were, and yet by the same token had their
doubts. Maybe, just maybe, I’m not immortal. So the experiments continued, the spells,
the rituals, until their founder and the one who owned the golf club whose
meetings rooms they met in each week, eighty-four year-old George Laurence,
decided enough was enough. He needed to know, and because he was the eldest
member, and took several tablets every day, and always had in his diary a
doctors or hospital appointment, he thought he would find out whether or not he
was immortal. So, at one meeting, with all members
present, George persuaded somebody to shoot him in the chest. They were very reluctant at first, but
George thought that if he shot himself in the head, and he was immortal, he
would have to live for eternity with half a head. At least if he shot himself
in the heart, and he came back, that would guarantee it had worked. So with much debate and musings, the time
came. He said his goodbyes to them all in case he didn’t come back, and all
raised a glass to him. They sat in a circle with George in the
middle having taken off his blazer and opening his white shirt. A housing and
policy development officer pressed the barrel of a Colt .38 to his chest where
he guessed the heart was located, right against his sternum, and pulled the trigger,
sending him crashing back from the wooden chair he was sat on. He had lain, sprawled on his back,
unmoving, a bloody hole in his chest, an even bigger one on the exit wound, his
heart practically having disintegrated, lying in increasing wet crimson. For a while, there was silence. They all
secretly guessed that he had gone, and wasn’t coming back. Until he slowly raised his head and smiled. Of all the experiments and rituals they had
performed over the years, none of them knew which one had worked, which one had
given them the opportunity to be immortal, and they all knew there was one task
left to do before they embraced immortality. They had to die. In order to come back as normal as
possible, without any blemishes they needed to commit suicide without leaving
any marks, so decided on strangulation. At least those marks were not
immediately obvious, and they didn’t know if they would remain or heal. So they fashioned a noose, and took it in turns
to hang themselves, and the nameless secret society continued to meet. For three years, Quincy had been immortal,
and had not aged a second, so now Sandra had thought she had killed and buried
him, but here he was, white, gaunt, dishevelled, smeared with soil, bits of
which, as well as blood, had trailed behind him, and his upper-half crawled
across the bed to a wide-eyed Sandra who was about to scream. He reached out
his hand towards her and said in a rasping whisper: “Help me”. © 2022 Lev821 |
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