Chapter Nine

Chapter Nine

A Chapter by L J Hick

The man in the top hat was leaning on the bar, smiling at Oscar.

"Mr Sandwedge, my name is Theodore Jagger. I come with a very reasonable offer from my employer. He wishes to purchase your establishment, as he believes it shows great potential. You may study the details if you wish," said Jagger.

Jagger produced a document, which he laid upon the bar. Oscar picked it up and read it, pausing briefly to pick up a magnifying glass so that he could read the fine print. After about five minutes or so, he placed the document back on the bar.

"No," said Oscar.

"No?" asked Jagger. "Where in the document is there the option to say no?"

"The offer is not good enough. This place is worth ten times the amount you have proposed," said Oscar.

Jagger sighed and using two fingers, he gestured for two of his men to join him at the bar. The other two kept still, guarding the door. As Jagger waited for his men to join him, his eyes fell upon Walter and the other men who were still sat at the table. Jagger looked agitated and stared at his men.

"Did I not say to clear the room?" asked Jagger.

The two men stopped walking towards Jagger and looked over to the table.

"Bugger," one of them muttered.

"Exactly," said Jagger. "Bugger. Now please escort our friends out of the room."

The sound of a glass breaking caused Jagger to peer over the bar and see Clive feverishly trying to clean up the mess.

"Hello there," said Jagger.

Clive stood up nervously and grinned at Jagger.

"Your son?" asked Jagger.

Oscar shook his head.

"Clive is my employee," said Oscar.

Jagger tapped his cane on Clive’s head and one of his men reached over and dragged Clive over the bar with one hand. Clive struggled but could only wiggle his feet as the henchman held him in midair.

"Now, if you would like to read the terms of the document again, I am sure that this time, you will find them acceptable," said Jagger, turning to Oscar.

Walter stood up from the table but Raven did not move.

"I think it's time for us to leave," said Walter to Raven.

"Not while they have the boy," said Raven. "I won't let them hurt him."

Walter sat back down and leant over to Raven.

"Are you serious? What do you care about him? We can't take them on. Have you seen the size of those guys?" asked Walter.

"Have you seen the time?" asked Raven.

Walter checked his watch and then stared at Raven. A look of horror came across Walter's face.

"We have to get out of here now," said Walter. "We have five minutes. There is a cage in the back of the wagon outside. You lock us in it until the morning, you understand?"

Raven scratched the side of his nose and stood up from the table.

"What...what are you doing?" asked Walter.

"If they let us take the boy with us, I'll put you in your cage," said Raven.

"Oh, no. Look, listen to me. If we transform here, you are all dead," said Walter. "The boy as well. You really do not have any choice."

"Yeah, I do," said Raven. "And I choose to take the boy with us."

"Fine," stormed Walter. "Then stay here with him and try not to die. Whatever happens, I will find the Bloodstone."

Walter walked towards the door but the two henchmen did not budge and did not open the door. Walter turned to Jagger and shrugged his shoulders.

"Well, can we go or not?" asked Walter.

"You and the gentleman there seem to be in disagreement. I am not hard of hearing," said Jagger. "Now tell me, what is a Bloodstone?"

Walter pointed a finger, angrily, at Jagger.

"That is none of your business," said Walter.

"Tell me what it is and you may leave," said Jagger.

"You are running out of time," said Walter.

Jagger slapped the cane down hard on the bar.

"No, you are running out of time. In fact, you have run out of time," said Jagger. "Boys."

One of the henchmen by the door picked Walter up and threw him across the room. Walter screamed as he smashed through the tables and chairs. Walter's men jumped up to help him but Raven urged them to stay where they were.

"Too late now, anyway," whispered Raven. "Just wait a little longer."

Walter got to his feet slowly. A trickle of blood fell down his cheek from the open wound on the top of his head. Walter felt the blood and snarled at the henchman.

"You are so going to regret that," said Walter.

The henchman laughed and picked Walter up once more. This time he threw him over the bar, smashing into the glasses and bottles on the shelves.

"Good shot," said Jagger to his henchman. "That should keep him quiet for a while. Now, back to business."

Clive found himself thrown face down onto a table. He could feel the cold steel of a blade at the back of his neck.

"Now, Mr Sandwedge, if you would like to sign the document so that we can be on our way," said Jagger.

"I...I...can't," said Oscar. "Please, let Clive go."

Jagger sighed and leant on the bar.

"Can we remove one of Clive's ears first?" asked Jagger. "That might serve to persuade Mr Sandwedge to come to an agreement."

The henchman chuckled as he moved the knife to the back of Clive's ear.

"Let the boy go," stormed Raven.

Jagger laughed and pointed at Raven.

"The pretty boy says let the boy go," said Jagger. "What do you think, boys?"

One of the henchmen walked over to Raven and looked him up and down.

"Maybe he is tired of looking pretty. Maybe he wants to be ugly," said the henchman.

Jagger walked over and stood in front of Raven.

"Is that right, pretty boy?" he asked.

They all turned to face the bar when the sound of loud snarling started. Oscar seemed frozen in fear, not daring to look down behind him.

"Help," he cried, softly.

He screamed as he disappeared behind the bar. The glasses and bottles were sprayed with blood as Oscar continued to scream. When the screaming stopped, they could hear the sound of tearing.

"That is not good," said Jagger.

"The screaming?" asked Raven.

"No, not that, that," said Jagger, pointing behind Raven.

© 2017 L J Hick

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Added on June 27, 2017
Last Updated on June 27, 2017
Tags: fantasy, book, series, adventure, comedy


L J Hick
L J Hick

Nuneaton, Warwickshire, United Kingdom

LJ Hick is from Warwickshire in the United Kingdom. Musician and author of The Last Days of Planet Earth. He writes surreal fiction and sci-fi. more..

Chapter One Chapter One

A Chapter by L J Hick

Chapter Two Chapter Two

A Chapter by L J Hick

Chapter Three Chapter Three

A Chapter by L J Hick