World Of Religion

World Of Religion

A Poem by Secret Lullaby

They want to see blood and hate.

They want to deside your fate.

Like a needle in your arm,

They want to cause you harm.

If you don't beilive their lies,

Then soon you will die.

And no matter what you do,

Soon they will be coming after you.

You can run and you can hide,

But in the world of religion everybody dies.

And soon they say it will be ''your'' turn,

To fall into the depths of Hell and burn.

© 2013 Secret Lullaby

Author's Note

Secret Lullaby
Not everybody beilives in the same things... so how can you say that you are right and someone else is wrong? Just a question

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your ideas are real
this is a great poem
..I guess a little typo in the word believe?

Posted 12 Years Ago

Well, i'm definitely sure you care a lot about the sound of the words, i can see it both for the amazing flow and rhyme scheme you setted up for us and from the misspellings you make, "deside" instead of "decide", it is curious because it's actually the same phonem, you can get rid of those kind of mistakes in only one way: reading, reading and, guess what ... reading xD.
Now coming to the theme of the poem, i honestly think you've filled the poem with a sense of paranoia, there has been a time when church ruled over us, "common mortals" (talking about middle ages, even though they had a strong power also during modern ages, the "witches haunts" belong to that era, in fact) but it's no longer that way, we have much more freedom and no one kills you if you're not christian (not in the occidental world, at least), now coming to the question you've written in the author's note, my answer is that (I'm a Catholic Christian):
"I can't say it, i just have faith i'm right, isn't religion about that, after all, faith?"
Great poem =D

Posted 12 Years Ago


Posted 12 Years Ago

That is strong there is good and descent living Christians who have a wonderful
relationship with God .
Just sometimes there is manic people who claim to be in a certain faith or religion
their heart is not in it....a sort of rebellion and their is no oz of love in them...
They don't walk in the fruit of the spirit is Love, peace, joy, patience, self-control anybody who claims to be in a religion and doesn't process.
these are worthless ......

Posted 12 Years Ago

Were you influenced by Deuce while writing this? xD The lyrics of his song "America" go like this:
"They wanna see blood,
They wanna see hate
Like a needle in your veins
A sickness with no name..."
Anyways, I agree with you, religion is becoming more and more extreme. Everyone is trying to force their opinion, whether you like it or not. It would be better if everyone kept their religion to themselves in case they can't accept other people's choice.
Good job.

Posted 12 Years Ago

This is a very interesting question. And a very mature poem. It's true some people are very emphatic about their opinions and they are very aggressive when it comes to making people see things their way. Probably your best poem yet!

Posted 12 Years Ago

I agree with this peom. Religion is a very touchy subject and i personaly hate when people shove their religious beliefs down my thoart. Anyway great work :3

Posted 12 Years Ago

great question personally i'm pagan and i have a lot of christian friends but what we all agree on is that neither of us are wrong we just believe different things great write :)

Posted 12 Years Ago

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8 Reviews
Added on June 9, 2012
Last Updated on April 25, 2013


Secret Lullaby
Secret Lullaby

Hell on Earth, AL

It a new year and a new me. I have deleted my old information and have decided to start over. Life is full of ups and downs, disapointments, regrets, mistakes...but all these things make us who were a.. more..


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