Crashing waves

Crashing waves

A Poem by Secret Lullaby

I hear the screaming of the waves.

The Winds angry slaves

As they crash on the shore.

I hear them scream "please no more''.

But the wind just keeps pushing them.

I wonder when this madness will end.

The Wind sends out a chilling yell.

And it seems that the waves have fell.

Things are now starting to seem calm.

Everything is back to the way it belongs.

© 2012 Secret Lullaby

Author's Note

Secret Lullaby
I was on the way to the beach today and it was storming...the waves were soooo big and they were crashing onto the was so loud

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Great description :)

Posted 12 Years Ago

Great poem, enjoyed the natural theme and the personification of the wind and the waves, nice imagination :)
Good job :)

Posted 12 Years Ago

Very vivid, The ocean/beach is always a sight to behold. Good work :3

Posted 12 Years Ago

Good poem, your imagery/thoughts can also be reflected on people, how they keep pressuring others around them until something happens that returns everything back to way it used to be.
But I feel the poem would be better if you made your rhyme constant.
Still, cool job!

Posted 12 Years Ago

You have talent. It's nice that you can keep posting these on a regular basis =)

Posted 12 Years Ago

I LOVE THIS PIECE!!!!!!!!!! this is amazing so artistically expressed and inspiring keep it up :)

Posted 12 Years Ago

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6 Reviews
Added on June 10, 2012
Last Updated on June 10, 2012


Secret Lullaby
Secret Lullaby

Hell on Earth, AL

It a new year and a new me. I have deleted my old information and have decided to start over. Life is full of ups and downs, disapointments, regrets, mistakes...but all these things make us who were a.. more..


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