![]() Electric SmokeA Poem by Lesley Wood![]() Come close, and closer still Electric dreams, electric smoke![]() Electric Smoke Electric haze; A deep faraway gazing drone Coming home can mean oh so many things. Electric Hearts Electric hearts create the spark Electric sparks, electric days. Daze me, gaze into me-oh sweet soul Again and again A spark ignites within my soul Electric In the dark In the gray lazy droning days Electric Days A spark ignites in deep dark caves A spark ignites within my heart Electric Hearts A shot in the dark? This scene, the dream A wispy remnant of you, of us Close, close & closer still Electric smoke, electric hearts Remnants of you are all I see, all I
dream Electric dreams. I hope. I dream. Electric smoke, electric dreams Fire, smiles igniter hahahaha This is us- Lost signals in space fading Fading, Poof! out and about going out… Going
out out This fire this spark. Electric Spark Electric desire A flame in the heart, a flame in the night In the dark, A shudder in the dark, in the hand, In the heart. Electric hearts Is it a shot in the dark? This spark. Signals lost, signals crossed. Flaming ether always begins somewhere, Why not in our two hearts here? Your heart is the heart to fuel the fire, to
fuel the flame (to igniter her) Electric Flames Electric Desire To ignite her. Burning desire. Electric fire Close close and closer still, electric dreams Electric Smoke. © 2018 Lesley Wood |