

A Poem by Leslie Philibert

dedicated to someone who beat me up many years ago...

The storm has been banging at doors all night ;
with agro boots it kicks at windows and
breaks glass. Horseshoes slide over tarmac,
a council-flat-rat has broken his asbo,
a jack-the-lad,a train pisser,an illustrated growler.
He bends your eyes down with casual violence
and fills your face with glue and the chimp`s
big-teethed grin of fear
He is ready to duff you up.
He is waiting round the corner.

© 2013 Leslie Philibert

Author's Note

Leslie Philibert
Probably not the best poem ever written ( to be honest,.. certainly not..) but I wanted
to write this to get this experience, in a literary sense,behind me..

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I thought it was pretty good actually -- the cafe' deemed it somehow related to my feature, so I clicked ...

Posted 10 Years Ago

It is odd, on the other side of The Atlantic, you found someone went this way. In my time I have met more than a few with the shaved head. Know where your coming from

Posted 11 Years Ago

this reminded me of the story of Krystalnacht from back in the early times of the Hitler movement. excellent write, quite thought provoking! (i have probably spelled that incorrectly)

Posted 11 Years Ago

This is a skin head that had a thing against his own race? Just wondering, you really have me curious now. May I make a suggestion? Turn this story into a piece of flash fiction...? I like what you have here, but I feel like it does not offer up the full experience. Or maybe you can elaborate more in your note to readers?

. Horseshoes slide over tarmac,
a council-flat-rat has broken his asbo,
a jack-the-lad,a train pisser,an illustrated growler.

This part in particular, I can tell you had fun with your words and descriptions...very clever. However; I think the source of inspiration is asking for more realism...fewer metaphors. Maybe I'm morbid in wanting to feel the attack...put me in your shoes...every punch...the spit...the sweat on your face...his face. This is your chance to play on the senses my friend! I want to feel the aggression! I want to know your fear and disgust..perhaps you felt empathy....?

Posted 11 Years Ago

I had a friend who was beaten to death by two punks simply because they wanted to see what it was like. They weren't skinheads but still hateful monsters just the same. One got three years in a youthful offender program even though he was 18 years old. The other got 15 yrs. Hard to believe that's all my friends life was worth. This poem was forceful and raw. Your fear and pain is quite evident. ;-(

Posted 11 Years Ago

Sounds like terrifying incidents. You did a creative job in describing what happened. A powerful poem.

Posted 11 Years Ago

A laser-like zooming in on the essence of a traumatizing event.
In one form or another, we've all experienced them--even the a*****e who "duffed you up." As a matter of fact, almost certainly that guy.
This is not almost-poetry, Leslie; it's staggeringly good work!

Posted 11 Years Ago

you might have felt great agony during that period, it shows. pent up feelings nicely shown.

Posted 11 Years Ago

Very sinister and menacing. This gives the reader a jolt of fear. This describes a very terrible experience indeed! Great job on this write.

Posted 11 Years Ago

Powerful imagery here, to process. Disturbing and wicked-dark, but also something inherently beautiful, too. The poet Illuminating the dark moment in his life can then conquer it and move forward. Not a victory but a reconciliation, or maybe it was a victory because you understood, the attacker, maybe never... I liked your use of language. It forces the reader into position but gives him/her the leeway to draw his own conclusions.

Posted 11 Years Ago

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15 Reviews
Added on May 14, 2013
Last Updated on May 16, 2013


Leslie Philibert
Leslie Philibert

Bavaria, Germany

I`m not important. I just want to write a couple of good poems. Just read what I write. That`s enough. more..

End End

A Poem by Leslie Philibert

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